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3D Prayer for Kids / Oracion 3-D para Ninos
Noah's Animals / Los Animales de Noe
Joseph's Coat of Many Colors- La Tunica de Muchos Colores de Jose
Ebook series8 titles

The SonShip Series

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this series

Представьте, что вы чувствуете только Иисуса? Нет больше давления страха, боли, стыда, депрессии, усталости, незащищенности или чего-либо другого. Полная свобода и изобилие жизни - это наше наследие как сынов Божьих. Нам не обязательно дожидаться смерти, чтобы получить свое исцеление или прорыв! Самые большие трудности на земле должны стать наши

Release dateFeb 28, 2017
3D Prayer for Kids / Oracion 3-D para Ninos
Noah's Animals / Los Animales de Noe
Joseph's Coat of Many Colors- La Tunica de Muchos Colores de Jose

Titles in the series (8)

  • Joseph's Coat of Many Colors- La Tunica de Muchos Colores de Jose


    Joseph's Coat of Many Colors- La Tunica de Muchos Colores de Jose
    Joseph's Coat of Many Colors- La Tunica de Muchos Colores de Jose

    The SonShip Series is seven bilingual books written in both English and Spanish simultaneously. They were written to enhance the desire to read, educate and entertain children. One in the series will teach children how to pray but they all have good inspiring lessons. La serie de filiación es siete libros bilingües es

  • 3D Prayer for Kids / Oracion 3-D para Ninos


    3D Prayer for Kids / Oracion 3-D para Ninos
    3D Prayer for Kids / Oracion 3-D para Ninos

    3 D Prayer for Kids is the sonship series bilingual prayer book for children in English and Spanish. It is one in the series of seven books for children. It teaches children how to pray. Oraciones 3-D para Ninos es el libro de oracion bililngues serie filiacion de los ninos en Ingles y Espanol. Es uno de

  • Noah's Animals / Los Animales de Noe


    Noah's Animals / Los Animales de Noe
    Noah's Animals / Los Animales de Noe

    This bilingual book teaches children about the different types of animals and how to describe them in both Engllish and Spanish simultaneously. It is the third book in the series that will continue to build upon bilingual educational skills. Este libro bilingüe enseña a los niños sobre los diferentes tipos de animales

  • BEcoming Whole

    BEcoming Whole
    BEcoming Whole

    What if all you felt was Jesus? No more fear, pain, shame, depression, exhaustion, insecurity, or anything else weighing you down. Total freedom and abundant life are our inheritance as sons of God. We don't have to wait to die so that we can receive our healing and breakthrough! Our greatest struggles on

  • Growing in Sonship

    Growing in Sonship
    Growing in Sonship

    To grow or not to grow? This is the question every believer is faced with, but most of us don't recognize the question is even being asked! Staying a baby in Christ was never the plan. In this two-part book, Jessica delves into the process of how to grow in faith and maturity in Christ, and how to relate

  • The Foundation

    The Foundation
    The Foundation

    Have you ever felt like there was more to your walk with God, but you're not quite sure how to get there? This book will help you get free from religion, grow in identity, and learn HOW to do spiritual things. In the Sonship Series, Jessica breaks down into bite-size pieces how to transition from the box

  • Cultivating Authority

    Cultivating Authority
    Cultivating Authority

    Deeper, deeper, and deeper we go! In this fourth and final book of the Sonship Series, Jessica explores the ins and outs of walking in the power of Yahweh. As sons of God, we are the embodiment of Jesus everywhere we go. But what does that look like for us and for the world around us? How do we do the things

  • Russian Edition - BEcoming Whole

    Russian Edition - BEcoming Whole
    Russian Edition - BEcoming Whole

    Представьте, что вы чувствуете только Иисуса? Нет больше давления страха, боли, стыда, депрессии, усталости, незащищенности или чего-либо другого. Полная свобода и изобилие жизни - это наше наследие как сынов Божьих. Нам не обязательно дожидаться смерти, чтобы получить свое исцеление или прорыв! Самые большие трудности на земле должны стать наши

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