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The Calm Before the Storm: The Storm Series, #2
Any Port in A Storm: The Storm Series, #3
In the Eye of the Storm: The Storm Series, #1
Ebook series4 titles

The STORM Series

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About this series

What do you get when you have too much money and power?


The freakin' Moore twins.


Weathering the Storm

Cutter Moore

As one of the youngest billionaires in the world, you'd think that Cutter Moore would want for nothing. However, despite being the CEO of Moore Industries, having more money than most, and being one of the most sought-after bachelors in the country, there is one thing missing. He wants the one woman that he can't have, and he's reminded of it every single goddamn day.


Merritt Dale

Though intelligent, organized, and capable, nothing could have prepared Merritt Dale for the demands of being the personal assistant to one of the most ruthless CEOs in the country. Yeah, the pay made up for her lack of a life, but being on call twenty-four hours a day was no joke. Eventually, something was going to have to give, and she was pretty sure that it was going to be her sanity.


When the engagement ring comes off…

After two years of coveting the one thing that he couldn't have, all that changes when Cutter notices that Merritt is no longer wearing her engagement ring. Not caring why she's no longer wearing it, he goes after her with everything that he has, and poor Merritt doesn't know what hit her.


The Storm of the Century

Cotter Moore

As one of the youngest billionaires in the world, you'd think that Cotter Moore would want for nothing, and he didn't. In fact, his life was perfect just the way that it was. As the CFO of Moore Industries, he wasn't the type to waste time because he didn't have much of it to waste. Even his sex life was on a predictable schedule, something that he was immensely grateful for.


Aelix Palmer

Though successful, driven, and brilliant, nothing could have prepared Aelix Palmer for what she had willingly signed up for. Yeah, it could be argued that she shouldn't complain since the sex was phenomenal without the headaches of an actual relationship, but sooner or later, she was going to want a family, and the only way to get that would be to give up the best sex of her life.


When the rules of the game change…

After two years of a no-strings-attached sexual arrangement, all that changes when Cotter gets a message that Aelix is looking to date other men. Realizing that his feelings for Aelix are a lot deeper than he'd thought, he changes the rules, and poor Aelix never saw this coming.


NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, a set of twins with more determination than a five-star general, and two clueless women that hadn't seen them coming. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

Release dateDec 1, 2009
The Calm Before the Storm: The Storm Series, #2
Any Port in A Storm: The Storm Series, #3
In the Eye of the Storm: The Storm Series, #1

Titles in the series (4)

  • In the Eye of the Storm: The Storm Series, #1


    In the Eye of the Storm: The Storm Series, #1
    In the Eye of the Storm: The Storm Series, #1

    What do you get when you have the hots for a sexy snowboarder?   A fake/not-so-fake relationship.   Junie Baylor A cheating ex-boyfriend notwithstanding, Junie Baylor's life was still a good one. She had supportive parents, a good job, great friends, and a best friend that was worth his weight in gold. Honestly, other than her taste in men, she had no complaints. She also did her best to be the bigger person, because in a world of douchebags, she didn't need to add to the count.   So, in line with always choosing the high road, Junie refuses to miss the annual trip to the cabin, even though her ex-boyfriend will be there. The trip is a tradition dating all the way back to college, and she was not going to ruin everyone's good time simply because she'd made an error in judgement. Besides, there would be plenty of other people there to distract her from any awkwardness that might arise.   Ripley Storm A lackluster love life notwithstanding, Ripley Storm's life was one made of dreams. Not only did he have great parents, a loyal best friend, and was close as hell to his brother, but he was also a champion snowboarder, and no one had more medals or championships under their belt. He was living the dream, even if he was in love with a woman that had no freakin' clue of how he felt.   So, in line with always doing the responsible thing, Ripley agrees to let his brother host another annual reunion at his cabin. Though they were all adults and hardly needed him there to babysit, he didn't like letting his mother down, and she was adamant about her sons spending quality time together. So, even though he wasn't looking forward to it, there wasn't anything that he wouldn't do for his mother.   When fake dating isn't so fake after all… If it wasn't enough that she'd been cheated on, to find out that she'd been cheated on with one of her closest friends brought a whole new meaning to the word betrayal. Nonetheless, Junie isn't about to tuck tale and run, especially when she isn't the one in the wrong.   If it wasn't enough that he had to babysit a bunch of grown adults, to find out that the love of his life had been cheated on in the worst way, Ripley's left with no choice but to step in and turn the tables on the two people that he'd love to kick out of his cabin, but can't for the sake of peace.   When Ripley announces to everyone that he and Junie are dating, all she can do is go along with the farce or look even more humiliated than she already does. However, the line between pretend and real becomes blurred when Ripley's true feelings start to show, and Junie starts having new feelings.   NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, a cheating ex-boyfriend, backstabbing best friend, and a Phineas Moore. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

  • The Calm Before the Storm: The Storm Series, #2


    The Calm Before the Storm: The Storm Series, #2
    The Calm Before the Storm: The Storm Series, #2

    What do you get when you have the hots for a sexy accountant?   A whole lot of self-doubt.   Gypsy Banks In a world full of ugly, Gypsy Banks does her best to remain kind and giving in any situation. Raised by the best parents ever, she'd been taught to believe in good, and she'd also been taught to understand that everyone had a story, many of them unhappy ones. So, despite overhearing her ex-boyfriend describe her as weird, she has enough dignity to move past it with grace.   All in all, even though her love life sucks, Gypsy has bigger fish to fry. Though her shop is a successful one, she's horrible when it comes to keeping the books, and the IRS doesn't care about her quest to make the world a better place. All they care about is their money, so left with little choice, she accepts a stranger's offer and can only pray that it's enough to keep the wolves at bay.   Roark Storm In a world full of ugly, Roark Storm does his best to smoke it away, though cigarettes aren't the answer to everything. Granted, he had great parents, a loyal brother, and a best friend that he'd give his life for, but with lives of their own, they weren't always available to talk him off the ledge. There was also the fact that his love life was non-existent, something that he didn't have time to remedy anyway.   All in all, even though he couldn't recall the last time that he'd gone on a date, Roark had bigger issues to deal with. Being the sweetheart that she is, his best friend promises his professional services to a complete stranger, and he has no choice but to honor the offer. After all, his accounting firm was one of the most successful in the state, so if anyone could help, it was him.   When you finally understand the expression 'opposites attract'… When Roark Storm shows up to help Gypsy sort out her shop's accounting mess, she all but swallows her tongue when they first meet. Though he's there just to help her with her finances and get her books in order, she can't help but wonder what else the man is good at.   When Gypsy Banks shows Roark her office, his left eye begins to twitch, and even her beautiful face and smokin' body aren't enough to keep him from pulling out his cigarettes at the six-year financial mess that she's got going on. However, things quickly change the more that he gets to know her.   Now, while Roark and Gypsy have nothing in common, that doesn't seem to affect the chemistry that's so obviously brewing between the two. Though things start out strong, old ghosts come back to interfere with what could be, and luckily-or unluckily-for Gypsy, Roark's not made to give up easily.   NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, a douchebag ex-boyfriend, a person that sells happiness for a living, and a freight-train-smoking sexy CPA. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

  • Any Port in A Storm: The Storm Series, #3


    Any Port in A Storm: The Storm Series, #3
    Any Port in A Storm: The Storm Series, #3

    What do you get when you have the hots for a playboy snowboarder?   An unforgettable one-weekend-stand.   Sheridan Gates Coming from a family full of academics, Sheridan Gates is intelligent, observant, and as independent as they come. Though her parents and her sister are practically royalty in the educational world, she's happy teaching science at a private prep school, even if her students are spoiled as all get out. Still, the money is good, and she really does love shaping the young minds of the kids that actually do care.   Nonetheless, as much as she loves her career, Sheridan's love life is a different story. It wasn't that she was picky, so much as that she was still stuck on a weekend that had happened two years ago. Though she'd seen the red flags, she'd gone there anyway, and she had no one to blame but herself for being stuck in the past. After all, that's what happens when you end up having the best sex of your life.   Phineas Moore Coming from a family full of wealth, Phineas Moore is ambitious, cocky, and wealthy in his own right. After shunning the family business, he decided to carve his own way in life, becoming one of the best snowboarders in the world. With enough medals and championships under his belt to make him go down in sports history, his off-the-slope antics are also another thing that make him famous.   Nonetheless, as much as his career is the stuff of dreams, Phineas' sex life has taken a huge hit, and all because he can't seem to forget a certain weekend that'd happened over two years ago. Though he'd known that he had his work cut out for him because of his reputation, he'd still been hopeful for more. Unfortunately for him, that hope had been dashed, and he still wasn't over it.   When a misunderstanding has gone on long enough… When the unexpected happens, and Phineas Moore shows up to Sheridan's classroom, she can't help but remember every burning detail of her weekend with the man. However, things become even more complicated when she finds out that his twin brothers are two of her students.   When the unexpected happens, and Sheridan Gates ends up being his twin brothers' teacher, he can't help but feel like he's been given a second chance to win her over for good. While her being the twins' teacher makes things a little more trickier, he's never been afraid of a challenge.   Though Sheridan is doing her best to keep things professional and forget all about their weekend together, Phineas isn't on the same page. Determined to pick up from where they'd left off, he'll stop at nothing to get the girl, despite his past coming back to haunt them both.   NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, groupies, a set of trouble-making twins, and a man that makes up his own rules. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

  • Weathering the Storm of the Century: The Storm Series, #4


    Weathering the Storm of the Century: The Storm Series, #4
    Weathering the Storm of the Century: The Storm Series, #4

    What do you get when you have too much money and power?   The freakin' Moore twins.   Weathering the Storm Cutter Moore As one of the youngest billionaires in the world, you'd think that Cutter Moore would want for nothing. However, despite being the CEO of Moore Industries, having more money than most, and being one of the most sought-after bachelors in the country, there is one thing missing. He wants the one woman that he can't have, and he's reminded of it every single goddamn day.   Merritt Dale Though intelligent, organized, and capable, nothing could have prepared Merritt Dale for the demands of being the personal assistant to one of the most ruthless CEOs in the country. Yeah, the pay made up for her lack of a life, but being on call twenty-four hours a day was no joke. Eventually, something was going to have to give, and she was pretty sure that it was going to be her sanity.   When the engagement ring comes off… After two years of coveting the one thing that he couldn't have, all that changes when Cutter notices that Merritt is no longer wearing her engagement ring. Not caring why she's no longer wearing it, he goes after her with everything that he has, and poor Merritt doesn't know what hit her.   The Storm of the Century Cotter Moore As one of the youngest billionaires in the world, you'd think that Cotter Moore would want for nothing, and he didn't. In fact, his life was perfect just the way that it was. As the CFO of Moore Industries, he wasn't the type to waste time because he didn't have much of it to waste. Even his sex life was on a predictable schedule, something that he was immensely grateful for.   Aelix Palmer Though successful, driven, and brilliant, nothing could have prepared Aelix Palmer for what she had willingly signed up for. Yeah, it could be argued that she shouldn't complain since the sex was phenomenal without the headaches of an actual relationship, but sooner or later, she was going to want a family, and the only way to get that would be to give up the best sex of her life.   When the rules of the game change… After two years of a no-strings-attached sexual arrangement, all that changes when Cotter gets a message that Aelix is looking to date other men. Realizing that his feelings for Aelix are a lot deeper than he'd thought, he changes the rules, and poor Aelix never saw this coming.   NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, a set of twins with more determination than a five-star general, and two clueless women that hadn't seen them coming. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.


Terri Brisbin

When USA TODAY bestselling author Terri Brisbin is not being a glamorous romance author or in a deadline-writing-binge-o'-mania, she's a wife, mom, GRANDMOM and dental hygienist in the southern New Jersey area. A three-time RWA RITA® finalist, Terri has had more than 50 historical and paranormal romance novels, novellas and short stories published since 1998. You can visit her to learn more about her.

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