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My Carolina Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #2
My Las Vegas Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #3
My Little Rock Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #1
Ebook series3 titles

My Air Force Fairy Tale Series

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About this series

Can he afford to gamble with his heart?


Staff Sergeant Christopher Daniel Brooking plays life safe. Order, determination, and hard work have served him well in the Air Force, and he's about to take the next step toward his life-long dream: becoming an officer.

Unfortunately, the experimental officer training program that he's been accepted to is in Las Vegas, the very epitome of the kind of life Chris detests the most. And even worse, the college student he's been assigned as his "university guide" might be charming and adorable, but she's also one of the most scatterbrained people he's ever had the misfortune of working with. It will be a miracle if he can keep his carefully crafted routine intact while surviving the semester with her by his side.

The more he gets to know the misadventurous, bubbly Skylar, however, the more he begins to realize that there might be more than his strict adherence to rules on the line. He might be in danger of losing his heart as well.



Las Vegas native, Skylar, doesn't mean to get into scrapes. Nor does she mean to leave her homework on the printer at home or lock her keys in her car or blurt out whatever she's thinking. But it happens, and because of her unfortunate...tendencies, she's about to flunk out of one of her foundational hospitality courses. So when the chance to earn extra credit by helping a new Air Force student around the city for a semester is offered, Skylar jumps at it with gusto.

She quickly realizes, however, that Chris Brooking is one of the handsomest, biggest squares Skylar has met. Never one to be intimidated by first impressions, though, she soldiers on and does her best to crack his shell to find the amazing person she's sure is hiding beneath.

In her attempt to unlock his secrets, however, Skylar ends up discovering truths of her own that she'd rather not face. So when the broody airman offers to help, she must decide whether she can bear to let him see the pain and insecurities she tries so hard to hide...or push him out forever.

My Las Vegas Airman is the third book in the My Air Force Fairy Tale series, clean and wholesome standalone novels about life and love with military men. Read it today to find love, laughter, and the magic of happily ever after.

Release dateFeb 4, 2022
My Carolina Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #2
My Las Vegas Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #3
My Little Rock Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • My Little Rock Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #1


    My Little Rock Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #1
    My Little Rock Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #1

    Jessie has one rule: No dating airmen. Unfortunately, Derrick Allen doesn't seem to care. But what does it matter? Prince Charming had a horse, not a cargo plane. Jessie: A strange silence settled over the car. And though I scrolled through my inbox, I found myself more and more unsettled by the man sitting beside me. Which was stupid. This was Derrick, the guy who tormented me for half of our relationship and spent the other half playing pranks and begging me to help him avoid his boss. So why did I feel like I was really meeting him for the first time? And why did it suddenly feel like maybe...maybe it was time to rethink the rules after all? *** Derrick: It had to be the uniform. Women were weird about uniforms. It was just something I wore every day. It had function and utility. Once I'd accidentally terrified a group of kids in a gas station, who I quickly realized were from another country. But Jessie didn't look terrified. She looked...curious. And though that would have concerned me two months ago, now I couldn't help but wonder if I liked it. My Little Rock Airman is the first in the My Air Force Fairy Tale series, clean and wholesome standalone novels about life and love with military men. Read it today to find love, truth, laughter, and the magic of happily ever after.

  • My Carolina Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #2


    My Carolina Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #2
    My Carolina Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #2

    This was a magic I'd long forgotten existed. *** Alexander: Once upon a time, she'd smiled a lot. Even in her pain, I could see hints of that girl I'd loved so much. She was smart and adventurous and had the snarkiest sense of humor I'd ever met. And, based on the way she'd nearly grinned at me earlier, I could only guess...or hope, rather, that all of that was still inside. As I left the base to head to the nearest pharmacy, a plan began to hatch itself in my mind. The family housing had prompted it, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew it was the only way. It was perfect, really. I could nurse Carly back to health. She'd even have insurance. She'd be independent of her relatives' care, and I would spend the rest of our lives making up for my mistakes. My heart began to hammer in my chest, and with each passing second, I could see it unfolding perfectly in my head. The only problem would be convincing Carly. Saying she could be stubborn was like saying winter is chilly. But I could be stubborn, too. *** Carly: I don't know what I'd expected from the kiss, but it wasn't this. brain ceased producing words. Instead, I felt. Saw. Tasted. His hands were warm on my face, and his lips were like fire on mine. My eyes were closed, but colors flashed behind my eyelids like fireworks. In that kiss, I saw glimpses of two kids who fell in love and all the dreams they'd painted in those bright Carolina sunsets. Familiar as the kiss was, the boy beneath just wasn't the same. Like magma pushing through the earth's crust, a new man was there, breaking through everything I knew. Confidence I hadn't seen in him before radiated from his gentle hands as they kept me rooted to the spot. Then he was gone. I opened my eyes in confusion to see him pulling back as the crowd burst into cheers and whistles. "I present Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Calero," the judge announced, and the clapping grew even louder. But I couldn't tear my gaze from him. His eyes smoldered as they met mine, and I knew that we both knew something inside had changed. If only I knew what it was. This was supposed to be a fake marriage, after all, a way to get me the medical care I needed until Grandpa came back. So why did kissing him feel like waking up? Why did it feel like coming home? My Carolina Airman is the second in the My Air Force Fairy Tale series, clean and wholesome standalone fairy tale-inspired novels about life and love with military men. Read it today to find love, laughter, and the magic of happily ever after.

  • My Las Vegas Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #3


    My Las Vegas Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #3
    My Las Vegas Airman: My Air Force Fairy Tale, #3

    Can he afford to gamble with his heart? Chris: Staff Sergeant Christopher Daniel Brooking plays life safe. Order, determination, and hard work have served him well in the Air Force, and he's about to take the next step toward his life-long dream: becoming an officer. Unfortunately, the experimental officer training program that he's been accepted to is in Las Vegas, the very epitome of the kind of life Chris detests the most. And even worse, the college student he's been assigned as his "university guide" might be charming and adorable, but she's also one of the most scatterbrained people he's ever had the misfortune of working with. It will be a miracle if he can keep his carefully crafted routine intact while surviving the semester with her by his side. The more he gets to know the misadventurous, bubbly Skylar, however, the more he begins to realize that there might be more than his strict adherence to rules on the line. He might be in danger of losing his heart as well. *** Skylar: Las Vegas native, Skylar, doesn't mean to get into scrapes. Nor does she mean to leave her homework on the printer at home or lock her keys in her car or blurt out whatever she's thinking. But it happens, and because of her unfortunate...tendencies, she's about to flunk out of one of her foundational hospitality courses. So when the chance to earn extra credit by helping a new Air Force student around the city for a semester is offered, Skylar jumps at it with gusto. She quickly realizes, however, that Chris Brooking is one of the handsomest, biggest squares Skylar has met. Never one to be intimidated by first impressions, though, she soldiers on and does her best to crack his shell to find the amazing person she's sure is hiding beneath. In her attempt to unlock his secrets, however, Skylar ends up discovering truths of her own that she'd rather not face. So when the broody airman offers to help, she must decide whether she can bear to let him see the pain and insecurities she tries so hard to hide...or push him out forever. My Las Vegas Airman is the third book in the My Air Force Fairy Tale series, clean and wholesome standalone novels about life and love with military men. Read it today to find love, laughter, and the magic of happily ever after.

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