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Ebook series19 titles

Campus Cravings Series

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

What happens when the man you think you want isn't the man you need?

After his high school sweetheart breaks up with him, Benny Allenbrand arrives at college intent on winning back Chase. Unfortunately, Chase isn't speaking to him, forcing Benny to seek comfort elsewhere.

Jamie Whitmore is the son of a conservative senator from Connecticut, and on his own after coming out to his father. His life is messy enough without falling in lust with a six-foot-seven football player who happens to be in love with another man.

What starts out as a purely physical relationship between Benny and Jamie soon has both men embroiled in political controversy. Will the media coverage tear them apart or bring them together?

Release dateJul 23, 2007

Titles in the series (19)

  • Coach



    Being a gay high school football coach isn't easy, especially in a small town. For five years Justin has repressed his sexuality in order to keep the job he loves. His only serious temptation is the father of his star running back. Sparks fly between the two men, and one Friday night after a winning game, Justin just can't say no. Luc is the man he's been searching for his entire life. But is this new relationship worth risking his career?

  • Side-Lined



    College is supposed to be a time of exploring new things, learning about yourself and having a good time doing it. For Max Henley, it was the hardest time of his life. During his sophomore year, his best friend and lover, Nick, was killed in a car wreck. A car Max had been driving. Now two years later Max has thrown himself into his studies. Side-lined from football due to an injury sustained during the wreck, Max's entire focus is on academics. Well, that and his Professor Alec Demakis. The problem is, whenever Max thinks about his Professor, the guilt over Nick's death returns. Can Max ever forgive himself enough to love again?

  • Off-Season



    After spending the past eight years watching the man he loved die, Demitri Demakis is a changed man. No longer will he open himself to the hurt of losing someone. Afraid to love again, Demitri leaves his home and job to start fresh in a small college town. When he locks eyes on Aaron Billings he knows he's in trouble. Aaron is a temptation that is hard to resist. Head soccer coach Aaron Billings wants Demitri and is willing to do almost anything to make him a part of his life. Problem is, the big Greek has encased his heart in ice. Aaron plans to subtly seduce Demitri with patience and perseverance and a good old dose of hot steamy sex. But come spring thaw, will his determination be enough to convince the gorgeous, sullen man to be his?

  • Hershie's Kiss


    Hershie's Kiss
    Hershie's Kiss

    For blind Tolerance Director, Charlie Salinger, life has never been easy. Taught at an early age to appear normal', he moves through life one carefully placed step at a time. He's a hard man to get to know and an even harder man to love. Retired Marine, Jack Hershie has lived his life for the corp. Always doing what was expected of him, Jack endured a tortuous marriage in the name of proper conduct. Now, at the age of forty-three, Jack is ready to live his life by his own set of rules. See what happens when you put two strong Alpha males into the same house.

  • Forbidden Freshman


    Forbidden Freshman
    Forbidden Freshman

    What do you do if you see a man so beautiful he takes your breath away? What do you do if that man is seventeen years younger than you are? What do you do when that man is the son of your best friend? If you're Doctor Joe Pressman, you fight it like hell before succumbing to the once in a lifetime feeling. Incoming freshman Rocco, is more of an artist than an athlete which doesn't sit well with his father, Coach Collin Williams. When his dad kicks him out Rocco runs to the one place he knows he'll be welcome, right into Joe's open arms. Just when they thought their lives couldn't get anymore complicated, a situation on campus puts their love in the centre spotlight. Will the attention cement their relationship or drive them apart?

  • Broken Pottery


    Broken Pottery
    Broken Pottery

    Professor Daniel Willis is used to being ordered around. A submissive by nature, Daniel needs the strong-handed love and guidance that comes with being dominated. When he gets involved with an abusive dominant he sees no way out. Tony Bianchi is a dominant in the boardroom, but never considered taking it to the bedroom. After their first meeting Tony knew he wanted Daniel, black-eye and all. Protective of those he holds dear, he isn't about to let anyone hurt Daniel again, even if it means taking on an abuser with a badge.

  • Sacking the Quarterback


    Sacking the Quarterback
    Sacking the Quarterback

    Julian Malono loves his job as conditioning coach for the university football team. When he meets incoming freshman quarterback Koby McIntire, he's instantly attracted and offers to help with Koby's conditioning regime. Koby is thrilled when his all-time favourite player agrees to help him. Not only can they work on Koby's upper body strength, but maybe on the growing attraction between them. What Koby doesn't know is that a lifetime of abuse has left its mark on Julian. When shadows from the past threaten their growing relationship, Koby helps Julian fight back by getting him the help he so desperately needs. But will therapy be enough when the past comes back to threaten Julian in person?

  • A Biker's Vow


    A Biker's Vow
    A Biker's Vow

    After contracting the HIV virus bad boy biker, Kade Straus, has given up on life and love. Taken in by his ex-lover, he tries to pull himself up by the boot-straps and continue on with his solitary existence but when he meets shy college student, Lark, he's completely thrown. Lark is nothing like his usual type, so why does he feel the overwhelming desire to get closer to the man? Lark Wilsher grew up in an open environment. He knows people think he's a nerd, but titles mean nothing to him. He knows he's a sensualist hidden behind wire rimmed glasses and text books. Determined to protect Lark, Kade hides his growing attraction. But he has a lot to learn about his disease and the man who's captured his attention. Lark is more than willing take on a six-foot-four biker and fight for his love.

  • In Bear's Bed


    In Bear's Bed
    In Bear's Bed

    Coming out of the closet is never easy, but if you're a 6'5, 290 lb All-American football player, it's even harder. Nate “Bear” Tucker has dealt with his homosexuality by protecting others. No one has ever tempted him to “come out” and jeopardise his promising football career. That is until he meets Liam. Soccer player, Liam O'Brien is in dire need of a guardian angel, and Bear is more than happy to protect the cute sophomore. The problem is the more time Bear spends with Liam the smaller the closet becomes. Even more, with the start of a new year and new life, Bear's football career is endangered by a hidden enemy. This time he'll need Liam to protect him...from himself.

  • Live for Today


    Live for Today
    Live for Today

    Life has been good for Justin Nelson. With a big bowl game mere weeks away, the pressure is on. For some men, being stretched in two different directions might become too much, but not for Justin, he thrives on it. Trying to balance life with his long-time partner, Luc, and his duty to the team gives Justin a rush like no other. Luc Henley hates seeing the love of his life push himself. Every football season it seems to get worse as he watches Justin burn the candle at both ends. When he notices warning signs of a potential health problem, Luc begs Justin to slow down enough to see a doctor. After he ignores his lover's pleas, Justin is suddenly faced with a life-changing illness, and when he gives up, it's up to Luc, Justin's friends and players to pull him back from the brink of despair.

  • Theron's Return


    Theron's Return
    Theron's Return

    When a near tragedy calls thirty-seven year old Theron Demakis back to BK House, he is once again reunited with Michael Storm. For weeks, Theron has done his best to bed every woman he knows in an attempt to forget his errant feelings for the young college student. But it didn't work. Faced with caring for Michael, Theron wonders if he'll be able to put his feelings aside in the name of the Demakis family. Being the only bi-sexual son, it's up to him to continue the family name. Twenty-three year old, Michael had given up on life. The one thing he wanted to live for was Theron. When Theron abandoned him to flee back to his safe heterosexual life in New York, Michael shut down completely. Now Theron is back, and Michael is once again faced with something he can never have. Maybe settling for a short-term affair is better than never having Theron's arms around him again.

  • Office Advances


    Office Advances
    Office Advances

    When Sam Howard's best friend gets him a part-time job at Bianchi Bytes, he's in heaven. That is until he's reassigned. Working for Jace Rawlings is pure torture. Although Sam has a crush on the gorgeous vice-President, Jace won't give him the time of day, in or out of the office. Trying to settle into his new position as vice-President, the last thing Jace needs is temptation a few floors down. When a moment of passion erupts on a forced business trip, old wounds are reopened. Who can blame him for trying to get the object of his attraction to quit, even if the only way to do it is to act like a jerk?

  • Incoming Freshman


    Incoming Freshman
    Incoming Freshman

    Three years ago, Chet Sloan left a promising job as Offensive Line Coach at the University of Arizona in an effort to put distance between himself and an Incoming Freshman. Bobby Ray Sikes first came to Chet's attention as a high school sophomore when he took his small Arkansas town's football team to a state championship. For two years Chet watched Bobby Ray Sikes play, knowing the boy was meant for greatness. When he recognized his feelings had grown from adoration to something more, Chet ran. In an effort to save his career and Bobby Ray Sikes's chance to one day go professional, Chet took a job at North Central Idaho University. For three years, Bobby Ray Sikes played for a team he hated. Not only was he expected to act like the rest of the guys on the team, but the one man he'd agreed to play for had left him high and dry. After reading an article on BK House, a privately funded all-gay dormitory, in OUT magazine, he decides to do the unthinkable and transfer colleges his senior year. Most coaches would be thrilled to learn a two time All American was transferring in to play ball for their team, but Chet's feelings for Bobby Ray Sikes haven't changed. Will he be forced to run again or can he coach the man he loves?

  • Watch Me


    Watch Me
    Watch Me

    When you come to the end of a ten year search, what comes next? As an eight-year-old, Zeke Straus couldn't help his big brother Kade when their father kicked him out, but he vowed to find him no matter what it took. At the age of eighteen, Zeke struck out on his own to fulfil that promise. Now, after ten years of fruitless searching and living in rundown motel rooms, he lands yet another bartender job. The last thing Zeke expects is the attraction he feels for the club's owner. When Fallon's on Fifth closes after its owner's conviction, Reid Jackson and his best friend Alec Demakis decide to buy the bar and turn it into Clean Slate. When a sexy as sin bartender walks through the door to apply for a position, Reid finds he has several in mind he'd like to try with Zeke. Kade Straus overcame his past and found the love of his life in partner, Lark. Although he's often thought of the brother he left behind, guilt has kept him from contacting his family for twenty years. When he hears that a Zeke Straus with a matching birthdate was hired to work at a friend's bar, he has little choice but to leave Cattle Valley and come face to face with a past he's never confessed to Lark. Zeke is torn between his unexpected feelings for Reid and reconnecting with the brother he's devoted his adult life to searching for. He's never found a place he wanted to settle down before, so now that his journey's at an end, how will he choose where to make his home?

  • The Injustice of Being


    The Injustice of Being
    The Injustice of Being

    Sometimes justice is worth risking everything for. After a hung jury results in a mistrial for alleged rapist, Paul "Jigger" Robinson, victim Eric Kloiber and Will James, the detective in charge of the case, must come to terms with the possibility that Jigger may well get away with his crimes. When Will sees the despair plaguing Eric, he becomes determined to leave no stone unturned in his search for more evidence against Jigger. In the midst of his ongoing investigation, Will begins to feel protective towards Eric and soon the two embark on a risky affair. Despite his new feelings for the hunky detective, Eric can't stop his obsession with making Jigger pay for what he's done. If the justice system won't help, Eric vows to take Jigger down on his own, even if it means putting himself in danger. When Eric's pursuit of vengeance gets in the way of Will's investigation, the two must come to an agreement or risk losing everything, including their relationship.

  • A Lesson Learned


    A Lesson Learned
    A Lesson Learned

    Graduate student, Dane Jefferson, believes the sun rises with Magnus Sofokleous. He would do anything for the chance to get closer to the sexy professor. Unfortunately, Magnus is so busy researching the past, he doesn't take the time to live in the present. One week before winter break, Magnus gratefully accepts a grant to further his research at Barrett House, a small plantation in Louisiana. With extenuating circumstances surrounding the grant, Magnus is forced to ask his assistant, Dane, to accompany him. Although Dane is qualified, the attraction Magnus feels for the younger man makes him uncomfortable. Away from the rigors of academia, Magnus lets down his guard and quickly becomes sexually involved with Dane. In the past, Magnus used domination to protect himself against the weakness of love. When Dane doesn't accept the Dominate/submissive relationship Magnus has used as a shield for years, he is forced to decide which is more important, the lifestyle or the man in his arms.

  • Locky in Love


    Locky in Love
    Locky in Love

    Born into an affluent family, Locky never faced a problem his family money couldn't fix. Everything changed the night he stumbled upon a young gay man beaten to death and left in the parking lot beside his car. Unable to get the image of the boy out of his head, Locky quit his father's law practice and took a job at BK House. Adapting to a new way of life is difficult, and it's made even more so by a raven-haired hottie who pushes every one of Locky's buttons. College courses have been a breeze for junior, Becket Chandler. He's sailed through his classes with ease, despite their advanced subject matter. His love life, on the other hand, has been an ongoing struggle with no easy answers. While his former housemates enjoyed gaming, sports and drinking, Becket chose sex as his favourite extracurricular activity. When Becket arrives at the BK House, he's ready to tackle another year and a few more willing seniors. Younger men are fun to play with from time to time, but nothing satisfies him like an older, bigger man staring down at him, preferably with Becket's legs spread and draped over his broad shoulders. From the moment he shakes hands with Locky, all he can think about is getting the drop-dead sexy Director of Student Life into his favourite position. Despite Becket's continued interest, Locky continues to play hard to get. Luckily, Becket doesn't give up easily.

  • Big Man on Campus


    Big Man on Campus
    Big Man on Campus

    What happens when the man you think you want isn't the man you need? After his high school sweetheart breaks up with him, Benny Allenbrand arrives at college intent on winning back Chase. Unfortunately, Chase isn't speaking to him, forcing Benny to seek comfort elsewhere. Jamie Whitmore is the son of a conservative senator from Connecticut, and on his own after coming out to his father. His life is messy enough without falling in lust with a six-foot-seven football player who happens to be in love with another man. What starts out as a purely physical relationship between Benny and Jamie soon has both men embroiled in political controversy. Will the media coverage tear them apart or bring them together?

  • Coming Clean


    Coming Clean
    Coming Clean

    Trapped by words spoken as a teenager, Chase Hughes longs for a love that touches not only his heart but also his body. First loves are often the hardest to leave behind. For months, college student Chase Hughes has known he owes his high school sweetheart the truth about his feelings. He still loves Benny, but he has grown to realise he's ready to move on. The problem is, he knows Benny will be crushed by the breakup, and hurting the sweetest man he's ever known weighs on Chase's soul. While working as a server at Clean Slate, Chase meets the man of his fantasies. Mac Evans pushes all of Chase's sexual buttons, and after having uninspiring sex with Benny for two years, Chase is ready to explore more than the tattoos on Mac's muscular body. Mac gave up everything to come clean with the people he loved, and expects nothing less from Chase before allowing things to progress between them. Chase is forced to choose between hurting the man of his past and giving up a sexy, tattooed man that may be his future.


Carol Lynne

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of erotic romance. While writing her first novel, Branded by Gold, Carol fell in love with the M/M genre. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer. With well over one hundred releases, one thing is certain, Carol loves to keep busy writing sexy cowboys, shifters, bodyguards, vampires and everything in between. Although series books are her passion, Carol enjoys penning the occasional stand-alone title. As founder and President of GRL Retreat, Inc., Carol helps organize the annual GayRomLit Retreat. Now in its sixth year, GayRomLit is an annual retreat that brings together the people who create and celebrate LGBT romance for a one-of-a-kind, must-attend gathering of dynamic, informal, and diverse fun.

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