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The Knight of the Cart: A Merlin Mystery, #5
To the Great Deep: A Merlin Mystery, #6
The Bleak and Empty Sea: A Merlin Mystery, #3
Ebook series3 titles

A Merlin Mystery Series

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About this series

As Guinevere is being led to the stake for treason and adultery, Sir Lancelot leads an army of his supporters to save her from the flames, leaving several of Arthur's knights dead in his wake, including Sir Gawain's favorite brother Gareth. Gawain goads Arthur into a war of vengeance with Lancelot. But Merlin, examining the bodies on the battlefield, realizes that Gareth was killed not by Lancelot's mounted army but by someone on the ground who attacked them from behind. Once again it is up to Merlin and Gildas to find the real killer of Sir Gareth before Arthur's reign is brought down completely by warring knights and by the machinations of Mordred, who has been left behind to rule in the king's stead.

Release dateNov 10, 2017
The Knight of the Cart: A Merlin Mystery, #5
To the Great Deep: A Merlin Mystery, #6
The Bleak and Empty Sea: A Merlin Mystery, #3

Titles in the series (3)

  • The Bleak and Empty Sea: A Merlin Mystery, #3


    The Bleak and Empty Sea: A Merlin Mystery, #3
    The Bleak and Empty Sea: A Merlin Mystery, #3

    When word comes to Camelot that Sir Tristram has died in Brittany of wounds suffered in a skirmish, and that his longtime mistress, La Belle Isolde, Queen of Cornwall, has subsequently died herself of a broken heart, Queen Guinevere and her trusted lady Rosemounde immediately suspect that there is more to the story of the lovers' deaths than they are being told. It is up to Merlin and his faithful assistant, Gildas of Cornwall, to find the truth behind the myths and half-truths surrounding these untimely deaths. They take ship to Brittany to investigate, and find themselves stymied by the uncooperative attitudes of Tristram's close friend Kaherdin, lord of the city; his sister and Tristram's wife Isolde of the White Hands; and Brangwen, La Belle Isolde's faithful lady-in-waiting. The case is complicated by the facts that King Mark of Cornwall is Gildas's own liege lord, and that Duke Hoel, Lord of Brittany, is King Arthur's close ally and father of the lady Rosemounde, who urges Gildas to clear the name of her half-sister, Isolde of the White hands, whom gossip has implicated in Tristram's untimely death. By the time they are finally able to uncover the truth, Gildas and Merlin have lost one companion and are in danger of losing their own lives.

  • The Knight of the Cart: A Merlin Mystery, #5


    The Knight of the Cart: A Merlin Mystery, #5
    The Knight of the Cart: A Merlin Mystery, #5

    The embittered Sir Meliagaunt is overlooked by King Arthur when a group of new knights, including Gildas of Cornwall, are appointed to the Round Table. In an ill-conceived attempt to catch Arthur's notice, Meliagaunt kidnaps Queen Guinevere and much of her household from a spring picnic and carries them off to his fortified castle of Gorre, hoping to force one of Arthur's greatest knights to fight him in order to rescue the queen. Sir Lancelot follows the kidnappers, and when his horse is shot from under him, he risks his reputation when he pursues them in a cart used for transporting prisoners. But after Meliagaunt accuses the queen of adultery and demands a trial by combat to prove his charge, Lancelot, too, disappears, and Merlin and the newly-knighted Sir Gildas are called into action to find Lancelot and bring him back to Camelot in time to save the queen from the stake. Now Gildas finds himself locked in a life-and-death battle to save Lancelot and the young girl Guinevere has chosen for his bride.

  • To the Great Deep: A Merlin Mystery, #6


    To the Great Deep: A Merlin Mystery, #6
    To the Great Deep: A Merlin Mystery, #6

    As Guinevere is being led to the stake for treason and adultery, Sir Lancelot leads an army of his supporters to save her from the flames, leaving several of Arthur's knights dead in his wake, including Sir Gawain's favorite brother Gareth. Gawain goads Arthur into a war of vengeance with Lancelot. But Merlin, examining the bodies on the battlefield, realizes that Gareth was killed not by Lancelot's mounted army but by someone on the ground who attacked them from behind. Once again it is up to Merlin and Gildas to find the real killer of Sir Gareth before Arthur's reign is brought down completely by warring knights and by the machinations of Mordred, who has been left behind to rule in the king's stead.

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