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7 short stories that ENFJ will love
7 short stories that ENFP will love
7 short stories that ENTP will love
Ebook series15 titles

7 short stories for your Myers-Briggs type Series

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About this series

ISTP has a rational and calm facade, but they can be very enthusiastic and spontaneous; people around them may find it difficult to predict their behaviour. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ISTP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality.
This book contains:

- To Build a Fire by Jack London.
- Life of Ma Parker by Katherine Mansfield.
- Meditations: Book Twelve By Marcus Aurelius.
- The Reward of Virtue by Henry van Dyke.
- The Young King by Oscar Wilde.
- God Sees the Truth, But Waits by Leo Tolstoy.
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection!
Cover image: Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), Mexican painter and ISTP.
PublisherTacet Books
Release dateApr 10, 2020
7 short stories that ENFJ will love
7 short stories that ENFP will love
7 short stories that ENTP will love

Titles in the series (15)

  • 7 short stories that ENTP will love


    7 short stories that ENTP will love
    7 short stories that ENTP will love

    ENTP are intelligent and need to be constantly mentally stimulated; Although they are extroverts, they don't enjoy small talk. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ENTP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - Afterward by Edith Wharton. - The Reticence of Lady Anne by Saki. - Meditations: Book Ten by Marcus Aurelius. - The Blue Cross by G. K. Chesterton. - The Gap in the Curtain by John Buchan. - Forewarned by Saki. - The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover Image: Catherine the Great (1729-1796), Empress of Russia and ENTP.

  • 7 short stories that ENFJ will love


    7 short stories that ENFJ will love
    7 short stories that ENFJ will love

    ENFJ are extroverted, idealistic and charismatic; they tend to live in their imagination rather than in the real world. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ENFJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - A Chameleon by Anton Chekhov. - The Ambitious Guest by Nathaniel Hawthorne. - The Country of the Blind by H. G. Wells. - The Phantom Coach by Amelia B. Edwards. - The Princess and the Puma by O. Henry. - Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy. - Paul's Case by Willa Cather. For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer, statesman and ENFJ.

  • 7 short stories that ENFP will love


    7 short stories that ENFP will love
    7 short stories that ENFP will love

    ENFP personality is highly perceptive and thoughtful; they like to be around other people and have a strong intuitive nature. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ENFP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - A Dark Brown Dog by Stephen Crane. - A Newspaper Story by O. Henry. - One Autumn Night by Maxim Gorky. - A Country Doctor by Franz Kafka. - Heroism by Ralph Waldo Emerson. - Meditations: Book Eight by Marcus Aurelius. - The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) Austrian composer of the Classical period and ENFP.

  • 7 short stories that ESTP will love


    7 short stories that ESTP will love
    7 short stories that ESTP will love

    ESTP are freedom lovers, like to be among people and are always ready to get down to business. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ESTP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Man Without a Temperament by Katherine Mansfield. - The Lottery Ticket by Anton Chekhov. - Meditations: Book Five by Marcus Aurelius. - The Heroic Slave by Frederick Douglass. - The Green Door by O. Henry. - Hands by Sherwood Anderson. - The Birthday of the Infanta by Oscar Wilde.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC), ESTP, undefeated in battle and one of history's most successful military commanders.

  • 7 short stories that ENTJ will love


    7 short stories that ENTJ will love
    7 short stories that ENTJ will love

    ENTJs are natural born leaders and, while they're intuitive, they like to deal with life rationally. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ENTJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant. - Meditations: Book Eleven by Marcus Aurelius. - The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs. - The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe. - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce. - The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol. - The Portrait of Mr. W. H. by Oscar Wilde.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover Image: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), French statesman, military leader and ENTJ.

  • 7 short stories that ESFJ will love


    7 short stories that ESFJ will love
    7 short stories that ESFJ will love

    ESFJs are social butterflies that value relationships with people and, because of their charisma and attention, become almost always very popular. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ESFJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - An Ideal Family by Katherine Mansfield. - The Veteran by Stephen Crane. - Meditations: Book Nive by Marcus Aurelius. - A Modern Cinderella by Louisa May Alcott. - The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. - Araby by James Joyce. - La Maison Tellier by Guy de Maupassant.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Catherine Parr (1512-1542), Queen of England and Ireland, last of the six wives of King Henry VIII and ESFJ.

  • 7 short stories that ESTJ will love


    7 short stories that ESTJ will love
    7 short stories that ESTJ will love

    ESTJ are organized and dedicated; they know that the path of good is difficult to follow and are willing to help others in this task. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ESTJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Colonel's Ideas by Guy de Maupassant. - Ivy Day in the Committee Room by James Joyce. - Too Dear! by Leo Tolstoy. - A Retrieved Reformation by O.Henry. - Meditations: Book Six by Marcus Aurelius. - The Romance of a Busy Broker by O. Henry. - Winter Dreams by F. Scott Fitzgerald.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Paul the Apostle, one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age and ESTJ.

  • 7 short stories that ESFP will love


    7 short stories that ESFP will love
    7 short stories that ESFP will love

    ESFP are fun and like to be the center of attention; they are explorers and love to learn and share their learning with others. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ESFP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Open Boat by Stephen Crane. - The Great Good Place by Henry James. - A Sale by Guy de Maupassant. - The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. - The Sphinx Without a Secret by Oscar Wilde. - Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy. - The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Michelangelo (1475-1564), artist who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art and ESFP.

  • 7 short stories that INFJ will love


    7 short stories that INFJ will love
    7 short stories that INFJ will love

    INFJs are visionaries and idealists; they have a different outlook on life and ever take anything at surface level. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the INFJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson. - Apology by Plato. - Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne. - The Night Came Slowly by Kate Chopin. - The Meditations: Book Four by Marcus Aurelius. - The Man Who Loved His Kind by Virginia Woolf. - The Outsider by H.P. Lovecraft.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover Image: Mary Shelley (1797 - 1851), English novelist, mother of science fiction and INFJ.

  • 7 short stories that ISFP will love


    7 short stories that ISFP will love
    7 short stories that ISFP will love

    ISFPs are introverted, but once the initial barrier is overcome, they are affectionate and fun; the typical ISFP wants to live life to the fullest! In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ISFP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Last Leaf by O. Henry. - A Work of Art by Anton Chekhov. - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. - The Upturned Face by Stephen Crane. - The Unknown Masterpiece by Honoré De Balzac. - A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka. - Rashomon by Rynosuke Akutagawa.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Marie Antoinette (1755-1793), last Queen of France and ISFP.

  • 7 short stories that INTJ will love


    7 short stories that INTJ will love
    7 short stories that INTJ will love

    INTJs are highly capable and like to work alone; their mind works rationally and analytically, always one step ahead. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the INTJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Haunted Mind by Nathaniel Hawthorne. - The Cactus by O. Henry. - Meditations: Book Seven by Marcus Aurelius. - A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle. - The Atheist's Mass by Honoré de Balzac. - Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville. - The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), one of the greatest composers of all time and INTJ.

  • 7 short stories that INTP will love


    7 short stories that INTP will love
    7 short stories that INTP will love

    INTPs are brilliant and always think outside the box, are highly observant and not interested in routine. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the INTP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Interlopers by Saki. - Meditations: Book Three by Marcus Aurelius. - The Disintegration Machine by Arthur Conan Doyle. - The Music of Erich Zann by H. P. Lovecraft. - Intellect by Ralph Waldo Emerson. - Grace by James Joyce. - The Fly by Katherine Mansfield.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: René Descartes (1596-1650), one of the founders of modern philosophy and INTP.

  • 7 short stories that ISFJ will love


    7 short stories that ISFJ will love
    7 short stories that ISFJ will love

    ISFJs are very generous and kindhearted; they value cooperation and are careful of other people's feelings. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ISFJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - Regret by Kate Chopin. - One Thousand Dollars by O. Henry. - Her First Ball by Katherine Mansfield. - The Lady with the Little Dog by Anton Chekhov. - A New England Nun by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. - Boule de Suif by Guy de Maupassant. - A Haunted House by Virginia Woolf.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Clara Barton (1821 1912), pioneering American nurse who founded the American Red Cross and ISFJ.

  • 7 short stories that ISTJ will love


    7 short stories that ISTJ will love
    7 short stories that ISTJ will love

    ISTJs can be intimidating with their serious and formal appearance; they value the traditional way of doing things and work hard on everything they do. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ISTJ. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - The Voyage by Katherine Mansfield. - A Society by Virginia Woolf. - Meditations: Book Two by Marcus Aurelius. - A Mystery of Heroism by Stephen Crane. - The Kiss by Guy de Maupassant. - A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert. - My Life by Anton Chekhov.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: George Washington (1732 1799) was an American political leader, military general, statesman, Founding Father and ISTJ.

  • 7 short stories that ISTP will love


    7 short stories that ISTP will love
    7 short stories that ISTP will love

    ISTP has a rational and calm facade, but they can be very enthusiastic and spontaneous; people around them may find it difficult to predict their behaviour. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the ISTP. These are stories by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. This book contains: - To Build a Fire by Jack London. - Life of Ma Parker by Katherine Mansfield. - Meditations: Book Twelve By Marcus Aurelius. - The Reward of Virtue by Henry van Dyke. - The Young King by Oscar Wilde. - God Sees the Truth, But Waits by Leo Tolstoy. - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald.For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our Two Classic Novels your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love collection! *** Cover image: Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), Mexican painter and ISTP.


Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864) was an acclaimed American novelist. He was born Nathaniel Hathorne in Salem, Massachusetts, though he added a w to his name to distance himself from his family's involvement in the infamous Salem witch trials of the 1690s. The trials, along with Puritan culture in general, greatly influenced his writings. He is best remembered for his hallmark novels The House of Seven Gables, and The Scarlet Letter.

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