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Who Wants to Be a Vampire Hunter?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #2
How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #3
So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #1
Ebook series7 titles

The Chronicles of Cassidy Series

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About this series

Death is a stalker, preying on the ones I love, and even my superpowers aren't strong enough to stop it.

All I wanted was to help the people suffering in Eastern Europe. With the Vampire Queen gone, Daunator was laying claim to the area, taking as many people as he could get. Unfortunately, the Leaders were still on their honeymoon, and no one else on the team wanted to do anything about it.

Except for Christian--my nemesis. 

But when he found himself in a really bad situation, it was up to me to save him--before it was too late. 

I had no idea trying to save someone I hate would jeopardize the ones I love most.

This is the last installment of my story, the last chapter, the last pages. It ends when death finally catches up to its prey, and someone I love is dead.

I'm Cassidy Findley, and this is my life as a teenage Vampire Hunter.

The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for middle grade through high school readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley. 

PublisherID Johnson
Release dateJan 2, 2019
Who Wants to Be a Vampire Hunter?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #2
How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #3
So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #1

Titles in the series (7)

  • So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #1


    So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #1
    So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #1

    Don't trust anyone, not even yourself…. You think you know someone pretty well, until you're awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of unfamiliar voices and realize your sister's being swept away by some supernatural creatures who climb in and out of windows and leap from two-story houses like it's nothing. My parents tried to tell me everything was fine, but when Cadence finally did come back from wherever they'd taken her, I knew there was something unusual about my older sister.  Now, her best friend is dead. Her ex-boyfriend is acting bizarre. And I'm afraid I might be next. My name is Cassidy Findley, and I'm pretty sure my sister is a vampire, despite her "co-worker" making every effort to brainwash me into believing otherwise. With the help of my two best friends, we vow to get to the bottom of this before it's too late, and my sister starts to claim other victims. I love her, but I won't be turned, nor will I just sit by without doing everything I can to stop her. I can only hope that I'm not too late and that I can trust my own memories.  Because I'm pretty sure my sister's friends are coming for me next. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.

  • Who Wants to Be a Vampire Hunter?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #2


    Who Wants to Be a Vampire Hunter?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #2
    Who Wants to Be a Vampire Hunter?: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #2

    Secrets are like a spider's web, impossible to untangle…. My older sister Cadence has just embarked on a clandestine life, and no matter the questions I ask, she refuses to let me in. Now that her ex-boyfriend is dead, it's time for me to discover the truth--even if I have to go behind her back. Luckily, her new friend Elliott has been willing to reveal pieces of this secret world, one inquiry at a time. But the more he discloses, the harder it is to believe any of this could possibly be real. Vampires exist? There are other creatures whose sole purpose is to destroy them? Which side is my sister on—and what can I do to prevent anyone else from dying? My name is Cassidy Findley, and the more I learn, the more certain I become that it is my destiny to become a Vampire Hunter, even if that means hunting my own sister. I will find the truth—one way or another. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for teens/young adults. It tells the story from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.

  • How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #3


    How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #3
    How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #3

    There are some mistakes in life you can never recover from…. Have you ever wanted something so badly, you'd do almost anything to get it? That's how I feel about becoming a Vampire Hunter. It's in my blood. And even though I'm technically not old enough to go through the transformation process, I am ready to fulfill my destiny—one way or another. Unfortunately, going behind my sister and her established team of Vampire Hunters' backs and inserting myself into a dangerous situation doesn't go as planned, and before I know it, I'm no longer a would-be hunter; I'm the prey. Now, all I can do is hope that my sister and her teammates can get to me in time or else my career as a Vampire Hunter will be over before it's even started. And so will my life. My name is Cassidy Findley, and I'm about to find out the hard way how NOT to be a Vampire Hunter. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.

  • My Life As a Teenage Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #4


    My Life As a Teenage Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #4
    My Life As a Teenage Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #4

    Sometimes following your dreams isn't all it's cracked up to be…. When I decided I'd stop at nothing to become a Vampire Hunter, even though my older sister and her teammates knew I wasn't ready, I got myself into trouble—a whole lot of trouble. Now, I'll never be exactly what I wanted to be—and I'll never be the same as I was before either. There's a dangerous Vampire on the loose, and I know I'm the only one who can stop him from continuing to prey on the innocent. But since I've already broken my sister's trust, how can I prove to her that I'm more than just her little sister? I'm a weapon. We both know there's no one else in the world like me, but I'll have to show her I can follow her orders before she'll let me move forward with my plan. And that's a problem. Because we also both know following directions is no longer my strong suit. Will I be able to stick to my training long enough to demonstrate my value or will the Vampire continue his destruction? My name is Cassidy Findley, and this is my life as a teenage Vampire Hunter. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.

  • Vampire Hunting Isn't for Morons: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #5


    Vampire Hunting Isn't for Morons: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #5
    Vampire Hunting Isn't for Morons: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #5

    Sometimes reading other people's minds can get messy... especially if those people happen to be vampires. Now that I'm a full-fledged member of LIGHTS, a secret agency whose purpose is to hunt and destroy vampires, you'd think I'd be happy, that I finally have everything I want. But when a hunt goes wrong, I end up questioning everything--like am I more vampire or more hunter? I hope I can get myself together quickly because my cousin's been kidnapped, and I might just be the only one who can save him. Since he's been taken prisoner by a vampire queen, it won't be easy. But then nothing in my life ever is. I'm Cassidy Findley, and I'm a vampire hunter. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.

  • Vampires Bite and Other Life Lessons: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #6


    Vampires Bite and Other Life Lessons: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #6
    Vampires Bite and Other Life Lessons: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #6

    Why fear the Vampire Queen when I'm my own worst enemy? Most people avoid trouble at all costs, but I seem to be seeking it out. While the rest of the team is content to let Holland keep building her army while we essentially do nothing, I'm determined to track her down. But I can't do that unless I can find a way to enhance my powers. When that opportunity presents itself, I know I shouldn't take the risk--it's going against orders and will break my poor mother's heart. Do you think that'll stop me? My name is Cassidy Findley, and this is my life as a teenage Vampire Hunter. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for middle grade through high school readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley. 

  • Gone Guardian: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #7


    Gone Guardian: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #7
    Gone Guardian: The Chronicles of Cassidy, #7

    You don't know what you've got till he's gone.... A lot of things about my life are uncertain. Being half-Hunter/half-Vampire can make for a lot of confusion. But if there's one thing in this life I am certain of, it's that I love my boyfriend Brandon. Yet, the more time I spend with Alex, the more I start to wonder if there might be something there as well. Sometimes when he looks at me, I think he sees more than a silly girl trying to find her place in this world. Did Brandon and I jump into this relationship too soon? Maybe I'm meant to be with Alex. Or someone else. Turns out those questions will have to wait because when six Guardians go missing at an Eidolon Festival, both Brandon and Alex are among the victims. Now, my sister and I, along with other team members, are racing against the clock to try and get them back before the Vampire Queen makes them--or us--disappear forever.  Can Cadence and I find a way to bring the Guardians back, and if we do, will everything be the same as it was before? I'm Cassidy Findley, and this is my life as a teenage Vampire Hunter. The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for teens/young adults. It tells the story from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley with no harsh language or inappropriate scenes. 


ID Johnson

ID Johnson wears many hats: mother, wife, editor, tutu maker, and writer, to name a few. Some of her favorite people are the two little girls who often implore that she "watch me!" in the middle of forming finely crafted sentences, that guy who dozes off well before she closes her laptop, and those furry critters at the foot of the bed at night. If she could do anything in the world, she would live in Cinderella's castle and write love stories all day while sipping Dr. Pepper and eating calorie-less Hershey's kisses. For now, she'll stick to her Dallas-area home and spending her days with the characters she's grown to love. After 16 years in education, Johnson has embarked on a new career, one as a full-time writer. This will allow her to write at least one book per month, which means many of your favorite character will have new tales to tell in the upcoming months. Look for two spin-off series of The Clandestine Saga, one staring Cassidy Findley and another involving backstories for your favorite characters. Johnson will also produce several new historical romance novels and a new sweet contemporary Christian romance series as well.

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