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Deuce of Diamonds: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #2
Circle of Steel: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #4
Double Deuce: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #1
Ebook series5 titles

Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove Series

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About this series

When Amethyst Cove's reigning drag queen is blackmailed, private investigator Ian Coulter searches to find the truth. He doesn't believe his friend committed a murder and he won't allow money to change hands. He gets support from his FBI lover Rick Mohr.

Ian and Rick have conquered a long road to be together. Working together is easy. Keeping their relationship strong is more difficult. With their wedding day approaching, Ian questions if he can go through with the ceremony but not his love for Rick.

When Ian is propositioned, Rick falls back into old ways. Ian's guiltless but overcoming his jealousy isn't easy for Rick. With time running out, they leave no avenue unexplored in their quest to find the truth and the blackmailer – before the honeymoon cruise.  


I drove by the bank and deposited the Steel Wheels check and headed home as fast as the ʼCuda could safely maneuver through the in-town traffic. Rick was on the balcony when I walked into the condo.

"Agent Mohr. Did ya miss me?" I laid the contract packet on the charging table with our electronic gizmos. "I'm going to indulge in a drink. Do you want one?"

"Sure, babe. Make it about three fingers with a lot of ice."

That sounded good to me. I poured two bourbons and carried them outside. I handed one to him. "Sláinte mhaith."

He tapped the rim of his glass to mine. "Good health to you. Cheers."

We sipped and I leaned over to kiss him. He drew back and raised an eyebrow. "New aftershave, Mr. Coulter?"

I never gave it a thought he'd smell any transfer on me. "Nope. I can't say as I even like it." I collapsed into my chair. This conversation had to be handled delicately.

He sat eerily still. "You met an itinerant salesman and he offered you a sample?"

As much as I didn't want to talk about this, honesty was the only way to handle it. That way he had of not moving spoke volumes about how upset he was. In his past, he'd lived with a man who did cheat on him. Sometimes, like now, his emotions got the better of him.

"No, Rick. The guy at Steel Wheels hit on me again."


I had no idea what that meant and I was not about to ask. Anything I said would probably set him off. I'd just keep quiet until he had a few moments to process what I knew was a spike of jealousy. He struggled with the emotion. I struggled to keep my attitude in check.

We were learning when to tread lightly with each other. If there was ever a time to test how well we were doing, it was now.

It seemed like an eternity before he spoke. "Okay. What did you do?"

"I didn't deck him. He's the kind that would sue me. What annoys me is that just yesterday I told him I was happy about getting married."

Rick's enigmatic gaze locked with mine. "Obviously that didn't make an impression on him. Please tell me you walked away from doing business with him."

I took a deep breath. This could get dicey. "No, I didn't. What I did do was call Gary and arrange for him to do the bulk of the work so I can limit my time there."

He was quiet for a few minutes. "Will you do me a favor?"

Heaven alone knew what he might ask me to do. I steeled myself to the possibility of having to say no to him. "You know I will if I can."

"Go take a shower. His scent on you is more than I can stand."

Release dateApr 1, 2016
Deuce of Diamonds: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #2
Circle of Steel: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #4
Double Deuce: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #1

Titles in the series (5)

  • Double Deuce: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #1


    Double Deuce: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #1
    Double Deuce: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #1

    Free spirited Ian Coulter works hard and plays harder. An ex-cop turned private investigator, Ian enjoys meeting new men and making new friends. A night out ends up with one man on the floor at his feet, and another asking for his help. Big trouble's brewing in little Amethyst Cove, and Ian's a step behind. He's quick to see Rick Mohr is the man holding the flare at the end of a long, dark tunnel. Undercover agent Rick Mohr walks a fine line, serving two masters. Insider trading, counterfeit printing plates, and a blown-up yacht have Rick stuck between two Federal agencies, one of which has been compromised. Rick has to discover the mole before it's too late. When Ian Coulter walks into his life, Rick grabs the chance to salvage his assignment with both hands. It doesn't take Ian and Rick long to discover joining forces, and sharing resources, has definite perks - ones not found in any departmental manual. * * * * * "And yet, here you sit across from me." "For one thing, this is the first time I've actually gotten a look at you. No one ever said you were so…" He paused and blinked at me. I helped him out. "Hot?" Rick grinned. "The very word I was searching for." "You're full of it, Rick Mohr. What do you really want?" "I've heard you like to have fun—safe fun. Was I misinformed?" And they called me a slut. Rick had me beat for moving in on a guy fast. "I love to have 'fun—safe fun,' but I don't know you. I haven't seen you around at any of the local haunts." "Well, you know how it is. Boy meets boy. Boy falls in love. Boy gets dumped after eleven years and has to work hard to get back into the swing of things." I tapped the wide silver band he wore on his left ring finger. "Hmm. I've heard of that. Some weird word that starts with an 'R.'" "Relationship?" I snapped my fingers. "That's the one! Can't say as I have any first-hand experience with it." Rick sighed. "I actually liked it, although I thought it would have a longer shelf-life." I sipped the lemony drink I'd had such a craving for. That craving, and another stronger one, was about to land me in trouble, I just knew it. "I'll tell you something, Rick. I don't like men who cheat on their partners." His level gaze met mine. "I don't have a partner. I have an ex-partner." "Why not take off the ring?" "Truth? I'm not quite ready to have guys hitting on me. Maybe you can help me get over the hump." Years of cruising men, of reading their body language and looking into lots of pretty eyes gave me a good read on him. He wasn't being honest with me about something, but it had nothing to do with the ring, the ex-partner, or the fact he liked to have control of the situation. The little voice inside, the one that never steered me wrong when it was time to cut and run, was silent, and I wanted to learn more about him.

  • Deuce of Diamonds: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #2


    Deuce of Diamonds: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #2
    Deuce of Diamonds: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #2

    Private investigator Ian Coulter has a knack for finding trouble even when he's minding his own business. Ian's in the midst of a routine weekly job for movie star client Saylor Blackwood when the man confides he thinks he has a fan turned stalker. Ian stays close to Saylor to observe the people around him and gets an unwelcome shock when FBI agent Rick Mohr contacts him. Rick Mohr has a problem. Ian's name just popped up on an FBI watch list. Rick knows it's guilt by association where Ian is concerned, but what about Blackwood? Rick won't allow Ian to get dragged into the mix when he's not involved. For Ian he'll break whatever confidentiality rule necessary. It doesn't take long for Ian and Rick to join forces to clear Ian's name and get to the bottom of what's going on in Amethyst Cove, because on or off the case, together is how they work best. * * * * * His gaze slammed into mine, hot with anger that didn't touch me. "I was a fool to walk away from you. 'One more try' he said. What a joke." "I'm sorry." And I was sorry he'd been hurt. "I knew when I left you standing there on the street, leaning on your car tipping your hat at Frank Bunson, it was a mistake to give Johnavan a last chance." He'd seen my little act of defiance at Frankie-boy? Huh. "Why was it a mistake?" His mouth dropped open. "Why? Why? Why do you think?" "I think all sorts of things, Rick. I'd like for you to tell me the truth so I can make sense of some it." "It was a mistake because I'd met you." He sighed heavily. "I didn't …my heart wasn't really in giving him another try." "And yet you did." "I wish I could lie to you, Ian, but I can't. I'm not that big a bastard. You know what I thought? I thought I'd get him moved back east where he'd be happy and I'd be free to move on." I winced inwardly. Rick wasn't a cold or calculating man in his personal life. "So how'd that work out for you?" "How do you think?" He scrubbed his palms over his face. "I'm not good doing things to deliberately hurt people. He didn't find a job right away, so I couldn't just say 'bye' and leave him without rent money, now could I?" That sounded more like him. "No, you couldn't. Did he get a job or find someone else?" Rick looked at me, a mix of emotions on his handsome face. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "I came home from a day at the office and he was all packed and ready to go. It seems he used me as his ticket back to New York." "Oh, jeez. Hoist with your own petard." "Yeah, Shakespeare. I was. So I said it was fine and decided to enjoy a couple of weeks of solitude to make sure my head was out of my ass. Then you call me and you're going out with movie star Saylor Blackwood and I'm an idiot!" My joints went to jelly as the realization he was jealous I'd tricked Saylor sank into my brain. I grinned at him. "You're not too stupid. You are here now." "And you want to sleep on the couch!" I echoed his tone. "Well maybe not!" We stared at each other.

  • Circle of Steel: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #4


    Circle of Steel: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #4
    Circle of Steel: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #4

    Private investigator Ian Coulter and his FBI partner Rick Mohr work hard and play harder. Making their relationship a priority is a challenge they willingly embrace. Life is better together, and when their cases overlap, it gets pretty interesting. An evening stroll turns deadly when a sniper targets Rick. Needing to be with his lover, Ian has to trust Rick's team with the hunt for the shooter. As Rick heals tensions between the men escalate and some uncomfortable truths are revealed. Ian gets a break in the case but the sniper proves to be elusive.  With the FBI conducting a manhunt in Amethyst Cove, Ian has to deal with his own man. It'll take patience and some tough love to heal recent fractures and secure the future he wants with Rick.  * * * * * Becoming "us" hadn't been part of any original plan but we had become "us" in ways I couldn't imagine ending. I picked up my cell phone. Rick answered before the first ring ended. "Ian. Darling, what's really wrong? Are you going to be okay?" Was I? A tenuous connection opened between us, powered by wireless magic. "I'm better for hearing your voice. I feel like a real ass saying this to you, Rick, but it's been a rough couple of weeks." "Believe me, I know. Please come back so we can talk." I downed the remainder of the bourbon in the glass. "Can't. I shouldn't drive. I've had a drink." I heard him take a deep breath. "Okay. You're right, of course. And you're right about the other things. Listen, Ian. We need to stop being stupid with each other and I'll start. I love you. I hurt bad enough I can't rest, and I'm miserable being off my feet. I'm taking it out on you, and that's not fair." My throat tightened. "Rick. I almost lost you." My voice broke. I couldn't breathe. The city lights blurred in my vision. His voice was soft in my ear. "It's okay, my darling. You've been my rock, Ian. I forgot even diamonds crack under enough pressure." I managed a deep breath. "We're still gonna talk, big guy." "I know. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Ian, but I can't promise it's always going to be easy living with me." "Well, I guess I can't make that promise, either. We just have to remember life is better when we're together." "How about we have a safe word to tell each other to back off?" "What? Like 'screw you, Rick'?" He chuckled softly. "No, babe. That's foreplay. I live to hear you say those words." I laughed in spite of myself. "Yeah. I know what you mean. I need to go to bed. Get some sleep. I've got a bunch of installations to finish tomorrow and God only knows how big a job Sheldon's going to sell next." "Can I call you?" "Yeah. That would be great. I love you, Rick. I guess maybe I'm a little afraid you'll leave me." "Never, Ian. Not gonna happen. Are we good?" "We're good. 'Night, Rick." "Goodnight, Ian." The call disconnected and left me staring at my phone, exhausted. Were we really good? Sometimes when something cracked, it stayed that way, And sometimes, when mended, it was stronger than before. I twisted the wide silver band on my right ring finger around, then took it off and slipped it onto my left hand. It glittered, a circle of steel reflecting the city lights.

  • Ace, Deuce, Trey: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #3


    Ace, Deuce, Trey: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #3
    Ace, Deuce, Trey: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #3

    Ian Coulter has his hands full with a sexy office assistant, a favorite movie star client and a drag queen determined to save the world one lost runaway at a time. He can juggle all of it because he and his lover, FBI agent Rick Mohr, are finally together. Rick's transfer to Amethyst Cove puts him in charge of multiple operations. When one of Ian's clients is targeted, it doesn't take long for Ian to suspect the con artist is on an FBI watch list. With their cases overlapping, Ian and Rick are short on time. Together they set a trap and spring it before their suspect escapes. Doing the job is easy but figuring out the relationship is tougher. Fitting their lives together isn't without obstacles, but one thing is certain. On or off the case, Ian and Rick always get their man. * * * * *  The air around me changed, expanded. I froze and listened into the quiet office. The outside door snicked closed. I drew my Sig Sauer P228 and held it in my lap. "Hello?" "It's me, Ian." I laid the gun on my desk. "You should have yelled first." It was so quiet I wondered if my mind had played a trick on me. "What are you doing, Rick?" He swaggered into my office. His hot green gaze slammed into mine. "Making sure the blinds are closed." I leaned back and put my feet up on my desk. "I have a gun, bucko. What are your intentions?" Rick reached behind his back, pulled out his Glock .9mm and laid it beside my pistol. "Mine's bigger than yours." He leaned over and kissed me. I pulled back. "Dream on. That must have been one hell of an arrest and booking to get you so worked up." "Oh, it was. Law enforcement agents in three countries are going to dance in the street when word gets around." I grinned up at him. "And your name is going to be on the report." He shook his head. "Not mine, no. I have an alias, you know." That was news to me. "Because you've done undercover work for the Treasury?" Rick grasped my ankles and lifted them off my desk. I set my feet on the floor and he went to his knees in front of me. "And I might have to do it again so my team second gets the credit and the public glory on this one." I spread my knees and he slid his big, warm hands up the inside of my thighs. "You have something in mind here, Mr. FBI man?" "You don't have anything to say about the fact I might have to go undercover again?" I narrowed my eyes. "Something you need to fill me in about?" "No, no. I've let it be known I'm the last option for those assignments." He pulled my shirttail out of my jeans. "I even told them why." "That's a good career move. 'I'm gay and I'm shacked up so don't call me.' I bet your boss loved that." Rick eased my zipper down. "He laughed at me. In my face. So I beat the crap out of him." I snorted. "Right. On the shooting range. What do you think you're doing?" He yanked my pants down and all but dragged me out of the chair to the floor. "I'm going to do you in your office, darling. It'll be a fantasy come true."

  • Steel Wheels: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #5


    Steel Wheels: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #5
    Steel Wheels: Ian Coulter's Amethyst Cove, #5

    When Amethyst Cove's reigning drag queen is blackmailed, private investigator Ian Coulter searches to find the truth. He doesn't believe his friend committed a murder and he won't allow money to change hands. He gets support from his FBI lover Rick Mohr. Ian and Rick have conquered a long road to be together. Working together is easy. Keeping their relationship strong is more difficult. With their wedding day approaching, Ian questions if he can go through with the ceremony but not his love for Rick. When Ian is propositioned, Rick falls back into old ways. Ian's guiltless but overcoming his jealousy isn't easy for Rick. With time running out, they leave no avenue unexplored in their quest to find the truth and the blackmailer – before the honeymoon cruise.   _*_*_ I drove by the bank and deposited the Steel Wheels check and headed home as fast as the ʼCuda could safely maneuver through the in-town traffic. Rick was on the balcony when I walked into the condo. "Agent Mohr. Did ya miss me?" I laid the contract packet on the charging table with our electronic gizmos. "I'm going to indulge in a drink. Do you want one?" "Sure, babe. Make it about three fingers with a lot of ice." That sounded good to me. I poured two bourbons and carried them outside. I handed one to him. "Sláinte mhaith." He tapped the rim of his glass to mine. "Good health to you. Cheers." We sipped and I leaned over to kiss him. He drew back and raised an eyebrow. "New aftershave, Mr. Coulter?" I never gave it a thought he'd smell any transfer on me. "Nope. I can't say as I even like it." I collapsed into my chair. This conversation had to be handled delicately. He sat eerily still. "You met an itinerant salesman and he offered you a sample?" As much as I didn't want to talk about this, honesty was the only way to handle it. That way he had of not moving spoke volumes about how upset he was. In his past, he'd lived with a man who did cheat on him. Sometimes, like now, his emotions got the better of him. "No, Rick. The guy at Steel Wheels hit on me again." "Wow." I had no idea what that meant and I was not about to ask. Anything I said would probably set him off. I'd just keep quiet until he had a few moments to process what I knew was a spike of jealousy. He struggled with the emotion. I struggled to keep my attitude in check. We were learning when to tread lightly with each other. If there was ever a time to test how well we were doing, it was now. It seemed like an eternity before he spoke. "Okay. What did you do?" "I didn't deck him. He's the kind that would sue me. What annoys me is that just yesterday I told him I was happy about getting married." Rick's enigmatic gaze locked with mine. "Obviously that didn't make an impression on him. Please tell me you walked away from doing business with him." I took a deep breath. This could get dicey. "No, I didn't. What I did do was call Gary and arrange for him to do the bulk of the work so I can limit my time there." He was quiet for a few minutes. "Will you do me a favor?" Heaven alone knew what he might ask me to do. I steeled myself to the possibility of having to say no to him. "You know I will if I can." "Go take a shower. His scent on you is more than I can stand."


KC Kendricks

KC Kendricks calls herself an accidental writer. After completing her first novel writing as Rayne Forrest, she was urged to submit it to a publisher, and everything snowballed from there. Today, the author has had over seventy books published. In July of 2021, she tried to retire but her employer offered her a deal to work at home. She accepted. Now she balances work, writing, and hearth and home in a controlled chaos. A native of scenic western Maryland, the author enjoys most activities that don’t include snow. In warm weather she might be found walking the dog, biking on the C&O Canal towpath, planting delicacies in her garden for the deer to munch on at night, playing in the creek, or lazing on the patio with her Kindle reader or laptop. She recently began to research her family history and can't drive past a cemetery without stopping to search for family sites. Her mission is to photograph old tombstones before the elements erode the stones and the names are lost to time. For more about KC Kendricks and Rayne Forrest’s writing life, please visit the Between the Keys blog at . If you’d like to know more about the author’s country lifestyle and her daily activities full of simple country pleasures (and a lot of work), please visit the Holly Tree Manor blog at . KC can be reached through her blog, Between the Keys. All comments are strictly moderated by the author and personal messages are treated as such. Follow the author on Twitter for up-to-date announcements at

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