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Star Seed
Alien Desires
Space Girls Are Easy
Ebook series3 titles

Close Encounters Of The Erotic Kind Series

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About this series

The Artemis was the first manned space mission to Saturn. But on a routine EVA, astronaut Julia Garcia is infected by a strange alien virus. Now her body is changing in wonderful ways, and she can't wait to share her new body parts with her sexy shipmates. Because Julia and the rest of the crew now have some very "Alien Desires!"

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

“God, you’re so beautiful,” a voice murmured, almost in her ear, and she spun, her eyes widening.

Julia stood only a step away. She had gathered up a large dollop of liquid soap, and was lathering her newly-enlarged breasts, her movements slow and languid. Through the white suds, Alex could see the tense buds of her nipples. The effect was both lewd and incredibly arousing.

“I’m not,” she said. “And I don’t know why you keep saying it.” Astronauts were chosen for skill, not attractiveness. And Alex was long past her own teenage years. Her face was pleasant, but not spectacular, and her body, as she passed into middle age, was downright dumpy. Three children had left stretch-marks on her stomach, and despite the joys of a low-gee life, her breasts were more than a bit saggy.

“You are.” Julia’s hands continued to knead her breasts. Her voice was low, throaty, as if she were in a dream. “I don’t know why I never noticed before. You’re all so beautiful.”

Fever’s probably increasing. She might be starting to hallucinate. Kumiko was undeniably attractive, with her skin like antique ivory and her petite physique. But neither the captain or Becky Moreau could be considered more than moderately attractive. And Alex herself was downright plain.

“All right,” she said, trying not to let her worry show. “Let’s get you washed up and back to medbay. I’ve got something I want to look at.”

But instead, Julia gasped, her hands clutching her stomach. Suddenly strengthless, her legs gave way, and she fell to the floor, her back propped against one wall as the hot water sprayed down on her.

“Oh, God,” she ground out, her eyes clenched shut. The muscles of her belly seemed to ripple. “Oh, God, that hurts.” Her face was lined with pain.

“Julia!” Alex fell to her knees beside her, feeling her head. God, the woman was burning up!

Her thoughts were a frantic babble. Get out of the shower. Call for Becky and Kumiko. Notify the captain. Get Julia back into medbay. Test for appendicitis prep for surgery oh Jesus do we have enough anesthetic fuck I haven’t done an appendectomy in eleven years-

Her thoughts sliced off, as quickly as if they had been cut by a knife.

Between Julia’s thighs, some...some thing began to emerge from the folds of her groin. She stared, disbelieving, as a fleshy tube slowly slipped from between Julia’s labia.

This can’t be real. I have to be dreaming. My crewmate is growing a wang right in front of me.

To tell the truth, though, Julia’s subtly different from a normal human penis. As her moans slowly subsided, replaced by deep, regular breathing, Alex bent down, examining it closely. For one thing, it was completely hairless. The skin, a match for the rest of Julia’s body, was soft and smooth as the skin of a newborn. For another, there was no scrotum. Whatever dark miracle had happened to Julia had left her without external testes.

On the top side of the organ was a soft ridge of flesh, which reminded her somewhat of the dorsal fin of a fish. It ran from the tip to the base, which was much wider than that of a typical man. So wide, in fact, that it completely covered the spot where Julia’s labia had been.

“Wow.” The voice sounded loopy, almost drunken. “That’s a hell of a thing.”

Release dateSep 21, 2017
Star Seed
Alien Desires
Space Girls Are Easy

Titles in the series (3)

  • Space Girls Are Easy


    Space Girls Are Easy
    Space Girls Are Easy

    Scout Lieutenant Shaydra den'Kurona was trying to escape the stifling responsibilities of her homeworld. But a quick stop on an out-of-the way planet brought her face-to-face with her own desires. Mark Paxton was stuck in a dead-end job in a small town. But one night a starship landed next to him. Now a sexy alien is living with him. One magic night he will find out that Space Girls Are Easy! ~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~ They didn’t quite fall into each others’ arms when the door to his bedroom closed behind them. It was more like a mutual tackle; fierce and almost violent. Shayla climbed him like a tree, her arms wrapping around his neck, and she kissed him, kissed him hard, her tongue forcing itself between his lips and searching his out. When they met, it was as if a jolt of electricity coursed through their paired bodies. He groaned, opening his mouth wide, his hands clutching the curves of her rear. “The bed,” he panted. “On the bed. If we keep this up, we’ll fall down, and I’ll be damned if I make love to you on a hardwood floor.” He staggered over to the bed and fell backwards onto it, cushioning her fall with his body. For a second she simply lay on his chest, enjoying the feel of his strong body under hers. But after a moment she slithered higher, then sat up on her heels. Catching his eye, she raised her hands to the shirt-cord, tied in a low knot just above her breasts. Moving slowly, she undid the knot, then pulled the cord out of the lace-holes, one at a time, until her shirt was hanging open, barely hiding her chest. As she teased him, he put his hands on her hips, his thumbs stroking the flat planes of her stomach. When the garment was finally undone, she slipped it off, eyes shining with pride as she watched his face change. His hand curved up her back, then settled bare inches away from her breast. She swallowed at the heat of his touch. “Don’t your people wear bras?” “A what? A bra?” She shook her head. “I am unfamiliar with this word.” “It’s a...a garment, worn across the chest, under the shirt. It’s used to support the breasts.” “Support them? Why?” He saw her eyes narrow dangerously. “Do you think my breasts need to be supported, Earthman?” “God, no. But women,” he flushed, realizing he was babbling like an idiot, “women here on Earth wear them because eventually their breasts might get saggy. As they get older.” He tried to smile winningly up at her. “I bet you wouldn’t like that.” She said loftily. “My body would never allow that. Not with genetic bodysculpting. I was personally declared clean of over five thousand potential defects in my genome following my conception. My breasts,” she said, bouncing just enough to make them wobble enticingly, “will stay their current shape for the rest of my life. Unless I choose to modify them in some way.” Mark swallowed. It suddenly came clear to him just how far in advance of his own planet Shayla’s technology was. Bodysculpting? It sounded like something out of a sci-fi novel. He glanced down at his own body. Did he disgust her? Despite her claims to love him, despite the supposed lifemating, would she recoil when he was naked in front of her? She caught his look, and the thought behind it. She leaned down, her face tender. “You are not inferior,” she said softly. She drew her finger down from his cheek to his lips, tracing their lines lovingly. “Not in any way. I know it, in my heart. Just because your people did not have the advantages of mine does not mean you are somehow defective. “We will take you back to my ship,” she continued. “A short time in the autodoc and we will have a complete gene-scan. And you will see, beloved, that you are worthy to be my lifemate. “Now will you please love me as I need?”

  • Star Seed


    Star Seed
    Star Seed

    Andi Selene was flat broke and working as an escort when the offer came. A client wanted to see her. And not just for an hour or two, but for an entire week! But Andi quickly discovered the client was more than she had bargained for. The client was not a man, but a gorgeous young woman named Chara. Now Andi found herself caught in an ever-rising spiral of passion. Chara was intelligent, beautiful, and amazingly kind. But she had her own secrets. When they finally succumbed to their mutual attraction, would their friendship survive the revelation that Chara was not human, but a visitor from the stars, on a mission which would change Andi's life forever? ~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~ Chara sank back in her seat as Andi drove them back to the hotel, her eyes closed. Andi sneaked furtive glances at her, once again awestruck by her beauty. Her tan skin was dark in the dim light of the dashboard. Her bountiful chest rose and fell in time to her slow breaths. Andi longed to take her into her arms and never let go. I'm half in love with her already, she thought, and the thought nearly made her cry. When this week was over, she would go back to her dreary life. The money she would receive would perhaps allow her to claw her way out the hole she was in, but she was separated from Chara by a chasm so vast it was almost beyond imagining. She would live in Des Moines, or Omaha, or Kansas City. Meanwhile, the glamorous person sitting next to her, blessed by wealth, wit, and beauty, would doubtless travel around the world, seeing places and people Andi could only dream of. Andi could not imagine what chance had brought Chara within her orbit, but she knew instinctively that once she left, she would never see her again. She parked the car in the hotel lot, and gently shook Chara's shoulder. “Wake up, sleepy-head,” she said softly. “We're back.” Chara stretched and smiled at her. “Already?” she asked. “Yes, already,” Andi smiled back. “Your people are really quite clever,” Chara said as they entered the hotel. “Who else would think of warmers in the seats so your backside does not get cold?” Andi laughed. “Well, if there is a way to make the driving experience more enjoyable, Americans will find a way to do it. I think we invented cup-holders, too.” In just a few moments they were back inside the suite. Andi yawned and blinked tiredly, the stress of the day catching up to her. “I think I'm going to take a shower, then go to bed,” she said. “Otherwise I'm going to fall right over. I had a late night last night at my other job. Unless you need me for something...” she let herself trail off suggestively, hoping Chara would catch the invitation in her voice. “Yes, you do look tired,” Chara said, completely missing her hint. “Sleep well, and dream sweetly. Already I am looking forward to our day tomorrow.” In two quick steps she crossed the distance between them. Andi sighed in pleasure as her arms came around her in a tender embrace. She was so warm! Her touch was like stepping into a sun-warmed room on a cold winter's day. The heat sank into her muscles, relaxing her. After a moment, Chara let her grip ease, though she still held onto Andi's shoulders. She opened her mouth, as if to make some parting comment, then closed it again. Instead, she leaned close and brushed Andi's cheek with her lips. She made as if to repeat the gesture on her other cheek, but Andi intercepted her mouth with her own, capturing her lips in a kiss. Oh! Andi swam in a sea of desire. Chara's mouth was soft and warm and willing on hers. Her body moved closer, pliant and undemanding, content to accept Andi's affection...

  • Alien Desires


    Alien Desires
    Alien Desires

    The Artemis was the first manned space mission to Saturn. But on a routine EVA, astronaut Julia Garcia is infected by a strange alien virus. Now her body is changing in wonderful ways, and she can't wait to share her new body parts with her sexy shipmates. Because Julia and the rest of the crew now have some very "Alien Desires!" ~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~ “God, you’re so beautiful,” a voice murmured, almost in her ear, and she spun, her eyes widening. Julia stood only a step away. She had gathered up a large dollop of liquid soap, and was lathering her newly-enlarged breasts, her movements slow and languid. Through the white suds, Alex could see the tense buds of her nipples. The effect was both lewd and incredibly arousing. “I’m not,” she said. “And I don’t know why you keep saying it.” Astronauts were chosen for skill, not attractiveness. And Alex was long past her own teenage years. Her face was pleasant, but not spectacular, and her body, as she passed into middle age, was downright dumpy. Three children had left stretch-marks on her stomach, and despite the joys of a low-gee life, her breasts were more than a bit saggy. “You are.” Julia’s hands continued to knead her breasts. Her voice was low, throaty, as if she were in a dream. “I don’t know why I never noticed before. You’re all so beautiful.” Fever’s probably increasing. She might be starting to hallucinate. Kumiko was undeniably attractive, with her skin like antique ivory and her petite physique. But neither the captain or Becky Moreau could be considered more than moderately attractive. And Alex herself was downright plain. “All right,” she said, trying not to let her worry show. “Let’s get you washed up and back to medbay. I’ve got something I want to look at.” But instead, Julia gasped, her hands clutching her stomach. Suddenly strengthless, her legs gave way, and she fell to the floor, her back propped against one wall as the hot water sprayed down on her. “Oh, God,” she ground out, her eyes clenched shut. The muscles of her belly seemed to ripple. “Oh, God, that hurts.” Her face was lined with pain. “Julia!” Alex fell to her knees beside her, feeling her head. God, the woman was burning up! Her thoughts were a frantic babble. Get out of the shower. Call for Becky and Kumiko. Notify the captain. Get Julia back into medbay. Test for appendicitis prep for surgery oh Jesus do we have enough anesthetic fuck I haven’t done an appendectomy in eleven years- Her thoughts sliced off, as quickly as if they had been cut by a knife. Between Julia’s thighs, some...some thing began to emerge from the folds of her groin. She stared, disbelieving, as a fleshy tube slowly slipped from between Julia’s labia. This can’t be real. I have to be dreaming. My crewmate is growing a wang right in front of me. To tell the truth, though, Julia’s subtly different from a normal human penis. As her moans slowly subsided, replaced by deep, regular breathing, Alex bent down, examining it closely. For one thing, it was completely hairless. The skin, a match for the rest of Julia’s body, was soft and smooth as the skin of a newborn. For another, there was no scrotum. Whatever dark miracle had happened to Julia had left her without external testes. On the top side of the organ was a soft ridge of flesh, which reminded her somewhat of the dorsal fin of a fish. It ran from the tip to the base, which was much wider than that of a typical man. So wide, in fact, that it completely covered the spot where Julia’s labia had been. “Wow.” The voice sounded loopy, almost drunken. “That’s a hell of a thing.”


Alana Church

Born and raised in Illinois, Alana attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, graduating with a degree in Education in 1994. She soon found out that the teaching life was not for her, and after a series of adventures has settled down in the Chicago suburbs, where she works for a telecommunications company.Alana lives alone, surrounded by books, pictures, a pile of story ideas, and a turtle named Pedro.

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