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Hooking a Firefly: Sparkle City, #2
Catturare Una Lucciola: Sparkle City, #2
Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1
Ebook series3 titles

Sparkle City

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About this series

La dottoressa Ashlyn Penn ha vissuto la vita rigidamente. È così che si confronta con i suoi doni speciali. Qualsiasi deviazione e la sua vita si trasforma nel caos. Quindi, quando Harrison Thoreau entra nella sua vita, non sorprende che non gestisca bene le cose e che lo respinga. Harrison si innamora di Ashlyn, ma rispetta i suoi desideri e va avanti. Gli viene offerto un posto come nuovo portiere nella squadra delle Lucciole di Sparkle City; così si butta sul gioco, ma non si dimentica mai di lei. Quando il migliore amico di Harrison sposa la sorella di Ashlyn, tutto, ancora una volta, cambia e i due si ritrovano di nuovo insieme. Questa volta Ashlyn si chiede se ha commesso un errore, e inizia a pianificare un modo per catturare ancora una volta la sua Lucciola.

Release dateNov 12, 2019
Hooking a Firefly: Sparkle City, #2
Catturare Una Lucciola: Sparkle City, #2
Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1


    Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1
    Diamonds Don't Cry: Sparkle City, #1

    Scarlett Oliver's life hasn't always been easy. Though many believe it has... The lyrics in her songs come from her soul and the music that accompanies them from the world around her. Both help her to get through some of the toughest times in her life. When she was eighteen, she planned to marry her true love--until he abandoned her at the alter and ran away with her best friend. She threw herself into her music and built a career most would envy. Everything seems all right until the only man she loved returns and his very presence might destroy her carefully crafted facade.  Jensen "JD" Drake has always loved Scarlett. His one regret was leaving her behind to pursue his own dreams. He allowed her to believe he cheated on her so it would be easier for him to leave, but no woman has ever held his heart the way she has. Now a starting catcher for the Sparkle City Suns, he's come home and he intends to stake a claim on her heart once again. It won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is.  Through all the heartache Scarlett never stopped loving JD, but she doubts she can ever trust him again. There is too many years, and uncertainty, between them to go back. Just when she starts to hope, something else threatens to destroy her and she'll need JD more than ever. Healing old wounds might be the salve Scarlett needs to find the strength to survive the upcoming agony awaiting her.

  • Hooking a Firefly: Sparkle City, #2


    Hooking a Firefly: Sparkle City, #2
    Hooking a Firefly: Sparkle City, #2

    Dr. Ashlyn Penn has lived a rigid life. It's how she deals with her special gifts. Any deviation and her life turns to chaos. So when Harrison Thoreau enters her life it is no surprise she doesn't handle it well and pushes him away.   Harrison falls hard for Ashlyn, but respects her wishes and moves on. He is offered a spot on the Sparkle City Fireflies as their new goalie and throws himself into the game, but he never forgets about her.   When Harrison's best friend marries Ashlyn's sister everything, once again, changes and they are thrown together again. This time Ashlyn wonders if she made a mistake, and starts to plan a way to once again hook her firefly. 

  • Catturare Una Lucciola: Sparkle City, #2


    Catturare Una Lucciola: Sparkle City, #2
    Catturare Una Lucciola: Sparkle City, #2

    La dottoressa Ashlyn Penn ha vissuto la vita rigidamente. È così che si confronta con i suoi doni speciali. Qualsiasi deviazione e la sua vita si trasforma nel caos. Quindi, quando Harrison Thoreau entra nella sua vita, non sorprende che non gestisca bene le cose e che lo respinga. Harrison si innamora di Ashlyn, ma rispetta i suoi desideri e va avanti. Gli viene offerto un posto come nuovo portiere nella squadra delle Lucciole di Sparkle City; così si butta sul gioco, ma non si dimentica mai di lei. Quando il migliore amico di Harrison sposa la sorella di Ashlyn, tutto, ancora una volta, cambia e i due si ritrovano di nuovo insieme. Questa volta Ashlyn si chiede se ha commesso un errore, e inizia a pianificare un modo per catturare ancora una volta la sua Lucciola.


Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website:

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