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The Final Battle
Ebook series1 title

The Royal Wars Series

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About this series

The Habsburgs and the Ravengaulds have been at war for

centuries allying with other royal families set on eliminating

the other. On the night a million stars fell from the sky was the chosen one born? Gifted with special powers from the Gods, it was prophesized Hazel would end the Royal War dividing the Royal families for centuries.

Release dateNov 1, 2019
The Final Battle

Titles in the series (1)

  • The Final Battle


    The Final Battle
    The Final Battle

    The Habsburgs and the Ravengaulds have been at war for centuries allying with other royal families set on eliminating the other. On the night a million stars fell from the sky was the chosen one born? Gifted with special powers from the Gods, it was prophesized Hazel would end the Royal War dividing the Royal families for centuries.

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