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Leonardo and the Mystery of the Alchemist: Da Vinci's Cases, #3
Leonardo and the Mystery of the Villa Medici: Da Vinci's Cases, #2
Leonardo and the Conspirators of Florence: Da Vinci's Cases, #1
Ebook series7 titles

Da Vinci's Cases Series

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About this series

Leonardo and the Dungeon of the Black Riders

Da Vinci's Cases

by Alfred Bekker

The scope of this book is 120 pages paperback.

In the small village of Vinci, near Florence, in 1462: The watermark form of the Medici Bank has been stolen out of Master Andrea di Marco's paper mill. Shocking! Because the paper must be at the bank within three days. What is that theft all about? For Leonardo and Carlo there is only one explanation: Counterfeit! And not more than three days remain to stop the counterfeiter gang's game.

Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist.

The German-language print editions appeared in 2008/2009 in the Arena Taschenbuchverlag;

Translations are available in Turkish, Indonesian, Danish and Bulgarian.

Release dateMay 8, 2015
Leonardo and the Mystery of the Alchemist: Da Vinci's Cases, #3
Leonardo and the Mystery of the Villa Medici: Da Vinci's Cases, #2
Leonardo and the Conspirators of Florence: Da Vinci's Cases, #1

Titles in the series (7)

  • Leonardo and the Conspirators of Florence: Da Vinci's Cases, #1


    Leonardo and the Conspirators of Florence: Da Vinci's Cases, #1
    Leonardo and the Conspirators of Florence: Da Vinci's Cases, #1

     A mysterious adventure of young Leonardo da Vinci! The year 1462, location: the small village Vinci near Florence: When knocking around in the forest with his friend Carlo, ten-year-old Leonardo and Carlo were kidnapped by disguised bandits and brought into a cave. There, another prisoner is locked in: Luca, son of a rich patrician. The case seems to be clear: ransom blackmailing! But the bandits did not expect that Leonardo and Carlo would put their noses in the case. Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist. The German printings of the series "Da Vinci's Cases" (6 parts) were published in the Arena Taschenbuchverlag in the year 2008/2009. Translations were made for the following languages: Turquish, Indonesian, Danish and Bulgarian.

  • Leonardo and the Mystery of the Alchemist: Da Vinci's Cases, #3


    Leonardo and the Mystery of the Alchemist: Da Vinci's Cases, #3
    Leonardo and the Mystery of the Alchemist: Da Vinci's Cases, #3

    Leonardo and the Mystery of the Alchemist Da Vinci's Cases by Alfred Bekker The scope of this book is 120 pages paperback. In the small village of Vinci, near Florence, in 1462: The Alchemist Vincente wants to leave his paint formulation "Vincente's Blue" to the ten-year-old Leonardo. A little later, the testament has disappeared together with the recipe. Maybe the spooky blue-handed rider is involved in this matter? Leonardo and Carlo are agreed that the mysterious color thief must be caught immediately! Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist.

  • Leonardo and the Mystery of the Villa Medici: Da Vinci's Cases, #2


    Leonardo and the Mystery of the Villa Medici: Da Vinci's Cases, #2
    Leonardo and the Mystery of the Villa Medici: Da Vinci's Cases, #2

    In Vinci, the small village near Florence, 1462: A strange man has taken a room at the inn. Sure thing, that the ten-year-old Leonardo and his best friend Carlo do not let him out of their sight. What about these odd drawings he secretly produces up there? Leonardo and Carlo are convinced: The man is a spy! And must necessarily be exposed! Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist.

  • Leonardo and the Dungeon of the Black Riders: Da Vinci's Cases

    Leonardo and the Dungeon of the Black Riders: Da Vinci's Cases
    Leonardo and the Dungeon of the Black Riders: Da Vinci's Cases

    Leonardo and the Dungeon of the Black Riders Da Vinci's Cases by Alfred Bekker The scope of this book is 120 pages paperback. In the small village of Vinci, near Florence, in 1462: The watermark form of the Medici Bank has been stolen out of Master Andrea di Marco's paper mill. Shocking! Because the paper must be at the bank within three days. What is that theft all about? For Leonardo and Carlo there is only one explanation: Counterfeit! And not more than three days remain to stop the counterfeiter gang's game. Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist. The German-language print editions appeared in 2008/2009 in the Arena Taschenbuchverlag; Translations are available in Turkish, Indonesian, Danish and Bulgarian.

  • Da Vinci's Cases #5: Leonardo and the Curse of the Black Death: Da Vinci's Cases, #5


    Da Vinci's Cases #5: Leonardo and the Curse of the Black Death: Da Vinci's Cases, #5
    Da Vinci's Cases #5: Leonardo and the Curse of the Black Death: Da Vinci's Cases, #5

    Da Vinci's Cases by Alfred Bekker The scope of this book is 113 pages paperback. When a beggar boy with dark spots in the face appears in the village, the inhabitants of Vinci are in bright excitement: The plague has broken out! Fortunately, a doctor is quickly available, who has a remedy for the Black Death. Leonardo would like to examine this remedy. But the doctor keeps his secret like his eyeball. And Leonardo is doing everything he can to disclose it. Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist. The German-language print editions appeared in 2008/2009 in the Arena Taschenbuchverlag; Translations are available in Turkish, Indonesian, Danish and Bulgarian.

  • Leonardo and the Brotherhood of the Holy Sword: Da Vinci's Cases: Da Vinci's Cases, #6


    Leonardo and the Brotherhood of the Holy Sword: Da Vinci's Cases: Da Vinci's Cases, #6
    Leonardo and the Brotherhood of the Holy Sword: Da Vinci's Cases: Da Vinci's Cases, #6

    Leonardo and the Brotherhood of the Holy Sword Da Vinci's Cases by Alfred Bekker The scope of this book is 119 pages paperback. The walking preacher Bartolo comes to the village with a sensational find: the sword of the apostle Peter! Everyone wants to touch the sword, because it should have healing powers. But Leonardo is suspicious. Bartolo demands a lot of money from his followers and threatens with the flames of hell if you do not believe in the sword. For Leonardo it's a sure thing: Bartolo is a swindler. Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist.

  • Leonardo's Dragon: Da Vinci's Cases - An Adventure of Young Leonardo: Da Vinci's Cases, #7


    Leonardo's Dragon: Da Vinci's Cases - An Adventure of Young Leonardo: Da Vinci's Cases, #7
    Leonardo's Dragon: Da Vinci's Cases - An Adventure of Young Leonardo: Da Vinci's Cases, #7

    Leonardo's Dragon Da Vinci's Cases by Alfred Bekker The scope of this book is 148 pages paperback. The young Leonardo da Vinci is to learn the craft of painting in Florence. As soon as he arrived, he prevents an assassination attempt on Piero de Medici, the City Lord of Florence. He gets an insight into precious, old documents and discovers design drawings of flight kites, which he imitates immediately enthusiastically. But suddenly the assassins emerge again in the city and look for Leonardo. Will he find a way to escape them? Alfred Bekker, born in 1964, writes fantasy, historical novels, criminal novels and books for young readers. His historical adventures for young readers are full of suspense, stuff which even kids who hate reading cannot resist.


Alfred Bekker

Alfred Bekker wurde am 27.9.1964 in Borghorst (heute Steinfurt) geboren und wuchs in den münsterländischen Gemeinden Ladbergen und Lengerich auf. 1984 machte er Abitur, leistete danach Zivildienst auf der Pflegestation eines Altenheims und studierte an der Universität Osnabrück für das Lehramt an Grund- und Hauptschulen. Insgesamt 13 Jahre war er danach im Schuldienst tätig, bevor er sich ausschließlich der Schriftstellerei widmete. Schon als Student veröffentlichte Bekker zahlreiche Romane und Kurzgeschichten. Er war Mitautor zugkräftiger Romanserien wie Kommissar X, Jerry Cotton, Rhen Dhark, Bad Earth und Sternenfaust und schrieb eine Reihe von Kriminalromanen. Angeregt durch seine Tätigkeit als Lehrer wandte er sich schließlich auch dem Kinder- und Jugendbuch zu, wo er Buchserien wie 'Tatort Mittelalter', 'Da Vincis Fälle', 'Elbenkinder' und 'Die wilden Orks' entwickelte. Seine Fantasy-Romane um 'Das Reich der Elben', die 'DrachenErde-Saga' und die 'Gorian'-Trilogie machten ihn einem großen Publikum bekannt. Darüber hinaus schreibt er weiterhin Krimis und gemeinsam mit seiner Frau unter dem Pseudonym Conny Walden historische Romane. Einige Gruselromane für Teenager verfasste er unter dem Namen John Devlin. Für Krimis verwendete er auch das Pseudonym Neal Chadwick. Seine Romane erschienen u.a. bei Blanvalet, BVK, Goldmann, Lyx, Schneiderbuch, Arena, dtv, Ueberreuter und Bastei Lübbe und wurden in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt.

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