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A Goddess Visits 2: Short Story Fiction Anthology
J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 01: Short Story Fiction Anthology
A Writer's Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology
Ebook series12 titles

Short Story Fiction Anthology Series

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About this series

A trilogy about three generations of reclusive authors, the worlds they created around them, and the ones they loved.

The Caretaker:

A Writer Recluse Places an Ad for a Caretaker and Gets More Than He Asked For

This quiet contemporary fiction has a calm romance beneath the seeming gruff exterior of a reclusive writer who wants his solitude above all else.

When a caretaker arrives who is every bit as quietly headstrong about keeping the place tidy, there have to be some adjustments...


Triangle - A Memoir

"I want you to teach me about sex."

The lithe young thing was probably a third my age and somehow had wound up, pre-dawn, in my day-bed with only her thin nightgown between us.

"My Aunt says it's OK as long as you agree. And my grandmother recommended you."

I didn't know this girl or her Aunt. Or how she got into my bed.

I don't teach, I write mysteries.

And this was one for the books...


Last Chance

I looked up and thought I saw Karl standing there.

"Oh hiya, Karl."

But he didn't reply, said nothing. This wasn't his schedule, he's usually either fixing something or writing by now.

I looked over at him again.

Something was different.

This guy looked like Karl, but his mouth was open, staring. In another minute, he's be drooling.

I sat up and shaded my eyes against the glare. Then I saw that was a mistake. This wasn't Karl, this was a stranger – who was looking at my sunbathing. Nude sunbathing.

So I threw my sunscreen lotion bottle at him and tried to wrap myself in the old comforter.

The guy ducked. And turned away.

Too late for any hope of my propriety, though...



Herman Gauss found a caretaker through an ad he placed.

As a reclusive writer, he didn't much care for what he got, but had some wishes. Since he'd never married again, the idea of having a female moving about the big empty house made him both worried and content. He had been happy to live quietly at the end of a long, dusty road, but found his cleaning habits left too much dust around.

He wanted to write, not clean house. He didn't want his solitude interrupted, but would appreciate having the dust gathered out of the corners and the occasional hot meal he didn't have to prepare himself.

So he placed an ad through an agency. He paid them to find and pre-interview the applicants. They would send over one at a time, only sending the next in line when an earlier one disqualified themselves.

And the reasons for the disqualified applicants seemed inconsistent and even frivolous. But the company was only paid to send applicants, so the money would keep coming to them until Herman ran out of it, or they ran out of applicants. (Word can get around about certain ads…)

Maggie was herself quiet and happy to have such a job. She was a student of writing, but had never published. Her shyness found her many admirers, but never a long relationship. That's not to say she didn't have strong opinions. And perhaps those were what drove her would-be lovers away. She never talked about her personal life, even when asked.

How she got hired was a bit of a mystery. She wasn't outspoken much, but was firm and unmovable when she was. It wasn't that all things should be a certain way, but certain things should be kept in certain ways.

The hiring company took this minor loss of income in stride...

Anthology containing:

  • The Caretaker
  • Triangle - A Memoir
  • Last Chance

Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now. 

Release dateJan 6, 2019
A Goddess Visits 2: Short Story Fiction Anthology
J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 01: Short Story Fiction Anthology
A Writer's Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

Titles in the series (12)

  • A Writer's Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    A Writer's Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    A Writer's Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Writers don't often write about their own worlds - but when they do, expect them to be every bit as imaginative as their other fiction. We've found a common theme to these new authors, where they not only explore their own thoughts, ideas, and angst through their own fiction, but also take apart their own ideas about how writers write. Here you'll see writer's block, the solitary writer's romances, the revenge of stalking stories, being transported by another writer into one of their worlds, and even examining the idea of your pet cat being responsible for a writer's output - or lack of it.  Nothing is sacred to these authors as they turn their fiction microscope on themselves and their own profession. A Short Story Anthology Containing: - Story Hunted by J. R. Kruze - A Goddess_Visits by J. R. Kruze - Cats Typing Romance: Two Short Stories by R. L. Saunders - The Caretaker by C. C. Brower - Keyboard in the Sky by R. L. Saunders - To Laugh At Death by J. R. Kruze Excerpt: At first, I thought there was a naked woman in my cabin, reading my books. And then I realized, it was just my goddess. Come to visit again, to remind me again of what I should be doing. It was that gossamer outfit she wore. You know, the stuff made out of spider webbing. Thinner than silk and almost see-through, but tough enough to be tear-proof. "Well, hello there, big boy. About time you showed up." She unwound herself from the desk chair she was reading in, set the book down on the desktop and slunk toward me. "You've been busy since we last had a conversation." I looked her up and down with a glance and then focused on her eyes. She pouted. "You know I dress just the way you want me to, the way you expect. So if you don't like this (but I can tell you do) I'll just change into something more comfortable - for you." At that she had on one of my flannel shirts, buttoned only half-way up, and some soft shorts I wore in hot weather to be able to write comfortably when I knew I wasn't going outside. She continued moving toward me and I could see that these two items were all she wore. At last she was close enough to put her arms around my neck, but only touching there. "Because I need to have your attention, but not distract you so much. This way you can look into my eyes without strain," she said. Of course I could feel her heat between us, and smell the cedar and violet scent of her. "Well, of course. You think better when you're stimulated - subtle does it, doesn't it?" The goddess purred. "And what is it that you need to tell me?" I asked. "You've been doubting yourself. That's not good." She replied. "Oh, those thoughts about not having the sales I should, not having the audience or network to bring in real income from my writing?" "Yes those self-limiting thoughts of yours that only hold you back. You can hear me reminding you that the world - your world - is what you think it is. That you have to give before you can get. That faith is internally created, and you need to practice it. That belief creates fact. All these things." The goddess took one hand to stroke the edge of my right ear. "That's all true, but…" I started to explain... Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • A Goddess Visits 2: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    A Goddess Visits 2: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    A Goddess Visits 2: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    You don't expect a goddess to visit you and start talking about your writing - or the lack of it. Yet here she was, dressed in a garment so thin that it was nearly transperent if the sun hit it just right. And here with some message for me. Of course, she didn't get to it right off. Like her dress, she used her conversation to get my full attention before she could tell me what that message was.  It didn't take long for me to see she was dead serious about my future... Excerpt: A goddess came to me last night. She said there was a gold mine between my ears, but I'd have to start using it. Until I did, I could spend none of it. And would be working hand-to-mouth for the rest of my life. She wore a gossamer-thread shift over her, which was a bit distracting. Golden hair, clear blue eyes. None of this covered her feminine features very well. Have you ever seen gossamer? It's extremely thin, and rare. It's the stuff young spiders put out in order to catch the wind and fly to their new homes. Of course, it's the same stuff web silk is made from, so is extremely tough. When you walk through the woods, you'll find that across trails and catching in your face. So tough that you can almost hear it "pling" as it breaks. So thin that you barely see it except when you catch the sun glinting off it. So making an entire garment out of this would be expensive, and humans wouldn't find it possible. "Fairies." She said. "Huh?" I asked. "Fairies collected and wove these strands into cloth." She said. "Well, that would make sense. Providing you believe in fairies." I replied. "They don't need you to believe in them. That rumor got started by a writer and his stage play." A slight frown crossed her face. "Fairies only appear in your universe if you believe in them. That's the trick. They still exist regardless of whether you believe in them or not. But they only show up if you ask them, or expect them, even as a stray thought." "Like the odd times that you see a single small branch waving in the wind, but you feel no wind, and nothing else is moving." I said. "Exactly. But that might not be a fairy. Might be a goblin. Might be a poltergeist." she said. "Could be helpful. Could be dangerous. How would I tell?" I asked. "Only by accepting it as it is and figuring out how to talk with it. If you can't see it, you haven't accepted it enough, yet." she answered. "So I see only what I want to see." I said. "Sure, like it's always been. Like you don't hear the teacher sometimes in class. Like when you 'tune out' to some recording and find it 'rewritten' when you listen to it again - new sections you'd 'never heard' before. This is old stuff. You've been through this. Selective perception." She idly played with a loose thread on the bed's quilt... Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 01: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 01: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 01: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    The first collecton of short stories by J. R. Kruze. Known for a unique take on common situations, and a dry wit, Kruze is also able to look at usual circumstances and see unusual aspects to write about. These stories will let you start wondering about the world around you.  Contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, romance and science fiction are a few of this mixed genre collection.  Enjoy seeing your world through J. R. Kruze's eyes... This anthology contains: Death by Advertising The Lazurai The Autists Story Hunted Her Eyes Max Says No A Nervous Butt A Goddess Visits A Goddess Returns Excerpt from Death by Advertising: Tess was sitting at Judy's desk, in Judy's chair. And still dressed in form-fitting black. It was Wednesday. The service had been on Tuesday, and Tess had given the office staff the day off to attend or mourn as they wished.  But for Tess, today was another workday with deadlines. Of course, anyone else could take the day off. Tess knew she had to be there. Just to answer client questions. Because she knew they would ask. And they knew she would be there. And would get constant calls at home if she wasn't. Madison Avenue isn't known to be one ounce more polite than they needed to be. Another sigh for the old times. Politer, more considerate times. Flyover country courtesies discarded in frantic-paced bicoastal cities. Tess had pulled the keyboard across the ad-covered blotter to answer a certain client's question. The one that Judy would have answered. While most ads were on the server, Judy often got big clients emailing her specific details. In this case, the email had gone unanswered. A knock on the frame of the open door to Judy's office startled her. The aluminum frame rattled the Plexiglas, a holdover com the earlier occupants. Judy and Tess had the only two "real" offices there, the rest of the staff worked in the open floor in desks lined up like the old news agencies. Back in times when news was "real". A tall man stood there, in a rumpled light gray trench coat, opened in front. Hanging off his broad shoulders straightened a few of the creases. "I'm Detective Johnson with the NYPD. I'm sorry for your loss and hate to intrude. There are some questions I need to ask."  The typical fast clip and run-together sentences from living in a city that never slept. "Come in Detective." Tess rose to shake his hand, and motioned to a chair that wasn't covered in either print samples, design layouts, or bouquets from well-wishers. "Sorry about the mess, we haven't had time to tidy up since the funeral." "I completely understand. Again, I'm sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, her death raised some questions. And those brought me here." Tess sat. Like punctuation. So did the detective. While she sat in a high-backed, ergonomic, swiveling, rolling, modern chair, Johnson sank down into a tufted, red-leather period piece. Detective Johnson felt uneasy at this, since the deep cushion and padded arms kept him from writing on his notepad. So he scooted forward to sit on the seat edge. In this way, he was able to use some of the clear space of the large faux-teak desk to write on, however precarious. "The first question was - why did you sent the death certificate to the Coroner's office?" Tess jaw dropped. "I never..." And silence ruled for a minute ....

  • A Humor Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    A Humor Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    A Humor Reader: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    If laughter is the best medicine, then reading humorous short stories should be the best practice to maintain your health. These three authors with their six stories have written stories that both poke fun at the sacrosanct and also skewer them for dissection as both pompous and ripe. From the ranks of Voltaire, Twain, and Vonnegut, these new voices have something to say about how our current culture and what they consider serious. You may find yourself irritated, incensed, or having a laugh outloud moment as you read along into the imaginative worlds these authors create. You may find yourself expecting to see someone just waiting in the shadows for you to get the punchline - expect that author's spirit as you read their works.  PS. You have their permission to roll on the floor with delight, in private, of course... A Short Story Anthology Containing: - Cats Typing Romance by R. L. Saunders - Voices by J. R. Kruze - Rise & Fall of President Frump by R. L. Saunders - Keyboard in the Sky by R. L. Saunders - The Autists by J. R. Kruze - Becoming Michelle by R. L. Saunders & C. C. Brower - plus bonus: four more short stories... Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • A Mystery Reader 001: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    A Mystery Reader 001: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    A Mystery Reader 001: Short Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Cozy, Detective, or Amateur Sleuth - contemporary or fantasy - these short stories will keep you guessing right up to their quick end. Mysteries come in many forms, and in many locations. Here we have contemporary, dystopian, and paranormal venues so you can immerse yourself from the first sentence in each of these short stories. - A ghost who has to arrange her own scene-reenactment just to find out how she died.  - How a writer helps a woman find out why she is so sad all the time - from a diner bar stool.  - A private investigator assigned to find out the secret of nurses who can cure the incurable - but then becomes a patient when he breaks quarantine to save another's life.  - A detective who is ordered not to solve a perfect death. These short stories will fit in the bits and pieces of your schedule, while you work to solve the crimes from wherever and whenever you are reading... Short Story Anthology Containing: - The Case of the Forever Cure by J. R. Kruze - The Case of a Cruising Phantom by S. H. Marpel - The Case of the Walkaway Blues by J. R. Kruze & S. H. Marpel - The Spirit Mountain Mystery by S. H. Marpel & C. C. Brower - The Tunnel People by R. L. Saunders - Death by Advertising by J. R. Kruze Excerpt: (From "The Case of the Forever Cure") IT'S HARD DETECTIVE work when you could only interview through thick glass while wearing a hazmat suit. It's worse when you're trying to find out why someone is healing the terminally ill and being very successful at it. Because since this one nurse took over, people had quit dying. But the hospital wouldn't let them out of quarantine. Until my investigation was complete. No pressure. The problem was how I was getting paid. All in cash, Random serial numbers, unmarked and used bills. Occasionally someone included a note, printed out by a laser printer on common paper stock. No fingerprints on anything. Completely anonymous. And all I wanted was they stay off my back if they wanted to keep it that way. Because this coin had two faces. Let me do my job finding what you asked me to, or I'd find out the flip side as well. That was the message I sent the last time I got a note from them with advice on it. And no more notes since. I told them three weeks. Period. I'd solve it or give them their money back. Minus expenses. No notes since. And I had under a week left, with no leads. Yes, I was getting a bit nervous. But I didn't have to deal with perfectly healthy people who weren't even allowed to talk to their family. Or me. It all depended on this one head nurse named Cathy... Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • New Voices Vol 001 Jan-Feb 2018: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    New Voices Vol 001 Jan-Feb 2018: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    New Voices Vol 001 Jan-Feb 2018: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    New Tales from New Authors that take you into worlds you've probably never dreamed existed. Midwest Journal Press is proud to announce this anthology of short stories in Fantasy, Science Fiction, Parody and Satire. We present the works of J. R. Kruze, R. L. Saunders, and C. C. Brower, all in one volume for the first two months of 2018 This anthology contains: Fantasy and Science Fiction Short Stories by J. R. Kruze Parody & Satire by R. L. Saunders Fantasy and Science Fiction Short Stories by C. C. Brower  Short Stories by J. R. Kruze Death By Advertising Her Eyes The Lazurai A Goddess Visits A Nervous Butt Max Says No Short Stories by R. L. Saunders Keyboard in the Sky Cats Typing Romance The Rise and Fall of President Frump - R. L. Saunders The Integrity Implosions - by R. L. Saunders The Maestro - R. L. Saunders Short Stories By C. C. Brower When The Cities Died, I Danced The Caretaker Peace: Forever War The War Bringeth Snow Cave - Part I The Emperor's Scribe Snow Gift Mr. Ben's New Rail Road When Vacation Plans Revise Long Overdue Santa Return to Earth New characters, new worlds, new adventures. Mysteries to solve. Romances to tempt you. Action adventures out of the ordinary. All ready to transport you to new worlds.  Get Your Copy Now.

  • New Voices 004 July-August 2018: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    New Voices 004 July-August 2018: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    New Voices 004 July-August 2018: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Welcome to another unique bi-monthly compilation of the inspired visions and universes from four Midwest Journal Press authors:  C. C. Brower J. R. Kruze S. H. Marpel R. L. Saunders From their prolific output, we've assembled 16 short stories, grouping them by author and publication date.  While every major genre is represented, you'll also see that in most cases, these books cross genres and plot structures to give you the best possible reader experience and entertainment. While each of these authors are still improving their craft, you will find their short stories to be just springboards to exploring the wider universes that inspired them. In this compilation, you'll see more where these authors have co-written and produced marvelous takes - and entirely new characters or aspects of existing ones - which flesh out these universes into greater reality and detail. Please enjoy - and do look up their other works... This Anthology Contains: Ham & Chaz by C. C. Brower & J. R. Kruse The Lazurai Returns by C. C. Brower & J. R. Kruze The Lazurai Emergence by C. C. Brower & S. H. Marpel The Case of the Forever Cure by J. R. Kruze One Thought, Then Gone by J. R. Kruze To Laugh At Death by J. R. Kruze Voices by J. R. Kruze The Lori Saga: Escape by J. R. Kruze & S. H. Marpel The Case of the Walkaway Blues by J. R. Kruze & S. H. Marpel The Case of a Cruising Phantom by S. H. Marpel The Training: Beth by S. H. Marpel The 95% Solution by S. H. Marpel Harpy's Desires by S. H. Marpel Falling by S. H. Marpel The Spirit Mountain Mystery by S. H. Marpel & C. C. Brower Our Second Civil War by R. L. Saunders & C. C. Brower Excerpt  (From "The Spirit Mountain Mystery" by S. H. Marpel & C. C. Brower): "SEEMS QUIET NOW." STANDING on the empty plains under a red-sky morning that rolled out away from a torn and fractured Nevada desert mountain, it seemed pretty obvious. Quiet. Of course, I soon wished I hadn't said anything. Something like Finagle's law. Not just that things will go wrong if they can, but also at the worst possible moment. And in the worst possible way. A dust cloud soon swallowed us. Sal and Jude together had to put up and hold a force shield around us. And that's pretty much all they could do, as that dust came with the force of a terrible wind. Something like a hurricane's - and it came up within seconds of my speaking. But then a pain seared through my stomach and quickly spread to my veins. A massive headache started in the next moment. All I could do was to clutch my stomach and roll into a ball on the ground. Sal and Jude saw me and were frantic with alarm, but could do nothing without lowering the shield and watching us all blow away. The last thing I remember seeing was someone walking through that hurricane right toward us - as if it was a calm day in those Midwest pastures I'd left a thousand miles away. She came right up and walked through Sal and Jude's force shield like it wasn't there. Just waltzed in and crouched over to have a look at me. Not a single red hair surrounding her pretty face was even moving. Big, dark green eyes looking into my soul. Did I mention her pretty face? Thought so. As she put her hand on my forehead, everything went black. At least the pain stopped... Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • A Mind's Eye Reader: Stort Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    A Mind's Eye Reader: Stort Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    A Mind's Eye Reader: Stort Stories From New Voices: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Have you ever thought some very dangeous thoughts?  Ones that could destroy all life as you knew it? In these six stories by three authors, they do just that. Of course, fiction is safer than real life, so it's much easier to test things here. ...Or so we've been told. In these stories are ideas that will captivate, and excite you to new thoughts and ideas of your own. Because the universe we live in is just a hair's-breadth away from the fictional ones we create. If history is any judge, these authors may be writing are things that will be in our own present any time now. Of course, that's only if you think their thoughts through... A Short Story Anthology Containing: - One Thought, Then Gone by J. R. Kruze - The 95% Solution by S. H. Marpel - Falling by S. H. Marpel - Voices by J. R. Kruze - The Case of the Walkaway Blues by J. R. Kruze & S. H. Marpel - Keyboard in the Sky by R. L. Saunders Excerpt: (From "One Thought, Then Gone") I'D FIGURED IT ALL out by the first day as a high school sophomore. And I could care less. Because it wasn't real. None of it. Schooling was another trap built to "keep people safe." And get them ready to have a job and accept the rat-race, wage-slave mentality. Not that my parents or teachers or anyone else around could really understand what I was going through. They all just set it up as another "coming of age" drama that always played out. All the older siblings I inherited had made it through, somehow. In their own ways. The trick was - I knew they were all part of the same trap. I didn't belong here, that I knew. And I was here to keep me safe from something far darker and more sinister than going on welfare, or being homeless, or doing illegal drugs and going to jail. Something was out there much darker and more deadly than anything they could threaten me with. I could feel it in all my body from my bones to the lady parts that I was supposed to "think with" at this age. I didn't belong here. And it became more and more obvious the more I tried to "fit in" by attempting to work out the customs and morality they all had. All the "now-you're-supposed-to's" that they probably filed in a non-existent loose leaf binder we were all issued when we were born. The trick is that I wasn't born. I had no memory of it. And all the things they told me I liked to do when I was a kid - I didn't remember any of it. Because they were training me to just accept, just go along, just act on what they told me my memories were. And they showed me "movies" of when I was younger. Filmed on something called "Super 8" and then later it was on "video tape." All made up to just reinforce the programming I'd been given along with this body. Life wasn't real. Life just sucked. Boyfriends, fashions, put-downs, come-ons, sports, band, gym, everything. Sucked. Because it didn't make sense. And the more sense I tried to make out of it, the worse it got. Until I got a clue. The same day I met him... Scroll Up Ang Get Your Copy Now.

  • J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 02: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 02: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 02: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    The second collecton of short stories by J. R. Kruze. Known for a unique take on common situations, and a dry wit, Kruze is also able to look at usual circumstances and see unusual aspects to write about. These stories will let you start wondering about the world around you. Mystery, fantasy, paranormal, romance and science fiction are a few of this mixed genre collection. Enjoy seeing your world through J. R. Kruze's eyes... This anthology contains:  - One Thought, Then Gone by J. R. Kruze  - The Lazurai Returns by C. C. Brower & J. R. Kruze  - The Case of the Forever Cure by J. R. Kruze  - Ham & Chaz by C. C. Brower & J. R. Kruse  - The Girl Who Built Tomorrow by J. R. Kruze  - Synco (TM) by J. R. Kruze & R. L. Saunders  - On Love's Edge by J. R. Kruse  - The Case of the Naughty Nightmare by J. R. Kruse  - To Laugh At Death by J. R. Kruze  - Voices by J. R. Kruze  - The Case of the Walkaway Blues by J. R. Kruze & S. H. Marpel Excerpt: "Life isn't fair!" I cried out to no one in particular in the cluttered machine shed I called my shop. I would have run to my mother's skirts to bury my tear-soaked face in her lap, except I'd long been trained that this would only make the teasing worse. I was better off getting a clean work rag - one that didn't have oil or grease on it, or something worse - and wipe them away.  "Just suck it up, bimbo." That's what I learned to tell myself. With five older brothers, I got treated like just another son in the family.  They all taught me from an early age that tears didn't matter. And even if they got a tongue-lashing from Mom, I'd still inherit a little hell-on-earth later for every story I blubbered to her.  Not that I'd ever get touched, although that happened. And they'd get away with it as long as they didn't leave a mark or rip any of my clothes. But the worst was when they would wreck something I was working on. And that's how I taught them to leave me alone.  Because I was a better "fixer" than any of them. Once they found that out, they'd bring their stuff to me rather than try to figure it out for themselves. And when the teasing got real bad, they'd wind up with something of theirs suddenly start to run badly - or wouldn't run at all. Right when they needed it the most. Of course, they couldn't prove I'd done it. So they quickly learned to stay on my good side. And stay out of my shop. And never, ever, "borrow" my tools. Because it wouldn't stop until they did. I was just built that way. "Eye for an eye" type of gal. "Hell hath no fury..." and all that.  When they started racing, life got better for me. They learned that their little sister was an advantage no one else had. The machines I worked on for them gave them an edge - they performed better, ran faster, lasted longer than anyone else's.  And if they wanted something special done, I'd find little gifts on my workbench - or somewhere I'd notice.  That worked just great. They won their races, and my life got easier. Until I discovered how nice boys could be outside my family. Ones who didn't need their machines fixed or tuned. The ones that gave me stuff because they liked me. But wasn't prepared to find someone who really understood me. Even my parents didn't get the scope of what they had created... Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • The Caretaker Trilogy: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    The Caretaker Trilogy: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    The Caretaker Trilogy: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    A trilogy about three generations of reclusive authors, the worlds they created around them, and the ones they loved. The Caretaker: A Writer Recluse Places an Ad for a Caretaker and Gets More Than He Asked For This quiet contemporary fiction has a calm romance beneath the seeming gruff exterior of a reclusive writer who wants his solitude above all else. When a caretaker arrives who is every bit as quietly headstrong about keeping the place tidy, there have to be some adjustments...   Triangle - A Memoir "I want you to teach me about sex." The lithe young thing was probably a third my age and somehow had wound up, pre-dawn, in my day-bed with only her thin nightgown between us. "My Aunt says it's OK as long as you agree. And my grandmother recommended you." I didn't know this girl or her Aunt. Or how she got into my bed. I don't teach, I write mysteries. And this was one for the books...   Last Chance I looked up and thought I saw Karl standing there. "Oh hiya, Karl." But he didn't reply, said nothing. This wasn't his schedule, he's usually either fixing something or writing by now. I looked over at him again. Something was different. This guy looked like Karl, but his mouth was open, staring. In another minute, he's be drooling. I sat up and shaded my eyes against the glare. Then I saw that was a mistake. This wasn't Karl, this was a stranger – who was looking at my sunbathing. Nude sunbathing. So I threw my sunscreen lotion bottle at him and tried to wrap myself in the old comforter. The guy ducked. And turned away. Too late for any hope of my propriety, though...   Excerpt: Herman Gauss found a caretaker through an ad he placed. As a reclusive writer, he didn't much care for what he got, but had some wishes. Since he'd never married again, the idea of having a female moving about the big empty house made him both worried and content. He had been happy to live quietly at the end of a long, dusty road, but found his cleaning habits left too much dust around. He wanted to write, not clean house. He didn't want his solitude interrupted, but would appreciate having the dust gathered out of the corners and the occasional hot meal he didn't have to prepare himself. So he placed an ad through an agency. He paid them to find and pre-interview the applicants. They would send over one at a time, only sending the next in line when an earlier one disqualified themselves. And the reasons for the disqualified applicants seemed inconsistent and even frivolous. But the company was only paid to send applicants, so the money would keep coming to them until Herman ran out of it, or they ran out of applicants. (Word can get around about certain ads…) Maggie was herself quiet and happy to have such a job. She was a student of writing, but had never published. Her shyness found her many admirers, but never a long relationship. That's not to say she didn't have strong opinions. And perhaps those were what drove her would-be lovers away. She never talked about her personal life, even when asked. How she got hired was a bit of a mystery. She wasn't outspoken much, but was firm and unmovable when she was. It wasn't that all things should be a certain way, but certain things should be kept in certain ways. The hiring company took this minor loss of income in stride... Anthology containing: The Caretaker Triangle - A Memoir Last Chance Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now. 

  • Witch Coven Harvest: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Witch Coven Harvest: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    Witch Coven Harvest: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Four witches have something in common - and must find each other before an ancient enemy harvests their magic for her own use. A powerful mass of magic was long ago shattered and dispursed to the four corners of this planet. And has found four young women as hosts. They themselves cannot remember how they got their talents or when, and often don't know why they showed up where they did.  A single male wood nymph finds himself at the crossroads of helping these witches gain control over the powers they have. He doesn't know that by doing this, he puts himself right in the crosshairs of that single ancient enemy. She wants to harvest their power for herself, to regain the power and total control of Earth. So she is protecting these four witches and their nymph. For now.  When she has what she wants, are all bets are off? This Anthology Contains:  - Witch Mystery: Beth  - Wish Me Luck, Wtich Me Love  - Witch Mystery: Ruby  - Witch Mystery: Raven  - Witch Mystery: Dixie  - Last Witch Dance Excerpt: I was back. And these pitiful four young women were there just for me. My name is Hyperia and I'm the Be-All and End-All. Beyond good and evil and before they even existed, I've come here to reverse their long division and bring this universe back to its native state. It's taken thousands of years of study and practice to align all the elements into their best, most optimal alignment. This coven is now back together and is the last step necessary to revert the changes. These thoughts I sent to all present. These four witches present heard me. Dixie - the element of water - had organized it, as I knew she would. She alone had access to the books and scrolls. Because I let her. And why she lost her memory first. Now she sat there in her skimpy black-and-white patterned top thinking she knew something under that flowing chestnut hair about running a business. The news is, that's nothing compared to running a universe. It won't matter shortly, as all her knowledge will be mine. Raven, as wind, was all in black from hair to the floor. Dressed mostly in leather other than that thin, revealing knit top under her jacket. She was the most recent, because she needs to recover the least of her knowledge. I only need her spirit as part of mine, and then I'll bring back all the "lost" data she thinks are missing. Ruby - the element of fire - was probably closest in her outfit. All browns and tans, even her russet hair. She had been learning a little in the past few days, but it wasn't enough to figure anything out. And I knew what she'd "mis-remembered" or would  - when her mind was mine again. And Beth, as earth, looked so ridiculous with her blond hair all twined above her head, her gaudy make up and that "come-hither" long blue satin gown. Of course, I'd helped her with those choices. Because she needed to be both out of the way and attract everyone to come here.   I began the incantation. The space around them, along with the oak table they sat at, all began to swirl and twist in on itself. And soon all that they were and had been would be me...   Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

  • Voices Anthology: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    Voices Anthology: Short Story Fiction Anthology
    Voices Anthology: Short Story Fiction Anthology

    This anthology of stories all are around the fact that animals can talk. Every bit as well as humans. It's humans that have the real problem – listening. There are probably a dozen-dozen reasons why we humans won't simply open up our ears and hear them. It doesn't matter what type of animal – dog, cat, cow, crow, coyote. The other simple fact is: people don't listen, so they don't hear. Voices which are every bit as clear as someone standing next to your ear. Because you don't listen with your ears – you listen with your mind. And then you can hear them clearly. No matter what species. No matter their size or lack of it. Until you can start to hear them, here's the next best thing... Stories about humans who can hear all the voices around them – or perhaps just one. If you can't hear them yourself, you can at least read about them. This Anthology Containing: - Voices by J. R. Kruze - Max Says No by J. R. Kruze - A Nervous Butt by J. R. Kruze - A Long Wait for Santa by C. C. Brower - A Dog Named Kat by J. R. Kruze - Cats Typing Romance by R. L. Saunders - When The Wild Calls by C. C. Brower Excerpt: THAT MORNING I ROLLED over, bleary and tousle-headed to see my dog Wilma looking back at me. "Good morning," the thought came to my head. "If you'd lay off those night-caps we can get your weight down and get a you laid more often." The idea of this brought a smile to my face. "Now that I have your attention, let's go for a walk before breakfast. You've got time before you have to go to your work." The thought had a some sense to it. "Of course it's sensible. Now get up, we have to get going. I'll wait until you put on your clothes." At that my golden-haired red heeler, Wilma, stood and went to wait by the door to the room. "Come on, get up. Let's go." And just stared at me. I looked at the clock, saw I had a half-hour before I usually got up to make my breakfast, and rolled over. It only took a couple of tugs before my blanket and top sheet were on the floor. That got my attention. I sat up. My dog let go of the bed clothes corner he had been pulling on and smiled. "What are you doing?" I asked, looking at her through my bleary eyes. "Taking care of my human," came the reply. "Come on. I meant what I said. It's time to change your habits to make you happier." Couldn't argue with that. Especially now that I was awake. I swiveled my feet over to the floor and felt the cool carpet underneath them. "Good boy! Let's get those sweats on. You can do it!" Wilma was encouraging. Of course I resented it. Sounded like I was in training for something. "Of course you're in training. Humans have to be trained every day of their lives. I'm not going to be around forever, so you've got to learn to survive so your next Master will be able to pick up where I left off and hopefully help you retire in grace." Wilma cocked her head at me, wondering if I got it. "This is all just a bit new. How, I mean, why, what..." I quit talking and just sent her my thoughts, jumbled as they were. "Now you're getting it. We can have all sorts of discussions once you quit using your human speech. So backward and clumsy." Wilma rose and again walked to the door. "Sweats. Socks. Tennies." Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.


C. C. Brower

A central Midwest author, C. C. has been imagining stories since she was young. Her love of speculative fiction made her a perfect match for Living Sensical parables.  While she likes writing straight-ahead adventure-type stories, she also tries different structures as she collaborates with other co-authors.

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