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Gratitude Journal: 52 Journal Prompts to Celebrate Your Wonderful Life: Journal Series
Write Him Off: Journal Prompts to Heal Your Broken Heart in 30 Days: Journal Series
The Science of Getting Rich Action Plan: Journal Series, #4
Ebook series4 titles

Journal Series

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About this series

Do you want love more than you're afraid of it?

What if I tell you that your soulmate is about to knock on your door? Are you ready to receive this amazing person into your life?


If you have the desire to be with a soulmate, love and marriage is not only possible, it's your destiny. The main reason you don't have big love in your life yet is because you haven't been ready to receive it. If you believe deep down that you're not worthy of love, guess what? You manifest your own reality. But you can take back control of the direction of your love life, and it's easier than you think.


Part One of this book will shed light on what's been holding you back, providing journal writing and meditation exercises to remove any blockages you may have. You might have to dig up some old pain, fears, and insecurities to release them, but it's worth making the space in your heart to welcome in love.


In Part Two, we'll get to the fun stuff—letting your soulmate in! You'll get to create your dream relationship, make a vision board, learn to keep your love vibration high, make a bucket list of all the things you want to do with your soulmate once you are together, and more.


Author and relationship expert Elizabeth N. Doyd has written a book based on her twenty years of spiritual studies and eleven years of helping others find love with her soulmate secrets. "The Love Book"  includes plenty of journal writing exercises because journaling is an effective technique used by psychologists, psychiatrists and other coaches. When you lay down your deepest, toughest feelings in writing, you can examine your internal mechanisms to make the necessary changes.


If you do this powerful work, you won't be projecting your insecurities, fears and other personal issues onto your partner. You won't make your soulmate the sole purpose of existence.


This book is not just about how to find your soulmate. It's also bout discovering yourself, what you want and uncovering your purpose in life. When you're whole and complete, you won't exude the energy of neediness and decency that is so counterproductive in attracting love. Law of attraction applies to love too; like attracts like, and when you exude love, you get love!


This book is NOT for you if you're looking for flirting and seduction techniques. Instead it's about reframing your negative beliefs and thinking patterns, and making inner shifts in order to attract long-lasting fulfillment and true soulmate love. There's a focus on spiritual thinking, but without association with any particular religion.


Topics Include:
♥ Clarifying your intention for love
♥ How to recognize your soulmate
♥ Releasing past lovers and past pain
♥ How to survive the holidays single
♥ Finding your own life purpose
♥ How to be your best self
♥ Making your home welcoming for your soulmate
♥ How to raise your vibration and send out Heart Energy
♥ How to make a vision board to manifest your dream life faster
♥ When to take action and when to relax
♥ How to deal with rejection and jealousy
♥ The higher purpose of romantic love
♥ ...and much more


It's time to attract the love of your life. Read the book and start doing the inner work to manifest your soulmate into your reality.

Release dateJan 1, 1981
Gratitude Journal: 52 Journal Prompts to Celebrate Your Wonderful Life: Journal Series
Write Him Off: Journal Prompts to Heal Your Broken Heart in 30 Days: Journal Series
The Science of Getting Rich Action Plan: Journal Series, #4

Titles in the series (4)

  • The Science of Getting Rich Action Plan: Journal Series, #4


    The Science of Getting Rich Action Plan: Journal Series, #4
    The Science of Getting Rich Action Plan: Journal Series, #4

    The Most Practical Book on Obtaining Wealth through Law of Attraction! The Science of Getting Rich Action Plan gives you all the tools you need to apply the timeless teachings from Wallace D. Wattles's classic book to your own life in an easy and practical way. By the end of the book, you'll have a powerful action plan to refer to so you'll always stay on track to your goals.  Part One presents Wallace D. Wattles's original and unabridged 1910 book, The Science of Getting Rich. This is the 100-year-old book that inspired Rhonda Byrne's bestselling Law of Attraction book, The Secret. It gives you the step-by-step formula in achieving financial and spiritual wealth as an exact science.  Maybe you've already read The Science of Getting Rich, but found it a challenge to apply the wisdom to your daily routine. In Part Two, bestselling author Elizabeth N. Doyd clarifies some of Wattles's seeming abstract concepts. With her extensive study of spirituality, along with her personal experiences of success and failure, she guides you through Wattles's work in layman's terms and clears up any confusions you may have in regards to The Science of Getting Rich.  Wattles's teachings are simplified further into 7 different topics. There is a total of 48 questions to ask yourself so that you can get the most out of this work. This helps you remove your blockages, clarify your desires and make a practical action plan so that you can manifest your goals as fast as possible.  Write down your honest responses in a notebook, journal or on a computer—whatever is easiest for you. Your answers will help you create a personalized and powerful action plan that you can stick with. Ultimately, the person guiding you along this journey is you. Nobody knows your life, your desires, your fears and dreams better than you do, and you already have all the answers available inside you. Writing is a way of drawing it out.  This book is for anyone who is serious about putting their thoughts into action in order to reach their dreams and live the life that they deserve. Take action and buy the ebook now to start manifesting the wealth, happiness and love you desire. 

  • Gratitude Journal: 52 Journal Prompts to Celebrate Your Wonderful Life: Journal Series

    Gratitude Journal: 52 Journal Prompts to Celebrate Your Wonderful Life: Journal Series
    Gratitude Journal: 52 Journal Prompts to Celebrate Your Wonderful Life: Journal Series

    Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude Writing in a gratitude journal may only take a few minutes of your day, but doing so has the power to turn your entire life around. The Law of Attraction says that whatever you focus on grows stronger. By making a habit of focusing on the positive side of things, even something you might label as negative, you are tapping into the secret of living a happy life.    When we start counting the little things that we treasure, things that may otherwise escape our attention in the chaos of daily life, not only are we becoming more positive and loving, but more giving and appreciative as well. Our happiness is no one's responsibility but our own; when we stop reacting to the people and circumstances around us, we're taking back control of our lives in order to steer it in the direction we want to go.   Giving thanks to the universe is giving love, and what we give inevitably comes back to us. Have an attitude of gratitude. Once you make a habit out of appreciating all the gifts in life, big or small, you'll begin to attract more positive people and situations. Bad habits and former worries will disappear, replaced by faith and good feelings toward yourself and others.    Starting a gratitude journal is easy. All you need is a pen, a notebook, and a moment to lay down your appreciation for what you've been given in life.    This book contains journal prompts on 52 different topics, each one beginning with an inspirational gratitude quote from great men and women of the past and present. You can focus on one topic a week if you wish—that's enough to last you a year. Or you may pick and choose a prompt at random if you are looking for inspiration and new ideas on any given day. 

  • Write Him Off: Journal Prompts to Heal Your Broken Heart in 30 Days: Journal Series

    Write Him Off: Journal Prompts to Heal Your Broken Heart in 30 Days: Journal Series
    Write Him Off: Journal Prompts to Heal Your Broken Heart in 30 Days: Journal Series

    How to Get Over a Broken Heart? Try Journaling. It's an Effective, Proven Method of Releasing Pain on Paper.   When it's down on the page, you can examine your emotions more rationally. A journal is a safe place to express your honest thoughts and emotions without the risk of judgment from others. As you follow these writing prompts, you'll find that inner part of your soul emerging to guide you and give you the answers you didn't think you had. You'll begin to understand why your relationship didn't work out, as well as uncover some of the insecurities and blockages to your happiness, and how to find the gifts and lessons in your current state of pain and recovery.   Coping with a breakup or divorce is a challenging time and everyone heals at their own pace. This book gives you 30 journal prompts to get to the heart of the matter and help you speed up the recovery process. Each journal prompt begins with an inspirational quote from great men and women of the past and present. ou can do the journal prompts consecutively, or you can pace them by taking breaks between the days if you find the work to be emotionally heavy.    A relationship consists of two people, which is why this book is divided into two sections: 15 prompts about your ex, and 15 that focuses on you.  By doing this work, you'll be taking the steps to:   ♥Let go of your ex ♥Uncover what made you incompatible ♥Why you were attracted to him in the first place ♥Analyze your true beliefs about love ♥How to be more positive in love and in life ♥Find out what REALLY makes you happy in a romantic relationship ♥How to take care of yourself and fulfill your own happiness and be less needy ♥How to create a healthy, inter-dependent relationship the next time around Whether it's letting go of a first love or healing from a nasty divorce, letting go of an ex is the first step in attracting your TRUE soulmate into your life. Buy the book and get started with this work today.

  • The Love Book: Journal Prompts for Writing Your Way to Your Soulmate: Journal Series

    The Love Book: Journal Prompts for Writing Your Way to Your Soulmate: Journal Series
    The Love Book: Journal Prompts for Writing Your Way to Your Soulmate: Journal Series

    Do you want love more than you're afraid of it? What if I tell you that your soulmate is about to knock on your door? Are you ready to receive this amazing person into your life?   If you have the desire to be with a soulmate, love and marriage is not only possible, it's your destiny. The main reason you don't have big love in your life yet is because you haven't been ready to receive it. If you believe deep down that you're not worthy of love, guess what? You manifest your own reality. But you can take back control of the direction of your love life, and it's easier than you think.   Part One of this book will shed light on what's been holding you back, providing journal writing and meditation exercises to remove any blockages you may have. You might have to dig up some old pain, fears, and insecurities to release them, but it's worth making the space in your heart to welcome in love.   In Part Two, we'll get to the fun stuff—letting your soulmate in! You'll get to create your dream relationship, make a vision board, learn to keep your love vibration high, make a bucket list of all the things you want to do with your soulmate once you are together, and more.   Author and relationship expert Elizabeth N. Doyd has written a book based on her twenty years of spiritual studies and eleven years of helping others find love with her soulmate secrets. "The Love Book"  includes plenty of journal writing exercises because journaling is an effective technique used by psychologists, psychiatrists and other coaches. When you lay down your deepest, toughest feelings in writing, you can examine your internal mechanisms to make the necessary changes.   If you do this powerful work, you won't be projecting your insecurities, fears and other personal issues onto your partner. You won't make your soulmate the sole purpose of existence.   This book is not just about how to find your soulmate. It's also bout discovering yourself, what you want and uncovering your purpose in life. When you're whole and complete, you won't exude the energy of neediness and decency that is so counterproductive in attracting love. Law of attraction applies to love too; like attracts like, and when you exude love, you get love!   This book is NOT for you if you're looking for flirting and seduction techniques. Instead it's about reframing your negative beliefs and thinking patterns, and making inner shifts in order to attract long-lasting fulfillment and true soulmate love. There's a focus on spiritual thinking, but without association with any particular religion.   Topics Include: ♥ Clarifying your intention for love ♥ How to recognize your soulmate ♥ Releasing past lovers and past pain ♥ How to survive the holidays single ♥ Finding your own life purpose ♥ How to be your best self ♥ Making your home welcoming for your soulmate ♥ How to raise your vibration and send out Heart Energy ♥ How to make a vision board to manifest your dream life faster ♥ When to take action and when to relax ♥ How to deal with rejection and jealousy ♥ The higher purpose of romantic love ♥ ...and much more   It's time to attract the love of your life. Read the book and start doing the inner work to manifest your soulmate into your reality.

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