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Sherlock Holmes Fallen: Sherlock Holmes, #5
The Ice Man: Sherlock Holmes, #2
Sherlock Holmes, ICE: Sherlock Holmes, #1
Ebook series30 titles

Sherlock Holmes Series

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About this series

Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told


During the holidays Holmes is looking forward to a peaceful time with his friends.


Then one by one, Holmes's friends begin vanishing.


Can he save his friends from whatever dreadful things is happening?


A Christmas mystery that will thrill, chill, and warm your heart.


Buy your book now.

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateSep 26, 2018
Sherlock Holmes Fallen: Sherlock Holmes, #5
The Ice Man: Sherlock Holmes, #2
Sherlock Holmes, ICE: Sherlock Holmes, #1

Titles in the series (50)

  • Sherlock Holmes, ICE: Sherlock Holmes, #1


    Sherlock Holmes, ICE: Sherlock Holmes, #1
    Sherlock Holmes, ICE: Sherlock Holmes, #1

    "She could be my own daughter!" Watson exclaimed. The child had been slaughtered ruthlessly by the man they sought to capture and bring to justice. Holmes can no longer live with the horror of the man he has been hunting all his detective years. Young children are being slaughtered across England. A ruthless criminal and killer must be stopped. At any cost! A man whose name is legend will rise from the dead. And he will find a world he never believed possible. As the legend learns about the new world, he will be faced with the toughest case any detective should ever have to face. It's going to take every bit of his faculties to deal with the terrible spree of deaths that are uncovered. Can he face his past and deal with the future? Will he be able to function in the present and save the lives of many innocents? Or will his past return to haunt him? A truly fascinating insight into one of the greatest detective minds ever written. Buy your book now.

  • Sherlock Holmes Fallen: Sherlock Holmes, #5


    Sherlock Holmes Fallen: Sherlock Holmes, #5
    Sherlock Holmes Fallen: Sherlock Holmes, #5

    Hunger. Deadly hunger! A thirst that can't be quenched. There are many kinds of lust, but this one would drive two different people to more than most would go. She had a hunger and a thirst for love. Hunger that drives her further, and more deadly than any hunger should. Her touch is a caress that no man can resist the second time. Sherlock Holmes must stop a deadly killer whose motives could be those of a vampire. or a serial killer with a huge hunger for blood! When his good friend, Constable Evans, the son of Inspector Bloodstone, is also threatened by the killer, then his case becomes a mission he cannot fail! Download the book now.

  • The Ice Man: Sherlock Holmes, #2


    The Ice Man: Sherlock Holmes, #2
    The Ice Man: Sherlock Holmes, #2

    THE SEQUEL TO LEST DARKNESS FALLS AKA ICE   There are men who are pure and simply...evil.   Not that evil exists in the world of Sherlock Holmes, but the act of evil does.   And each day he sees another child brutalized, then murdered...   Each day that goes by and he hasn't stopped that killer...   Is a day of great pain for Detective Holmes.   And now he is faced with a killer who seems familiar, but he's not sure just how yet.   But Holmes does know that every criminal makes a mistake.   And when this one does, Holmes will find him.   Holmes will stop him and bring him to justice.   He will not let one more  young child be murdered to satisfy the evil in a man's matter what it takes!   Not in our world, not in his!   Buy your book now.    

  • Sherlock Holmes Betrayal: Sherlock Holmes, #3


    Sherlock Holmes Betrayal: Sherlock Holmes, #3
    Sherlock Holmes Betrayal: Sherlock Holmes, #3

    "He's changed!" Professor Challenger cries out. "Watson is no longer...Watson!" "No!" Holmes replies. Harry Houdini shakes his head. "Holmes, there is very much the possibility that you have lost your friend...forever!" "I will not accept that!" Holmes shoots back. "Never!" The war that began in the Case of the Risen continues, but now it has struck even into the heart of Baker Street. Into the very heart of Holmes himself. How will he and his friends deal with the spreading infection that has spread malicously throughout London and soon the very world itself?

  • Sherlock Holmes Signs of Murder: Sherlock Holmes, #8


    Sherlock Holmes Signs of Murder: Sherlock Holmes, #8
    Sherlock Holmes Signs of Murder: Sherlock Holmes, #8

    Astrological signs can be deadly. Citizen after citizen dies as an astrological serial killer slays them using their signs to find and slay them. Sherlock Holmes must decipher the pattern that creates the selections before more lives are lost. Can he do it in time, when his own astrological sign might be on the list of the killer? The clock is ticking. And time is not his friend.

  • Sherlock Holmes: Tick Tock: Sherlock Holmes, #6


    Sherlock Holmes: Tick Tock: Sherlock Holmes, #6
    Sherlock Holmes: Tick Tock: Sherlock Holmes, #6

    15 seconds to live. Madman on the loose. You must stop him before you die! Sherlock Holmes faces the hardest battle of his life as he races against time to save not only himself, but others from a madman.

  • Sherlock Holmes, War: Sherlock Holmes, #25


    Sherlock Holmes, War: Sherlock Holmes, #25
    Sherlock Holmes, War: Sherlock Holmes, #25

    Book Five of the Case of the Risen Series. "Things can't get any worse," Challenger said, examining the horrid mess of goo before him. "Oh, but it can," Holmes replied, stooping to take a sample. "Much, much worse." London is facing a contagion that threatens to wipe out its entire population. Only a handful of men have any idea of what is creating it. Will they be able to stop it in time? It's no longer just a threat: it's war!

  • Sherlock Holmes: Monster: Sherlock Holmes, #5


    Sherlock Holmes: Monster: Sherlock Holmes, #5
    Sherlock Holmes: Monster: Sherlock Holmes, #5

    A broken corpse. A trail of them. A blind man. A giant. An inn. Dozens are murdered there. All clues that Holmes must tie together to stop a madman.

  • Sherlock Holmes: Shifter: Sherlock Holmes, #15


    Sherlock Holmes: Shifter: Sherlock Holmes, #15
    Sherlock Holmes: Shifter: Sherlock Holmes, #15

    He wanted them close. Too close. They had to die. He had to die. Who killed them? An occult mystery that Holmes must solve.

  • Sherlock Holmes Case of the Risen: Sherlock Holmes, #1


    Sherlock Holmes Case of the Risen: Sherlock Holmes, #1
    Sherlock Holmes Case of the Risen: Sherlock Holmes, #1

    Stonehenge. The legendary site of Merlin's magic. But what if something else was sleeping there? Something that was not magical. Something diabolical and deadly! What if it woke up? Could we stop it? Could even Holmes...stop it?

  • Sherlock Holmes: The Latency Omnibus: Sherlock Holmes, #20


    Sherlock Holmes: The Latency Omnibus: Sherlock Holmes, #20
    Sherlock Holmes: The Latency Omnibus: Sherlock Holmes, #20

    Bent on revenge a madman is slaughtering innocent Londoners without cause or provocation. Holmes is on the trail, but the trail keeps vanishing, even as the victims do. How can Holmes stop a madman without tracks? How can he possibly save anyone, if he can't find him?

  • Sherlock Holmes Tangled: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes Tangled: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes Tangled: Sherlock Holmes

    Tangled clues lead Holmes and Watson into an experience in terror that both will never forget as they pursue a madman whose only goal is to maim and torture Holmes. Excerpt: "The fellow appears to have died from poisoning," Watson declared as he pried open the jaw of the man and examined his tongue, the back of his throat, and then his nostrils. He peered closely through Holmes spyglass, though he had his own in his black medical bag which never left his side. "And strangulation," Watson added. "And…" He sniffed at the inside of the man's mouth. "…And it would seem he also consumed some kind of toxic liquid." "Undoubtedly from the cord that strangled him, Watson," Holmes pointed out as he climbed down from the stepladder back onto the factory floor. He bent down and took a vial from Watson's black bag, unstoppered it with one hand and his teeth, then placed his swab into it and reclosed the vial. He placed the vial into a smaller bag that Watson kept to protect samples, then reclosed it. "We're done here, Watson," Holmes declared and then headed for the factory entrance. As he passed Constable Evans who had been watching the two of them, he said, "221B in about two hours, Constable, if you please." "Why two hours?" "Watson is starving," Holmes replied with an amused smile. Watson's stomach chose that moment to bellow out its hunger pains. "Oh dear me, oh my," Watson cried out, alarmed by the sound of his own body.

  • Holmes Enigma: Sherlock Holmes

    Holmes Enigma: Sherlock Holmes
    Holmes Enigma: Sherlock Holmes

    What if the fiend causing the mysterious deaths where people dissolve can't be found? What if he is not human? What if he is an old enemy of Holmes and if so, which one? The enigma of the mysterious disease, or curse, some feel, is baffling Sherlock Holmes and his friends as they pursue new clues.

  • Sherlock Holmes, Invasion: Sherlock Holmes, #25


    Sherlock Holmes, Invasion: Sherlock Holmes, #25
    Sherlock Holmes, Invasion: Sherlock Holmes, #25

    How can you trust your best friend when he acts like he's someone else at times? The terror that has struck London is spreading more quickly. Many people are reported as completely vanished. Others do strange acts. Is this a plague or an Invasion?

  • Sherlock Holmes Resurrection: Sherlock Holmes, #26


    Sherlock Holmes Resurrection: Sherlock Holmes, #26
    Sherlock Holmes Resurrection: Sherlock Holmes, #26

    Holmes has no idea what is being brought back from beyond the grave. He has no idea the mission of the creature who has returned. But soon he will see the results. Much will change. Can he stop this terror?

  • Sherlock Holmes Christmas Magic: Sherlock Holmes, #10


    Sherlock Holmes Christmas Magic: Sherlock Holmes, #10
    Sherlock Holmes Christmas Magic: Sherlock Holmes, #10

    The holidays are never an easy time for the Baker Street friends and this one proves no different. A gathering to celebrate the holidays is horribly broken as one by one; all the Baker Street friends vanish in a blaze of pure white light. "Vanished!" How will this mystery be solved? Will the villain behind the abductions be brought to justice?

  • Sherlock Holmes Pulp: Sherlock Holmes, #25


    Sherlock Holmes Pulp: Sherlock Holmes, #25
    Sherlock Holmes Pulp: Sherlock Holmes, #25

    How do you stop a cult that uses diabolical forces to alter and change people until they are dead? A cult that defies logic, defies imagination,defies all norms. A deadly cult that worships a deadly god. A god that demands obedience!

  • Sherlock Holmes, End Game: Sherlock Holmes, #27


    Sherlock Holmes, End Game: Sherlock Holmes, #27
    Sherlock Holmes, End Game: Sherlock Holmes, #27

    The exciting conclusion to the Case of the Risen Series. A heart pounding adventure mystery! It's the final battle for London. Holmes and his team are being challgened on all fronts as they search for the prime source of the zombies spreading through London. Are they too late to stop the full battle force of the monsters attacking London, or will they somehow turn things around?

  • Sherlock Holmes, Converging Darkness: Sherlock Holmes, #24


    Sherlock Holmes, Converging Darkness: Sherlock Holmes, #24
    Sherlock Holmes, Converging Darkness: Sherlock Holmes, #24

    What would you do if everything you knew about your world were suddenly changed? What if we were not alone? What if someone was waiting to take everything away from us? Sherlock Holmes and Watson are hot on the track of what could be a supernatural creature when everything goes wrong. Deadly wrong!

  • Sherlock Holmes From the Depths: Sherlock Holmes, #21


    Sherlock Holmes From the Depths: Sherlock Holmes, #21
    Sherlock Holmes From the Depths: Sherlock Holmes, #21

    A war is brewing monsters. Soon they will be here. Her job is to stop them. But how can she do that if she's stranded? Will she be able to stop them, even with the help of Sherlock Holmes and Harry Houdini?

  • Sherlock Holmes Dark Princess: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes Dark Princess: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes Dark Princess: Sherlock Holmes

    Something was not right about her. But  Sherlock Holmes found her fascinating. Watson found her confounding. Challenger worried for their lives. And that's all just from the very first meeting with the Dark Princess. A fresh tale of love, revenge and honor set in an alternate history where magic and Steampunk science both exist. Download your book now.

  • Sherlock Holmes: Cursed in Stone: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes: Cursed in Stone: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes: Cursed in Stone: Sherlock Holmes

    Why are men turning to stone? Is it a curse? Is it some kind of new virus? Holmes must find out. The game's afoot and it's a very, very dangerous one.

  • Sherlock Holmes Dark Secret: Sherlock Holmes, #25


    Sherlock Holmes Dark Secret: Sherlock Holmes, #25
    Sherlock Holmes Dark Secret: Sherlock Holmes, #25

    Watson has had a rough night. A rough day. He looks forward to spending time with his beloved Mrs. Hudson this morning. But when he gets the morning paper, he opens it to find a very shocking secret: His own death! And this is just the beginning of his day.

  • Sherlock Holmes Apparition: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes Apparition: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes Apparition: Sherlock Holmes

    When is evil truly evil? When can a good man influence the darkness? How can a mirror change a man's destiny and save his soul? An act of magic. An act of kindness. Sherlock Holmes and Harry Houdini confront a lost soul who is filled with so much anger and self hatred that he threatens violence to the Good Queen Mary.

  • Sherlock Holmes Shadow of Dorian Gray: Sherlock Holmes, #27


    Sherlock Holmes Shadow of Dorian Gray: Sherlock Holmes, #27
    Sherlock Holmes Shadow of Dorian Gray: Sherlock Holmes, #27

    It was a wonderful evening. With a handsome man. A wealthy man. But it didn't end well. It just ended.

  • Sherlock Holmes: Shifting Darkness: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes: Shifting Darkness: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes: Shifting Darkness: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes returns to his alma mater, where he learned many of his forensics skills.  How will he deal with a series of mysterious deaths that involve a teacher he knows? Are the murders premeditated, or a series of grisly ritualistic deaths? A grip your seat to learn the truth thriller you're going to love as you watch Holmes chase down the clues to the conclusion.

  • Sherlock Holmes Matter of Perception: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes Matter of Perception: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes Matter of Perception: Sherlock Holmes

    Watson and James Moriarty are on a mission to stop a mysterious killer.  What they didn't expect was that it wasn't just a monster. Captain Nemo will have to help them. The fight against the evil Hollow Man might just be the end of their lives and the begining of a life of the undead.

  • Sherlock Holmes The Risen: Sherlock Holmes, #26


    Sherlock Holmes The Risen: Sherlock Holmes, #26
    Sherlock Holmes The Risen: Sherlock Holmes, #26

    An innocent picnic and hike turns into a nightmare that will haunt London and Sherlock Holmes for decades.

  • Sherlock Holmes House of Shadows: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes House of Shadows: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes House of Shadows: Sherlock Holmes

    Every morning I get up, hoping and praying for the best. For me. My family. For the world. I drive my taxi along the lonely streets of evening London, looking for just one more ride for the evening. I have a family to feed. A wife paralyzed from the waist down. It's a hard life. But one day I shall overcome our limitations.  I will buy a brand new shiny Tesla car, the new electric ones created by Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. And on that day I shall retire my good horse to a pleasant pasture to live out the rest of his days in the sunlight. Except, that didn't happen, did it. I met the Shadow.

  • Sherlock Holmes, Dracula: Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes, Dracula: Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes, Dracula: Sherlock Holmes

    Body drained of blood.   Ravaged.   Victim of a vampire?   Or something far worse?   Sherlock Holmes faces one of his strangest cases.   Is the Count Dracula the killer, or wrongly accused?   Buy your your book now.  


John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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