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Salvation's Bane MC Series

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



About this series

Talia -- Helping one of my students out of a bad situation shouldn’t have been a life altering event. But the second Doc meets us in nothing but jeans and motorcycle boots, I know I’ll never look at any other man the same way. I knew Caroline’s father was sexy, but he’s a well-established physician in the community as well as a member of Salvation’s Bane MC. As the daughter of Grim Road MC’s president, I know that’s a line I can’t cross. All I can do is look from afar. Maybe it’s time to break some rules…

Doc -- When my daughter Caroline shows up in a beat-up Ford, I’m prepared to have me a little chat with some boy who needs a lesson. Instead, an angel emerges from the driver’s side, and I’m a goner. Of course, life is never that easy. The girl is the daughter of an MC that flies under the radar in the area. Grim Road MC is even more secretive than Salvation’s Bane. Whatever they do must be dangerous, because the next thing I know, her Dad is telling me to make her my ol’ lady. And my wife. Good thing I’ve already decided to do both.

WARNING: Graphic violence, adult situations, and references to human trafficking and domestic abuse that may be triggers for some readers. Happy ending and no cheating, as always.
Release dateMay 29, 2020

Titles in the series (12)

  • Vicious



    Lucrecia: All I have in the world is my sister Mae. We were adrift, on our own until a guy from Black Reign, one of Lake Worth’s most infamous MCs, spotted us and took us in. Rycks isn’t cruel, but he’s hard on us. We have to earn our keep, but then everyone does. Me? I dance for the club. I get a secret thrill from it -- until Mae is kidnapped by enemies of Black Reign, and Rycks sends me to Palm Beach -- straight into the hands of Salvation’s Bane. Vicious: It all started when some MFer stole my f-n pizza and two cans of beer. I went looking for the SOB. What I found was a raven-haired spitfire too sexy for my own good. Her sister’s in trouble, and wouldn’t you know it that bastard El Diablo’s at the very center of yet more trouble. It’s his club Mae’s been taken from. His club Lucy was sent away from. Now, we have to get Mae back. Because I might be falling for the little dancer in my care. Not that I’ll ever admit it. We’ll have to call out all the stops for this. Bones. Shadow Demons. Hell, even Black Reign. If we’re going to rescue Mae, nothing is out of bounds. But busting her out of some rich banker’s estate will be a piece of cake. No worries. Yeah. Right…

  • Thorn



    Mariana -- If it weren’t for bad luck… Yeah. That’s me. I found myself stranded on the side of the road after my boyfriend threw me out. My mother, bless her heart, thinks I’m dragging her to the pits of hell because I got myself knocked up. All of which I could deal with. What nearly put me in a panic was the big, muscle-bound, tattooed biker who pulled up behind me, ordering me to “pop the hood.” I was scared, but, God, the man was smoking hot! Had I not been hot, tired, and pregnant, I might have gotten on my knees and begged him to take me. Instead, I kept that part of myself tightly under control. Sort of. Thorn -- Ana isn’t like anyone I’ve ever come across. If there’s a woman in this world who needs pampering, it’s her. She’s half starved, on the verge of heat stroke, and I steamrolled my way into her life. But I wasn’t prepared for the call I got from the hospital or the sight of her broken body. I’m all about vengeance, and someone is going to pay for this. Dearly. And my little Ana is going to have to learn to take on a man like me. Because somewhere around the very first time I saw her, I might have gone and fallen in love with her. WARNING (Spoiler Alert): Traumatic pregnancy loss and explicit violence which could be triggers for some readers. As always, you can expect a HEA with no cheating.

  • Beast



    Fleur: Never in a million years would I have expected a woman I considered a friend to betray me in the worst possible way. Yet it happened. Drugged and in the back room of a BDSM club, I was about to be used in a brutal way. Until he exploded to my rescue. Beast: I’m Salvation’s Bane's enforcer. My job is to protect. So when I notice something amiss in the BDSM club Bane owns, I’m there to shut that shit down. What I find is a woman who ignites passions inside me better left alone. What will she think when she finds out the lengths I’ll go to protect what’s mine? I come by my name honest. When it comes to protecting my club, or my woman, I’m the most ferocious beast you could ever imagine.

  • Havoc



    Spring -- The father of my child is pressing for custody. Which is how I ended up dancing at Salvation’s Angels, a strip club owned by the notorious Salvation’s Bane MC. I have to earn enough to pay my attorney, then I’m out of here. I have enough on my plate without having to deal with the sexy-as-sin vice president of Salvation’s Bane. But Havoc, the bastard, wants me to stay. He’s found another way for me to make enough money to pay my bills, but I’m not sure he’s got my best interests in mind. Havoc -- It’s a pisser of a bad day. My son would have been sixteen today, had he lived. On my way to drown my sorrows I came across Spring, swishing her little ass on stage at our strip club. She’s not naked yet, but with that body and the way she moves, I don’t want other men seeing what she’s got to offer. There’s a loophole in every contract. Three songs. With me. After that? Well, I just hope my indecent proposal doesn’t push her away. At least, not until I’m ready for her to go. One problem. Now I’m addicted to her and the feisty son she’s raising. I know I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe. And make them both mine. WARNING: Explicit violence which could be triggers some readers. Explicit sex as well as spanking and some voyeurism. As always, you can expect a HEA with no cheating.

  • Blood



    Alizay -- My life is complicated enough without the big biker mercenary I’m tasked with helping to rehabilitate. He’s not a fan of physical therapy and I’m not a fan of the way I react to his body. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for the man called Blood. He’s crass, stubborn, and so sexy it actually hurts. If I’m going to resist him I’ve got to be strong. I’m just not sure any woman is strong enough to ignore him when he decides he doesn’t want to be ignored. Blood -- I’m the one who cleans up the messes made by others. Then she comes along and suddenly I’m the mess. She thinks she’s leaving when she’s done with me, but I’ve got other plans for little Alizay. She’s going to be mine whether she wants to or not. Her past may stand in our way, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. With Christmas on the way and me dragging out my recovery in order to get some quality time with my sexy therapist, my club and my team decide to bring Christmas to me. Bones, Salvation’s Bane, and the Shadow Demons. All under one roof. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Stryker



    Glitter: Yes, that’s my real name. Born stripper name, I know. I’ve been on my own since I was 14. When I tried to get a job with Salvations Bane MC at their strip club, Salvation’s Angels, their security saw right through my fake ID. Lucky for me, the club sent me to Beach Fit, their fitness club, until I turned 18. Now I work at Angels, and the crowd here loves me. Stryker’s still looking out for me. For some reason he thinks I’m a magnet for trouble. Now that I’ve got his full attention, I know what I want, and I’m going to prove him right. Stryker: We try our best to keep things at the club legit. Last thing we need is an underage dancer attracting too much attention. OK, so she’s legal now, has been for nearly two years, but that girl’s everything this old man doesn’t need -- and can’t afford. But there’s another club encroaching on our territory, setting up a BDSM club on the other side of town, as a front to run drugs. Now I’ve got word there’s even more going on at The Dark than drugs. I was right. And who do I find right in the middle of it but Glitter. Only, she’s not involved with the thugs at The Dark. She’s their prisoner -- a sub who has no idea what it means to be a sub, but she thinks she wants to learn. Challenge issued? Challenge ’effin accepted. WARNING: This book contains scenes of an intense physical relationship between an older man and a younger woman, as well as graphic violence.

  • Red



    Rosanna: Salvation’s Bane’s been good to me -- more of a family than I’ve ever had before. And I want that. But I’m not a kid anymore, and I know what I want. Red. I need him to see me as more than just another mechanic. No matter how good I am, working beside the man is never going to be enough. I’m going to break him down. Get under his skin, until he realizes I’m a grown-ass woman, and I know my mind. And if that bitch of an ex of his doesn’t leave us alone, she’s the next thing I’m gonna break. Red: I’m headed for a special hell. Rosanna knows her way around cars, I’ll give her that, and she looks sexy as hell with a wrench in her hands and a spot of grease on her nose, but she’s just a kid. I know she’s got a past she can’t or won’t talk about, and she may think she’s all grown up, but she’s younger than my son, Anthony. Pretty sure that makes me some kind of a pervert. And now that Anthony’s the assistant DA, he’s got a bee up his ass to take me down. Be damned if I’ll let him take Rosanna with me. I should send her far away from me and this life, but one kiss is all it takes to pull me under. I could no more give her up than I could give up the air that I breathe. I’d kill to protect her. And from the looks of things, I may have to.

  • Tobias



    Tobias: I hate bullies. Gymnastics moms are the worst, too. So when a girl who looks no older than the kids with the overbearing mothers steps in to take over, I’m more than a little skeptical. Her name is, of all things, Kitty, and I’ve been watching her from a distance. I just didn’t realize she was a highly trained athlete in the body of a young, beguiling, innocent woman. Everything about her calls to my protective instincts. Especially when I find her putting herself in the hands of the very tormentor who broke my sister. Kitty: Gymnastics has been my life as long as I can remember. Blowing out my knee just before the Olympic trials was not on my agenda, but here I am. The opportunity to audition for a troupe of renowned performers seems like a dream come true. Only it’s a nightmare. Then he comes to my rescue. Tobias. He’s scary looking, and so strong it takes my breath away. I’m crazy attracted to him, even though he’s got more than a little violent streak in him. What’s a girl to do? Me? I just roll with it. Until I can get him to claim me for his own.

  • Justice



    Justice: I expected to spend most of the rest of my life in prison. Even so, I worked for my club, Salvation’s Bane, gathering valuable information about Palm Beach and all the clubs residing there. Imagine my surprise when a short, clumsy, curvy female comes to my rescue. The moment I see her in that prim skirt stretched tight over her ass and the blouse straining to contain her tits I know I want her. I’m just not sure she’s capable of handling all I have to give after eight years in the big house. Mae: Archer “Justice” Creed may not be completely innocent, but he’s not guilty of the crime they convicted him of. Fighting to get him freed was a long, hard battle, but I’m not letting them keep him behind bars a second longer. What I didn’t count on was being attracted to the big, tattooed former lawyer. I know a perfumed rock would look good to him after eight long years in prison, but he’s ready and I’m willing. Too bad he’s an arrogant asshole out of bed. Unfortunately for me, I’m stuck with the big brute. I ruffled some feathers at the DA’s office when I got Justice freed, and now I could be in some danger. But do I trust Justice to protect me, or should I go back to Rycks, my guardian and an enforcer in Black Reign MC? Our clubs aren’t exactly enemies, but they’re not friends. Oh, and those ruffled feathers I mentioned before? They’re coming after me. And Justice.

  • Styx



    Jolene: I’ve lived my entire life in the shadow of a feud that ended over a hundred years ago. But try telling that to my family. To them, the Hatfields and McCoys were never met to mix. Or be in the same town really. So when I gave my virginity to a Hatfield, my McCoy family disowned me entirely. And that Hatfield I trusted? He set me up to be raped by his kin. So yeah, my life’s a shit show. Then another Hatfield picked me up out of a ditch and saved me. I thought he’d hurt me, too, but he turned out to be the kindest man I’ve ever met. Now I need to shake him long enough to get the revenge I need from those who hurt me. I just hope when I’m done, he’ll take me back. Styx: I just came for the car -- a rare Mercedes Maybach the club intends to sell for a good chunk of change. I long ago left any family I had in this little hick town in West Virginia and only came back because I knew the area, and the man who had the car was my family’s rival, Marshall McCoy. So when I found his daughter in a ditch on the side of the road, beaten and bloody, my first instinct -- and that of my MC brothers – was set up. But I can’t leave her to the mercy of her family. I know there will be hell to pay. I just didn’t count on my sweet little hillbilly being hellbent on revenge. As I fall deeper and deeper under her spell, I find I can’t deny her anything. Even if what she wants might break her. Warning: Styx includes scenes of sexual abuse and vigilante justice that may be triggers for some readers. Guaranteed HEA.

  • Ripper



    Emmanuell: Once upon a time, I was a princess. OK, so maybe I was just an heiress who stood to inherit nothing. But my father was still rich and powerful. He just believed I should be able to stand on my own. To make my own way in the world. All that ended the night I left with a man I hardly knew for a quick getaway and a one-night stand. That one night turned into several months and I found myself reeling at the tragic turn my life had taken. Little did I was about to find my salvation in the most unlikely of places. Ripper: Never did I ever expect to find a woman I wanted for my own. My life was about the club. The job. Then this little pixie showed up on the clubhouse doorstep looking for her baby daddy. Turns out, she’s heiress to a fortune, and the subject of a statewide search for a missing person. There’s no way Salvation’s Bane doesn’t end up in a world of hurt if she’s found here. There’s just one tiny problem. The second I see her, I know she’s mine. I’ll take over her care. I’ll take responsibility for her. And I will reign down hell on the man who left her homeless and on her own. I just hope I’m up for the task because this is one pregnancy that doesn’t go as planned.

  • Doc



    Talia -- Helping one of my students out of a bad situation shouldn’t have been a life altering event. But the second Doc meets us in nothing but jeans and motorcycle boots, I know I’ll never look at any other man the same way. I knew Caroline’s father was sexy, but he’s a well-established physician in the community as well as a member of Salvation’s Bane MC. As the daughter of Grim Road MC’s president, I know that’s a line I can’t cross. All I can do is look from afar. Maybe it’s time to break some rules… Doc -- When my daughter Caroline shows up in a beat-up Ford, I’m prepared to have me a little chat with some boy who needs a lesson. Instead, an angel emerges from the driver’s side, and I’m a goner. Of course, life is never that easy. The girl is the daughter of an MC that flies under the radar in the area. Grim Road MC is even more secretive than Salvation’s Bane. Whatever they do must be dangerous, because the next thing I know, her Dad is telling me to make her my ol’ lady. And my wife. Good thing I’ve already decided to do both. WARNING: Graphic violence, adult situations, and references to human trafficking and domestic abuse that may be triggers for some readers. Happy ending and no cheating, as always.


Marteeka Karland

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Want to see what's up with Marteeka? Website Facebook Facebook Page: E-mail at Blog: BookBub: Amazon:

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