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Deliverance From Sin: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #1
The Sin Before You May Lead To Immediate Death: Do Not Commit It!: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5
The Sower, The Seed and The Hearts of Men: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #4
Ebook series14 titles

Practical Helps in Sanctification Series

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this series

This book is grounded in practicality. It underscores that the true test of a person's maturity is reflected in the harmony of their relationships, particularly with those in their inner circle. It teaches that maturity never leads to complacency; instead, it deepens respect and reverence as one draws closer to others.

Addressing wounded relationships, the book challenges us to respond to dishonesty with unwavering honesty and respect. In essence, it encourages us to treat those who may have wronged us as if they were honest, much like the Lord Jesus did with Judas.

Throughout The Cross in Personal Relationships, you will find profound insights on themes such as courtesy and gratitude, both pivotal in nurturing healthy and meaningful relationships.

Our earnest prayer is that the wisdom you glean from this book will empower you to handle your relationships in the manner of our Lord Jesus—bringing healing where it's needed, and nurturing growth and perfection where it's lacking.

Release dateJan 4, 1990
Deliverance From Sin: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #1
The Sin Before You May Lead To Immediate Death: Do Not Commit It!: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5
The Sower, The Seed and The Hearts of Men: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #4

Titles in the series (14)

  • The Sower, The Seed and The Hearts of Men: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #4


    The Sower, The Seed and The Hearts of Men: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #4
    The Sower, The Seed and The Hearts of Men: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #4

    This book is to be read through and studied for a radical change of heart and a fruitful evangelism ministry! Inspired by the Parable of the Sower, Professor Fomum teaches about the different types of hearts. There is the wayside heart, the stony heart, the thorny heart, and the good heart which is symbolised by good soil. The author identifies the importance of the heart and gives the characteristics of each heart while showing that each man is responsible for the type of heart he has. To have the heart that is good soil, ready for planting, you have to overthrow the self in you and rid your heart of all forms of idols. Why does the author dwell so much on the heart as soil? Because it is good soil that bears good fruit. It is good soil that bears great fruit. It is good soil that bears abundant fruit. That's why he goes on to speak extensively about ways to bear fruit in abundance. This book is to be read through and studied for a radical change of heart and a fruitful evangelism ministry, because as the author says, ''It is ripe fruit that produces ripe fruit!"

  • Deliverance From Sin: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #1


    Deliverance From Sin: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #1
    Deliverance From Sin: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #1

    This book is not written to provide theoretical knowledge of God's point of view on the subject. It is about bringing the believer into the spiritual experience of the sanctified life. It is an in-depth study of chapters 6 and 7 of the epistle to the Romans. The believer is saved from the consequence of sin and delivered from the power of sin. Therefore, he can experience deliverance from sin and the power of sin on a daily basis. This book answers two fundamental questions and, by extension, all those related to them: How did we become sinners? How can we get out of Adam's nature? How can we become a slave to righteousness? How can we experience walking by the Spirit? It is also in this book that you can discover the spiritual meaning of the deliverance of the law. It is a true and practical guide in sanctification. May the Lord bless you in its reading.

  • The Sin Before You May Lead To Immediate Death: Do Not Commit It!: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5


    The Sin Before You May Lead To Immediate Death: Do Not Commit It!: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5
    The Sin Before You May Lead To Immediate Death: Do Not Commit It!: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5

    This is one of the most serious books the author has written! "To sin willfully is to crucify anew the Son of God! Do you want to be responsible for such a thing?  If you do such a thing, it may be impossible for you to be brought back to repentance. You should be wise and turn away completely from the sin before you.  If you commit it, it could be the end of your life!" These are heavy words indeed. We quote these words from Z.T. Fomum, the author, praying that they should have the intended effect on you. It is a scary thing for anyone to know that an act may be final and fatal but still commit it willfully. For anyone to know that a sin could lead him to death, and still commit it, that person is idiotic or suicidal! This book can help you reconsider the gravity of sin in order to make progress in the path of sanctification that Christ, by His death on the cross, acquired for you.  We highly recommend this book!

  • Sanctified and Consecreted for Spiritual Ministry: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #2


    Sanctified and Consecreted for Spiritual Ministry: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #2
    Sanctified and Consecreted for Spiritual Ministry: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #2

    The believer's responsibility in sanctification and spiritual ministry.   There are things that God must do, and man must not attempt to do them. There are other things that He has decided in His sovereignty to let man do. He will not do them for man. If man decides not to do them, they will remain undone.   This audiobook, "Sanctified and Consecrated for Spiritual Ministry" presents the responsibility of the believer to do that which he must do for his sanctification, consecration, and spiritual ministry.   We are fully persuaded that in the light of the cross, the resurrection, and the out-poured Holy Spirit, the willing believer can: live a sin-free life, be wholly consecrated to the Lord, and serve the Lord to the satisfaction of the Father. Listen to this audiobook, and may the Lord of the harvest use it to transform you into someone who is sanctified and consecrated for spiritual ministry.

  • Be Filled With The Holy Spirit: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7


    Be Filled With The Holy Spirit: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7
    Be Filled With The Holy Spirit: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7

    This booklet is of vital necessity. You cannot ignore it if you want to live the Spirit-filled life. You will find the description of the condition of the human heart. God desires and expects to fill with His Spirit and power each person who is saved. This expectation of the Lord must meet the cooperation of the believer to remove from his heart and from his life all the things that fill his heart and his life preventing him from being filled with the Holy Spirit. You will find in this booklet a list of these things. Go through them and let God find a path into your heart.

  • Freedom From The Sin of Adultery And Fornication: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5


    Freedom From The Sin of Adultery And Fornication: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5
    Freedom From The Sin of Adultery And Fornication: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #5

    Here is a book that introduces us to the ways and means of experiencing freedom from the sin of adultery and fornication. In his introduction, the author points out that it is a book for believers who have received Jesus Christ. He notes that lusting after the opposite sex has been a great stumbling block to this day for many children of God, including servants of God. The author, Z.T. Fomum, presents the sins of adultery and fornication in all the forms in which they manifest themselves. The author presents the Lord Jesus Christ as the Liberator and gives practical applications for a walk-in total victory over adultery and fornication, from which many people would like to be set free. Read this book!  Many have testified to its liberating benefits.

  • Deliverance From The Sin of Gluttony: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7


    Deliverance From The Sin of Gluttony: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7
    Deliverance From The Sin of Gluttony: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7

    In life, most people grasp the concept of sin and understand that they should avoid it, at least within the confines of their society. However, one aspect of sin that often goes overlooked is gluttony, the unrestrained indulgence in food. But what exactly is gluttony? What forms does it take? Are all overweight individuals guilty of gluttony, while the underweight are exempt? And what wisdom does the Bible offer on this sensitive topic that transcends races, cultures, and genders? Deliverance from the Sin of Gluttony by Professor Z.T. Fomum provides a biblical perspective on gluttony, defining it, exploring its potential causes, and offering a path to recognize, repent of, and conquer this insidious sin. It also guides us on how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for complete deliverance, allowing us to establish a healthy relationship with God and His gracious gift of food. This book is essential reading for everyone, whether you're a parent, pastor, youth leader, counselor, or even if you believe your eating habits are not a concern. Within its pages, you'll find answers drawn from biblical examples that address your questions and concerns.

  • Issues of The Heart: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7


    Issues of The Heart: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7
    Issues of The Heart: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #7

    "God cannot do through a man what he does not have in him, or what a man has not allowed God to do in him." These words from the author, Z.T. Fomum, demonstrate that anyone who wants to walk with and serve God must deal with his heart. God seeks the inner temple, the heart of the believer, to make his home there. Therefore, God's first call to a person is not first of all the call to service. It is the call to know Him deeply and to love Him in a supreme way. These are people carried away by the knowledge and love of God who can go and serve Him. A heart filled with love for the world and the things of the world cannot serve Him. The service of such a man will be rejected. It is in these very clear and compelling terms that the author unloads his onus. As you read this book, you will certainly discover the state of your heart and you will be able to work to present to the Lord a heart qualified to worship and serve Him.

  • A Vessel of Honour: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #10


    A Vessel of Honour: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #10
    A Vessel of Honour: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #10

    A Vessel of Honour is a heart-to-heart exposure from the Scriptures of spiritual shallowness and dryness and their catastrophic consequences in the life and ministry of a child of God. There are some trees whose roots grow or are on the surface instead of burrowing down. Such roots are shallow—they lack depth. It is understandable if a young convert is shallow but if after many years a Christian has no deep spiritual roots, then there is a problem.  In what are you deep? Are you Deep in forgiving people and forgetting wrongdoing? Deep in seeking, finding, and knowing God? Deep in loving and being content in God? Deep in bearing fruits, in leading people to the Lord? Deep in building the people who are in the Lord? Deep in Christian character? The author, Z.T. Fomum, brings out clearly the differences between a shallow and a normal Christian. He pinpoints the root cause of shallowness and spiritual dryness and provides the way out. You will learn what spiritual roots are and how to intentionally develop them. Now a person may not be dry. He may be cut off from God. That is what sin does. It may look as if it is dryness, but it is godlessness—spiritual death! On this, the author makes plain—with practical advice—the absolute necessity for believers in Christ Jesus to live a sanctified and consecrated life. Get a copy and read it through. It will lead you into deep heart cultivation unto godliness and Christian service from a position of spiritual overflow.

  • The Believer’s Conscience: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #11


    The Believer’s Conscience: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #11
    The Believer’s Conscience: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #11

    The state of the conscience, faith, and the Spirit-filled life are related. Sin, disobedience, hardening of heart and impurity destroy the good conscience and produce a defiled conscience. When the conscience is defiled, faith cannot be born. Lack of repentance, and a hardened heart produce a seared and dead conscience to the point where, when God speaks, you no longer feel anything. This book by Professor Fomum is a description of the state of man's conscience. His burden is to get every believer to cooperate with God to have a clear conscience before God and before man. A strong and clear conscience speaks of the possibility of letting in the light of God, for the strong conscience is full of the Holy Spirit. From a detailed explanation of each state of conscience, Professor Fomum demonstrates that the Lord has done everything possible to make sure that every believer has a conscience that is functioning at the highest possible level. His prayer is that everyone should step into the health of God for their conscience and become whatever God wants them to become in their relationship with Him. May you read this book in order to accomplish all that He has asked you to do for His everlasting purposes.

  • Practical Dying to Self and the Spirit-Filled Life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #12


    Practical Dying to Self and the Spirit-Filled Life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #12
    Practical Dying to Self and the Spirit-Filled Life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #12

    If you remove idols from your heart, the Holy Spirit will fill you. If you leave the idols there, the Holy Spirit will also leave you alone. What will you do with the idols in your heart? Do you know what took away the love that you had for Jesus? It could be a more dangerous situation not to know what took away your first love for Him. If you do not know, how then will you be restored? If you know what stood between the Lord and you, put it away immediately. Do not relent until the barrier or barriers are removed. God follows a specific pattern to prepare people for service. First, the blood of the Lamb and then the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In preparation for Pentecost, firstly you need cleansing by the blood, then the anointing of the Holy Spirit can come. The cleansing power of the blood must cleanse a life before the Holy Spirit falls on that life. Where the blood has cleansed, the Spirit may fall! What qualifies a person for the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the cleansing by the blood of the Lamb. Total filling requires total cleansing! It is self-seduction to expose and repent of some sins but leave others, while expecting to be totally filled. Until the blood has cleansed, the oil cannot come. We repeat, the Holy Spirit can only fall upon the person who has been cleansed by the blood.

  • Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15


    Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15
    Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15

    The content of this book centers around a crucial theme: "Dealing with the Self-life." Its message will help you comprehend the nature of the self-life and, more importantly, how to overcome its grip on your life. The author, Z.T. Fomum, imparts the revelation that God, the Lord of history, continually orchestrates events and circumstances to shape our destinies and propel us toward a future marked by divine purpose. You will be challenged to relinquish self-reliance and instead yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the vital role of divine influence in leading a life pleasing to God. Could it be that you have grown comfortable, complacent, and passive in your spiritual journey? Then this book is a wake-up call for you! Awaken from your slumber, discard your indifferent attitude, and break free from the shackles of the self-life. Then you will embrace a selfless existence that will bring profound satisfaction to the heart of God and fulfill His purposes through your life and service. May you encounter a radical deliverance from the clutches of the self-life as you read this book!

  • Rebellion: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #14


    Rebellion: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #14
    Rebellion: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #14

    Scripture equates rebellion to witchcraft! Prof. Z.T. Fomum, in this powerful and insightful book, delves into the heart of one of the most pressing spiritual issues of our time. With a deep understanding of the Christian faith and a passion for helping others, Prof. Fomum takes readers on a journey through the origins, consequences, and solutions to rebellion. Through in-depth analysis of scripture and real-life examples, the author explores what it means to be in rebellion against God and the effects this can have on our lives. From the dishonouring of God to the consequences of a rebellious spirit, this book leaves no stone unturned in its quest for understanding. With practical advice and guidance for both believers and unbelievers alike, "Rebellion" is a must-read for anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual journey and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to submit to God's established authority. Whether you are struggling with submission to authority in your own life, or simply want to gain a deeper understanding of what the Bible has to say about rebellion, this book is an essential resource.

  • The Cross in Personal Relationships: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #16


    The Cross in Personal Relationships: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #16
    The Cross in Personal Relationships: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #16

    This book is grounded in practicality. It underscores that the true test of a person's maturity is reflected in the harmony of their relationships, particularly with those in their inner circle. It teaches that maturity never leads to complacency; instead, it deepens respect and reverence as one draws closer to others. Addressing wounded relationships, the book challenges us to respond to dishonesty with unwavering honesty and respect. In essence, it encourages us to treat those who may have wronged us as if they were honest, much like the Lord Jesus did with Judas. Throughout The Cross in Personal Relationships, you will find profound insights on themes such as courtesy and gratitude, both pivotal in nurturing healthy and meaningful relationships. Our earnest prayer is that the wisdom you glean from this book will empower you to handle your relationships in the manner of our Lord Jesus—bringing healing where it's needed, and nurturing growth and perfection where it's lacking.


Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful book, great deep practical. The simplicity of the message, easy to read but character changing .