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Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It: Six Simple Steps to Success, #2
Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret Key to High Achievement: Six Simple Steps to Success, #3
Simplify Your Pursuit of Success: Six Simple Steps to Success, #1
Ebook series5 titles

Six Simple Steps to Success Series

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About this series

Find Your ONE THING That Will Relentlessly Guide You

Imagine waking every day and immediately beginning something deeply meaningful. Imagine bypassing or overcoming everything you need to in relentless pursuit of success, until finally you have it.
What if you could find a powerful intrinsic motivator that enabled you to work on your dream every day, regardless of the obstacles fate will inevitably throw in your path?

Four years ago, independent author Michal Stawicki hadn't published a single book. But since then, thanks to techniques he details in Directed by Purpose, he has written over million words, gathered a few thousand followers, published 15 books and now earns more from writing than 90% of current published authors.

Michal Stawicki decided to begin writing despite suffering depression, feeling out of control, living a life without meaning. He had no authority in any field, either. And he decided to write in English, which to him was a foreign language!

Today, Michal’s success has been featured in Forbes and Business Insider.

In Directed by Purpose he explains how ALL of us can discover a meaning—a purpose—for life. This purpose will then guide us towards achievement and fulfilment, if we follow it.

Michal’s experiences prove you don't have to be someone special to do extraordinary things.

In this book you will learn:

  • Why some people are passionate about their work and most are not even satisfied. (Hint: it’s not about the pay)
  • How to succeed despite day-to-day obligations, exhaustion, pain and self-doubts
  • How to effortlessly deal with subconscious resistance against your success
  • Some simple daily habits that help you to clarify and design your life mission
  • How your purpose creates focus that keeps you on track for the long-term
  • How to find your big WHY even if you failed multiple times in the past
  • How you can wake up each day with positive anticipation (even on Mondays!)
  • How to focus on your long-term vision during everyday work
  • Why Michal's methods utilize your brain's inherent functionality
  • How to manage your attention, so you will focus on a few most important things
  • How you can install filters in your brain, so your subconscious will become your worker, not your opponent

Buy this book NOW, so you can find your purpose and straighten up your own road to success!
Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Release dateOct 7, 2015
Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It: Six Simple Steps to Success, #2
Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret Key to High Achievement: Six Simple Steps to Success, #3
Simplify Your Pursuit of Success: Six Simple Steps to Success, #1

Titles in the series (5)

  • Simplify Your Pursuit of Success: Six Simple Steps to Success, #1


    Simplify Your Pursuit of Success: Six Simple Steps to Success, #1
    Simplify Your Pursuit of Success: Six Simple Steps to Success, #1

    Do you feel that success is a matter of luck and that it’s passed you by? That you have the talent but not the connections to get you to your goals? Many people feel this way, but the truth is, your success is in your hands! Talent, luck, and connections all contribute to your ability to reach your goals, but only you can transform those factors into success. So, how do you go about climbing the ladder of success? Define it, work for it, and claim it! The Pursuit of Success series will give you six strategies that will set you on your way. Each book will provide tangible actions that you can take to turn your dreams into reality. This introductory book lays out the system, describing how you can develop your success one piece at a time. It also shows you how to study the success of others and adapt their tactics to best fit your personality and goals. Success means different things to different people. Whether you want to be a millionaire or you want to reach mastery in your field, Six Simple Steps to Success will help you get there.

  • Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It: Six Simple Steps to Success, #2


    Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It: Six Simple Steps to Success, #2
    Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It: Six Simple Steps to Success, #2

    The first step to success: really, truly and ultimately know thyself. What if you never procrastinated again? What if you knew your priorities with crystal clarity and were always aware of the path to achieve your goals? What if you discovered all obstacles and struggles in advance and prepared for them? What if you were always motivated to hustle along a success path? Amazon bestselling author Michal Stawicki presents an easy self-analysis process which allowed him to shed excess weight, save additional $10,000 in three years, learn new skills and, well, become a bestselling author in the crowded self-help market. Following the guidance of the giants before him — including ancient sages (Socrates), CEOs (Tony Stubblebine) and icons of modern online business (Pat Flynn) — Michal answers the question: how can you in today busy world discover and follow your strengths? Michal uses a no nonsense approach, so this book will get you up to speed fast. If you want to succeed, you need to become aware of your vices and strengths. Even if you haven't dedicated a single thought to the matter of self-discovery for the past 10 years, you can learn how to perform daily self-analysis. In Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It you’ll learn: -Why you already have enough within you to get success -How to harness 6 simple self-analysis techniques -How you can make these techniques an integral part your life. (Hint: there are no willpower struggles required.) -What’s the most common habit among successful people -How to get a grip on self-talk -How to start and stick with a meditation habit. (Try it Michal’s way, even if you’ve failed repeatedly at this) -What’s the nature of interdependence between success and self-analysis? You will also discover: -Direct examples of the self-analysis application and results. These come straight from Michal's experience -The simplest self-analysis tool able to help you improve any are of your life, from finances to spirituality (and how to master it) -BONUS: free resources to jump start your self-discovery quest Download Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It today. Create an easy, step by step plan for discovering your true self which will help you grow in every area of your life. Pick up your copy today!

  • Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret Key to High Achievement: Six Simple Steps to Success, #3


    Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret Key to High Achievement: Six Simple Steps to Success, #3
    Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret Key to High Achievement: Six Simple Steps to Success, #3

    A Few Simple Habits Will Get You Fit and Healthy (Even If You Have No Time for Exercise and Don't Like Diets) What if you could shed excessive pounds simply by living your life? What if you could forget about ever needing sick leave? Wouldn't you like to be the Energizer Bunny in your own life, every day? Bulletproof Health and Fitness is a book for average people who can't suddenly switch to an extreme diet - or don't want to - and can't sweat in the gym for 20 hours per week. Michal Stawicki can do 150+ pushups and 40+ pullups; he hasn't been off work sick since July 2013. And, like any ordinary man, he also has a life to live: a day job, wife and kids, church obligations, a daily 3-4 hour commute and random disasters (a broken furnace, flat tire, delayed trains, children's illnesses...) In Bulletproof Health and Fitness, he shares his down-to-earth approach for losing weight, getting and staying fit, and keeping his health optimal. And he shares how you too can unlock a force of incredible energy; the energy you need so badly to face life's everyday challenges. In this book you will learn: Why getting your body into prime condition is your first step to success The single rule which determines whether any workout or diet will be a success The biggest mistake people make when trying to get back in shape Why targeted habitual actions are the perfect way average people can regain and keep their health The only four elements you must look after to maintain your stamina Why you can eat whatever you want and stay fit The three things necessary for getting good sleep How even fasting for 120 hours won't kill you. How can you exercise less than 15 minutes a day and be able to do 100 consecutive pushups Why cardio is usually a waste of time (and how it can become time well invested) Buy this book NOW and regardless of life's challenges, you'll soon enjoy new-found health and fitness.

  • Making Business Connections That Counts: Six Simple Steps to Success, #4


    Making Business Connections That Counts: Six Simple Steps to Success, #4
    Making Business Connections That Counts: Six Simple Steps to Success, #4

    Make authentic connections with influencers without being sleazy or bothersome What if you could connect with 7-figure business owners as soon as your business begins? What if you could effortlessly get on the radar of influencers just by being yourself? Imagine how connections like these will help your small business skyrocket! Four years ago, Michal was an lifelong employee entrenched in a large company; a shy introvert without a single business idea whatsoever. He did not know what a webinar was and had no Facebook account. Today Michal is active in several online communities, with authors, marketers, influencers and business owners.  His works have been mentioned in Forbes and Business Insider. Michal interacts with millionaires and exchanges messages with Darren Hardy and David Allen. A rock star, with 2 million followers on Twitter, featured his blog post. His books got reviewed and recommended by bestselling authors. In "Making Business Connections That Count" he explains how you can achieve similar results. In this book, you will learn: A foolproof method of getting on the radar of influencers Where to connect with top bloggers, podcasters and business owners How to provide value to them even if you are just starting out in the online business world How to drive your agenda without being perceived as bothersome How to stand out in anyone’s crowd of followers How to network with influencers even if you don't know a single blogger yet How to initiate contact when you need a favor What is the hidden networking superpower available to everyone How to bring value to the table from day one How to discern between genuine and superficial relationships When it's OK to ask for a favor How to make an offer your partner will feel embarrassed to decline How to build friendships AND business connections How to make favors to big influencers without a big-time investment How to be authentic in your networking efforts, so you will never be mistaken for a sleazy salesman Buy this book now to create relationships with respectable peers and mentors, to boost your business AND performance!

  • Directed by Purpose: Six Simple Steps to Success, #5


    Directed by Purpose: Six Simple Steps to Success, #5
    Directed by Purpose: Six Simple Steps to Success, #5

    Find Your ONE THING That Will Relentlessly Guide You Imagine waking every day and immediately beginning something deeply meaningful. Imagine bypassing or overcoming everything you need to in relentless pursuit of success, until finally you have it. What if you could find a powerful intrinsic motivator that enabled you to work on your dream every day, regardless of the obstacles fate will inevitably throw in your path? Four years ago, independent author Michal Stawicki hadn't published a single book. But since then, thanks to techniques he details in Directed by Purpose, he has written over million words, gathered a few thousand followers, published 15 books and now earns more from writing than 90% of current published authors. Michal Stawicki decided to begin writing despite suffering depression, feeling out of control, living a life without meaning. He had no authority in any field, either. And he decided to write in English, which to him was a foreign language! Today, Michal’s success has been featured in Forbes and Business Insider. In Directed by Purpose he explains how ALL of us can discover a meaning—a purpose—for life. This purpose will then guide us towards achievement and fulfilment, if we follow it. Michal’s experiences prove you don't have to be someone special to do extraordinary things. In this book you will learn: Why some people are passionate about their work and most are not even satisfied. (Hint: it’s not about the pay) How to succeed despite day-to-day obligations, exhaustion, pain and self-doubts How to effortlessly deal with subconscious resistance against your success Some simple daily habits that help you to clarify and design your life mission How your purpose creates focus that keeps you on track for the long-term How to find your big WHY even if you failed multiple times in the past How you can wake up each day with positive anticipation (even on Mondays!) How to focus on your long-term vision during everyday work Why Michal's methods utilize your brain's inherent functionality How to manage your attention, so you will focus on a few most important things How you can install filters in your brain, so your subconscious will become your worker, not your opponent Buy this book NOW, so you can find your purpose and straighten up your own road to success! Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!


Michal Stawicki

Proven techniques from a practitioner. True stories.Does the concept of 'visualization' sound ridiculous to you?Do you consider mental exercises, the "law of attraction", "manifesting" and self development to be a waste of time or hokey-pokey?Has it been years since you thought seriously about your life?Welcome to the club! That describes me just a year ago. I was overweight, stressed, constantly worried about my finances and quietly desperate about my relationship with God. I was aimless. I had no plans for where my life would be in 2, 5 or 10 years.I'm a reader. I've read several thousands books in my life; there wasn't much else to do in Poland before the fall of communism. We had a black and white TV with only 2 channels; I didn't see my first computer until age 11. So, reading became my biggest habit.In August 2012 I read a book called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. It took me a whole month to start implementing ideas from this book. That led to me reading numerous other personal development books, some effective, some less so. I looked at myself and decided this was one person who could surely use some development. In November of 2012, I created my personal mission statement; I consider it the real starting point of my progress. Over several months I applied several self-help concepts and started building inspiring results: I some weight, greatly increased my savings, built new skills, got rid of bad habits and developed better ones.I'm very pragmatic, a "down to earth" person. I favor utilitarian, bottom-line results over pure artistry.Despite the ridiculous language, I found there is value in the "hokey-pokey visualization" stuff. I now see it as my mission to share what I have learned.My books are not abstract. I avoid going mystical as much as possible. I don't believe that pure theory is what we need in order to change our lives; the Internet age has proven this quite clearly. What you will find in my books are:- detailed techniques and methods describing how you can improve your skills and drive results in specific areas of your life- real life examples- personal storiesSo, whether you are completely new to personal development or have been crazy about the Law of Attraction for years, if you are looking for concrete strategies, you will find them in my books. My writing shows that I am a relatable, ordinary guy, not some ivory tower guru.I've been married over 12 years. I'm a father of two boys and one girl. I work full time in the IT industry, and recently, I've become an author. My passions are transparency, integrity and progress.

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