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A Little Bit Odder: The Oddball Odyssey, #3
Odder Still: The Oddball Odyssey, #4
Odd Gets Even: The Oddball Odyssey, #2
Ebook series5 titles

The Oddball Odyssey Series

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About this series

Oddball receives an envelope containing a USB key and a brief note addressed to 'David' and signed 'Uncle Stan'. Few people know Oddball's real name but, more to the point, he knows nobody called Uncle Stan. It will be a few days before he discovers that he does, indeed, have a relative of that name. Unfortunately, Stan has already fallen foul of the London mob and the contents of the USB key don't make any sense.


While investigating, Oddball comes across Jade, another relative he has never met. Sassy, tough, determined and a born fighter, Jade is not going to let go of the fact that her family has been murdered. In search of the missing USB, the mob targets her. Bad choice. Jade is well capable of looking after herself. But the Albanian mob is more than just a couple of lone operatives.


Head of the mob is Kreshnik Bushati. A heavy-bodied, power-hungry thug who has cut more throats and broken more heads than Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun combined. Nobody crosses his path and lives to boast about it. Oddball and Jade soon realise that to defeat him and bring him to justice – their own brand of justice – will take cunning and the backup of Oddball's team from N2K. They are well blessed with both.

PublisherGraham Hamer
Release dateDec 5, 2020
A Little Bit Odder: The Oddball Odyssey, #3
Odder Still: The Oddball Odyssey, #4
Odd Gets Even: The Oddball Odyssey, #2

Titles in the series (5)

  • Odd Gets Even: The Oddball Odyssey, #2


    Odd Gets Even: The Oddball Odyssey, #2
    Odd Gets Even: The Oddball Odyssey, #2

    Someone is murdering Oddball's former regimental buddies and it seems like the whole platoon has been targeted. Oddball teams up again with what remains of the platoon. They need to find the culprits and have a quiet word in their ears. They also need to find out who's bankrolling the killers. However, one of the thugs makes himself known when he targets the wife of one of the old team. But he underestimated her reaction.   Oddball enlists master hacker Harry Lewis – real name Harriet - who has the social skills of an angry porcupine but is as sharp as a winter's morning when it comes to breaking through firewalls and uncovering secrets. Harry's personal space is normally defended with alarms, barbed wire and motion sensors. But she drops her guard when she meets Danny Nightly, a Special Forces veteran who was sacrificed as a political pawn.   Meanwhile, twelve-year-old Mara Starling is not about to accept that she's been kidnapped. You don't kidnap Mara and get away with it. But she doesn't realise that, when she escapes, the danger is only going to get worse.

  • A Little Bit Odder: The Oddball Odyssey, #3


    A Little Bit Odder: The Oddball Odyssey, #3
    A Little Bit Odder: The Oddball Odyssey, #3

    A riveting and unforgettable story of strange and incredible murders in another runaway thriller by author Graham Hamer.   Pools of human blood are appearing, but no matching bodies to go with them. Oddball and the team are tasked with finding out what's going on. But before being sent out on their mission, they are told something about themselves that they find difficult to believe. Their investigation takes them to the Norfolk Broads where Oddball and Sandi discover that their feelings for each other are growing. Meanwhile, back at home base, Harry Lewis – real name Harriet - enjoys Saxon's company. Harry has the social skills of an angry porcupine and her personal space is normally defended with alarms, barbed wire and motion sensors, but she always drops her guard when she meets up with Saxon.   But Harry Lewis is as sharp as a winter's morning when it comes to breaking through firewalls and uncovering secrets. Her computer skills lead her to suspect that a shadowy psychopathic killer known only as The Vicar is ultimately responsible for the disappearing bodies. Harry and The Vicar have met before and are destined to meet again before the killings stop. In a story of mayhem and murder, typical of the Oddball Odyssey, the incredible becomes the norm as the characters are drawn into a hunt that can only end one way. Or is there an alternative ending that could never have been foreseen?   A Little Bit Odder is written for an mature audience. It contains a smattering of street language, depictions of violence, and some sexual scenarios. In a masterful combination of mystery, intrigue, the extraordinary, and personal relationships, Oddball and his fellow team members are going to grip you like you've never been gripped before.

  • Odder Still: The Oddball Odyssey, #4


    Odder Still: The Oddball Odyssey, #4
    Odder Still: The Oddball Odyssey, #4

    Someone is manipulating the actions of one of Oddball's team and Crocker, Oddball's quirky boss, tasks him with finding out what the hell is going on. But things straight away become complicated when the disfigured body of a senior government minister is found face-down in the River Thames near Windsor Castle. No sooner do they start looking into it when the mutilated body of a high-flying lawyer turns up in the same spot. With no clues to work with, the team are up against it. Things turn even stranger when Harry Lewis arrives. Harry - real name Harriet - is a computer genius and she takes issue when she is manipulated into lighting candles in her sleep. No-one manipulates Harry Lewis and gets away with it. The bodies pile even higher when the charred remains of a Lord of the Realm are found in the entrance of his stately home. But the strings finally come together when an unscrupulous journalist, Quentin Richards, finds himself staring down the barrel of a gun while his nemesis decides to amputate his manhood with a sharpened knife. Can Quentin escape the inevitable? It seems unlikely.

  • Defying the Odds: The Oddball Odyssey, #6


    Defying the Odds: The Oddball Odyssey, #6
    Defying the Odds: The Oddball Odyssey, #6

    Oddball receives an envelope containing a USB key and a brief note addressed to 'David' and signed 'Uncle Stan'. Few people know Oddball's real name but, more to the point, he knows nobody called Uncle Stan. It will be a few days before he discovers that he does, indeed, have a relative of that name. Unfortunately, Stan has already fallen foul of the London mob and the contents of the USB key don't make any sense.   While investigating, Oddball comes across Jade, another relative he has never met. Sassy, tough, determined and a born fighter, Jade is not going to let go of the fact that her family has been murdered. In search of the missing USB, the mob targets her. Bad choice. Jade is well capable of looking after herself. But the Albanian mob is more than just a couple of lone operatives.   Head of the mob is Kreshnik Bushati. A heavy-bodied, power-hungry thug who has cut more throats and broken more heads than Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun combined. Nobody crosses his path and lives to boast about it. Oddball and Jade soon realise that to defeat him and bring him to justice – their own brand of justice – will take cunning and the backup of Oddball's team from N2K. They are well blessed with both.

  • An Odd Revenge: The Oddball Odyssey, #4


    An Odd Revenge: The Oddball Odyssey, #4
    An Odd Revenge: The Oddball Odyssey, #4

    People are disappearing. Important people. People with momentous, far-reaching secrets to hide. And Oddball's team are tasked with getting to the bottom of it – quick, before it escalates. Meanwhile, ordinary folk are being robbed of tens of thousands of pounds in a scam of epic proportions. The team are hard pushed to find solutions to either problem. It becomes even more urgent when Yulia Volkov, Oddball's secret lover and illegitimate daughter of the Russian president, is abducted. Now, Russia is involved, and they're far from happy.   The group are beating their heads against a brick wall until, that is, their colleague and friend Harry Lewis makes a breakthrough. Harry – real name Harriet – is feisty, acerbic, quarrelsome, but probably the best hacker on the planet. A computer genius of unparalleled skill, Harry doesn't care about high-flying politicians or religious leaders, but if there's one thing she hates, it's somebody trampling over the little people. So when poor old Tommy Dodd has his whole identity wiped out from the system because he didn't play along with the Code Black scammers, Harry takes action. And that's when she, herself, becomes the next victim of Shadow Strategy – the terrifying scheme to kidnap people and learn their closely-guarded secrets.   Oddball and the team struggle to trace Harry's whereabouts, but get one small break from a petty thief who goes a step too far. In a race to find her in time they could never have prepared themselves for the ghastly situation they discover inside a foreign embassy.

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