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Overcoming Rejection: Release the lies, heal your hurts, and accept all that God has for your future.
Overcoming Shame: Release the lies, embrace authenticity, and flourish in your destiny.
Overcoming Perfectionism: Release the lies, experience the liberation of giving yourself grace, and become who you were meant to be.
Ebook series13 titles

Emotional and Spiritual Healing Series

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About this series

Do you feel that you have to be the best to have any value?

Do you always have to be better than others?

Do you feel that you are horrible and can’t take a compliment?

If so, you may need some healing from pride.

Unhealthy pride tells you that you are better than others. It tells you that you can’t be bothered to do something “beneath” you or your position to help someone else. Pride may also wrap itself in false humility and be overly critical and harsh with yourself.

Pride lies.

This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover:

Generational Issues

Ungodly Beliefs and Lies

Emotional Wounds

Demonic Oppression

And more!

Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received.

Are you ready to heal your heart and embrace the fullness of your identity?

Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Pride now.

Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

Release dateAug 31, 2019
Overcoming Rejection: Release the lies, heal your hurts, and accept all that God has for your future.
Overcoming Shame: Release the lies, embrace authenticity, and flourish in your destiny.
Overcoming Perfectionism: Release the lies, experience the liberation of giving yourself grace, and become who you were meant to be.

Titles in the series (13)

  • Overcoming Perfectionism: Release the lies, experience the liberation of giving yourself grace, and become who you were meant to be.


    Overcoming Perfectionism: Release the lies, experience the liberation of giving yourself grace, and become who you were meant to be.
    Overcoming Perfectionism: Release the lies, experience the liberation of giving yourself grace, and become who you were meant to be.

    Are you terrified of making a mistake? When faced with something new, is your first response one of fear of failure? When you’ve completed a project, are the flaws all you see? If so, you may be a perfectionist. Perfectionism tells you that you have to do it all right. You can’t make a mistake. You have to do everything perfectly or you’re worthless. Perfection makes you afraid to try new things because you’re not likely to do them perfectly and that would ruin your life. Perfectionism lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to pursue excellence with freedom and joy?

  • Overcoming Rejection: Release the lies, heal your hurts, and accept all that God has for your future.


    Overcoming Rejection: Release the lies, heal your hurts, and accept all that God has for your future.
    Overcoming Rejection: Release the lies, heal your hurts, and accept all that God has for your future.

    Are you terrified of being rejected? When meeting someone new, is your first thought when will they reject me? Do you keep others at a distance so they won’t reject you? If so, you may need some healing from rejection. Rejection tells you that because you were rejected once, or several times, you will always be rejected. Rejection tells you that you always have to keep your guard up and that vulnerability is dangerous. Rejection tells you to reject others before they reject you. Rejection lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: - Generational Issues - Ungodly Beliefs and Lies - Emotional Wounds - Demonic Oppression - And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to pursue relationships with others with freedom and joy? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Rejection now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Shame: Release the lies, embrace authenticity, and flourish in your destiny.


    Overcoming Shame: Release the lies, embrace authenticity, and flourish in your destiny.
    Overcoming Shame: Release the lies, embrace authenticity, and flourish in your destiny.

    Are you plagued by remorse? Are you overly self-conscious, afraid that people will discover your deepest secrets? Are you in a cycle of harmful and/or self-defeating behaviors? If so, you may need some healing from shame. Shame tells you to hide. You’re the only one who struggles with these things. Look, everyone else can do ___ better than you. You’re never going to get over this. No one will accept you if they knew this about you. Shame lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace the freedom and joy that come through authenticity? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Shame now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Anxiety: Release the fear, experience the flexibility of peace, and embrace the fulness of your future.


    Overcoming Anxiety: Release the fear, experience the flexibility of peace, and embrace the fulness of your future.
    Overcoming Anxiety: Release the fear, experience the flexibility of peace, and embrace the fulness of your future.

    Are you anxious and afraid? Do you fear the present or the future? Does worry consume your thoughts? If so, you may need some healing from anxiety.

  • Overcoming Hopelessness: Release the helplessness, embrace your power, and change your life.


    Overcoming Hopelessness: Release the helplessness, embrace your power, and change your life.
    Overcoming Hopelessness: Release the helplessness, embrace your power, and change your life.

    Do you feel that nothing will ever change? Do you feel helpless or powerless to make a difference? Do you give up easily when you meet resistance? If so, you may need some healing from hopelessness. Hopelessness tells you that you are helpless and powerless to change anything about your life. It tells you that all the bad things will always be the same and there’s nothing you can do about that. Hopelessness tells you that the future will be no better or worse than what you’re going through now. Hopelessness lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace your power and authority and make a change? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Hopelessness now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Insecurity: Release worry, experience the freedom of security, & embrace the confidence to be all you were created to be.


    Overcoming Insecurity: Release worry, experience the freedom of security, & embrace the confidence to be all you were created to be.
    Overcoming Insecurity: Release worry, experience the freedom of security, & embrace the confidence to be all you were created to be.

    Do you often feel unloved or unsafe? Are you overly self-conscious, afraid that people will not accept you? Are you holding back on something because of what people will think? If so, you may need some healing from insecurity. Insecurity tells you that you will not be safe or secure. It tells you that no one will care about you or like or love you because of who you are or something about you. Insecurity tells you that you need to not try because it won’t work for you. Insecurity lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace the freedom and joy that come through security? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Insecurity now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Confusion: Release the Uncertainty and Doubt, Embrace Confidence in Yourself, and Fulfill Your Destiny.


    Overcoming Confusion: Release the Uncertainty and Doubt, Embrace Confidence in Yourself, and Fulfill Your Destiny.
    Overcoming Confusion: Release the Uncertainty and Doubt, Embrace Confidence in Yourself, and Fulfill Your Destiny.

    Do you often feel confused or easily muddled? Do you find new things very difficult to understand? Do you give up trying to understand because you think it’s impossible? If so, you may need some healing from confusion. Confusion tells you that you’re not smart enough to understand even simple things. Confusion says that you’ve always been confused, and always will be. It tells you that everything is too confusing for you no matter how hard you try to understand. Confusion tells you that technology or math or many other things are too much for you to figure out. Confusion lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace your power and authority and make a change? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Confusion now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Triggers: Release the pain of the past, experience the flexibility of walking in peace, and embrace the hope and joy of your destiny.


    Overcoming Triggers: Release the pain of the past, experience the flexibility of walking in peace, and embrace the hope and joy of your destiny.
    Overcoming Triggers: Release the pain of the past, experience the flexibility of walking in peace, and embrace the hope and joy of your destiny.

    Do some things make you feel like a child again, right back when you were hurt? Do you get unreasonably angry or upset with some people? Do you have unexplained anxiety in certain situations? If so, you may need some healing from triggers. Triggers tell you that your current situation will turn out exactly like the one when you were a child. That you’re still as helpless as you were then. Triggers put you right back in your memory of hurts at all ages and tell you that it will always be the same. People will always treat you the same. The people today will hurt you like the people in the past. Triggers lie. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace your power and authority and make a change? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Triggers now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Control: Release the anxiety, experience freedom from manipulation and embrace the fullness of peace and joy.


    Overcoming Control: Release the anxiety, experience freedom from manipulation and embrace the fullness of peace and joy.
    Overcoming Control: Release the anxiety, experience freedom from manipulation and embrace the fullness of peace and joy.

    Do you feel that you are being controlled?Do you feel the need to be in control of everything?Do you need to be controlled to accomplish anything? If so, you may need some healing from control. Control tells you that you need to be under someone’s thumb at all times or you’ll run amok. Or, it tells you that you have to control everything around you or you won’t be able to be safe, or get anything done. Control tells you that control equals love. Control lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational IssuesUngodly Beliefs and LiesEmotional WoundsDemonic OppressionAnd more!Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace your power and authority and make a change? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Control now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Guilt: Release the self-condemnation and shame, embrace forgiveness, and grab your freedom.


    Overcoming Guilt: Release the self-condemnation and shame, embrace forgiveness, and grab your freedom.
    Overcoming Guilt: Release the self-condemnation and shame, embrace forgiveness, and grab your freedom.

    Guilt - false guilt - tells you that you are responsible for the behavior of others, especially abusers. Guilt tells you that you need to submit to the will and manipulation from others in order to keep the peace, or be “good”. Guilt tells you, you’ll never be forgiven. Guilt lies.

  • Overcoming Jealousy: Release envy and insecurity, embrace confidence, self-acceptance and fearless living.


    Overcoming Jealousy: Release envy and insecurity, embrace confidence, self-acceptance and fearless living.
    Overcoming Jealousy: Release envy and insecurity, embrace confidence, self-acceptance and fearless living.

    Do you have a hard time celebrating when others succeed? Do you believe that you have to be better than anyone else? Are you afraid that others will take what you have? If so, you may need some healing from jealousy. Jealousy tells you that if others do better than you in an area that you are worthless. Envy of what others have consumes you because without being on top you’re at the bottom. Jealousy tells you that your identity is bound in what others have or do and you have to keep others from stealing from you. Jealousy lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to heal your grief and embrace life fully? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Jealousy now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Grief: Release the despair and distress, embrace hope and courage to move forward in peace.


    Overcoming Grief: Release the despair and distress, embrace hope and courage to move forward in peace.
    Overcoming Grief: Release the despair and distress, embrace hope and courage to move forward in peace.

    Do you feel it would be disloyal to a loved one to heal your grief? Do you believe that you will never get over losing something or someone? Do you give think you’ll never be whole and happy again? If so, you may need some healing from grief. Unhealed grief tells you that life will never be okay again. Grief will overwhelm you and color every thing you ever do from this point on. You’ll never be able to laugh, or enjoy things that you used to. Grief tells you it will color your world in gray dinginess forever Grief lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to heal your grief and embrace life fully? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Grief now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

  • Overcoming Pride: Release false humility or arrogance, embrace an understanding of who you are and what you were created to be.


    Overcoming Pride: Release false humility or arrogance, embrace an understanding of who you are and what you were created to be.
    Overcoming Pride: Release false humility or arrogance, embrace an understanding of who you are and what you were created to be.

    Do you feel that you have to be the best to have any value? Do you always have to be better than others? Do you feel that you are horrible and can’t take a compliment? If so, you may need some healing from pride. Unhealthy pride tells you that you are better than others. It tells you that you can’t be bothered to do something “beneath” you or your position to help someone else. Pride may also wrap itself in false humility and be overly critical and harsh with yourself. Pride lies. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to heal your heart and embrace the fullness of your identity? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Pride now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

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