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A Living Tradition: Catholic Social Doctrine and Holy See Diplomacy
Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora
Beyond the Borders of Baptism: Catholicity, Allegiances, and Lived Identities
Ebook series13 titles

Studies in World Catholicism Series

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About this series

What does it mean to follow the Prince of Peace in a world plagued by war, violence, and killing? Can the foundational convictions of Christianity, and the experiences of Christians around the world, contribute to a more adequate practice of the faith in contemporary times on matters of war, violence, and peacemaking?

This volume addresses these important questions with contributions from Christian scholars and practitioners from across the Majority World (including El Salvador, Brazil, Kenya, and the Philippines) and from the United States and Europe. They include proponents of Christian pacifism and just war theory, advocates for varieties of "just peacemaking" frameworks, and people pursuing slow, modest steps toward reconciling enemies without the use of overarching theoretical frameworks. What holds them together is a sense that the world and the church would benefit from a robust and gospel-based commitment to nonviolence as an alternative to lethal business as usual in addressing conflicts great and small.

The topics they consider include constructive aspects of a Christian theology of nonviolence; case studies of gospel nonviolence and pastoral work from violent conflicts around the world; women as victims of violence and makers of peace; and theopolitical questions of just war, armed intervention, and Christian nonviolence.
PublisherCascade Books
Release dateJan 1, 1969
A Living Tradition: Catholic Social Doctrine and Holy See Diplomacy
Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora
Beyond the Borders of Baptism: Catholicity, Allegiances, and Lived Identities

Titles in the series (13)

  • Beyond the Borders of Baptism: Catholicity, Allegiances, and Lived Identities


    Beyond the Borders of Baptism: Catholicity, Allegiances, and Lived Identities
    Beyond the Borders of Baptism: Catholicity, Allegiances, and Lived Identities

    People worldwide find themselves part of overlapping communities of identity and belonging--racial, political, cultural, sexual, ideological. Some identities, like brand loyalties, are chosen; some, like class identity, are imposed. As followers of Jesus Christ, those called to live iln between the age that is and the age to come, Christians ask what it means to be part of the body of Christ, God's new creation from among the nations, in a world filled with other nations. "Who--and whose--are we?" There is no easy answer, no time at which Christians got it completely right. Yet such questions must be addressed, and the stakes are high. Matters of war and peace, exclusion and inclusion, who starves and who does not, the credibility of the gospel itself--all are caught up in the whirl of identities, allegiances imposed or refused, and questions about what "the church" might possibly mean in such circumstances. In this book, a distinguished group of scholars from five continents asks, "How can the church respect the diversity of its members--many nations, cultures, and communities--while maintaining a coherent witness to the kingdom of God that is not undermined by more parochial ideologies or priorities?" Chapter Contributors: Braden Anderson Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer Michael Budde Matthew Butler William Cavanaugh Jose Mario Francisco Peter Galadza Stanley Hauerwas Daniel Izuzquiza Slavica Jakelic Pantelis Kalaitzidis Eunice Karanja Kamaara Emmanuel Katongole Dorian Llywelyn Martin Menke Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator A. Alexander Stummvoll

  • A Living Tradition: Catholic Social Doctrine and Holy See Diplomacy


    A Living Tradition: Catholic Social Doctrine and Holy See Diplomacy
    A Living Tradition: Catholic Social Doctrine and Holy See Diplomacy

    On the world stage, the Holy See acts as both a religious and a political actor. As the head of over 1.2 billion Catholics, the pope is a widely recognized spiritual authority. Politically, the Holy See maintains diplomatic relations with other states and actively participates in international organizations such as the United Nations. A Living Tradition examines the normative sources and the dilemmas underpinning papal diplomacy. It does so in the context of four diverse case studies: the Vietnam War, John Paul II and Poland, the United Nations conferences in Cairo and Beijing, and the global campaign for debt relief. While Catholic Social Doctrine offers a principled basis for Holy See diplomacy, living out religious norms is more complicated than simply preaching them, especially in global politics. This process leads to political and ethical policy dilemmas as well as to changing patterns of conflict and cooperation with other international actors. By drawing upon unpublished archival documents from five countries, A Living Tradition offers a fresh and interdisciplinary view of both Catholic Social Doctrine and papal diplomacy that explores a key issue of the religious resurgence we are experiencing in the twenty-first century: how religious traditions function in global politics.

  • Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora


    Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora
    Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora

    This volume takes its title from the first-century Christian catechism called the Didache: "Even as this broken bread was scattered over the hills . . . gathered together and became one, so let Your Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth." For Christians today, these words remain relevant in an era of massive human movements (voluntary and coerced), hybrid identities, and wide-ranging cultural interactions. How do modern Christians live as both a "scattered" and "gathered" people? How do they live out the tension between ecclesial universality (catholicity) and particularity (distinctive ways of being church in a given culture and context)? Do Christians today constitute a "diaspora," a people dispersed across borders and cultures that nonetheless maintains a sense of commonality and mission? Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora explores these questions through the work of fourteen scholars in different fields and from different corners of the world. Whether through reflections on Zimbabweans in Britain, Levantines in North America, or the remote island people of Chiloe now living in other parts of Chile, they guide readers along the winding road of insights and challenges facing many of today's Christians.

  • Gathered in my Name: Ecumenism in the World Church


    Gathered in my Name: Ecumenism in the World Church
    Gathered in my Name: Ecumenism in the World Church

    This volume differs from many quincentennial discussions of the Protestant Reformation--and ecumenical scholarship more generally--in that it shifts the focus from Europe and the West to the global South, where ecumenism's promises and challenges are quite different. In postcolonial and post-missionary Africa, the churches continue to expand, competition among denominations is lively, and Christian rivalry with Islam is often a reality. In Latin America, Protestants have severely eroded the Catholic Church's hegemony, originally forged in the zeal of the Counter-Reformation to combat the perceived errors of Luther and Calvin. In India, the Christian churches are a tiny, beleaguered minority facing an increasingly militant Hindu nationalism. These essays pay close attention to the different contexts of intra-Christian relationships worldwide--the actual situation on the ground. If ecumenism will succeed, it cannot be simply a matter of experts at a conference attempting to agree about doctrines abstracted from the contexts in which they were forged, the contexts in which doctrinal disagreements caused ecclesial ruptures, or the contexts in which Christians continue to live out our divided existence. This volume attempts to be sensitive to the lived experience of divided Christians in whatever part of the world they find themselves.

  • New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church


    New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church
    New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church

    He has captured the imagination of people around the world, including those who thought they were "done with" Christianity. In ways no one could have expected and no one predicted, Pope Francis has become a living example of what it might mean to be a Christian in our time and place. The modern world was not ready for Pope Francis, but as has been demonstrated--in his travels to the United States and around the world, in his calls for mercy and defense of the vulnerable--Pope Francis was ready for the modern world. New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church explores how Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis--the ideas, experiences, influences, and passions that have formed this pastor who has inspired, challenged, encouraged, and angered people worldwide. Ten experts from around the world--scholars, journalists, church leaders, and others--provide insights into the origins and trajectories of Pope Francis' vision and hopes for the Christian community in our day. Persons intrigued by Pope Francis will find deeper insights into his witness via this exploration of the roots and trajectories of his sense of Christian mission and discipleship.

  • Love, Joy, and Sex: African Conversation on Pope Francis’s Amoris Laetitia and the Gospel of Family in a Divided World


    Love, Joy, and Sex: African Conversation on Pope Francis’s Amoris Laetitia and the Gospel of Family in a Divided World
    Love, Joy, and Sex: African Conversation on Pope Francis’s Amoris Laetitia and the Gospel of Family in a Divided World

    There is no papal document that has generated as much interest, controversy, and debate in recent times as Pope Francis's Amoris Laetitia. This document, which came out of two very divisive synods of Catholic bishops and leaders in Rome in 2014 and 2015, will probably be the most discussed document ever produced by a pope in modern Catholicism on marriage and family life. This volume has gathered seminal commentaries on Amoris Laetitia by African Catholic theologians, social scientists, and pastoral workers. They offer African theological and pastoral responses to the principles and practices proposed by Pope Francis and the Synod on the family on such contested issues as same-sex relations, divorce and remarriage, and reception and denial of Holy Communion in the church, among other divisive issues. These important essays and commentaries show the strengths and weaknesses of this papal commentary and point out the missing link in the global conversation on marriage, family, and same-sex relations. Their argument for the inclusion of African perspectives and moral traditions in the search for a third way in finding an inclusive and integrated pastoral art of accompaniment is very compelling. The authors here also call for the inclusion of Africa's own unique challenges--like polygamy, childless marriages, and the impact of migration, civil conflict, diseases, ecological and population crises, and the rights of African women--in the global discussion on marriage and family life. They also challenge uncritical cliches in world Christianity that Africa's opposition to same-sex marriages (or Western propaganda about population or birth control and contraception) are conservative, while showing diverse African conversations on these topics in the search for abundant life on this beautiful continent.

  • Fragile World: Ecology and the Church


    Fragile World: Ecology and the Church
    Fragile World: Ecology and the Church

    In Fragile World: Ecology and the Church, scholars and activists from Christian communities as far-flung as Honduras, the Philippines, Colombia, and Kenya present a global angle on the global ecological crisis--in both its material and spiritual senses--and offer Catholic resources for responding to it. This volume explores the deep interconnections, for better and for worse, between the global North and the global South, and analyzes the relationship among the physical environment, human society, culture, theology, and economics--the "integral ecology" described by Pope Francis in Laudato Si'. Integral ecology demands that we think deeply about humans and the physical environment, but also about the God who both created the world and sustains it in being. At its root, the ecological crisis is a theological crisis, not only in the way that humans regard creation and their place in it, but in the way that humans think about God. For Pope Francis in Laudato Si', the root of the crisis is that we humans have tried to put ourselves in God's place. According to Pope Francis, therefore, "A fragile world, entrusted by God to human care, challenges us to devise intelligent ways of directing, developing, and limiting our power."

  • The Church and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas: In Between Reconciliation and Decolonization


    The Church and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas: In Between Reconciliation and Decolonization
    The Church and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas: In Between Reconciliation and Decolonization

    Indigenous and non-Indigenous voices come together in this volume to discuss both the wounds of colonial history and the opportunities for decolonization, reconciliation, and hope in the relationship between the church and Indigenous peoples across the Americas. Scholars and pastoral leaders from Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, the United States, and Canada, and Indigenous peoples of Mapuche, Chiquitano, Tzeltal Maya, Oglala Sioux, Mi'kmaw, and Anishinaabe-Ojibwe reflect on the possibility of constructing decolonial theology and pastoral praxis, and on the urgent need for transformation of church structures and old theology. The book opens new horizons for different ways of thinking and acting, and for the emergence of a truly intercultural theology.

  • For God and My Country: Catholic Leadership in Modern Uganda


    For God and My Country: Catholic Leadership in Modern Uganda
    For God and My Country: Catholic Leadership in Modern Uganda

    A devout Catholic politician assassinated by a capricious dictator. A Cardinal standing up for his people in the face of political repression. A priest leading his nation's constitutional revision. The "Mother Teresa of Uganda" transforming the lives of thousands of abandoned children. Two missionaries who founded the best community radio station in Africa. A peace activist who has amplified the voices of grassroots women in the midst of a brutal civil war. Such are the powerful stories in For God and My Country, a book that explores how seven inspiring leaders in Uganda's largest religious community have shaped the social and political life of their country. Drawing on extensive oral research, J. J. Carney analyzes how personal faith, theological vision, and Catholic social teaching have propelled these leaders to embody Vatican II's call for the Church to be a sign of communion and unity in the world. Readers will gain rich insight into Uganda's postcolonial politics and the history of one of Africa's most important Catholic communities. Each chapter closes with leadership lessons and reflection questions, making this an ideal text for classroom and parish adoption.

  • Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and the Spirit in the World


    Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and the Spirit in the World
    Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and the Spirit in the World

    This volume's essays are an ecumenical ensemble of the best scholars and leading practitioners in the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements from all four corners of the world. The contributors bring together various denominational perspectives and dialogue for understanding the present momentum of these Spirit movements in the world church. Their diverse methodologies transverse the traditional and new approaches to studying these movements. Pointing the way forward, the authors highlight some of the lessons learned in their scholarly engagement with Spirit movements. These lessons offer significant insight and viewpoints for the academy in the historical analysis of these movements. They also serve as a good guide for pastoral discernment and accompaniment for God's people in their daily lives, as well as for social ministries in the world church. This volume addresses questions of salvation and eschatology, health and healing, prosperity and poverty, suffering and death, fear and faith, despair and hope. Other topics include the conflict between charism and institution and the tension between cultic clericalism and the affirmation and use of the gifts and talents of lay members of Christ's faithful in the church.

  • Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary


    Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary
    Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary

    This volume is the first truly global commentary on a papal encyclical. Pope Francis published Fratelli Tutti in October 2020 in the midst of interrelated global crises: climate catastrophe, ongoing racial injustice, a widening gap between the rich and the desperately poor, battles over human migration, the rise of authoritarian politics, and the erosion of democracy, all exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The encyclical provided a sobering assessment of the devastation but also a hopeful vision of solidarity and healing. The responses in this book not only reflect on Fratelli Tutti from a great diversity of locations and perspectives but also attempt to model Francis's call to fraternity and sorority within this volume. In these pages, scholars from around the world create a conversation meant to embody one of the virtues that Francis elicits in the encyclical: creative openness to the reciprocal gifts of others. This book takes up Pope Francis's invitation to continue talking, thinking, and acting, always in a climate of both confidence and audacity, to promote social friendship among the people of the world.

  • Put Away Your Sword: Gospel Nonviolence in a Violent World


    Put Away Your Sword: Gospel Nonviolence in a Violent World
    Put Away Your Sword: Gospel Nonviolence in a Violent World

    What does it mean to follow the Prince of Peace in a world plagued by war, violence, and killing? Can the foundational convictions of Christianity, and the experiences of Christians around the world, contribute to a more adequate practice of the faith in contemporary times on matters of war, violence, and peacemaking? This volume addresses these important questions with contributions from Christian scholars and practitioners from across the Majority World (including El Salvador, Brazil, Kenya, and the Philippines) and from the United States and Europe. They include proponents of Christian pacifism and just war theory, advocates for varieties of "just peacemaking" frameworks, and people pursuing slow, modest steps toward reconciling enemies without the use of overarching theoretical frameworks. What holds them together is a sense that the world and the church would benefit from a robust and gospel-based commitment to nonviolence as an alternative to lethal business as usual in addressing conflicts great and small. The topics they consider include constructive aspects of a Christian theology of nonviolence; case studies of gospel nonviolence and pastoral work from violent conflicts around the world; women as victims of violence and makers of peace; and theopolitical questions of just war, armed intervention, and Christian nonviolence.

  • Daughters of Wisdom: Women and Leadership in the Global Church


    Daughters of Wisdom: Women and Leadership in the Global Church
    Daughters of Wisdom: Women and Leadership in the Global Church

    This book offers a window into current realities regarding women's leadership in the global church and explores strategic recommendations to nurture this leadership in the twenty-first century. The essays in this volume were initially presented at an international conference organized by the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology (CWCIT) at DePaul University in 2018. The reference to "Daughters of Wisdom" in the title for this volume was aimed at capturing the diversity of ways which women have found to exercise their leadership in responding to the challenging and/or hopeful realities of their contextual locations and their faith and social communities. The authors address particularly different aspects of women's leadership in the Catholic Church, with a special emphasis on the global South. The contributors are lay and religious people from India, Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, the US, Singapore, and the Philippines. The topics explored in this volume include women's use of Scripture, the ecclesiological basis for women in church leadership, and the leadership roles that women have been exercising already in grassroots church communities, in Marian devotion, in faith-based social movements, and in theological education.


A. Alexander Stummvoll

A. Alexander Stummvoll holds an MPhil in international relations from the University of Oxford and a PhD in political and social sciences from the European University Institute. He is the co-winner of the 2015 young researchers' award of the papal foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice for his contribution to the study of Catholic social doctrine. Stummvoll currently works in Baden-Baden as district director for a member of the German Parliament.

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