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Acting on Temptation: The Temptation Series, #2
Fighting Temptation: The Temptation Series, #3
Lying With Temptation: The Temptation Series, #1
Ebook series3 titles

The Temptation Series

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About this series

Daria Jones has been trying for almost seven years to get over her past.  After starting college, finding an awesome group of friends and falling in love she thinks she has accomplished just that.  When she's drug back to face her past and the dangers that it entails, she comes to the realization that she can never have the normal life that others do.  That the love of her life and her friends are better off without her.

Cade Johnson has been called many things in his life.  Football God. Man-whore.  For the most part he had been a player on and off the field for years.  Part of his past made him afraid that he could never truly commit to one person.  Then he meets his best friend Gabby's roommate.  He loves the feisty no holds barred person that is Daria Jones.  After a couple of great years together he figures out Daria has some secrets.  Secrets are a deal breaker for him.  Since she won't share her past he calls it quits.  That is when they are both attacked.

Waking up to a life without Daria isn't what Cade ever wanted to envision for himself.  He has turned into a bitter lonely man.  He has come to the conclusion that he'll never have that kinda love again.  Just then Daria shows back up in his life.  Can they keeping fighting the temptation of their love and attraction?  Can he convince Daria that she deserves love like everyone else?
This is the Third and Final Chapter in the  Amazon Top New Adult 100 Temptation Series.

PublisherSM Donaldson
Release dateJul 7, 2014
Acting on Temptation: The Temptation Series, #2
Fighting Temptation: The Temptation Series, #3
Lying With Temptation: The Temptation Series, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Lying With Temptation: The Temptation Series, #1


    Lying With Temptation: The Temptation Series, #1
    Lying With Temptation: The Temptation Series, #1

    UPDATED 04/10/14 Gabby Lewis is your all American girl, she’s athletic, smart, and gorgeous and doesn’t have a clue that she is. She’s always been a very loyal friend and popular by association, until the end of her high school senior year when her best friend and the guy she thinks she’s in love with betray her.  The worse part of it is that her business and embarrassment become the talk of the entire small town she lives in.  She takes an early admission to college along with her best guy friend Cade; she’s going to turn over a new leaf in life. Linc Addison is a star athlete and one of the most sought out quarter backs in the Southeastern United States.  He’s the boy next door, who feels like his entire life he’s been used for his talents mainly by his father.  The only person he’s ever really been able to count on is his cousin Russ.  His high school girlfriend, cheated on him constantly, but wanted to keep him around so she could keep the correct social status.  Now that he’s rid his life of her, he’s moved on to welcome the college life. The day Linc walked in his coed dorm room and saw Gabby unpacking he felt like he’d won the lottery and lost his ability to make complete sentences.  She turned around to see one of the most gorgeous creatures she thinks God has ever put on this Earth.  Can they break down each others walls, and find the peace they seek with each other; can they take on all of the temptations and obstacles that come their way? This is the first book in the Temptation Series… 

  • Acting on Temptation: The Temptation Series, #2


    Acting on Temptation: The Temptation Series, #2
    Acting on Temptation: The Temptation Series, #2

    Anna Lewis is just tired.  She’s tired of being predictable.  She’s tired of khaki skirts, sweater sets and pearls.  She’s tired of her overbearing mother trying to push the Perfect boyfriend on her.  She wants to stand up for herself do normal things kids her age do. She’s eighteen not thirty-eight.  With her mother still on her case, an ex-boyfriend who’s an ass that won’t leave her alone, it’s not going to be easy.  She was ready to move on with her life, leave the step-ford wife her mother was trying to turn her into behind.  The only way she sees of doing that is going off to college.  She’s always admired the strength that her sister Gabby radiates and wishes she could be more like her.  After Gabby asks her to come to college with her and live in the house with her and her roommates how can she turn it down? Russ Addison has pretty much always been a football star.  Going to college with that status could get him any girl he wants, with no strings attached. That is until he was introduced to her.  He was in pure awe over the angel he met last year, Anna Lewis.  He was both excited and scared about the possibility of living with her.  Her sister and everyone else in the house had threatened him and his balls to stay clear of anything romantic with Anna.  He would just have to stay away from her in the romantic sense and be her friend…Her best damn friend.  Because he knows he’ll never be good enough to be anything more to her. After everyone is moved in and ready to start the fall semester, Russ starts to figure out that everything may not be what it seems with Anna.  He also realizes that he can’t stay away from her no matter how much he tries.  Anna knows she can’t seem to have enough time with Russ and she can’t help but wonder why he thinks so little of himself.  Will they be able to stay away from each other or will they have to act on the temptation of each other.  

  • Fighting Temptation: The Temptation Series, #3


    Fighting Temptation: The Temptation Series, #3
    Fighting Temptation: The Temptation Series, #3

    Daria Jones has been trying for almost seven years to get over her past.  After starting college, finding an awesome group of friends and falling in love she thinks she has accomplished just that.  When she's drug back to face her past and the dangers that it entails, she comes to the realization that she can never have the normal life that others do.  That the love of her life and her friends are better off without her. Cade Johnson has been called many things in his life.  Football God. Man-whore.  For the most part he had been a player on and off the field for years.  Part of his past made him afraid that he could never truly commit to one person.  Then he meets his best friend Gabby's roommate.  He loves the feisty no holds barred person that is Daria Jones.  After a couple of great years together he figures out Daria has some secrets.  Secrets are a deal breaker for him.  Since she won't share her past he calls it quits.  That is when they are both attacked. Waking up to a life without Daria isn't what Cade ever wanted to envision for himself.  He has turned into a bitter lonely man.  He has come to the conclusion that he'll never have that kinda love again.  Just then Daria shows back up in his life.  Can they keeping fighting the temptation of their love and attraction?  Can he convince Daria that she deserves love like everyone else? This is the Third and Final Chapter in the  Amazon Top New Adult 100 Temptation Series.

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