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Promises of the Dead: Grim Alliance, #2
A Cursed Life: Grim Alliance, #3
Reaper's Deliverance: Grim Alliance, #1
Ebook series6 titles

Grim Alliance Series

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About this series

An incubus, a doppelganger and two Reapers walk into a temple. There's no punch line.

McKenna hasn't come this far, lived through all she's had to endure, to be brought down by Empusa's minions and her feelings for an incubus. When Marcus flashes his wicked eyes at her, it stirs up memories the Reaper would rather forget - but it also stirs emotions she thought were long dead. And behind it all, she and her makeshift family are now in a race against time for the souls of every human as Empusa joins forces with Anubis. 

Marcus is outwardly confident, inwardly shy and reluctant to reveal himself. For an incubus, he's surprisingly secretive, and his life revolves around protecting his sister and keeping them both safe - until he meets McKenna. Sweet, kind and fiery on the inside, he's instantly smitten by the Reaper who is just as protective of her family as he is of his. But can he break through the barriers she has set up to keep herself safe from the past?

And will anyone still be around to tell the tale when the battle is over?

PublisherIsara Press
Release dateNov 16, 2014
Promises of the Dead: Grim Alliance, #2
A Cursed Life: Grim Alliance, #3
Reaper's Deliverance: Grim Alliance, #1

Titles in the series (6)

  • Reaper's Deliverance: Grim Alliance, #1


    Reaper's Deliverance: Grim Alliance, #1
    Reaper's Deliverance: Grim Alliance, #1

    SUSPENSE/HORROR Semi-Finalist in the 2015 Best Kindle Book Awards! *** When Ryder dies in a horrific motorbike accident, he’s left facing a choice. Go onto his next life, more terrible than his last, or become…a Reaper. Ryder’s life has little meaning to him. A violent hedonist who left his broken childhood behind, he would rather spend his time chasing women and smashing up bars than consider his future. But when it all comes to an abrupt end, he’s forced to make a decision that changes everything. Elizabeth is a single mother, and the light of her life, her son Thomas, is terminally ill. With no time for a job, a normal social life, and definitely not a relationship, her world is turned upside-down when Ryder strides in with his biker boots. She’s always known there was something more to the universe than what she can see. But when she learns the real reason for him being in their lives, she has to do something she hasn’t done for a long time. Trust someone. When little Thomas is threatened by an evil that would misuse his special gift, they must work together, along with a troubled but caring group of reapers. Time is running out to get him back, and Helheim beckons with its black jaws. All of them must fight, and be prepared for the centuries-waiting battle they will kick off. And will Ryder finally gain his redemption?

  • Promises of the Dead: Grim Alliance, #2


    Promises of the Dead: Grim Alliance, #2
    Promises of the Dead: Grim Alliance, #2

    When Gabe died, he didn’t go alone. A horrific car accident killed not only himself, but also his wife and daughter. And he blames himself. As a Reaper, Gabe has found new purpose in his afterlife. But the guilt and anger of what he believes he did weighs heavy on his soul. And after the Reapers marched into Helheim and stole a soul from under Empusa’s nose, they’ve all been target one on her hitlist—starting with Gabe. Soon, he’s haunted by more than his thoughts…he’s haunted by a Spectre. Talia Riverbottom is a non-glittering faerie, employed by the Hall of Rest as a Spectre Hunter. When she first gets assigned to help Gabe with his problem, she sees a troubled man who will never be free of his ghosts, unless he forgives himself for something that was never his fault. But the secret she hides herself may be the key to unlocking happiness for both of them—but only if she can save him. All of the Reapers must work together to fight back the evil that has penetrated their ranks, and stop Empusa from getting what she really wants, at any cost. The battle is only just beginning, and they will need every skill and strength they have to win. And will Gabe ever be free of his ghosts?

  • A Cursed Life: Grim Alliance, #3


    A Cursed Life: Grim Alliance, #3
    A Cursed Life: Grim Alliance, #3

    Alisha knows that out of all the Reapers, she is the one with the most to lose. Because when she died…she left someone behind. Her younger sister, Stacy, has never been far from her thoughts. Ever since the fateful day she was forced to leave home, she has watched over her, keeping her safe. And now, because of her sister and Patrick’s sneaky trick with a forbidden photograph, she’s going to have to protect her all over again. Even if it means leaving the Grim Alliance forever. Left with no choice, Alisha must embark on a journey to save her little sister, and save herself in the process. When she’s joined by the charming but secretive Steeleye, a supernatural assassin, her world is tipped upside-down. They must work together with her family—whether family by blood or not—to save what is most important in the world. More important than a soul. Love. But Empusa isn’t so naïve that Alisha will be allowed to save her sister so easily. She’s planning to take Stacy for herself, and by doing so… She’s going to get a Reaper’s soul.

  • Twice As Guilty: Grim Alliance, #4


    Twice As Guilty: Grim Alliance, #4
    Twice As Guilty: Grim Alliance, #4

    Drew and Devin were always more than twins. More than brothers. More than bandmates. They even died together. When Drew and Devin become Reapers, both of them bury their past and focus on saving souls for the Hall of Rest. The darkness of their childhood, and the brightness of their brief stint as a famous band, disappear as they are reborn in their new role. They secretly long for the women who will be their soulmates—and Devin believes he has found his, in the faerie Helena. But Empusa is already two steps ahead of the Reapers, and a spy in their midst begins to unravel the close connection of the twins, ultimately leading to destroying the Grim Alliance from within. Events will make Devin and Drew question their past, as well as their future, and will test the boundaries of brotherly love. A block on the Hall of Rest means souls are trapped in Empusa’s realm, and puts a strain on everyone involved. The Reapers must find out Empusa’s plan in time, or the Hall of Rest will fall to the goddess’ grasp, as will the Grim Alliance—and the twins who are at the epicentre of the fallout.

  • A Lesson in Wickedness: Grim Alliance, #5


    A Lesson in Wickedness: Grim Alliance, #5
    A Lesson in Wickedness: Grim Alliance, #5

    Mika has always been alone, one way or another, throughout her long and lonely life. But it’s easier that way. Easier for her to do her job as a Reaper. Easier for her to close herself off from her feelings. From the memories that can drag her into the darkness of her past. From the wickedness that still haunts her nightmares. But when her heart speeds up at the sight of a Valkyrie in need of her aid, she can do little to refuse the beautiful woman who is capturing her heart. Sigrid Odinsdottir is special. A Valkyrie with a heart—and a curse. Only together can they remove the curse. And only together can they both allow themselves to have what they have vowed never again to feel. Love. While the Reapers ready themselves for a state of war for the Otherworld, Empusa finds new allies to aid her in taking the Hall of Rest for her own. But little does the fiery goddess know that those she trusts the most will spell her doom. Revenge can be served in many different ways, and Arasia the soothsayer might be the difference between who holds Helheim and the Fields of Deity in their grasp. Someone will get a lesson in wickedness.

  • Death in Kindness: Grim Alliance, #6


    Death in Kindness: Grim Alliance, #6
    Death in Kindness: Grim Alliance, #6

    An incubus, a doppelganger and two Reapers walk into a temple. There's no punch line. McKenna hasn't come this far, lived through all she's had to endure, to be brought down by Empusa's minions and her feelings for an incubus. When Marcus flashes his wicked eyes at her, it stirs up memories the Reaper would rather forget - but it also stirs emotions she thought were long dead. And behind it all, she and her makeshift family are now in a race against time for the souls of every human as Empusa joins forces with Anubis.  Marcus is outwardly confident, inwardly shy and reluctant to reveal himself. For an incubus, he's surprisingly secretive, and his life revolves around protecting his sister and keeping them both safe - until he meets McKenna. Sweet, kind and fiery on the inside, he's instantly smitten by the Reaper who is just as protective of her family as he is of his. But can he break through the barriers she has set up to keep herself safe from the past? And will anyone still be around to tell the tale when the battle is over?

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