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Mary Quirk and the Twilight of Paso Cerrado: Dark Lessons, #2
Mary Quirk and the Reborn Realm: Dark Lessons, #3
Mary Quirk and the Secret of Umbrum Hall: Dark Lessons, #1
Ebook series5 titles

Dark Lessons Series

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About this series

Isla Rivera has a problem. Her counterpart from El Paso Cerrado, having failed to secure his own place as Keeper there, now wants to steal her slot as Keeper of Umbrum Hall. The only question is how far Miguel will go to take that from her.


The solution seems obvious, but it means taking a step she's not ready for.  A step that might create permanent ties between her and Jason Brown. She's not sure if she's more afraid that would tie her to him, or that it would bind him to her. Honestly, she'd rather put it off until she's a little older, and possibly wiser.


And then there's the Christmas party she has to plan… 

Release dateSep 8, 2020
Mary Quirk and the Twilight of Paso Cerrado: Dark Lessons, #2
Mary Quirk and the Reborn Realm: Dark Lessons, #3
Mary Quirk and the Secret of Umbrum Hall: Dark Lessons, #1

Titles in the series (5)

  • Mary Quirk and the Secret of Umbrum Hall: Dark Lessons, #1


    Mary Quirk and the Secret of Umbrum Hall: Dark Lessons, #1
    Mary Quirk and the Secret of Umbrum Hall: Dark Lessons, #1

    Mary is a fire elemental, capable of creating flames from the very air around her. But to keep her place in the magic school of Umbrum Hall, she'll need more than that skill to impress the professors. After all, anyone with a match can start a blaze.   Her first year, she worked hard and kept her head down. Something feels different this year, though, right from the start. Secrets are unfolding in front of her: about the nature of the school itself, about who her classmates truly are, and what they can do when they're all called to step up.   And the biggest secret of all may be who Mary Quirk really is…

  • Mary Quirk and the Twilight of Paso Cerrado: Dark Lessons, #2


    Mary Quirk and the Twilight of Paso Cerrado: Dark Lessons, #2
    Mary Quirk and the Twilight of Paso Cerrado: Dark Lessons, #2

    Of all the students at Umbrum Hall, Mary's one of the rarer types of magic user—a Gatemaker. She's able to jump from one place to the next and sometimes to carry others with her. That's instinctive. Now she's learning to do the heavy lifting, making gates that other people can walk through by themselves. Gates between places, and gates between realms.   That's a skill that will take years to master, but she may be running out of time.   Because Umbrum Hall is more than just a school; it's a sliver of reality that connects the elvish realm to the human world. Some people think the connections between those worlds are dangerous...  and Mary's about to learn what they're willing to do to make their point.

  • Mary Quirk and the Reborn Realm: Dark Lessons, #3


    Mary Quirk and the Reborn Realm: Dark Lessons, #3
    Mary Quirk and the Reborn Realm: Dark Lessons, #3

    A summer in isolation in Umbrum Hall has all of Mary's class frustrated. The students and instructors are trying to make the best of it, but it's not easy restraining hundreds of magically trained Potentials and Cadets.   Mary Quirk still hasn't gotten over seeing a world destroyed when Umbrum's fellow school of El Paso Cerrado collapsed, Now months later, some of the Paso students are returning to see if anything has survived. Mary would love to go herself, but it's not her school, and therefore, not her business.   Until something goes wrong, and then it's left to others to fix it. Mary and her class come up with a risky plan, but saving the others means putting their own futures on the line. Are Mary and her friends ready to take that leap into the unknown?

  • Mary Quirk and the Language of Curses: Dark Lessons, #4


    Mary Quirk and the Language of Curses: Dark Lessons, #4
    Mary Quirk and the Language of Curses: Dark Lessons, #4

    Mary Quirk has some unfinished business.   Earlier that summer, Mary and her friends managed to rescue three cadets from their rival school, El Paso Cerrado. As part of that effort, Mary turned up a strange fact that her boyfriend Finn and his twin Dillon are both hiding: their human grandfather was a Maledictor.   Maledictors make curses. It's an old and feared talent that isn't well understood. And Dillon clearly has more than a touch of it.   Unfortunately, that's become Mary's problem. She's tied to Dillon via a necklace he lent her, one that lets her become unseen. Unfortunately, she's beginning to suspect that the spell Dillon bound into the pendant isn't a spell at all, but a curse. Now Dillon is appearing in her nightmares, and she really wants to get him out.   And to do that, she'll have to face down an ancient curse…

  • Isla Rivera and the Broken Cradle: Dark Lessons, #4.5


    Isla Rivera and the Broken Cradle: Dark Lessons, #4.5
    Isla Rivera and the Broken Cradle: Dark Lessons, #4.5

    Isla Rivera has a problem. Her counterpart from El Paso Cerrado, having failed to secure his own place as Keeper there, now wants to steal her slot as Keeper of Umbrum Hall. The only question is how far Miguel will go to take that from her.   The solution seems obvious, but it means taking a step she's not ready for.  A step that might create permanent ties between her and Jason Brown. She's not sure if she's more afraid that would tie her to him, or that it would bind him to her. Honestly, she'd rather put it off until she's a little older, and possibly wiser.   And then there's the Christmas party she has to plan… 

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