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Frozen Dreams: Terminus, #3
Dauntless: Terminus, #4
Terminus: Terminus, #1
Ebook series3 titles

Terminus Series

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About this series

Dauntless – A full length novel in the science fiction Terminus setting.

Dauntless picks up the action-packed Terminus science fiction series where Frozen Dreams left off. This time the crew must save an unruly princess from a solar system-wide civil war. A simple escort and run job — what could go wrong?

The Nelanian culture is based on aggression, war, and battling with themselves. Everybody's got a stake in the war — profits and power to be had. Betrayal and sacrifice are justified under the pretense of the Greater Good. Earning a slightly dishonest paycheck has never been seemed so admirable.

Even the Princess Tor has been contracted to save has her own agenda… an agenda that doesn't take Tor, his crew, or his ship into consideration. When escape is no longer an option there's only one way left to get the job done. There's no right or wrong side to this war, just a winning side. That's the side Tor intends to be on.

Look for these other Terminus novels:

Book 1 – Terminus – An Introduction (by Jason Halstead)

Book 2 – Ghost Planet (by John M. Davis)

Book 3 – Frozen Dreams (by Jason Halstead)

Book 4 - Dauntless (by Jason Halstead)

Release dateFeb 4, 2016
Frozen Dreams: Terminus, #3
Dauntless: Terminus, #4
Terminus: Terminus, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Terminus: Terminus, #1


    Terminus: Terminus, #1
    Terminus: Terminus, #1

    Terminus – A novella length introduction to exciting new Science Fiction adventures by Jason Halstead and John M. Davis Joy. A name had never been less fitting for anyone in the history of the universe. Joy Kowara grew up knowing nothing but fear, pain, and loneliness. The only escape she could find from a ruined life landed her in worst labor camp in the galaxy: a mining and terraforming camp on planet Opdyke. Opdyke was a miserable planet with nothing but wind, snow, and ferocious animals eager for some fresh meat. The only valuable thing about the planet was the rich mineral veins the prisoners had to work around the clock. Death was a welcome relief from the frozen wasteland that most prisoners invariably came to look forward to. When the ice wolves called ferren slipped through the fence and came for Joy, she knew she had to make a decision: surrender to their savage fangs and be done with her life, or fight back and find a way to escape the miserable planet. It was that simple. She only had to decide whether today was her day to die. Look for these other Terminus novels: Book 1 – Terminus – An Introduction (by Jason Halstead) Book 2 – Ghost Planet (by John M. Davis) Book 3 – Frozen Dreams (by Jason Halstead)  

  • Frozen Dreams: Terminus, #3


    Frozen Dreams: Terminus, #3
    Frozen Dreams: Terminus, #3

    Terminus – A novella length introduction to exciting new Science Fiction adventures by Jason Halstead and John M. Davis Sentenced to a labor crew for crimes they didn't commit, Tor and his wife are condemned to spend the rest of their short lives slaving away on the frozen rock known as Opdyke. Being forced to live like a criminal can change a person. In Tor and Jinx's case, where they'd once been content they now hungered for more. More freedom. More life. The only way to get what they wanted meant escape, but the only escape from Opdyke was death. Tor needed a crew. People he could trust, picked from a collection of the galaxy's worst criminals. Then he needed an opportunity, just as one of the psychic torturers known as the Gifted showed up to conduct an inspection. Their choices were escape or die. Either was preferable to a slow death freezing day after day mining ore. Tor's only hope was that they could rely on the skills of his unproven crew. That and a lot of luck if they were going to get off the planet and find a safe place to hide.  Look for these other Terminus novels: Book 1 – Terminus – An Introduction (by Jason Halstead) Book 2 – Ghost Planet (by John M. Davis) Book 3 – Frozen Dreams (by Jason Halstead)  

  • Dauntless: Terminus, #4


    Dauntless: Terminus, #4
    Dauntless: Terminus, #4

    Dauntless – A full length novel in the science fiction Terminus setting. Dauntless picks up the action-packed Terminus science fiction series where Frozen Dreams left off. This time the crew must save an unruly princess from a solar system-wide civil war. A simple escort and run job — what could go wrong? The Nelanian culture is based on aggression, war, and battling with themselves. Everybody's got a stake in the war — profits and power to be had. Betrayal and sacrifice are justified under the pretense of the Greater Good. Earning a slightly dishonest paycheck has never been seemed so admirable. Even the Princess Tor has been contracted to save has her own agenda… an agenda that doesn't take Tor, his crew, or his ship into consideration. When escape is no longer an option there's only one way left to get the job done. There's no right or wrong side to this war, just a winning side. That's the side Tor intends to be on. Look for these other Terminus novels: Book 1 – Terminus – An Introduction (by Jason Halstead) Book 2 – Ghost Planet (by John M. Davis) Book 3 – Frozen Dreams (by Jason Halstead) Book 4 - Dauntless (by Jason Halstead)


Jason Halstead

Jason Halstead has always had colorful stories to tell. At an early age that creativity usually resulted in some kind of punishment. At long last he's come into his own and has turned his imagination into an asset that is keeping thousands of people entertained. When he's not writing Jason spends his time with his wife and two children, trying to relive his glory days as a powerlifter, or developing new IT systems for his dayjob. He enjoys reading and responding to fan mail as well, so if you liked any of his books, don't be shy! Sign up for his newsletter, find him on the web at, email him at:, or follow him on Twitter: @booksbyjason.

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