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God of Tomorrow
The Melding
Ebook series16 titles

Post Apocalyptic Series

Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

Seven long, hard years after an EMP attack that left the entire world powerless and turned all electrical devices into useless junk, 'modern civilization' has slipped back into the shadows. Once again 'might makes right' and certain groups band together to take what they want --- regardless of who gets hurt.
In an isolated cottage on a lake in Upstate New York, Jock MacLeod and his teenage daughter try to live a quiet, peaceful life --- until the night a beautiful, frightened young woman bangs on their door and whispers: "Please let me in! The slavers are after me!"

PublisherW.Wm. Mee
Release dateApr 12, 2015
God of Tomorrow
The Melding

Titles in the series (17)

  • The Melding

    The Melding
    The Melding

    Steve is heading north. He left college in California and is now in Oregon. His small motorcycle ran out of gas. He leaves it at the side of the road to find a high school friend in Eugene, Oregon. He thought she hadn't changed, but he is in for a surprise.

  • Pilgrims


    Pilgrims travel to a time honored place to pray for the ancients to return.

  • God of Tomorrow

    God of Tomorrow
    God of Tomorrow

    Man has left Earth for the stars. Man made such a wreck of Earth he left rather than fixing it up. But man left all the robots and computers he no longer needed behind.

  • 33 AC The Stash

    33 AC The Stash
    33 AC The Stash

    Over three decades have passed since The Cleansing, when the 'Death Clouds' swept the globe, killing 80% of the human population. Bullets now replace cash, lost government stockpiles of weapons are worth fighting wars over and Sierra Seven or ‘The Stash’ is the biggest find of them all! Surviving humans and ‘muties’ alike both want it, and are willing to do anything to get it! But some treasures are best left buried.

  • 2012


    Everyone said it's the last day of Earth and he went outside and waited. A short story about the apocalypse.

  • A Liquid Sky

    A Liquid Sky
    A Liquid Sky

    In the future man has to live under the sea until the environment changes.

  • 2 A.C. Fallen Angels

    2 A.C. Fallen Angels
    2 A.C. Fallen Angels

    Fallen Angels: 2 A.C. In 'Ever Onward', the first book in W. Wm. Mee's epic Ragnok Series, an accident in a U.S. chemical warfare plant unleashed a world wide plague that killed off most of the human race. Civilization died soon after. The few that survived, did so by much 'older rules'.'Fallen Angels' tells how other survivors from various parts of the country lived through 'The Change' and the first two hellish years that followed. You'll meet an ex convenience store manager that builds himself a small kingdom in up-state New York and ride shotgun westward with a once timid Chicago teacher and her new boyfriend, a Blackfoot Amerindian named Billy Two Trees.You'll have an up-close and very personal view from the back seat of a Harley as the remnants of a biker gang rape and pillage their way towards the setting sun --- and you'll stand in the blood-spattered pulpit of an ex con-man turned prophet out to lead his fallen and often headstrong flock to freedom --- whether they want it or not! And you'll meet strong, silent Sam; the 'great American cowboy', who 'saves the day, wins the girl and beats the bad guy' --- or dies trying.In 'Fallen Angels', as in all of the books in the 'Ragnok Series', you'll laugh, cry, drink and fight beside some of the most interesting, complex and frightening characters ever to strut, run or slither across a page! There are no vampires, no zombies, no nasty things that go 'bump' in the night. The only 'monsters' are those that some carry deep within themselves --- and most of those were there long before the coming of 'The Change'.In Fallen Angels', a few frightened, determined people gather together to try to hold back the dark, build something good --- and fight off the evil that lies in some men's hearts.Note to the reader:Each book in the Ragnok Series stands alone and need NOT be read in order.

  • Ever Onward 1 A.C.

    Ever Onward 1 A.C.
    Ever Onward 1 A.C.

    Ever Onward Sergeant 'Deadly Dave' Henderson is one very unstable soldier. Has been for years now. Ever since he got back from 'over there'. When finally served his divorce papers, good old 'Deadly Dave' seeks revenge on his wife by shooting her. He does this, not as might be expected, in their home or in the bed of his wife's lover, but at her place of work --- a top secret chemical warfare lab in the California desert. As the bullets from Dave's M-16 spill blood and shatter bone, they shatter too the vials of a highly toxic secret nerve gas --- a gas cunningly designed to kill only humans, chimpanzees and the greater apes. So deadly is this 'man-made plague', that once released into the atmosphere and carried by the winds, eighty percent of the world's population is dead within a week. 'Ever Onward' is the story of the twenty percent of humans who somehow survive the global plague--- at least for a while. High school teacher Josh Williams is one of them. On a camping trip in New York's Adirondacks with his teenage son Jessie and brother-in-law, Josh awakes to find that 'Uncle Bob' has somehow turned into a pile of dirty grey ashes. Private Jocco Wellington is another survivor. Like Josh Williams, Jocco awakes to find that everyone at China Lake Weapons Center has died during the night; turned into a greyish substance that reminds him of a wasp nest he once crushed as a lad. Unlike Josh, however, Jocco is not overly disturbed about the loss of life --- after all, why should he be. He was still alive, and, for Jocco, that's all that really mattered. These two natural leaders, the teacher and the soldier, go about rebuilding society each in their own way. Josh's vision is one based on family, friends and community, with equality, fair play and justice for all. Jocco's vision is somewhat darker and far more self-centered. One man builds a group of frightened, suspicious survivors into a thriving, vibrant community on the green shores of Upstate New York's Lake Champlain. The other man forges his own personal army of misfits, killers and psychopaths, lining the desert highway to his kingdom with the crucified remains of all that dare defy him. When these two men finally meet, who will be the one to go 'ever onward'? Please note: This is not a children's book. Mature language and actions are depicted.

  • 10 A.C. God Wills It!

    10 A.C. God Wills It!
    10 A.C. God Wills It!

    Welcome, Gentle Reader to life in the ‘Old South’. Ten years have come and gone since the man-made ‘Death Clouds’ swept the globe clean of most of the human race. For the small number of humans that survived ‘The Change’, (or ‘God’s Cleansing’ as some are now calling it), it has been a decade of great turmoil, strife and sadly, almost constant warfare. During the first few years A.C. people killed for food, weapons and a semi-safe place to lay their head. Later they killed out of fear, greed, ignorance or self-preservation. Finally, when most people were no longer always hungry or always cold or always frightened, they killed, (as they always have and always will do) in the name of religion. In 10 A.C., the crack of the whip, the clink of the chains and the cries of the enslaved drift over the dusty roads like a dark cloud staining the countryside. And not just this road, but all the highways and byways that criss-crossed the once great and glorious ‘Old South’. They used to say that ‘All roads lead to Rome’. Now , ten years after ‘God’s Holy Cleansing’, it seemed, all roads led to Black Oaks, the ‘presidential plantation’ occupied by His Holiness, the somewhat less than ‘honourable Reverend Langhorne Calhoun. A one-time preacher, part-time potentate and most recently, potential pedophile, the ‘Good Reverend’, now seems much more interested in selling slaves than saving souls. To be fair, however, in the beginning the man ‘seemed’ to be ‘Heaven sent’ --- or at least the right man for a rather dirty job --- killing the crazies that claimed to follow some ‘fanatic’ that went by the laughable name of the ‘Dark Stranger’. After three long years of terrible hardship and war, the Reverend and his ‘Army of God’s Warriors’ finally defeated this ‘Dark Stranger’, exterminated most of his Crazies’ and brought, if not ‘peace’, at least a time of respite to a people still recovering from a world-wide plague. For a brief, shining moment there was a time when having a child in a bed and a crop in the field was more important than a gun in a hand or killing a stranger. To achieve this ‘divine utopia’ however, the Good Reverend and his followers (the so called ‘Purists’ or ‘Pures’) were more than willing to beat the living shit out of anyone who even ‘looked’ like they might oppose the Reverend’s ‘divine will’. This new, holy society rose up on the bent backs and sweating brows of the ‘lesser folk’, condescendingly called the ‘Normals’ or ‘Norms’ ‘All roads lead to Rome’, they say. They also say that ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ In the year 10 A.C., the Good Reverend proved that quaint old saying to be absolutely true. God wills it! --- Alaha akbar! --- His Will be done!

  • EMP Year One 'Desperado'

    EMP Year One 'Desperado'
    EMP Year One 'Desperado'

    EMP Year 1: ‘Desperado’ by W.Wm.Mee. Meet Sheriff Wayland Crow, a modern day ‘cowboy’ living in a Post Apocalyptic world. In the first half of the 21st century, extreme jihadist created a mega EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse), that knocked out every motor, electronic chip and digital device in the world! Cars stopped, computers crashed and cell phones died on a global scale and the jihadists got what they always wanted --- to knock the decadent ‘Western World’ back into the 10th century! Caught up in the midst of all this modern chaos is Sheriff Wayland Crow, the veteran and re-elected lawman of a small Texas town called Robert Lee. Wayland meets the current crises as he does all other problems --- head on. And number one is getting to his wife and daughter who are visiting their crazy aunt up in Montana --- which is a long way on horseback from Robert Lee, Texas. Come along with Wayland on his quest. You’ll be glad you did.

  • Godkill: Book1 'Hammerfall'

    Godkill: Book1 'Hammerfall'
    Godkill: Book1 'Hammerfall'

    Welcome to the Godkill Chronicles. Book 1, ‘Hammerfall’, tells of the months before and the first year after the gigantic meteor, Ho-Tep 5592, better known as 'Godkill', struck the earth. The ‘Chronicles’ follow the misadventures of Jake Hammer and his small band of friends as they explore what is left of the late, great US of A. Jake isn’t always a nice guy. He drinks too much, fights too much and always speaks his mind, but when the you-know what hits the fan he is exactly the kind of guy you want on your side!

  • Trey


    The day the robots got a software upgrade, the world changed. It happened without warning. When Nana went to the store the robots grabbed her and Trey is left alone. But Trey's mother taught him what to do when that happened.

  • Night Beasts

    Night Beasts
    Night Beasts

    A chilling tale of horror. It was an experiment in genetic warfare. A body was found torn apart in a deserted motel. Every day the eggs are hatching.

  • Dust


    The world suffered a catastrophe and Samantha can't run away from it.

  • Emp: Year Seven: 'Trouble'

    Emp: Year Seven: 'Trouble'
    Emp: Year Seven: 'Trouble'

    Seven long, hard years after an EMP attack that left the entire world powerless and turned all electrical devices into useless junk, 'modern civilization' has slipped back into the shadows. Once again 'might makes right' and certain groups band together to take what they want --- regardless of who gets hurt. In an isolated cottage on a lake in Upstate New York, Jock MacLeod and his teenage daughter try to live a quiet, peaceful life --- until the night a beautiful, frightened young woman bangs on their door and whispers: "Please let me in! The slavers are after me!"

  • Pandemic 'Year 5'

    Pandemic 'Year 5'
    Pandemic 'Year 5'

    In his new book, ‘PANDEMIC: Year Five’, W.Wm.Mee has turned his apocalyptic eye on the real global pandemic that is presently gripping the planet and offered us a dire Post-Covid-tale where vaccines did not save the day. Come walk, ride and sail the beautiful but now depopulated Thousand Island tourist area of the majestic St. Lawrence River and see how the good people of the little village of Mohawk, Ontario deal with hoards of starving survivors, vengeful drug lords and would-be dictators attempting to overrun their thriving, peaceful little hamlet. It began in January, 2020. A new virus called Covid-19 that was air born, highly contagious and very, very deadly. By February it was serious, with thousands around the world dying daily. By March that number was in the millions and by June well over half of the humans on the planet were dead. Modern civilization had ceased to exist; electricity, running water and any form of government were long gone and the people that remain now have to scramble to survive a second Dark Age. Come along if you dare and ‘scramble’ with them.


W.Wm. Mee

Wayne William Mee is a retired English teacher who enjoys hiking, sailing and walking his Beagle hound. He is also a 'living historian' or 'reenactor'. You can see Wayne's historical group on Facebook's 'McCaw's Privateers' 18th Century Naval Camp' page. Building & sailing wooden sailboats also takes up a chunk of Wayne's time, but along with his wife Maggie,son Jason and granddaughter Zoe, writing is his true love, the one he returns to let his imagination soar.Wayne would like you to 'look him up' on FACEBOOK and click the 'Friend' button or even zap him an e-mail.If you enjoyed any of his books, kindly leave a REVIEW here at Smashwords and/or say so on Facebook, Twitter, Tweeter or whatever other 'social network' you use.Thanks for stopping by ---and keep reading!!Drop him a line either there or at waynewmee@videotron.caHe'll be glad to hear from you!'Rest ye gentle --- sleep ye sound'

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