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Scenting Hallowed Blood: The Grigori Trilogy, #2
Stealing Sacred Fire: The Grigori Trilogy, #3
Stalking Tender Prey: The Grigori Trilogy, #1
Ebook series3 titles

The Grigori Trilogy Series

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About this series

Through the ancient magic of the Grigori, the rogue Anakim, Peverel Othman, is once again Shemyaza, king of the fallen angels, benefactor of humankind, who was once doomed to an eternity of torment and imprisonment. Now his soul is free and incarnate in the world, and as the millennium draws to a close, Shemyaza calls his followers to him for the final battle to decide who controls the fate of humanity.

Along with his brother Salamiel and his human vizier Daniel, Shemyaza journeys to seek the place of his creation; Kharsag, the Garden in Eden. Along the way they fall in with the Yarasadi freedom fighters, who are inspired by a dynamic new leader whose identity is an enigma. In the mountains of these eastern lands, Daniel discovers a forgotten part of himself and begins to learn the secrets buried long ago by the forebears of the Anannage, the original angel race.

In Babylon, a new human king has arisen, who believes he is the descendent of the angels and in an ancient buried city discovers a Watcher Lord who has been imprisoned for millennia. With the aid of this being, the king sends out the djinn to track down Shemyaza, who is essential to the schemes of the Babylon mages. Meanwhile, the assassin Melandra Maynard, driven by the creed of the cult in which she was raised, has been given the task of hunting down the king of the fallen ones and killing him.

All these forces converge and combine in the mystical land of Egypt, where Shemyaza must make the ultimate sacrifice, bringing the Grigori trilogy to a breath-taking conclusion.

Release dateMar 16, 2016
Scenting Hallowed Blood: The Grigori Trilogy, #2
Stealing Sacred Fire: The Grigori Trilogy, #3
Stalking Tender Prey: The Grigori Trilogy, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Stalking Tender Prey: The Grigori Trilogy, #1


    Stalking Tender Prey: The Grigori Trilogy, #1
    Stalking Tender Prey: The Grigori Trilogy, #1

    The Grigori are an ancient race; powerful people who possess abilities and powers humans do not. They gave rise to the legends of the fallen angels, and their descendents live on among us, hidden within human society, moving wheels within wheels, making changes unseen across the world. The twins Owen and Lily Winter always have always known they are different to everyone else who lives in the quiet village of Little Moor.  Their mother is dead and they never discovered who their father was. When the mysterious stranger, Peverel Othman, arrives in Little Moor, their lives are destined to be changed for ever, and ancient secrets are unearthed in the High Place in the forest and the haunted towers of the shuttered and deserted mansion, Long Eden. Among the upper echelons of Grigori society, the search begins for an Anakim – a rogue Grigori whose existence threatens the security of his race and the lives of those who cross his path. Aninka Prussoe, whose own life has been shattered by contact with the Anakim, is among those who are led towards Little Moor and the final climax to a story that never ended and which has haunted both humanity and Grigori alike for millennia. Stalking Tender Prey is the first volume in Storm Constantine’s acclaimed Grigori trilogy, examining the myths of the fallen angels and the Nephilim.

  • Scenting Hallowed Blood: The Grigori Trilogy, #2


    Scenting Hallowed Blood: The Grigori Trilogy, #2
    Scenting Hallowed Blood: The Grigori Trilogy, #2

    High Crag on Cornwall’s desolate storm-lashed coast is a mysterious place with dark secrets. On these bleak shores, the rebel offspring of the angelic race landed many millennia ago. Their memory was never forgotten and across the centuries, seers, mystics and witches basked in the occult power of this prehistoric landscape, awaiting the rebirth of the Fallen Ones. Yet their modern day descendents, the Grigori, are already among humanity, hidden yet preparing for world dominance as the new millennium approaches. One rogue Grigori, the fallen angel Shemyaza, once reborn as the mysterious figure, Peverel Othman, is ready to spoil the careful plans of human and Grigori alike. Having escaped from the destruction he wreaked in the sleepy village of Little Moor, Shemyaza walks the earth as his giant forefathers did long before him. Accompanied by the hybrid twins, Owen and Lily Winter, and the seer, Daniel, he is drawn to High Crag. Here, he must journey into a domain deep beneath the serpentine cliffs, where an ancient power sleeps and the secrets of the past wait to be rediscovered. Scenting Hallowed Blood is the second volume in Storm Constantine’s acclaimed Grigori trilogy, exploring the myths of the fallen angels and the Nephilim.

  • Stealing Sacred Fire: The Grigori Trilogy, #3


    Stealing Sacred Fire: The Grigori Trilogy, #3
    Stealing Sacred Fire: The Grigori Trilogy, #3

    Through the ancient magic of the Grigori, the rogue Anakim, Peverel Othman, is once again Shemyaza, king of the fallen angels, benefactor of humankind, who was once doomed to an eternity of torment and imprisonment. Now his soul is free and incarnate in the world, and as the millennium draws to a close, Shemyaza calls his followers to him for the final battle to decide who controls the fate of humanity. Along with his brother Salamiel and his human vizier Daniel, Shemyaza journeys to seek the place of his creation; Kharsag, the Garden in Eden. Along the way they fall in with the Yarasadi freedom fighters, who are inspired by a dynamic new leader whose identity is an enigma. In the mountains of these eastern lands, Daniel discovers a forgotten part of himself and begins to learn the secrets buried long ago by the forebears of the Anannage, the original angel race. In Babylon, a new human king has arisen, who believes he is the descendent of the angels and in an ancient buried city discovers a Watcher Lord who has been imprisoned for millennia. With the aid of this being, the king sends out the djinn to track down Shemyaza, who is essential to the schemes of the Babylon mages. Meanwhile, the assassin Melandra Maynard, driven by the creed of the cult in which she was raised, has been given the task of hunting down the king of the fallen ones and killing him. All these forces converge and combine in the mystical land of Egypt, where Shemyaza must make the ultimate sacrifice, bringing the Grigori trilogy to a breath-taking conclusion.


Storm Constantine

Storm Constantine has written over twenty books, both fiction and non-fiction and well over fifty short stories. Her novels span several genres, from literary fantasy, to science fiction, to dark fantasy. She is most well known for her Wraeththu trilogy (omnibus edition published by Tor), and a new set of novels set in the world of Wraeththu, beginning with The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (Tor, 2003). Wraeththu are magical and sensual hermaphroditic beings, who when their story first began, almost twenty years ago, broke startling new ground in the often staid fantasy/sf genres. Her influences include myth, magic and ancient history and the foibles of human nature. She uses writing and fiction to bridge the gap between mundane reality and the unseen realms of imagination and magic. She strives to awaken perception of these inner realms and the unexplored territory of the human psyche. Aside from writing, Storm runs the Lady of the Flame Iseum, a group affiliated to the Fellowship of Isis, and is known to conduct group members on tours of ancient sites in the English landscape, in her husband's beat up old army Land Rover. She is also a Reiki Master/Teacher, has recently set up her own publishing company, Immanion Press, to publish esoteric books, and teaches creative writing when she gets the time. Neil Gaiman, author of the Sandman series, once said: 'Storm Constantine is a mythmaking, Gothic queen, whose lush tales are compulsive reading. Her stories are poetic, involving, delightful, and depraved. I wouldn't swap her for a dozen Anne Rices!'

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