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Mark of the Huntress
The Black Mistress
The Amazon's Pledge
Ebook series6 titles

The Amazon's Pledge Series

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About this series

“So it has finally come down to this: Nol Krovos—the ancient, mysterious home of the amazons—is about to be burned to the ground by the Inquisitrix and her Senosi. And the only ones who can save it are an amazon warrior, a Senosi Huntress...and me, a random sorcerer who happens to be in love with both of them.

As I much as I normally enjoy being sandwiched between my beautiful companions, this time things are different. The fate of the world might literally rest on our shoulders, and I’m honestly not sure we’re up to the challenge. I guess we’re about to find out.”

Wrath of the Inquisitrix is the sixth and final installment in the best-selling THE AMAZON'S PLEDGE series (34,000 words).

PublisherJade Fantasy
Release dateJul 24, 2017
Mark of the Huntress
The Black Mistress
The Amazon's Pledge

Titles in the series (6)

  • The Amazon's Pledge


    The Amazon's Pledge
    The Amazon's Pledge

    Jorem Farr is a fugitive. A renegade sorcerer born in a city that despises magic, he has spent his entire life on the run from a group of fanatical, mage-killing huntresses. But everything changes when he flees into the arms—and the long, slender legs—of a beautiful amazon warrior who inexplicably pledges her life to his service. Jorem quickly learns that her sacred vow involves far more than acting as his bodyguard, however. The amazon magically binds herself to his will, allowing her to sense his deepest desires and anticipate his filthiest carnal needs. What follows is an adventure filled with sex, swords, and sorcery—in other words, the consummate fantasy erotica! The Amazon's Pledge is an action-packed erotic fantasy novella (23,000 words).

  • Mark of the Huntress


    Mark of the Huntress
    Mark of the Huntress

    “The life of a fugitive sorcerer is rarely dull. I’ve spent the last few years on the run from the Senosi Huntresses, the Grand Inquisitrix’s personal mage-slayers. Most men wouldn’t mind being chased by a bunch of beautiful women clad in tight leather armor and high heels, but trust me—they’re a lot less sexy when they’re trying to siphon the magic from your blood and perforate you with crossbow bolts. I never expected to survive this long, and I definitely never expected to meet a gorgeous, red-headed amazon warrior willing to defend me with her life and pleasure me with her perfect body. But I’m sure as hell not complaining, and together the two of us might just have a chance of getting out of this alive...” Mark of the Huntress is an action-packed erotic fantasy novella and the second installment in the best-selling THE AMAZON'S PLEDGE series (24,000 words).

  • The Black Mistress


    The Black Mistress
    The Black Mistress

    “I am, without a doubt, one of the luckiest men in the world. Every day I get to travel with two beautiful, deadly women. On my left arm is Kaseya, a loyal, honorable amazon warrior who has pledged her life and body to my service; on my right is Valuri, a rogue Senosi Huntress who needs to feed off the magic in my blood—and some of my other bodily fluids—in order to survive. When they’re not trying to kill each other, they’re competing for a spot in my bedroll. By all rights, I should be envy of every man from here to the Broken Sea. Of course, I’m also being pursued by an army of mage-slaying assassins and their psychotic leader, the Grand Inquisitrix. Oh, and I somehow managed to get all of us thrown in prison a few days ago, so there’s that. At this point, our only hope of escape may be striking a deal with the Black Mistress, an enigmatic crime lord who is probably just as willing to enslave us as help us. But still...I get to sleep with an amazon and a huntress. Aren’t you jealous? I know I would be.” The Black Mistress is an action-packed erotic fantasy novella and the third installment in the best-selling The Amazon’s Pledge series (30,000 words).

  • Daughter of Destiny


    Daughter of Destiny
    Daughter of Destiny

    “I arrived in Highwind just over a month ago, but it already feels like I’ve been living in this city forever. In just a few short weeks I’ve managed to magically bond myself to an amazon warrior (and have sex with her), rescue my old lover (and have sex with her), enter into a business arrangement with the Headmistress of the Highwind Academy (and have sex with her), and learn the identity of the city’s most powerful crime boss, the Black Mistress. Oh, and naturally I had sex with her, too. I couldn’t have concocted a more ludicrously implausible scenario if I had been a lonely sixteen year-old boy. Yet here I am, surrounded by beautiful women who can’t get enough of me. This isn’t a lotus-induced hallucination or a hastily-scribbled fantasy penned by a bard desperate for sales. This is my life now, and it is pretty wonderful. Other than the fact that almost everyone we meet these days wants to kill me, anyway...” Daughter of Destiny is an action-packed erotic fantasy novella and the fourth installment in the best-selling The Amazon’s Pledge series (35,000 words).

  • Legacy of Winter


    Legacy of Winter
    Legacy of Winter

    “Nearly every man I’ve ever met, from the wealthiest noble scion to the most downtrodden orphan, spent at least part of his youth dreaming about one day becoming a soldier. As boys, we all imagined wearing polished armor and brandishing enormous swords; as adolescents, we imagined having sex with all the women who would inevitably swoon over our glorious conquests. And then finally as men, we realized that war was actually hell, and no sword or armor or woman in the world was worth having your guts ripped out. I had believed all of that nonsense right up until I’d met Kaseya and Valuri. Sex with either one of them was absolutely worth having my guts ripped out, and sex with both of them at the same time was worth...well, honestly, just about anything. But now there is an army of ten thousand angry, screaming barbarians in our way, and we are the only ones capable of stopping them. The gods must have decided that my karmic debt was finally due...” Legacy of Winter is an action-packed erotic fantasy novella and the fifth installment in the best-selling The Amazon’s Pledge series (33,000 words).

  • Wrath of the Inquisitrix


    Wrath of the Inquisitrix
    Wrath of the Inquisitrix

    “So it has finally come down to this: Nol Krovos—the ancient, mysterious home of the amazons—is about to be burned to the ground by the Inquisitrix and her Senosi. And the only ones who can save it are an amazon warrior, a Senosi Huntress...and me, a random sorcerer who happens to be in love with both of them. As I much as I normally enjoy being sandwiched between my beautiful companions, this time things are different. The fate of the world might literally rest on our shoulders, and I’m honestly not sure we’re up to the challenge. I guess we’re about to find out.” Wrath of the Inquisitrix is the sixth and final installment in the best-selling THE AMAZON'S PLEDGE series (34,000 words).


Sarah Hawke

Sarah Hawke is the author of dozens of science fiction and fantasy novels and novellas, including WINGS OF THE SERAPH and THE AMAZON'S PLEDGE. In her spare time, she is an avid tabletop gamer and RPG player.If you would like early access to her books - including the ability to vote on erotic scenes! - consider supporting her on Patreon here:

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