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Dragon Flames: Dragon World, #1
Day of the Dragon: Dragon World, #1
Dawn of the Dragon: Dragon World, #2
Ebook series14 titles

Dragon World Series

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About this series

Adri's life in a city run by the elders is boring. He and his friends decide to explore the rest of the world but strangers come to town, warning of fire breathing dragons. Will the elders allow Adri and his friends to help fight the dragons?

PublisherCaishel Books
Release dateAug 17, 2018
Dragon Flames: Dragon World, #1
Day of the Dragon: Dragon World, #1
Dawn of the Dragon: Dragon World, #2

Titles in the series (14)

  • Dawn of the Dragon: Dragon World, #2


    Dawn of the Dragon: Dragon World, #2
    Dawn of the Dragon: Dragon World, #2

    Red Top wanted what every young male in his jungle village wanted: days filled with the excitement of hunting; the friendship of his peers; respect from the elders; a beautiful female to give him eggs and help raise the next generation of intelligent dinosaurs.  That's the way it was sixty-five million years ago in the Late Mesozoic.  That was the good life.  It had always been that way.  Why would it ever change? But it did change. Far away, beyond the other villages that were like Red Top's, there was a new force in the world and it was not at all like the villages of his people. This new force taxed, ruled, built great monuments, and sent armies into the jungle to spread a harsh, expansionist religion.  And when an army encountered a village, the choice was simple: submit or die. There was a third choice, Red Top told the elders: they could fight.  They had to fight, he insisted, or their way of life and all the villages would disappear like the morning mists under the blazing sun. And so it began.  Like a Triceratops defending its young against a bloodthirsty Tyrannosaurus, Red Top held the future of his people in his clawed hands!

  • Dragon Flames: Dragon World, #1


    Dragon Flames: Dragon World, #1
    Dragon Flames: Dragon World, #1

    Dragons spouting flame attack the human settlements. Talei travels for help to the main town of Boone but the dragons arrive soon after. She meets Adri and he offers to help fight the dragons.  On the return journey Talei mind melds with a dragon and before the huge beast dies he asks Talei to help free his race from the creatures who have enslaved them.  Talei, Adri and a few others set out for the other continent to discover if the dragons are telling the truth and what they can do to stop the attacks. Will it be possible to save the dragons and achieve a peaceful coexistence with the huge beasts?

  • Day of the Dragon: Dragon World, #1


    Day of the Dragon: Dragon World, #1
    Day of the Dragon: Dragon World, #1

    What if a very long time ago there existed on this Earth a species with intelligence as great as or greater than Homo sapiens? What if this ancient creature ruled the entire planet and half the solar system? What if this creature's civilization rose and fell and disappeared into the mists of Time? What if evidence of this lost world remained buried for tens of millions of years? What if—one day—a modern human paleontologist looking for fossilized bones finds an artifact instead?  What if this artifact turns up at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, the dividing line between the Age of Mammals and the Age of Reptiles?  What if this thing reemerges into the sunlight after being buried for sixty-five million years?  It was madness even to contemplate that this man-made thing—no, this dinosaur-made thing—could exist.  It was mad, crazy, insane, impossible.  But there it was. Day of the Dragon tells this incredible tale....

  • Rust World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #5


    Rust World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #5
    Rust World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #5

    Did dinosaurs fall in love? Read this book and find out! Once upon a time (sixty-five million years ago) there was a dinosaur princess named Idori.  After being evicted from her nest for a crime she did not commit, she gave up on Earth and fled to the planet we call Mars.  The dinosaurs called it the Rust World.  Along the way she met a male warrior from the enemy nest named Pirriq.  Pirriq started following Idori around and eventually he followed her to the Rust World.  There they found a strange, hidden complex being built at great cost deep within the ice at one of the Martian poles, but why would anyone do such a thing?  There at last Idori found freedom from the rigors of terrestrial strife, but is freedom really free?  There Pirriq found himself on the verge of finding out whether dinosaurs fall in love, but in matters of the heart isn't it better sometimes not to know? Rust World of the Dragon is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands alone and can be read by itself, or together with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Rust World of the Dragon.  Cross the solar system—go back in time—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2


    Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2
    Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2

    Sie is rescued from the raging seas by a red dragon and her life changes forever. The red dragons are at odds with the other dragon clans. Is it all. misunderstanding? Can Sie and Byron, Talei's brother, find a peaceful solution to bring the clans together?

  • Dragon Ice: Dragon World, #3


    Dragon Ice: Dragon World, #3
    Dragon Ice: Dragon World, #3

    Silver dragons keep Neisha's people trapped beneath an icy plateau. She dreams of Tane who promises to come and help her.  Tane's plan is not only to rescue Neisha but to also release her people. He hopes to talk to the silver dragons and introduce them to his dragon friends in the south. Disaster strikes when Tane has an accident and he becomes trapped with Neisha's people. He goes to the surface to try to connect with his own people bu the silver dragons attack. Will he his plan meet with success, or will he remain trapped under the ice.

  • Burn World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #4


    Burn World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #4
    Burn World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #4

    Lojor was the Einstein of the dinosaur world, and he had a problem.  His government wanted him to invent the hydrogen bomb.  Lojor did not know how to do this, and he did not want to learn because he was opposed to the idea.  But the demands on him were relentless, and he had to come up with something. Lojor was an astrophysicist.  He wanted to keep on doing what he loved, which was trying to understand the sun.  The government didn't care about the sun, only about the bomb.  Lojor had an idea.  He told the government that the sun was like a hydrogen bomb, which was true.  And he told them that if they financed an expensive mission to the planet closest to the sun, which one day humans would call Mercury, he could use the information learned there to get started on the bomb, which might or might not have been true.  A mission to Mercury would get the government off his back and pay for his astronomical research at the same time.  It might also bankrupt the government, which would stop them from working on nuclear weapons, but Lojor was cagey about this aspect. So the government went to Mercury, and Lojor went along.  At first everything worked out according to his private plan.  The base was established, instruments were installed, data began to flow in, and all talk of a future bomb remained theoretical.  However, conditions on Mercury were not entirely as expected.  It was an unchanging world, they had thought, boring and safe, as long as the explorers avoided the direct rays of the nearby sun furiously blazing away in the black sky.  It turned out that Mercury had its secrets: The dinosaurs called it the Innermost Planet, but really it was the Burn World of the Dragon! Burn World is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands alone and can be read by itself, or together with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Burn World of the Dragon.  Cross the solar system—go back in time—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Storm World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #3


    Storm World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #3
    Storm World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #3

    Bolon had a familiar problem: he needed money and he needed it fast.  As a newly hired management consultant for a company that had just lost a big contract, he was expected to find replacement revenue somewhere, somehow.  Unfortunately, the more he studied the problem the more it seemed that a miracle was required.   Fortunately Bolon lived in a miraculous age.  That age was sixty-five million years ago near the end of the Mesozoic Era and he and his kind were intelligent dinosaurs.  They were about the size of humans, with hands like ours and big brains.  They called themselves dragons.  At the time, one of the most powerful nation-states—or Great Nests as they were known—had sent an expensive robot to Titan, a moon of Saturn.  The dragons were fascinated by Titan because it was the only moon in the known universe with a dense Earthlike atmosphere and possibly liquid on the surface, although it was ten times farther from the Sun than the Earth and very cold.  But one day the robot stopped working.  The Great Nest that sent it posted a sizable reward for anyone who could fix it for a reasonable cost.  No one could because sending a second robot would double the expense and a crewed mission to the outer solar system would cost many times more.   No one could, that is, until Bolon had a bizarre idea….   Bolon was not a rocket scientist but like a bolt out of the blue he figured out how to send a crew of dragons to Saturn for less cost than a robotic mission.  Back then no one believed him and even today NASA has never tried his approach.   Bolon's idea—strange as it was—turned out to make a crazy kind of sense and in the end no one could shoot it down.  The mission was launched and Bolon waited for the results.  His tail twitched with excitement because the reward money was practically in his clawed hands.   Or was it?  The experts of the day were sure that the faraway moon was a tranquil place because it received too little heat from the distant Sun to generate wind or weather. But experts can be wrong and when the rescuers got to Titan they found that it was really the Storm World of the Dragon!

  • Acid World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #6


    Acid World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #6
    Acid World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #6

    Major "Bad Boy" Banduur was an unusual fellow.  He was a test pilot of the latest military aircraft; he was a priest; when he gazed up into the night sky, he dreamed of all the wonders that could be; he had claws and talons and feathers and scales and a long, prehensile tail; he was an intelligent dinosaur who flourished sixty-five million years ago.... Banduur wanted to explore the stars but he hatched from his egg before interstellar travel developed, so when the opportunity arose for him to pilot a spaceship to the Acid World—the planet that millions of years later humans would call Venus—he volunteered.  No dragon, as the dinosaurs called themselves, had ever been there.  In our time no human has ever been there: it is too hot, hotter than an oven.  The air pressure is too high, as crushing as the bottom of the sea.  It is too dangerous, the ever-present clouds hide the surface and those clouds produce a rain of concentrated sulfuric acid, thus the name Acid World.  Ordinary dragons sought easier lives but Banduur saw the light of Venus in the evening sky and could not look away. Naysayers abounded and experts were certain: no one could go there; no one could live there; no one could return from there.  But Banduur had said he would try and in that long-ago age a dragon of faith kept his word. Acid World of the Dragon is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands alone and can be read by itself, or together with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Acid World of the Dragon.  Cross the solar system—go back in time—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Motel World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #9


    Motel World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #9
    Motel World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #9

    Dinosaurs were having sex on the Moon sixty-six million years ago, and Bolon didn't like it.   Make no mistake about it, Bolon enjoyed a bit of the naughty now and then as much as any other healthy Goddess-fearing dragon (as they called themselves back then), but he was running an ore mine up there, by golly.  His employees were refining important metals on the Moon—gold, silver, titanium, and niobium—or so he thought.  However, now he was hearing about furtive nighttime antics involving tail rubs and feather strokes leading to full-on hot-blooded saurian sex—and ultimately nests and eggs and hatchlings.   It didn't help in the least that it was always nighttime at the ore mine, located in the permanently shadowed region at the Moon's South Pole.  Ore mine?  Lunar love nest with low-gravity sex was more like it!   After Bolon's female friends brought him down to Earth (so to speak), and made him see that the sex was going to go on going on regardless of any management memos forbidding it, and that he might as well profit from the shenanigans, he decided to build the first-ever motel on the Moon.   First things tend to be hard things (in a manner of speaking) and the Moon Motel was no exception.  Construction in those airless acres was difficult and dangerous, which translated into expensive.     Expensive?!  Just you wait and see what Bolon ended up paying after consultants got involved: they talked him into a clawful of so-called amenities: first there was an artificial "sun" above an artificial "beach" and before it was all over, pterodactyls were flapping around with freshly caught fish firmly clamped in their toothy jaws!   Oh, it was fun times in the Late Mesozoic, all right....   Motel World of the Dragon is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands by itself and can be read alone or with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Motel World of the Dragon.  Cross the solar system—travel back in time—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Orb World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #7


    Orb World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #7
    Orb World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #7

    What would you do if you won the world's biggest lottery? Bolon faced that situation.  Sixty-five million years ago, he suddenly found himself one of the richest dinosaurs in the Mesozoic Age.  The pleasant shock of sudden wealth soon turned into a big problem, a problem of his own making, because he had a dream, a dangerous dream, and now he could afford to try to make it come true. Bolon's dream was also big and bold. He wanted to go to the Moon, that shining light in the night sky that he and his kind—they thought of themselves as dragons—called the Orb World.  He wanted to earn money there, make a new life, build a civilization, and prove that not even the sky was the limit. What he didn't count on is that the Moon would fight back.  How could it?  It was a dead world, airless, lifeless, nothing more than a big round rock falling endlessly around the Earth.  All he had to do was go there, set up shop, and proceed in a stepwise manner.  It should have been merely a matter of money and time and determination.  Instead, it turned into a war of wills, but like a real war there were casualties—wasted wealth, dashed dreams, broken bodies, and lost lives.  To win, the Orb World didn't have to conquer, it only had to do what it had always done and be what it had always been: a cold, uncaring, austere—but beautiful—shining light in the night sky. Orb World of the Dragon is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands by itself and can either be read alone or with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Orb World of the Dragon.  Cross the solar system—go back in time—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Ant World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #8


    Ant World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #8
    Ant World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #8

    Life was lived on a grand scale during the Age of the Dinosaurs.  There were giant pterosaurs in the air and great beasts on the land and in the sea.  There were also oversized insects.  What if there were ants as big as your arm?  What if their brains were linked together by radio waves to form one vast, thinking colony organism?  What if these ants with their networked insect brains were like the cells of a larger organism, each one working toward the same end?  What if that end were opposed to yours? If one ant saw you, they all saw you.  If they—if it—decided it was time for you to die, it was time for you to die.  And death by ants was not pretty.... Ant World of the Dragon is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands by itself and can be read alone or with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Ant World of the Dragon.  Travel back in time—experience the World of the Dinosaurs—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Shroom World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #10


    Shroom World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #10
    Shroom World of the Dragon: Dragon World, #10

    No good deed goes unpunished.   Joylen found that out sixty-five million years ago when she saved one of her farm workers from being eaten alive by a Tyrannosaurus.  After the attack, the victim was ... different—not better.  Something was wrong with his brain but Joylen didn't know what, and she didn't have the money to take him around to specialists.  Where she lived, there weren't any specialists anyway.  She was a humble farmer's daughter working on a little farm in a poor and remote village.  Joylen was a dinosaur, but much smaller than the Tyrannosaurus.  She was the same size as a human being.  She called herself a dragon, as did the rest of her kind in that long-lost age when dinosaurs ruled the world.   Whatever was wrong with the victim, it was her fault, because she had taken him on the expedition against her parents' wishes.  Had she not gone searching for mushroom compost, he wouldn't have been half-eaten and his wife and nestlings wouldn't be at risk of starving to death now that he was no longer able to provide for them.   The expedition was a success in that mushrooms were discovered.  They were giant mushrooms, some of them as tall as trees, much too big to be used as compost.  Because she couldn't take a tree-sized mushroom home to the farm, she did the next best thing, which was to carry off a piece of one.  By the time she got it back to the village, it had started to decay.  There matters would have ended had the big mushroom not been brought to the attention of one of the world's richest dragons.  Bolon was his name, and he was so rich that he owned part of the Moon.  Someone suggested to him that the strange mushrooms, growing so big here on Earth, might get even bigger in the weaker gravity field of the Moon.  How much bigger?  There was only one way to find out, and that was to try growing them on the Moon!   Who should be flown to the Moon to grow the mushrooms?  Who better than their discoverer, Joylen?  But she didn't want to go.  She couldn't go.  Her life had always centered on the farm and responsibility to her aging parents.  And now she also needed somehow to provide for the family of the injured employee.  It was all too much, she told Bolon: there was no way she could go galavanting around up on the Moon.  The last time she had tried something new, it turned into a disaster when the Tyrannosaurus attacked.   Bolon kept up a gentle but firm pressure, plus his gold had a way of talking without speaking.  He promised Joylen that he would take care of all her money problems on Earth and cover all the expenses of living and working on an airless world.  He wasn't requiring anything of her, except that she *try* to grow the big mushrooms on the Moon.  Anyone can try ... and whatever will be, will be.   Shroom World of the Dragon is part of a series about an ancient dinosaurian civilization.  Each book stands by itself and can be read alone or with the others.  If you enjoy stories such as Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, you should check out Shroom World of the Dragon.  Cross the solar system—travel back in time—buy this adventure-packed tale today!

  • Adri's Journey: Dragon World

    Adri's Journey: Dragon World
    Adri's Journey: Dragon World

    Adri's life in a city run by the elders is boring. He and his friends decide to explore the rest of the world but strangers come to town, warning of fire breathing dragons. Will the elders allow Adri and his friends to help fight the dragons?

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