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Lord Darkly: The Young Royals, #1.5
A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals, #1
Ebook series2 titles

The Young Royals Series

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this series

Savannah has a secret…a secret that could cost her everything she's been working for.

Coming to Merveille and taking up a position as one of Queen Alyssa's ladies in waiting hadn't been part of Savannah Rousseau's plan, but she wasn't going to turn down the opportunity when it came her way.  The daughter of an impoverished viscount, Savannah had nothing to lose and everything to gain by being included amongst the new queen's entourage…as long as no one found out about her secret.

Savannah loved her son.  Archer was the sun and moon of her life, but being a single mother would mean instant disqualification from the ladies in waiting.  So she hid him from the queen and her new friends…for two years.  Now someone had stumbled upon her secret and Savannah would do anything to ensure that she didn't become a royal embarrassment.

Jed Fairchild came to Merveille to escape his own scandal and the last thing he wanted was to be embroiled in another.  Finding out about the young boy and impoverished viscount that Savannah had stashed in the abandoned hunting cabins was a complication that he didn't need.  Being attracted to the hot-tempered lady in waiting was another.  All Jed wanted was to live a simple life working with his horses and ignoring the rest of the world, but with Savannah in his life and the inquisitive Archer following him like his very own shadow, the quiet life was the last thing Jed had…and maybe it wasn't really what he wanted after all.

This is a Sweet Romance - These are romantic tales without the bedroom scenes and the swearing, but that doesn't mean they're boring!

PublisherEmma Lea
Release dateJun 1, 2016
Lord Darkly: The Young Royals, #1.5
A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals, #1

Titles in the series (2)

  • A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals, #1


    A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals, #1
    A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals, #1

    Despite being the second child of the king and queen of Merveille, Alyssabeth thought that if she kept a low profile she could stay out of the media's glaring spotlight and live a relatively normal life.  That was until her father, the king, and her brother, the crown prince, were both killed in a hunting accident. Her dream of joining the UN was no more and instead she needed to return to the small European country of her birth to pick up where her father and brother left off.  Her Harvard degree in international relations was forfeit and in its place she must become queen, if the misogynistic Parliament can see past their prejudices. Not much had changed in the small country in her four year absence, but there were two noticeable differences.  Her brother's two best friends, Will Darkly and Jordan Wicks, had grown up into two very intriguing men.  Jordan practically swept her off her feet from the moment she stepped off the plane but Will's more reserved, darkly intense interest in her gave her tingles. Alyssa wasn't sure she was cut out to be queen, but she knew that she wanted to do her father and brother proud.  She was willing to give it her best shot, even if it meant going toe-to-toe with Parliament.  And then there was the small matter of her needing to be married in order to fulfil her birthright and take her place as the head of state. This is a Sweet Romance - These are romantic tales without the bedroom scenes and the swearing, but that doesn't mean they're boring

  • Lord Darkly: The Young Royals, #1.5


    Lord Darkly: The Young Royals, #1.5
    Lord Darkly: The Young Royals, #1.5

    There are always two sides to the story… A Royal Engagement was told exclusively from Princess Alyssa’s point of view…now see Will’s side of the story. The last few years have been hell for Will Darkly, Duke of Camphrey, Lord of Pemberton.  First his mother died, then his father, leaving the estate destitute and we won’t even go into how he and his sister were betrayed by someone they trusted.  Now, just when he has finally landed on his feet, his best friend, the Crown Prince Jacob St. Benét, is killed in a hunting accident. Jacob’s death brings Will face to face with his childhood crush, the prince’s sister, Alyssa, now the crown princess and heir apparent and she’s even more beautiful than he remembered.  She’s also involved with the one man who could cause Will to commit murder. Grieving for his friend, trying to keep his business moving forward, and avoiding the attraction he feels for his best friend’s sister leaves him short tempered and irritable and something has to give before he loses his mind. *This is a Sweet Romance


Emma Lea

I am a business owner, artist, cook, mother and wife.  I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia with my wonderful husband, two beautiful sons, a dog and a cat (both of which are female because, hey, we needed to balance all that testosterone!) I am a ferocious reader with eclectic tastes and have always wanted to write, but  never had the opportunity due to one reason or another (excuses, really) until finally taking the bullet between my teeth in 2014 and just making myself do it. I love to write stories with heart and a message and believe in strong female characters who do not necessarily have to be aggressive to show their strength.

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