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Mind Rift
Never Again
Under Her Hypnotic Heel
Ebook series30 titles

Femdom Hypnosis and Mind Control Micro-Fiction Series

By S.B.

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this series

People say time is a constant, and yet it moves too quickly or too slowly when you're in a trance. In the realms of hypnotic fantasies, everything bends and shifts and the impossible becomes a reality. It's time to explore them once more in another selection of tantalizing micro-fiction.

Release dateJul 9, 2018
Mind Rift
Never Again
Under Her Hypnotic Heel

Titles in the series (41)

  • Under Her Hypnotic Heel


    Under Her Hypnotic Heel
    Under Her Hypnotic Heel

    Don't you love the idea of being under the spell of a seductive, hypnotic woman? I know you do. In this book, you'll find a selection of micro-tales where women take charge because that's the way things are meant to be. Resistance is useless as they say but feel free to try, I dare you. Part of an ongoing daily writing challenge at the author's website - Spell... B-O-U-N-D - in this collection, humor and erotica go hand in hand, and nothing beats the ecstasy of being under her hypnotic heel. Surrender and obey.

  • Mind Rift


    Mind Rift
    Mind Rift

    Broken, torn apart, rewritten. That’s what will happen to you if you’re lucky enough to be captured by a powerful dominant woman. You may think you don’t want that at all, but once the brainwashing kicks in, you’ll do anything to keep her happy. You are a toy to be played with, after all. This book is another collection of deviant micro-fiction where women take the lead and alter reality in any way they see fit. Reading it will probably change your beliefs from inside out but that’s okay for that’s what exactly what they want it to happen and you’ll comply. Ready for some more fantasies played in the key of hypnotic seduction? It’s time to give in to the fractures within your mind. Enjoy.

  • Never Again


    Never Again
    Never Again

    Never again, you think. Never again will you be played, manipulated, controlled, brought to heel by a powerful, hypnotic woman. You are free. You will be free for the rest of your... You’re such a liar, aren’t you? The truth is your mind is long gone. You will do as you’re told. Discover yet another collection of sexy, mesmerizing micro-fiction where the only things important are submission and obedience. Surrender to your fantasies and let them take over. You’ll love every step of the journey even if you don’t remember them all.

  • Capture



    You don't know it yet but your future has already been written. You will be found, captured, trained, conditioned in both mind and body to serve a powerful hypnotic woman. It will happen sooner or later, that much is certain but while you wait, live the fantasy in yet another collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction. You know you will love it because you don't really have a choice. Her fun awaits.

  • The Movie in His Mind


    The Movie in His Mind
    The Movie in His Mind

    Why do we watch movies and TV shows? To have fun, to relax, to look for a thrill, an escape from reality. There are so many reasons, all of them valid, and it’s undeniable how inspiring they can be, just like dominant women inspire us to be better versions of ourselves. This compilation is inspired by the wonders one can find both on the small screen and the big screen, kinky fantasies at the distance of a remote or a movie ticket. Some of the micro-universes within will be familiar to you, others not so much, but hopefully all fun. Turn off the lights and your cellphones for the show is about to begin. Please Enjoy.

  • Infinitude



    What do you think about when the word “infinitude” comes to mind? Space? Love? Something else? I think of women: their beauty, their grace, their power, the fact that they are the way they are, their perfection making the world go around, hypnosis or not. However, everything is better with a bit of mind control and it would be a waste not to use it and celebrate it in yet another series of micro-fantasies written just for you. Endless pleasures await. Infinitude begins now.

  • Size Doesn't Matter


    Size Doesn't Matter
    Size Doesn't Matter

    We live obsessed with measures but, sometimes, the sweetest things come in the smallest of packages and it doesn’t take much for truly powerful women to enter your mind and take hold of your thoughts. Trust me. If you think otherwise, this collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction will show you just how far the rabbit hole goes leaving you with no choice but to obey their every command. Doesn’t that sound great?

  • Her Melody


    Her Melody
    Her Melody

    The journey continues with this new selection of erotic micro-fiction. More brainwashing, more mind control, more sexy women taking charge. Their melody doesn’t need lyrics but, if it were to have them, they would resume to one word and one word alone: obey. Please enjoy. ((This collection of micro-fiction is a re-release of the book formerly known as In 55 Words - Short Stories of Female Dominance, Hypnosis and Mind Control- Vol. II with a new cover in order to be included in the now ongoing micro-fiction series.))

  • Distortion



    Everything can be distorted: truths, beliefs, Time itself... but perhaps the most exciting thing of all is to warp one’s mind in a way that impossible things become possible. Mind control isn’t just a fantasy but the sexiest of realities if you allow yourself to be transformed by the skills of a powerful woman. It’s time to shed your old skin. Embrace the change in this collection of tantalizing stories.

  • Time Flies Like a Spiral


    Time Flies Like a Spiral
    Time Flies Like a Spiral

    Stop what you're doing right now and imagine this: what if a femdom hypnotist had the power not only to alter thoughts but also travel through Time as well? Where would she go? Who would she talk to? And how would History would change as a result of her actions? Find out the answer to these questions and more in this exhilarating collection of humorous mind control micro-fiction. From Leonardo da Vinci to Sigmund Freud, from The Manhattan Project to the Moon Landing, nothing and no one is safe from her whimsical reality-bending ways.

  • Valentine's Gift


    Valentine's Gift
    Valentine's Gift

    The greatest gift you can give a woman is your obedience, submission, and everlasting loyalty. This is true every single day. However, why not go the extra mile on Valentine’s day and let your kinky side come forth in all its splendor? This new anthology allows you to do just that. Let your thoughts go blank in the presence of their mesmerizing power and discover bliss like no other. Have fun.

  • Restrained



    What is freedom to you? Wait, don’t answer. Let me do it for you because freedom is but an illusion carefully constructed within and around your mind. Your thoughts have been warped a long time ago and the only path you now walk on is one of submission and obedience. The author will not be held accountable if you feel the need to drop to your knees and serve a powerful, hypnotic woman after reading the contents of this e-book. ((This collection of micro-fiction is a re-release of the book formerly known as In 55 Words - Short Stories of Female Dominance, Hypnosis and Mind Control))

  • Roller Coaster


    Roller Coaster
    Roller Coaster

    Life is a roller coaster full of twists and turns. Sometimes, they become spirals. All it takes is a single moment and then you're lost forever. Discover more sexy and humorous pieces of micro-fiction where the outcome is set in stone. Hypnotic dreams become undeniable realities and women conquer all. Please enjoy. ((This collection of micro-fiction is a re-release of the book formerly known as In 55 Words - Short Stories of Female Dominance, Hypnosis and Mind Control- Vol. III with a new cover in order to be included in the now ongoing micro-fiction series.))

  • Taste of Temptation


    Taste of Temptation
    Taste of Temptation

    Temptation has many forms, many flavors, but the sweetest of them all is found in the presence of hypnotic women. When the Sorceresses of the Mind speak, you listen and obey. In this book, another compilation of mesmerizing micro-fiction awaits you to take you on journeys of surrender you’ve only imagined. Taste their power and have fun.

  • Fan Mail


    Fan Mail
    Fan Mail

    Women know better than you. They always have, they always will. Sometimes, you fail to acknowledge it, but that is okay. They have ways to remind you and take control of your thoughts whenever they want. You are a fan of dominant women, their toy, their pet. It is all you can be. The truth is you are born to obey, and you will. This collection of entrancing micro-fiction will show you just how much power they really have. Have fun.

  • Not What You Expect


    Not What You Expect
    Not What You Expect

    Everything happens for a reason but, sometimes you can’t see what it is. Not because of lack of trying but because they don’t want you to. The honeyed-voice sirens that control your every thought and action are always right and their power over you keeps on growing whether you want to or not. Resistance is overrated, anyway. Have fun with yet another assortment of feminine, hypnotic power. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll surrender. Things aren’t always what you expect them to be, yet obedience never changes.

  • Poker Night


    Poker Night
    Poker Night

    Let's play a game. One where, no matter how much you try to bluff your way out if it, you will always lose your mind to powerful hypnotic women. Sounds fun, right? Especially for them. Enjoy the descent into submission in this new collection of micro-fiction. The cards don't lie, and they never will. You can’t resist.

  • Focus



    Sometimes, it’s hard to remember what’s truly important, isn’t it? Luckily, there are hypnotic women around who are more than willing to set you on the right path, one that begins and ends in mesmerizing submission. In the most recent installment of this micro-fiction collection, your mind will learn once again how to surrender and obey their instructions. Let your thoughts go blank always and forever. You won’t regret it.

  • At the Beach


    At the Beach
    At the Beach

    Time to bathe. Control can happen anywhere and when you least expect it but when the sun is high and the shimmering water invites one for a walk, there’s no better place than the beach of her mind, a haven where anything is possible just as long as you’re open to it. In the latest installment of this micro-fiction collection, you can visit not only this beach but also other realms of imagination where women rule and you serve. You know you’ll love them all. Please enjoy.

  • Pixie Dust


    Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust

    Do you think this world is crazy, that everything has simply gone off the rails a long time ago? Wouldn’t it be nice to simply let go, relax, and enjoy the wonderfully pleasurable bliss of mindless submission to a deviant, entrancing woman? In this new collection, you’ll find plenty, all ready for some ecstatic fun at the expense of their helpless vict... I mean, subjects. Be one of them and drift away.

  • Breakfast Cereal


    Breakfast Cereal
    Breakfast Cereal

    They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it's true. You should always start your mornings with a good and healthy repast. You should also always serve women. They own your mind and body, after all. Discover many new ways in which that can happen in yet another selection of mesmerizing micro-fiction. Feast on submission and sate your soul.

  • Unraveled



    Your craziest thoughts, your ideas, your innermost beliefs... everything you are can easily come undone at the hands of a dominant woman. All she needs to do is snap her fingers and... Time to lose yourself once again so that she gets what she wants from you in this new collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction where resistance will always be impossible. Please enjoy.

  • Spoilers



    Don’t you hate it when you’re invested in a book, a TV show or a movie and someone comes along and ruins all the surprises before you have the chance to say anything to the contrary? Well, in this case, you don’t have to worry about spoilers because you already know how this goes. In this world of fetish and fantasy, all women make the rules, and all men obey them one way or another. Though you may believe otherwise, you are no exception. Surrender your thoughts and your body to their irresistible charms in this new collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction. Do it now.

  • Candles



    The light is calling you. Too stressed to relax? Wouldn’t it be nice to simply light up a candle, gaze into its flickering flame and feel yourself let go? Yes, it would, and even better if a hypnotic woman did it for you, slowly taking over your thoughts. In this new volume of the micro-fiction that keeps on giving, the fantasies you seek are just one story away. Read them all, embrace the light and do as you’re told. There’s no better feeling in the world. Enjoy.

  • Mindless Ecstasy


    Mindless Ecstasy
    Mindless Ecstasy

    You know you want to give in to a powerful woman. You feel the need in your bones, in your mind, in the very core of your soul. Trying to deny it is denying your true nature and a leopard can’t change its spots. The path to mindless submission is easy to follow and you can do it in this collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction. The time is right for your capitulation. Make a woman happy and obey!

  • Voyeur



    You’ve always been curious about hypnotic dominant women, you want to know how they do the things they do, and how to be a part of their world. This is your chance and the only thing it will cost you is your free will. It’s time for another collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction where everything you see and do just takes you deeper and deeper into their grasp. The only way out is to go deeper. Do it now and enjoy.

  • Memories Not Included


    Memories Not Included
    Memories Not Included

    How do you know your memories are real and that you lived through them? How can you be sure of what’s in front of your eyes right now? Are you even reading this text? Perhaps, your perception has been altered, and you’re constantly being (re)programmed by all the things you take for granted. One thing is certain: this world belongs to hypnotic women, and you belong to them. This collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction focuses mostly on themes such as perception, confusion, memory play, and hypnotic amnesia, hence the title. Please enjoy.

  • Bigger Cage


    Bigger Cage
    Bigger Cage

    Deny it how much you want but you are trapped. Your thoughts have long been caged and brought to heel. Your only purpose in life now is to serve hypnotic dominant women and surrender time and time again to their whims. There’s no escape for you because you don’t want to escape. They made sure of that, too. Still, with every day, your experiences grow. A brainwashed servant you may be, yet you keep expanding your knowledge, and discovering new ways to please and be of service. Old ways no longer suit you and to accommodate the new ones, you’re going to need a bigger cage. One is waiting for you in this new collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction that will cement your position as a mindless, devoted pet. Come on inside and enjoy.

  • Zombie



    Your thoughts are not your own. You may think otherwise and believe it with every fiber of your being, but you have been transformed. Mindlessness is your true nature, obedience the only thing that makes sense in your life. You are a zombie to powerful hypnotic women, always eager to follow their lead no matter the cost and, once again, you will. Be who you are meant to be just like all the characters in this collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction. There’s no escape for you. Enjoy.

  • Yummy



    Savor your submission. What's better than losing your mind once? Losing twice, thrice, as many times as your Domme wants you to. The flavors of submission are varied; some like it sweet, others like it spicy. Which are your favorites? Discover a wide selection of yummy delicacies of the mind in this new collection of mesmerizing micro-fiction. Savor them all and go deeper. Please enjoy.



Simple Being, middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for stories involving Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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