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Home Office Heartbreakers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #2
Home Office Lovers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #1
Ebook series2 titles

Quarantine Matchmakers Series

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About this series

Nicolette Ferris is trying to survive. 

Survive quarantine with a 7 year old boy. Survive loneliness and anxiety. And survive a pandemic that is sweeping the world and causing so much pain and death she can't stand to watch the news. 

While her tiny family is riding out the emotional storm, she has been running a free matchmaking service, totally anonymous, to bring love and cheer to her co-workers. Especially her best friend, Charlotte.

The sudden news that her mother may be among those infected, has her reeling and looking for someone to lean on. Mostly certain that the man she has been connecting with online is her longtime crush from work, Nick, she skips the computer and goes straight to calling him for comfort.

As their relationship blossoms, a dream come true, in the back of her mind, she worries that he has yet to mention what happened between him and the fiancé that ahs kept her from making a move all this time. 

Juggling work, homeschooling, Nick, and her son's growing boredom, a new monster creeps in, the worry monster. Her son worries about the illness and what will happen to him and those he loves while also struggling to be okay with being locked inside. As they adjust to this new normal, Nicolette wonders of bringing a new man into their lives is even a good idea. Until Nick begins to be a rock for her. 

When she is ready to be serious and trust Nick around her son, he ends up showing his true colors, a misunderstanding that leaves her stunned.

Release dateApr 19, 2020
Home Office Heartbreakers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #2
Home Office Lovers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #1

Titles in the series (2)

  • Home Office Lovers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #1


    Home Office Lovers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #1
    Home Office Lovers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #1

    Successful and slightly nerdy marketing professional, Nicolette Ferris finds herself living the worst nightmare of much of the first world – a pandemic that even high dollar medical systems and economies are not well prepared for. After hoping for the best and isolating herself from social media and news for a week for her mental health, she gets the news on the same day that she will be working from home and schools are closed indefinitely. Armed with her silly sense of humor, her 7 year old adopted son, and her secret embarrassing love for dating reality shows, she begins to find a new normal as she listens to her co-dependent and serial dating best friend complain about canceled dates due to the pandemic. In this stressful time, an idea comes to her to help company morale – their own version of reality dating involving her as a matchmaker, anonymously connecting co-workers she thinks might click without knowing who the other is so pre-conceived biases are removed, excluding herself, of course. After all, she has a young son to worry about right now, and the one man she has ever wanted is way off limits. But when someone anonymously requests a date with her, Nicolette takes the initial dive to join her own game, not knowing what to expect after her friend pushes her by agreeing to shelve her serial dating ways and take this seriously in exchange for this one selfish move from the typically selfless Nicolette. Will this be the start of a happily ever after she has secretly wanted this whole time? Or will it simply bring more stress to her already busy and anxious world?  

  • Home Office Heartbreakers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #2


    Home Office Heartbreakers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #2
    Home Office Heartbreakers: Quarantine Matchmakers, #2

    Nicolette Ferris is trying to survive.  Survive quarantine with a 7 year old boy. Survive loneliness and anxiety. And survive a pandemic that is sweeping the world and causing so much pain and death she can't stand to watch the news.  While her tiny family is riding out the emotional storm, she has been running a free matchmaking service, totally anonymous, to bring love and cheer to her co-workers. Especially her best friend, Charlotte. The sudden news that her mother may be among those infected, has her reeling and looking for someone to lean on. Mostly certain that the man she has been connecting with online is her longtime crush from work, Nick, she skips the computer and goes straight to calling him for comfort. As their relationship blossoms, a dream come true, in the back of her mind, she worries that he has yet to mention what happened between him and the fiancé that ahs kept her from making a move all this time.  Juggling work, homeschooling, Nick, and her son's growing boredom, a new monster creeps in, the worry monster. Her son worries about the illness and what will happen to him and those he loves while also struggling to be okay with being locked inside. As they adjust to this new normal, Nicolette wonders of bringing a new man into their lives is even a good idea. Until Nick begins to be a rock for her.  When she is ready to be serious and trust Nick around her son, he ends up showing his true colors, a misunderstanding that leaves her stunned.

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