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Don't fear AI
On Water
I have a dream
Ebook series30 titles

Big ideas

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About this series

В своей первой книге, ставшей всемирной сенсацией "Sapiens. Краткая история человечества", Юваль Харари рассказал, как Человек Разумный пришел к господству над нашей планетой. "Homo Deus" является своего рода продолжением темы — это попытка заглянуть в будущее.

Что будут делать миллиарды людей, вытесненных компьютерами с рынка труда и образовавших новый, бесполезный класс? Как воспримут религии генную инженерию? Каковы будут последствия перехода полномочий и компетенций от живых людей к сетевым алгоритмам? Что должен предпринять человек, чтобы защитить планету от своей же разрушительной силы?..

Главное сейчас, полагает Харари, — осознать, что мы находимся на перепутье, и понять, куда ведут пути, простирающиеся перед нами. Мы не в силах остановить ход истории, но можем выбрать направление движения.
Release dateJul 31, 2018
Don't fear AI
On Water
I have a dream

Titles in the series (30)

  • I have a dream


    I have a dream
    I have a dream

    Ogni atleta sperimenta una crisi nel corso della carriera. Ma perdere gambe e braccia, gli "strumenti" del proprio lavoro a causa di una malattia in età giovanile, è un trauma che molti rischiano di non superare mai. Bebe Vio invece non ha abbandonato il sogno di diventare una schermitrice, nonostante le amputazioni subite quando aveva solo undici anni a causa di una meningite fulminante. Invece di sognare le Olimpiadi, ha iniziato ad allenarsi, in carrozzina, per le Paralimpiadi. La sua instancabile determinazione, a dispetto della disabilità, l'ha portata a essere una campionessa mondiale di scherma. Ha fondato anche una propria associazione: art4sport, per incoraggiare i bambini amputati ad avvicinarsi allo sport e ad apprezzare la vita attraverso lo sport. Questo è il settimo essay della serie Big Ideas, ideata dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti.

  • Don't fear AI


    Don't fear AI
    Don't fear AI

    Over the last decade, Europe and most advanced economies experienced a decline in productivity, leading to political unrest and rising uncertainty about the future. A new production revolution, enabled in part by artificial intelligence (AI), is now emerging, bringing a new wave of technologies, but there are widespread fears that these changes also will bring a big rise in unemployment as machines replace human beings in big numbers. History tells us that we should not be afraid of industrial change. AI will take over some tasks, but this will not happen all of a sudden and there will be plenty of work left for humans. Restricting or slowing down new technology will not help the world economy. Instead, nations need to help people adjust to more technically advanced jobs, while education should focus more on "21st century skills" such as teamwork and critical thinking. These are our next real challenges. This is the second essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • On Water


    On Water
    On Water

    When taking a drink is as easy as turning a tap, it is easy to forget that our water supply is fragile and that hundreds of millions of people do not have clean drinking water or proper sanitation. The human impact on our land, the oceans and the climate is endangering our future. In a world accustomed to instant gratification and immediate consumption, we need more than ever long-term thinking and action to safeguard our natural resources. Award-winning French photographer and environmentalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand reminds us that water is precious and that we need a new approach to protect the planet's vital elements. This is the first essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. The EIB has invited international thought leaders to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

  • La visione e il cammino


    La visione e il cammino
    La visione e il cammino

    Che cos'è l'Europa? Un continente frammentato nei secoli dalle guerre, dai conflitti di confine e dalla diversità culturale. Come europei, non possediamo una lingua comune o una storia comune, ma abbiamo una comunanza: sono le nostre radici, esigenze e ambizioni. Queste somiglianze ci hanno portato a realizzare quella che, alla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale, avrebbe potuto essere definita un'"utopia ragionevole": l'Unione europea. Lo scrittore spagnolo Javier Cercas esplora l'Europa e gli europei, il nostro passato, i conflitti, le ideologie e le persone che hanno forgiato l'Europa, così come la conosciamo oggi. Anche se non tutte le domande riescono a trovare una risposta definitiva, la conclusione sembra inevitabile: l'Europa sarà unificata, naturalmente, prima o poi, malgrado tutte le ostilità. Questo è l'undicesimo essay della serie Big Ideas creata dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti. Su invito della BEI, leader di fama internazionale hanno fornito il proprio contributo riguardo alle tematiche più rilevanti del nostro tempo. Gli essays testimoniano che un nuovo modo di pensare si è reso necessario per contribuire alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente, eliminare le disuguaglianze e migliorare le vite delle persone intorno a noi.

  • Health is wealth


    Health is wealth
    Health is wealth

    Many rural areas in Africa still have high maternal and infant death rates because there are no local surgeons. Many children drop out of school because their untreated disabilities prevent them from walking the long distances to classes. Surgery can help women who suffer after prolonged childbirth or restore eyesight for the elderly suffering from cataracts. Management of congenital disabilities such as a cleft palate guarantees better nutrition for children. Emmanuel M. Makasa, a Zambian surgeon and representative to the United Nations, has been fighting for years to make surgery accessible to all people. He has a special interest in providing surgical access to rural communities in the developing world as well as helping physically challenged people lead a better life. This is the third essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. Previous essays addressed water security and artificial intelligence.

  • Life in Cyberspace


    Life in Cyberspace
    Life in Cyberspace

    Internet is a real place. Every time we switch on our computers, use a program or an application, or log in to a social media site, we enter a virtual space made up of worlds, domains, forums and rooms. But we behave differently when we interact with technology: technology amplifies and accelerates our deeds; it can help us find useful information, benefit from a wide range of services and stay in touch with our friends, but it can also create addictive-type behaviours and subliminally manipulate us online. Mary Aiken, a cyberpsychologist specialised in the impact of technology on human behaviour, warns us about cybersecurity: "We need a human-centred approach that is mindful of how humans actually use connected things and not how the tech sector presumes or expects them to". This is the fifth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • The virtuous circle


    The virtuous circle
    The virtuous circle

    Imagine an economy in which today's goods become tomorrow's resources and nothing is discarded. Ellen MacArthur, the founder of her eponymous foundation, which works to accelerate the transition to a regenerative economy, writes that we need to stop living a "take, make, dispose" lifestyle. We need to think about a circular economy where waste and pollution are prevented, products are reused and natural systems such as agricultural land are regenerated. This is the seventh essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • Smart Europe


    Smart Europe
    Smart Europe

    A green digital economy could change the future of the Old Continent. The new Smart Europe will be based on three elements: new communication technologies, new sources of energy and new modes of mobility. But the transition will require a transformation of the continental infrastructure. Jeremy Rifkin, advisor to the European Union and main architect of the Third Industrial Revolution, has been promoting over the last few years the importance of this approach, enabling collaboration in "vast virtual and physical global networks to create a more ecologically sustainable and equitable quality of life". This is the fourth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • A bright future


    A bright future
    A bright future

    There are two ways to look at renewable energy today. On the one hand, falling costs and strong policies are promoting the rapid spread of solar energy and wind power all across the world. Solar power is one of the few bright spots among clean energy technologies as the world transitions away from fossil fuels. On the other hand, renewables make up only a fraction of global energy consumption. In the power sector, they still compete with fossil-fuel power plants; in the heat and transport sectors, which account for 80% of energy consumption, renewables still play a relatively marginal role. The potential for increasing the role of renewables is massive: biofuels can be scaled up in transport, while bioenergy, solar thermal and geothermal energy can produce a larger share of heat for buildings and industry. Greater electrification, coupled with the increase in renewable electricity generation, is a key route to decarbonisation. However, to realise this potential, strong policies, research, innovation and investment are needed. Only in this way will renewables be able to contribute to the emission reductions demanded by the Paris Climate Agreement and help us meet the Sustainable Development Goals, meant to provide access to affordable and reliable energy for all.

  • The genome e-volution


    The genome e-volution
    The genome e-volution

    "We have made great progress, but we are still vulnerable and our common commitment to fight global health challenges is not yet strong enough. Despite our knowledge, despite new technologies, without concentrated and global efforts we are limited in our success. Today we see it clearly." The sequencing of the human genome at the beginning of this millennium marked a new era in biomedicine. Nanotechnology and robotics have created innovative tools and powerful diagnostic techniques. Major therapeutic advances have enabled us to control HIV, and more tailor-made therapies are being implemented to treat cancer. Nonetheless huge challenges remain, not only in the field of cancer, but also with respect to neurodegenerative and other diseases. At the same time, international travel and mobility, as well as globalised trade, are affecting our living conditions and promoting the spread of infectious diseases and new viruses, like the COVID-19 coronavirus, all over the world. The Croatian physician and scientist Ivan Đikić analyses the challenges of contemporary medical research, the emerging threats, like pandemics, and the role played by health systems. This is the twelfth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. The EIB has invited international thought leaders to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

  • Food for change


    Food for change
    Food for change

    Massimo Bottura is more than a Michelin star-winning chef. Together with Lara Gilmore, he also founded Food for Soul, a non-profit organisation seeking to reduce food waste through inclusion. On the occasion of Expo 2015 in Milan and working in concert with Caritas Ambrosiana, Massimo Bottura opened Refettorio Ambrosiano, a new kind of community canteen where chefs from around the world cooked nutritious meals for socially vulnerable guests using surplus ingredients recovered from the Expo's pavilions. The project's success led Bottura to found Food for Soul in 2016 aimed at replicating the model in other communities. Since then, Refettorio Gastromotiva in Rio de Janeiro, Refettorio Felix in London, Social Tables in Modena, Bologna and Naples, and Refettorio Paris in the French capital have all opened their doors. Further canteens are planned across the globe. This is the ninth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • Food for change


    Food for change
    Food for change

    Massimo Bottura non è solo uno chef stellato, è anche il fondatore, insieme alla moglie Lara Gilmore, di Food for Soul, un'associazione no profit che si propone di ridurre lo spreco alimentare attraverso l'inclusione sociale. Nel 2015, in occasione dell'Expo svoltasi a Milano, Massimo Bottura ha aperto il Refettorio Ambrosiano in collaborazione con la Caritas Ambrosiana, un nuovo modello di mensa comunitaria in cui chef da tutto il mondo hanno cucinato pasti nutrienti per gli ospiti in condizioni di vulnerabilità sociale, a partire dagli ingredienti in surplus recuperati dai padiglioni dell'esposizione. Dall'esperienza di successo del progetto, Bottura ha fondato nel 2016 Food for Soul, per replicare il modello in altre comunità. Da allora sono sorti il Refettorio Gastromotiva a Rio de Janeiro, il Refettorio Felix a Londra, i Social Tables di Modena, Bologna e Napoli, e il Refettorio Paris nella capitale francese. Nuove aperture in tutto il mondo sono in programma in futuro. Questo è il nono essay della serie Big Ideas, ideata dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti. Su invito della BEI, leader di fama internazionale hanno fornito il proprio contributo riguardo alle tematiche più rilevanti del nostro tempo. Gli essay testimoniano che un nuovo modo di pensare si è reso necessario per contribuire alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente, eliminare le disuguaglianze e migliorare le vite delle persone intorno a noi.

  • I have a dream


    I have a dream
    I have a dream

    All athletes experience setbacks. But to have your limbs - the very tools you use to practice your sport - taken away by an illness at a young age is a setback that many would never overcome. Bebe Vio never gave up her dream of becoming a fencer, despite having her arms and legs amputated when she was eleven years old after suffering from fulminant meningitis. Instead of abandoning her dream of going to the Olympics, she began training for the Paralympics from a wheelchair. Her unwavering determination to win, despite her physical challenges, made her a world champion fencer. She also established her own association, art4sport, to encourage other people to pursue the beauty of life through sport. This is the seventh essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • La visión y el camino


    La visión y el camino
    La visión y el camino

    ¿Qué es Europa? Un continente fragmentado a lo largo de los siglos por las guerras, los conflictos fronterizos y la diversidad cultural. Como europeos, no tenemos una lengua ni una historia comunes, pero sí tenemos raíces, necesidades y ambiciones comunes. Estas similitudes nos llevaron a cumplir lo que, al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, podría haberse denominado una "utopía razonable": la Unión Europea. El escritor español Javier Cercas investiga sobre Europa y los europeos, sobre nuestro pasado, los conflictos, las ideologías y las personas que forjaron Europa tal y como la conocemos hoy. Aunque no se pueda encontrar una respuesta definitiva a todas las preguntas, la conclusión parece inevitable: a pesar de todas las hostilidades, tarde o temprano Europa acabará unificándose de manera natural. Este es el undécimo ensayo de la serie Big Ideas ("Grandes Ideas") creada por el Banco Europeo de Inversiones. El BEI ha invitado a líderes del pensamiento internacionales a escribir sobre los temas más importantes de la actualidad. Estos ensayos son un recordatorio de que necesitamos nuevas ideas para proteger el medio ambiente, promover la igualdad y mejorar la vida de las personas en todo el mundo.

  • The vision and the path


    The vision and the path
    The vision and the path

    What is Europe? A continent fragmented through the centuries by wars, border conflicts and cultural diversity. As Europeans, we do not have a common language or a common history, but we do have common roots, needs and ambitions. These similarities led us to fulfil what at the end of the Second World War could have been called a "reasonable utopia" — the European Union. The Spanish writer Javier Cercas investigates Europe and Europeans, our past, the conflicts, the ideologies and the people who forged Europe as we know it today. Though no final answer to all the questions can be found, the conclusion seems inevitable: Europe will be unified, naturally, sooner or later, despite all the hostility. This is the eleventh essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. The EIB has invited international thought leaders to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

  • Hope and strength in the Western Balkans


    Hope and strength in the Western Balkans
    Hope and strength in the Western Balkans

    The Western Balkans have been a crossing point between Central Europe and the East for centuries. Devastated by tragic conflicts, nationalism and neglected investments, the Western Balkan countries are striving to find a new equilibrium. Citizens and institutions in the Balkans have repeatedly affirmed their ambition to become part of the European Union and have made significant efforts to turn this dream into reality. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has done a lot in this region over the past 20years. It has helped build pan-European transport corridors, supported direct foreign investment, helped redevelop urban areas, provided technical assistance and additional finance to enhance and develop social and economic infrastructure, and stimulated private sector growth to create jobs. Looking ahead, there is hope for a brighter and greener future for the Western Balkans. Matteo Rivellini is the Head of Division in charge of lending operations in Slovenia, Croatia and the Western Balkans at the EIB. This is the thirteenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. The EIB has invited international thought leaders and experts to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

  • Common Ground


    Common Ground
    Common Ground

    By 2050, three-quarters of the world's 9.6-billion-strong population will be living in cities – inhabiting vibrant historic cores, commuting from new hinterlands via high-speed transit, or occupying informal urban settlements. Some cities will flourish while others will struggle to meet the demands of a growing population and a changing environment. It will take the collaborative expertise of various disciplines, gathered under the umbrella of good governance, to ensure our cities thrive in the future. Spencer de Grey, Head of Design at Foster + Partners, explores the role that architecture and urban design can play in this global endeavour. This is the tenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. The EIB has invited international thought leaders to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

  • Horyzont wschodni – perspektywa regionalna


    Horyzont wschodni – perspektywa regionalna
    Horyzont wschodni – perspektywa regionalna

    Kraje i regiony Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (EŚW) doświadczyły wielu trudności. Odbudowały niepodległość u progu XX wieku, przetrwały panowanie totalitarnych i autorytarnych reżimów komunistycznych, stanęły przed nowymi wyzwaniami gospodarczymi i politycznymi na początku lat 90. oraz na początku XXI wieku powróciły do Europy z perspektywą stabilnego rozwoju. Mimo różnych trajektorii transformacji postsocjalistycznej i zakłóceń w relacjach z Unią Europejską spowodowanych odradzaniem się ostatnio w niektórych z nich autorytarnych systemów władzy, kraje EŚW – choć od siebie różne – mają wiele wspólnego, a regionalne procesy – w znacznym stopniu kształtowane przez polityki UE – mogą pomóc w odkrywaniu nowych wymiarów rozwoju, sprzyjając demokracji, spójności i rozwojowi środkowo-wschodnich członków Unii Europejskiej. Grzegorz Gorzelak jest profesorem nauk ekonomicznych pracującym w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, specjalizującym się w problematyce polityki i budowania strategii rozwoju regionalnego i lokalnego. Współpracował z Bankiem Światowym, OECD, Dyrekcją Generalną ds. Polityki Regionalnej i Miejskiej Komisji Europejskiej, ki lkoma agendami rządowymi w Polsce i na Ukrainie, a także z władzami regionalnymi i lokalnymi. Jest to czternasty esej z serii Big Ideas (Wielkie idee), opublikowanej przez Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny.

  • Forza e speranza nei Balcani occidentali


    Forza e speranza nei Balcani occidentali
    Forza e speranza nei Balcani occidentali

    Per secoli i Balcani occidentali hanno rappresentato un crocevia tra Europa centrale e Oriente. I paesi dei Balcani occidentali, devastati da tragici conflitti, nazionalismi e mancati investimenti, lottano per trovare un nuovo equilibrio. Cittadini e istituzioni balcaniche hanno più volte affermato la propria ambizione di entrare a far parte dell'Unione europea e hanno compiuto notevoli sforzi per trasformare questo sogno in realtà. Negli ultimi vent'anni gli interventi della Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) nella regione sono stati consistenti. La BEI ha infatti contribuito alla realizzazione di corridoi di trasporto paneuropei, sostenuto investimenti diretti esteri e promosso la rigenerazione delle aree urbane; ha offerto assistenza tecnica e finanziamenti per migliorare e sviluppare infrastrutture sociali ed economiche e promuovere la crescita del settore privato come motore a sostegno dell'occupazione. I Balcani occidentali possono guardare avanti con la speranza di un futuro più luminoso e più verde. Matteo Rivellini è a capo della Divisione della Banca europea per gli investimenti che si occupa delle operazioni di prestito in Slovenia, Croazia e nei Balcani occidentali. Questo è il tredicesimo essay della serie Big Ideas creata dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti.

  • Togetherness - A new heritage deal for Europe


    Togetherness - A new heritage deal for Europe
    Togetherness - A new heritage deal for Europe

    Europe's cultural heritage is a vast, multifaceted mosaic showing who we were, who we are and who we aspire to be. We are all responsible for this huge, precious and fragile legacy. The coronavirus pandemic revealed that unexpected events can suddenly change our way of life. In the future, other threats could well pose further challenges to our safety, health and environment as well as our social structures, values and ability to compete on the global markets. How can Europe fulfil its promise if we do not reinvent and redesign the very basis of the European project and come up with innovative and bold solutions for a better and more sustainable future together? We need a "New Heritage Deal for Europe", a heritage-led transformation of Europe's society, economy and environment. Prof. Dr Hermann Parzinger is an archaeologist, historian and cultural heritage expert. In 2018, he was appointed Executive President of Europa Nostra, a pan-European federation for cultural heritage that represents civil society organisations seeking to safeguard Europe's cultural and natural heritage. Since 2013, Europa Nostra has been running among its key activities the 7 Most Endangered Programme in partnership with the European Investment Bank Institute. This is the fifteenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • E-volucija genoma


    E-volucija genoma
    E-volucija genoma

    "Ostvarili smo velik napredak, no još uvijek smo ranjivi i naša zajednička predanost borbi protiv globalnih zdravstvenih izazova još je nedovoljno snažna. Unatoč svim našim spoznajama i novim tehnologijama, bez usredotočenih napora na globalnoj razini, naš uspjeh ostaje ograničen. Danas to možemo jasno vidjeti." Sekvenciranje ljudskog genoma početkom ovog tisućljeća označilo je osvit novog doba u biomedicini. S pomoću nanotehnologije i robotike stvoreni su inovativni alati i učinkovite dijagnostičke tehnike. Veliki pomaci u razvoju terapija omogućili su nam ovladavanje HIV-om, dok se u liječenju raka provode posebno prilagođene terapije. Međutim, i dalje se suočavamo s ogromnim izazovima, ne samo kada je u pitanju bolest kao što je rak, već i s obzirom na neurodegenerativne i brojne druge bolesti. Istovremeno, međunarodna putovanja i mobilnost, kao i globalizirana trgovina, utječu na naše životne uvjete i diljem svijeta potiču širenje zaraznih bolesti i novih virusa kao što je uzročnik bolesti COVID-19. Hrvatski liječnik i znanstvenik Ivan Đikić analizira izazove u području suvremenih medicinskih istraživanja, nove prijetnje, poput pandemija, i ulogu koju igraju zdravstveni sustavi. Ovo je dvanaesti po redu esej iz serije "Big Ideas" Europske investicijske banke.

  • Regards vers l'est – Analyse régionale


    Regards vers l'est – Analyse régionale
    Regards vers l'est – Analyse régionale

    Au fil de l'histoire, les pays et les régions d'Europe centrale et orientale (ECO) ont traversé de multiples épisodes complexes. Autrefois soumis à des régimes communistes totalitaires et autoritaires, ils ont accédé à l'indépendance à la fin du XIXe siècle, puis ils ont été confrontés à de nouveaux défis économiques et politiques avant d'intégrer l'Union européenne dans une perspective de développement mutuel. Malgré leurs différences bien réelles et les mouvements populistes récents, toutefois, les pays d'ECO partagent de nombreux points communs et les politiques régionales peuvent aider les " recoins oubliés " à saisir les opportunités qui s'offrent à eux, tout en favorisant la démocratie, la cohésion et l'économie locale au sein de l'Union européenne. Grzegorz Gorzelak est professeur d'économie. Spécialisé dans les politiques de développement régional et local et l'élaboration de stratégies, il a collaboré avec la Banque mondiale, l'OCDE, la DG REGIO de la Commission européenne, plusieurs agences des gouvernements polonais et ukrainien, ainsi que différentes autorités régionales et locales. Il s'agit ici du quatorzième essai de la série des " Grandes idées " créée par la Banque européenne d'investissement.

  • The eastern horizon – A regional perspective


    The eastern horizon – A regional perspective
    The eastern horizon – A regional perspective

    Countries and regions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have gone through several challenges. They went through totalitarian and authoritarian communist regimes, gained independence at the end of the 19th century, faced new economic and political challenges and rejoined Europe in a perspective of mutual development. As different as they may be, despite recent populist movements, the CEE countries have much in common and regional policies can help the "forgotten places" to explore their opportunities, supporting democracy, cohesion, and local economies in the European Union. Grzegorz Gorzelak is a professor of economics, specialising in regional and local development policies and strategy building. He has collaborated with the World Bank, the OECD, DG Regio of the European Commission, several agencies of the Polish and Ukrainian governments, as well as regional and local authorities. This is the fourteenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

  • On Inequality


    On Inequality
    On Inequality

    Does Europe have an inequality problem? Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many Europeans are certainly struggling. The rise of populist movements is another signal that something is awry. Many Europeans no longer see their economy as fair. But is this a problem of too much inequality, or just a problem of ideology? Is inequality even a bad thing? We need to consider the statistics on economic inequality, but also look beyond towards the lived experience of trying to make ends meet. We need to consider different ideas on the impact and significance of the inequality we see. Does inequality drive entrepreneurship, and thus innovation, through the struggle for upward social mobility? Or does inequality affect life chances, becoming entrenched, blocking social mobility and innovation? And does anyone really need a billion euros? If we have a euro to spare, do we create more happiness by giving it to the rich or to the poor? An old, once infamous, now oft-forgotten question in economics. Tessa Bending conducts research on social inclusion, social development and impact measurement at the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank (EIB). The department provides indepth analysis on critical investment issues to support international policy debates. This is the sixteenth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank. The EIB has invited international thought leaders and experts to write about the most important issues of the day. These essays are a reminder that we need new thinking to protect the environment, promote equality and improve people's lives around the globe.

  • Insieme - Un nuovo Patto per il patrimonio europeo


    Insieme - Un nuovo Patto per il patrimonio europeo
    Insieme - Un nuovo Patto per il patrimonio europeo

    Il patrimonio culturale europeo è un mosaico composto da innumerevoli tessere multisfaccettate che, oltre a raccontare il nostro passato e il nostro presente indicano anche la direzione futura. È questa la nostra immensa eredità per le generazioni future e ognuno di noi ha il preciso dovere di difenderla in quanto complesso di beni preziosi ma fragili. La pandemia di coronavirus è la dimostrazione di come le nostre le vite possano cambiare da un giorno all'altro a seguito di un evento imprevisto. Ed è probabile che in futuro emergano nuove minacce in grado rimettere in discussione non solo la nostra sicurezza, la nostra salute e l'ambiente in cui viviamo, ma anche le strutture e i valori della nostra società, oltre che la sua capacità di competere sui mercati globali. Come può l'Europa tenere fede alla sua promessa se prima non si procede a una radicale trasformazione del progetto europeo partendo dalle sue fondamenta, trovando soluzioni innovative e coraggiose per un futuro sostenibile? C'è bisogno di un "New Heritage Deal for Europe", un nuovo Patto per il patrimonio europeo, che porti avanti una trasformazione della società, dell'economia e dell'ambiente "a trazione culturale". Hermann Parzinger è un archeologo, uno storico e un esperto di patrimonio culturale. Nel 2018 è stato nominato Presidente esecutivo di Europa Nostra, la federazione paneuropea per il patrimonio culturale che rappresenta le organizzazioni della società civile impegnate nella salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale e naturale europeo. Tra le principali attività condotte da Europa Nostra fin dal 2013 figura il Programma "I 7 più a rischio", realizzato in collaborazione con l'Istituto Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI). Questo è il quindicesimo essay della serie Big Ideas creata dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti.

  • Unidos – Un nuevo pacto sobre el patrimonio para Europa


    Unidos – Un nuevo pacto sobre el patrimonio para Europa
    Unidos – Un nuevo pacto sobre el patrimonio para Europa

    El patrimonio cultural de Europa es un vasto mosaico polifacético que muestra quiénes fuimos, quiénes somos y quiénes aspiramos a ser. Todos somos responsables de este enorme, valioso y frágil legado. La pandemia del coronavirus ha puesto de manifiesto que acontecimientos imprevistos pueden cambiar de repente nuestra forma de vida. En el futuro, otras amenazas podrían plantearnos nuevos desafíos en los ámbitos de la seguridad, la salud y el medio ambiente, así como para nuestras estructuras sociales, nuestros valores y nuestra capacidad para competir en los mercados mundiales. ¿Cómo puede cumplir Europa su promesa si no reinventamos y rediseñamos juntos el fundamento mismo del proyecto europeo y encontramos soluciones innovadoras y audaces para un futuro mejor y más sostenible? Necesitamos un "nuevo pacto sobre el patrimonio para Europa", una transformación que sea impulsada por la sociedad, la economía y el medio ambiente europeos. Hermann Parzinger es arqueólogo, historiador y experto en patrimonio cultural. En 2018, fue nombrado presidente ejecutivo de Europa Nostra, una federación paneuropea para el patrimonio cultural que representa a organizaciones de la sociedad civil que tratan de salvaguardar el patrimonio cultural y natural de Europa. Desde 2013, Europa Nostra lleva a cabo una de sus principales actividades, el programa Los 7 en Mayor Peligro, en colaboración con el Instituto Banco Europeo de Inversiones. Este es el decimoquinto ensayo de la serie Big Ideas creada por el Banco Europeo de Inversiones.

  • Homo Deus. Краткая история будущего

    Homo Deus. Краткая история будущего
    Homo Deus. Краткая история будущего

    В своей первой книге, ставшей всемирной сенсацией "Sapiens. Краткая история человечества", Юваль Харари рассказал, как Человек Разумный пришел к господству над нашей планетой. "Homo Deus" является своего рода продолжением темы — это попытка заглянуть в будущее. Что будут делать миллиарды людей, вытесненных компьютерами с рынка труда и образовавших новый, бесполезный класс? Как воспримут религии генную инженерию? Каковы будут последствия перехода полномочий и компетенций от живых людей к сетевым алгоритмам? Что должен предпринять человек, чтобы защитить планету от своей же разрушительной силы?.. Главное сейчас, полагает Харари, — осознать, что мы находимся на перепутье, и понять, куда ведут пути, простирающиеся перед нами. Мы не в силах остановить ход истории, но можем выбрать направление движения.

  • Des inégalités


    Des inégalités
    Des inégalités

    L'Europe pâtit-elle des inégalités ? De nombreux Européens sont certainement mis à mal par la pandémie de COVID-19. La montée du populisme témoigne également d'un certain malaise. Beaucoup d'Européens considèrent que leur économie n'est plus équitable. Mais ce phénomène s'explique-t-il par un excès d'inégalités ou par une certaine idéologie ? Les inégalités sont-elles vraiment une mauvaise chose ? Il faut examiner les statistiques relatives aux inégalités économiques, mais aussi regarder au-delà de la difficulté de certains à joindre les deux bouts en envisageant différentes idées sur l'impact et l'importance des inégalités que nous observons. Les inégalités favorisent-elles l'esprit d'entreprise, et donc l'innovation, en raison de la lutte pour gravir l'échelle sociale ? Ou pèsent-elles sur les perspectives de vie en s'enracinant, en bloquant la mobilité sociale et l'innovation ? Et est-ce que quiconque a vraiment besoin d'être milliardaire ? Qui rendrions-nous plus heureux en leur donnant un euro : les riches ou les pauvres ? Autrefois tristement célèbre, cette question est désormais souvent oubliée en économie. Tessa Bending mène des recherches sur l'inclusion sociale, le développement social et la mesure de l'impact au sein du département Analyses économiques de la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI). Ce département fournit une analyse approfondie de questions cruciales en matière d'investissement, nourrissant ainsi les discussions sur les politiques internationales. Il s'agit du seizième essai de la série des " Grandes idées " créée par la Banque européenne d'investissement. La BEI a invité des leaders d'opinion et des experts internationaux à écrire sur les questions les plus importantes de notre époque. Ces textes nous rappellent qu'il nous faut des idées novatrices afin de protéger l'environnement, de promouvoir l'égalité et d'améliorer la vie des populations partout dans le monde.

  • 21 урок для XXI века

    21 урок для XXI века
    21 урок для XXI века

    "21 урок для XXI века" — третья книга Юваля Харари, автора изданных на 50 языках мира бестселлеров "Sapiens. Краткая история человечества" и "Homo Deus. Краткая история будущего". В ней сорокатрехлетний профессор истории, которого называют самым ярким мыслителем нашего времени, обратился к проблемам сегодняшнего дня. Что происходит в современном мире и каков глубинный смысл этих событий? Почему либеральная демократия переживает кризис? Как быть с эпидемией фейковых новостей? Как не стать рабами компьютерных алгоритмов? Удастся ли предотвратить экологический коллапс? Действительно ли происходит возврат к религии? Как бороться с терроризмом? Будет ли новая мировая война? От того, сумеет ли человечество найти адекватные ответы на вызовы, стоящие перед ним в XXI веке, зависит, будет ли существовать планета Земля и ее обитатели в следующем столетии.

  • Sapiens: Краткая история человечества

    Sapiens: Краткая история человечества
    Sapiens: Краткая история человечества

    Сто тысяч лет назад Homo sapiens был одним из как минимум шести видов человека, живших на этой планете, — ничем не примечательным животным, которое играло в экосистеме роль не большую, чем гориллы, светлячки или медузы. Но около семидесяти тысяч лет назад загадочное изменение когнитивных способностей Homo sapiens превратило его в хозяина планеты и кошмар экосистемы. Как человек разумный сумел покорить мир? Что стало с другими видами человека? Когда и почему появились деньги, государства и религия? Как возникали и рушились империи? Почему почти все общества ставили женщин ниже мужчин? Как наука и капитализм стали господствующими вероучениями современной эры? Становились ли люди с течением времени счастливее? Какое будущее нас ожидает? Юваль Харари показывает, как ход истории формировал человеческое общество и действительность вокруг него. Его книга прослеживает связь между событиями прошлого и проблемами современности и заставляет читателя пересмотреть все устоявшиеся представления об окружающем мире.

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