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How to Get Your Ex Back Fast! Toy with the Male Psyche and Get Him Back With Skills Only a Dating Coach Knows: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #4
Middle Aged and Kickin' It!: A Woman’s Definitive Guide to Dating Over 40, 50 and Beyond: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #11
Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #3
Ebook series7 titles

Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book 18 Series

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About this series

You got blindsided. You are in shock and you don't know where to turn. Look inside and start to recover from your breakup.

You're feeling the pain of a breakup. One day, you feel crappy and all you want to hide under the covers. The next day, you want him back. It's confusing but it's normal. He's Gone, Now What? Is the ultimate book to help you move past your break-up

It helps you:

  • Understand what is happening inside you
  • Process these feelings
  • Grieve but with a time limit
  • Follow my unorthodox plan
  • Come out the other side a new woman, ready to kick some male butt!

You have, in the clutches of your nicely manicured hands, the keys to recovering from this devastating breakup and then returning with a vengeance!

Your friends and family are telling you to get back on the horse – not to be afraid – to forget that jerk and meet someone new. I agree with all of that, but I don't agree with the timing. You may still be in shock - the last thing you need to think about is another guy.

Before you can get back out there, you need to process the breakup. There are many things going on in your mind and body that you need to address. You can't move forward in a healthy way until you move past these feelings.

Inside You will get My 14 Survival Tactics

Hi I'm Gregg. I have sold a quarter million books. I am a dating coach AND a life coach. This is a great advantage for you. As a life coach, I will motivate you. As a dating coach, I will help you prepare for love again. You are in good hands. I talk to readers through my books instead of just selling you a copy and wishing you the best! My email is inside the book. I work with and coach psychologists and psychiatrists who help me understand you even better.

As a bonus, you get my best selling eBook, Own Your Tomorrow 14 Steps to Prepare for Love. I know you are not ready to love again, but trust me, you will be once you're done processing this breakup!

This Breakup Recovery Book is split into Three Phases:

  • Phase 1 explains everything that's going on in your mind and body and gives you the strategies to manage them
  • Phase 2 takes you through the process of healing from the breakup. You'll find strategies for transforming yourself into a healthier, more independent and ready for a relationship you.
  • Phase 3, you are going to move forward. We're going to examine a few topics of importance like where happiness comes from, setting boundaries and how to know when you're really in love, just to name a few.

This is your time, while you are single, to pull yourself back together into a stronger, more confident woman who chooses great men! Gone are the days of being grateful to be chosen by a man who turns out to be a loser.

I am your coach and I am going to push you, just a bit at times, to help you recover and become the best version of yourself possible!

About the Author:

Gregg Michaelsen is a #1 best-selling author of more than 20 dating advice for women books and life coaching books. He coaches men and women on how to become more confident in both their regular and dating lives.

He has a unique connection to the more than 250,000 readers who have purchased his books. Readers quickly discover him to be not only responsive to their questions but eager to help. He has devoted his life to understanding men and women and what comprises a successful relationship so he can guide his readers to the holy grail of relationships - the 80-year old couple sitting on a park bench, still holding hands, still in love after 50 years!

Release dateJan 16, 2014
How to Get Your Ex Back Fast! Toy with the Male Psyche and Get Him Back With Skills Only a Dating Coach Knows: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #4
Middle Aged and Kickin' It!: A Woman’s Definitive Guide to Dating Over 40, 50 and Beyond: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #11
Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #3

Titles in the series (7)

  • Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #3


    Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #3
    Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #3

    Power Texting Men! Keep Him Hooked On You Until The Date By Creating Tension and Attraction. I'll Show You How With Examples! Ok Ladies, you've been kickin' the doors down with my 20 Best Sellers, now let's not blow it with bad texting. Hi I'm Gregg, I'm a dating and life coach who has sold 250,000 books to date. Take a walk down texting lane and let me divulge what guys WANT to hear from your thumbs! I'll make you a TEXTPERT by fixing preventable mistakes with simple texting solutions that WORK in minutes. We know you can text. We got that. But too many times you are texting us like you are our boyfriends. We are NOT. At least not yet and maybe never if you don't FIX your texting blunders. I will show you how to text a guy so he stays engaged. You will also learn the unique art of how to text flirt with a guy. Here's what you'll will get inside: 21 jaw dropping seductive texts that you just gotta use! Make him respond when YOU want him to Keep him hooked on you all day and night until the next date Crush ALL your texting blunders Show how timing, structure, intent and emoticons MATTER Men demand the complete package out of women in the early stages of a relationship. Any weak link in your armor could send him packing. What I am finding is that YOUR weak link is TEXTING MEN! This texting attraction guide will change this, don't push him away EVER again. Ladies, Do Not Pass Up this Book Learn the power of less is more Discover how to text a guy with wit so you keep his senses aroused Text things that he has never heard from another woman Learn the secrets of "radio silence" Book a date without him even realizing that YOU just asked HIM out TEASE the crap out of him with my dirty texting examples Learn how to get a boyfriend strategically with text Many women are lost when they text guys and I will help you fix this. I teach women how to get the reaction they want. They show me what they text and it is often the polar opposite of what they SHOULD be texting. Then, when they fix their mistakes, they say, "Wow, he just asked me out!" About the Author Gregg Michaelsen, Boston's top dating coach strikes again with top dating advice for women. He has taken the dating advice for women genre by storm with his books: The Social Tigress, Who Holds the Cards Now?, To Date a Man You Must Understand a Man, How To Get Your Ex Back Fast, 10 Secrets You Need to Know about Men and Love is in The Mouse.

  • How to Get Your Ex Back Fast! Toy with the Male Psyche and Get Him Back With Skills Only a Dating Coach Knows: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #4


    How to Get Your Ex Back Fast! Toy with the Male Psyche and Get Him Back With Skills Only a Dating Coach Knows: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #4
    How to Get Your Ex Back Fast! Toy with the Male Psyche and Get Him Back With Skills Only a Dating Coach Knows: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #4

    Get Your Ex Back Fast!  You're having trouble breathing. You spent months/years together and this was the GUY. You feel helpless - you were SO close. And now it's over. Wrong! You want your ex boyfriend back fast? Do you want to save your marriage? Then trigger the male mind by stirring his most POWERFUL emotion Losing you to another man! This is the KEY to getting your ex boyfriend back. When he realizes he might lose you, your little pink smart phone is going to text off the hook. But you know what? You still are not going to take him back. Nope, not until you do 4 more steps (this is his surprise) Buy this book and there is a good chance you can talk directly and in private with me. Let's see another Author step up to the plate and make that claim! You see everyone's story is unique. YOU are unique and he is unique. But your situation is not. I've seen it and FIXED it a thousand times. If we can talk DIRECTLY one on one I can tweak your situation and better your odds. So this is what I do: I take as many emails as I can during the week. So it's POSSIBLE I can talk to you directly. But please, please don't beat me up if I can't get to you or I arrive too late. My email is at the back of this book. I actual enjoy helping people and my reviews prove this. Hi, I'm Gregg and I know the male mind. I give YOU the BEST chance of getting your ex back. Forget the psychologists with a plague on the wall and listen to a top MALE dating coach who knows the male psyche. I have so many tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back, you'll be salivating to get started. In fact, the moment you start reading my book your heart will flutter and your sadness will mellow because you will have HOPE! Not only will we STIR emotions in your ex like a frappe in a blender, we have a surprise for him! He is going to return to find you holding a different set of cards and they ain't sixes. They're ACES. This new found confidence will lure him like a cat to tuna and KEEP him. Why the added step? Because what good is it to get your ex boyfriend back just to be tortured by another breakup. He will have a pit in his stomach after we: 1) Break contact and then go no contact to get ex back but with a twist! 2) Write him a POWERFUL letter (I give you the exact template) 3) Change your routine 4) Turn up the heat by using social media (deviously) 5) Slip in, slip out (you will LOVE this step and he will beg to get you back!) 6) Make him question the breakup 7) Engage you in a 4 step confidence course while you deliver him my 7 steps He is watching you. You may doubt this but he is. Your ex still wants you at his beck and call so he can have his single life (cake) and eat it too (you in the fetal position eating Rocky Road waiting for him) We are going to shock Mr. Breaker Upper! And we are going to have FUN doing it too! Stop crying! And let's reallocate this energy to get him back. My plan will keep you busy, build back your confidence, and hedge your bet with other men. It's amazingly simple and effective! Hit the Buy Now Button right now and let's get started! About The Author Gregg Michaelsen, Boston's #1 dating coach, delivers once again with top dating advice for women. Gregg is a #1 Best Selling Author with; To Date a Man You Must Understand a Man, 10 Secrets You Need to Know About Men, Who Holds the Cards Now?, The Social Tigress!, Power Texting Men, Love is in The Mouse, Committed to Love Separated by Distance and Be Quiet and Date Me!

  • Middle Aged and Kickin' It!: A Woman’s Definitive Guide to Dating Over 40, 50 and Beyond: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #11


    Middle Aged and Kickin' It!: A Woman’s Definitive Guide to Dating Over 40, 50 and Beyond: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #11
    Middle Aged and Kickin' It!: A Woman’s Definitive Guide to Dating Over 40, 50 and Beyond: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #11

    Middle Aged and Kickin' It! A Woman's Definitive Guide to Dating Over 40, 50 and Beyond Are you a single Mom dating? Are you ready to start dating after marriage? Dating after divorce is hard and brings many challenges, I get it. Inside is a no-B.S. guy's perspective on how to get back into the groove after a long hiatus from the dating jungle.  Hi I'm Gregg and I'm your ace in the hole. I am a dating and life coach. Having sold a quarter million books I am your man to fire you up and get you out there BETTER than ever. You and I, together, will get you comfortable dating again by understanding men and understanding yourself again. You see, for many of you, your identity got lost because you were always GIVING to everyone else but yourself. This Changes Today. Your Time is Now! I'm the best selling author who encourages women to contact me. Yes, my email is in the back of the book! How many authors make that claim?!! Just read the reviews on this book and my other books for proof. If you're dating over 40 and ready to start dating again, but don't know where or how to start, this is the book for you. If you want to find a great man to share your life with—but also want to have some fun while you're searching—then this book is your go-to. You're About to Take a Huge Leap Maybe you have kids or elderly parents whose care is your responsibility. Maybe you have a job that eats up all your time. Maybe you've been single for so long that you don't know where to start. Maybe you're recently divorced and your identity has been tied to someone for so long that you've forgotten who you were before. No matter which road you've taken to get here, I can help get you back into the dating scene. That is a personal promise I'm making to you right now. Inside Middle Aged and Kickin' It • You will learn how to manage the baggage that comes with age and relationships • You will understand what it takes to become a confident woman again and feel amazing in your own body, no matter what you think you look like • You will get USEFUL dating tips on how to be relevant in today's dating world - not just how to look, but where to look • You will learn how to have FUN dating, and how to make sure your next man treats you the way you want to be treated. Build Yourself and He Will Come! If this sounds awesome, then keep reading! This is the perfect book for you! We all need a good shake up from time to time. Whether you're nervous about dating again, feeling guilty over obligations you have, or even complacent from being single for such a long time, I want to help you shake it off, and find love again. Ladies, DO NOT PASS UP THIS BOOK! Hit the buy right now button and let's get to work! About The Author Gregg Michaelsen, Boston's #1 dating coach strikes again with top dating advice for women. He hold's the top position in the dating advice genre with his books; 10 Secrets You Need to Know About Men, Power Texting Men, To Date a Man You Must Understand Yourself, The Social Tigress, Who Holds the Cards Now?, How to Get Your Ex Back Fast and Love is in The Mouse.

  • Manimals: Understanding Different Types of Men and How to Date Them!: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #12


    Manimals: Understanding Different Types of Men and How to Date Them!: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #12
    Manimals: Understanding Different Types of Men and How to Date Them!: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #12

    Manimals! Understanding Different Types of Men and How to Date Them It's here. The sequel to my #1 best seller, To Date a Man You Must Understand a Man! Manimals! It's time to get down to business and define the different types of men so you can have a better understanding of what you are getting yourself into and how to date these types of guys. Equally important is defining the different types of women so you can determine which category best describes you. Of course, we all have bits and pieces of several personality types, but one usually prevails. Once the types of men and women are defined, it's time to match them up – which type of man should you be looking for, based on the personality type that best describes you. I have the answer! Then, in the second half of the book, I teach all new stuff about understanding the male mind. Ladies, Do Not Pass Up Reading This Book! As most of you know I talk to my readers through my books and you have asked me to write this book. In fact, you named the book. Manimals is the only dating advice for women eBook that is interactive. There are videos inside from me, Helen Fisher (Google this famous woman) and me together, (starting in August 2015) and info-graphics from my team. In the last section, you are able to send us your stories of dating different types of men and I publish them.  In Section 1 and 2: Laugh as I define the 10 main types of men Place yourself among the 10 groups of women Watch as I match you up with your best fit Add to this list with your stories and learn from your fellow readers! In Section 3: Understand why you date the wrong type of guy Hop aboard (temporarily of course) my train to failure Understand why marriages fail Learn why emotionally unhealthy people attract similar partners In Section 4 We Understand Men Even More! 15 things that every woman needs to know about men A woman's game plan for keeping her man (info-graphic) Why we need to create challenge and mystery and how (this is huge!) 9 TEXTING examples to create challenge and mystery (awesome info-graphic!) And what a confident woman looks like to a guy Oh but I've got more! You are going to read about my Chameleon Theory and you'll love it! Then, in Section 5, the book gets turned over to you. Your stories get published every month so you, your counterparts, and I, can keep learning by always expanding this dating advice for women eBook. Nobody dares to take on guys like I have, it's almost unfair. What are you waiting for? Read my hundreds and hundreds of reviews! I change lives for the price of a Starbucks cup of coffee! Hit the Buy Now button now and let me help you! About Gregg Gregg is Boston's top dating coach. He teaches women how to understand the male mind and find love by becoming a woman of value. Read ALL his Best Sellers like; To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man, Who Holds The Cards Now?, The Social Tigress, Power Texting Men and How to Get Your Ex Back Fast.  It's Time - Let's Take a Journey!

  • Own Your Tomorrow: 14 Steps to Prepare for Love: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #13


    Own Your Tomorrow: 14 Steps to Prepare for Love: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #13
    Own Your Tomorrow: 14 Steps to Prepare for Love: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #13

    Own Your Tomorrow 14 Steps to Prepare for Love Are You Even Prepared for Love? Are You Tired of the Dating/Breaking Up Cycle? The shocking truth why most of us are single is because we are not ready to love! Hi I'm Gregg and I am the author who talks directly to my readers everyday. 250,000+ Books sold says I can help you find a great guy! Many of us leap into dating, not really ready to love or be loved. We don't believe in ourselves. We don't really think we're worthy of a good person. We settle for the first person who comes along and shows interest. This isn't how it should be! If you want to successfully enter the dating scene, whether you are 18 or 80, you need to prepare yourself first. I have devised the ultimate guide to getting ready for love in my book, Own Your Tomorrow: 14 Steps to Prepare for Love. These 14 steps, which are quick and easy to read and understand, guide you through the preparation stage. You will learn many things about yourself during your journey. You will have many opportunities to begin to own your tomorrow! In Own Your Tomorrow, you will be guided through the process of: Creating a chick retreat (your counter to the man cave) Developing and envisioning your life vision Simplifying and cleansing your current environment Becoming a positive person, eyes fixed on the future Living outside your comfort zone How spirituality can help you find love Believing in yourself Understanding men And much, much more! In Part 2 of Own Your Tomorrow, you will be awestruck with my 19 Rules for Getting and Keeping a Guy. In this section of the book, you will find insight on setting boundaries, compromise, vulnerability, passion, sex and staying out of the dreaded friend zone. These are powerful rules, many of which go against a woman's normal instincts, but all of which help you to become even more appealing to your man. I am so excited to have written this book for you. I have wanted to pull together many of the things I tell my coaching clients into one place for a long time, and Own Your Tomorrow does this. It allows me to provide all of my readers with the valuable dating tips my coaching clients have had success with over the last few years. What are you waiting for? Read my hundreds and hundreds of reviews! My dating advice for women works. I change lives for the price of a Starbucks cup of coffee! Hit the Buy Now button now and let me help you! My dating advice is guaranteed or return my book after 7 days! About Gregg Gregg is Boston's top dating coach. He teaches women how to understand the male mind and find love by becoming a woman of value. Read ALL his Best Sellers like; To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man, Who Holds The Cards Now?, The Social Tigress, Power Texting Men and How to Get Your Ex Back Fast.  It's Time - Let's Take a Journey!

  • Night Moves: The Science Of Making Him Fall In Love With You: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #18


    Night Moves: The Science Of Making Him Fall In Love With You: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #18
    Night Moves: The Science Of Making Him Fall In Love With You: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #18

    Night Moves! Did You Know That Red Lipstick Will Attract More Men Than What You Wear? Did you know that if you maintain eye contact with a man for several seconds, phenylethylamine or PEA is released, inducing the feeling of love? You see there are tactics, steeped in science, that a woman can execute to lure a man into falling for her. I call these tactics, Night Moves! This Book Gives You The Advantages You Need To Get a Man To Fall In Love With You Based on The Science of Love. Can you imagine? You walk into a your chosen social venue and start picking out the men you are interested in. Next, you start to do the things that will make them notice you and not others. Then, once they approach (or you approach them) you start talking in their language creating an atmosphere so powerful that they start to equate you with everything they love. The Science of Love is Powerful Stuff! Night Moves Will: Tell you what to wear based on science Describe the 5 steps that must occur for love to happen Explain how similarities are key to attraction and how to create them Make you a body language pro so you can recognize what is working and what is not Help you learn his love language so you can quickly build intimacy Teach you the power of the killer compliment! You have, in the clutches of your nicely manicured hands, the keys to making a man fall in love with you. It's like a big magic wand you can use to bring in the man of your dreams. There is no game playing here, there are no mean tricks or underhanded methods. It's all straight science and, if you choose to buy this dating book, you will know how to use it. Ladies, you are going to love this book. Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy button' NOW About the Author: Gregg Michaelsen is a #1 best-selling author of more than 20 dating advice for women books and life-coaching books. He coaches men and women on how to become more confident in both their 'regular' lives and their dating lives. Gregg has a unique connection to the more than 250,000 readers who have purchased his books. Readers quickly discover him to be not only responsive to their questions but eager to help. He has devoted his life to understanding men and women and what comprises a successful relationship so he can guide his readers to the holy grail of relationships - the 80-year old couple sitting on a park bench, still holding hands, still in love after 50 years!

  • He's Gone Now What? How to Get Over a Breakup and Prepare to Love Again: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #19


    He's Gone Now What? How to Get Over a Breakup and Prepare to Love Again: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #19
    He's Gone Now What? How to Get Over a Breakup and Prepare to Love Again: Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book, #19

    You got blindsided. You are in shock and you don't know where to turn. Look inside and start to recover from your breakup. You're feeling the pain of a breakup. One day, you feel crappy and all you want to hide under the covers. The next day, you want him back. It's confusing but it's normal. He's Gone, Now What? Is the ultimate book to help you move past your break-up It helps you: Understand what is happening inside you Process these feelings Grieve but with a time limit Follow my unorthodox plan Come out the other side a new woman, ready to kick some male butt! You have, in the clutches of your nicely manicured hands, the keys to recovering from this devastating breakup and then returning with a vengeance! Your friends and family are telling you to get back on the horse – not to be afraid – to forget that jerk and meet someone new. I agree with all of that, but I don't agree with the timing. You may still be in shock - the last thing you need to think about is another guy. Before you can get back out there, you need to process the breakup. There are many things going on in your mind and body that you need to address. You can't move forward in a healthy way until you move past these feelings. Inside You will get My 14 Survival Tactics Hi I'm Gregg. I have sold a quarter million books. I am a dating coach AND a life coach. This is a great advantage for you. As a life coach, I will motivate you. As a dating coach, I will help you prepare for love again. You are in good hands. I talk to readers through my books instead of just selling you a copy and wishing you the best! My email is inside the book. I work with and coach psychologists and psychiatrists who help me understand you even better. As a bonus, you get my best selling eBook, Own Your Tomorrow 14 Steps to Prepare for Love. I know you are not ready to love again, but trust me, you will be once you're done processing this breakup! This Breakup Recovery Book is split into Three Phases: Phase 1 explains everything that's going on in your mind and body and gives you the strategies to manage them Phase 2 takes you through the process of healing from the breakup. You'll find strategies for transforming yourself into a healthier, more independent and ready for a relationship you. Phase 3, you are going to move forward. We're going to examine a few topics of importance like where happiness comes from, setting boundaries and how to know when you're really in love, just to name a few. This is your time, while you are single, to pull yourself back together into a stronger, more confident woman who chooses great men! Gone are the days of being grateful to be chosen by a man who turns out to be a loser. I am your coach and I am going to push you, just a bit at times, to help you recover and become the best version of yourself possible! About the Author: Gregg Michaelsen is a #1 best-selling author of more than 20 dating advice for women books and life coaching books. He coaches men and women on how to become more confident in both their regular and dating lives. He has a unique connection to the more than 250,000 readers who have purchased his books. Readers quickly discover him to be not only responsive to their questions but eager to help. He has devoted his life to understanding men and women and what comprises a successful relationship so he can guide his readers to the holy grail of relationships - the 80-year old couple sitting on a park bench, still holding hands, still in love after 50 years!


Gregg Michaelsen

“Build Yourself and He Will Come” It has come to Gregg’s attention that you have over-complicated the male mind. He knows this because he includes his email address in every book and you reach out to him! He reads your emails and replies to every email, hoping to make a meaningful difference in your life! You’re also a busy woman who doesn’t have time to read a book which is 50% fluff, 25% stuff you don’t understand (because you’re not a therapist) and 23% information you can find with a simple internet search. You are a woman whose time is valuable. Gregg’s books are quick and to the point. The information provided is put into the easiest terms to understand and he leaves out the fluff! Should you read Gregg’s books? •    Are you tired of being used by men? •    Have you had enough first dates? •    Is your relationship great and you want to keep it that way? •    Do you want to find Mr. Right, once and for all? •    Have you just come out of a relationship? •    If you look at yourself honestly, can you say your dating confidence could use a boost? If you’ve answered “YES!” to even one of these questions, you should read his books! Learn how to navigate the male mind with my many tips on dating, communication and building confidence. Understand the mistakes of the past and leave them there – in your past! Your dating future is bright when you bump up that dating confidence and learn to understand the male mind! Gregg continues to research dating and can be found on most Friday or Saturday nights hanging out in a local venue, talking to groups of women, helping them with their dating problems! Visit Gregg at and become a believer, tens of thousands have!

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