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A Lethal Partnership
EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists
Our Darker Angel
Ebook series4 titles

The Trials and Travails of Special Agent Rick Clark Series

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

Three murders within eighteen months. Three that they knew of. How many other women the Bedsheet Serial Killer had raped and murdered was anyone’s guess. This case was definitely beyond the reach of a single police department, and whether the local police force liked it or not, this was a case for the FBI, and Agent Rick Clark would need all of the resources the agency had available to solve it.

The story begins with Agent Rick Clark and his colleague, Marty Robin, a forensic psychologist, investigating the brutal murders of several women within the last three years. With Clark’s help, Marty struggles to discover the motive behind the Bed Sheet Serial Killer’s horrifying acts of murder and perversion. But at an immeasurable cost to both of them.

This is a powerful story about courage, commitment, and personal loss. But it is also a story about regenerative hope and how it can restore one to wholeness. From the ashes of a terrible tragedy, a fate battered phoenix arises and promises healing and justice for a torture souls.

Release dateAug 26, 2013
A Lethal Partnership
EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists
Our Darker Angel

Titles in the series (4)

  • Our Darker Angel


    Our Darker Angel
    Our Darker Angel

    When FBI agent Richard Clark becomes involved in hunting down the leader of a terrorist group calling itself ARC—Anarchists for Real Change—he finds himself opening old wounds that threaten to push him over the edge. Our Darker Angel begins with FBI Agent Rick Clark's investigation into a series of murders claimed to have been committed by a group of anarchists. Fighting terrorism has become a personal issue with Clark. Two years before, his daughter perished in a terrorist bombing when a group calling itself EMMA discharged a C2 explosive at a political rally. The new murders bear a striking resemblance to the former killings by EMMA, as they too only target the corrupt and powerful. There is one notable difference, though. ARC seems to rely exclusively on the Internet to hire lowlife assassins desperate to make an easy buck. While undertaking his investigation of ARC, Clark relies on the expertise, keen intuition, and psychological insights of Dr. Marty Robin, a forensics psychologist. Together, they research the backgrounds of the victims, while Marty attempts to construct profiles of the assassins and figure out the personal history of the mysterious Ali Cohen, a beautiful young woman deeply troubled by tragic events in her past, which are somehow intimately connected to the terrorist attacks. As Agent Clark delves deeper into the investigation of ARC, he’s dragged down by personal ghosts and yet another tragedy—again, of someone very close to him. Barely able to struggle to the surface and get his head above water, Marty becomes his savior. She and his faithful dog Thomas manage to rescue him from his darkest hours and pull him safely to shore. This novel offers so much more than your typical crime thriller or political thriller. Although terrorism and political themes are an integral part of the overall plot, the psychological elements in this novel stand out as the real tour de force. They offer an insightful thesis on terrorism and the role desperate characters and situations play in its formation. Our Darker Angel received notable Mention in Shelf Unbound's International Indie Book Award Contest

  • A Lethal Partnership


    A Lethal Partnership
    A Lethal Partnership

    This thriller begins with Special Agent Rick Clark recovering from a traumatic loss that has turned his world upside down. Determined to discover the truth behind the grisly murder of his dear friend, he departs for Peru where his key witness has mysteriously fled. With the help of the Peruvian intelligence services and a beautiful Peruvian special agent, Clark hunts down clues that bring him into direct confrontation with those who possess the means and the will to crush any opposition. Mercilessly and completely.

  • EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists

    EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists
    EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists

    Silver Medal Winner for best terrorist thriller in the 2013 Readers' Favorite Annual International Award Contest. Imagine a couple young hacktivists, both former members of the internet freedom fighters group Anonymous, and one of them an ex-black ops officer, breaking away and creating a militant group of anarchists committed to social change. But social change precipitated by acts of violence against CEOs of major corporations responsible for crimes against humanity. Their group, Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists, or EMMA, believes the power elite will never listen to hollow threats or become intimidated by pranksters like Anonymous. They will listen only when they are forced to live in a state of terror. That’s the mere skeleton of the plot, but what follows, the twists and turns, the surprises, the action and suspense, and the masterful way the author delves into the lives of the principal characters, adds the beef. A black ops officer turned terrorist is not the story of a renegade NCS commando gone bonkers. Rather the novel tells of a young man, Brent Cossack, accepted into Georgetown University, who decides to forgo college and join the military. As a CIA operative in Iraq, he discovers an ugly truth, and resigns. He returns home and falls in love with a beautiful political activist. Everything seems just swell, until a terrible event in his life pushes him over the edge. FBI agent Rick Clark finds himself in the middle of an investigation that forces him to relive the saddest time in his life. Since his divorce, he has lived alone, avoiding relationships, except those established at work out of necessity, and one established at home, out of choice, with his commiserating dog, Thomas. Marty Robins, a psychologist involved in the investigation, helps resuscitate life into Rick, but his real savior comes later in the form of an unexpected hero that restores hope and meaning in his fragmented life.

  • Bed Sheet Serial Killer

    Bed Sheet Serial Killer
    Bed Sheet Serial Killer

    Three murders within eighteen months. Three that they knew of. How many other women the Bedsheet Serial Killer had raped and murdered was anyone’s guess. This case was definitely beyond the reach of a single police department, and whether the local police force liked it or not, this was a case for the FBI, and Agent Rick Clark would need all of the resources the agency had available to solve it. The story begins with Agent Rick Clark and his colleague, Marty Robin, a forensic psychologist, investigating the brutal murders of several women within the last three years. With Clark’s help, Marty struggles to discover the motive behind the Bed Sheet Serial Killer’s horrifying acts of murder and perversion. But at an immeasurable cost to both of them. This is a powerful story about courage, commitment, and personal loss. But it is also a story about regenerative hope and how it can restore one to wholeness. From the ashes of a terrible tragedy, a fate battered phoenix arises and promises healing and justice for a torture souls.


Michael Segedy

Michael Segedy is an award winning author. Over the years he has lived abroad in faraway places such as Taiwan, Israel, Morocco, and Peru. His life overseas has inspired him to write thrillers that include scenes set in foreign lands. Several of his works have won recognition in international book awards contests. Novels to date: Hampton Road, young adult thriller In Deep, a political thriller Cupiditas, a political thriller Evil's Root, includes In Deep and Cupiditas EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists, a terrorist thriller Our Darker Angel, a political, psychological thriller The Bed Sheet Serial Killer, crime thriller A Lethal Partnership, political thriller Sanctimonious Serial Killers, includes The Bed Sheet Serial Killer and A Lethal Partnership Why Blame the Stars? young adult thriller mystery Into the Twilight, social science fiction Apart from writing novels, Michael has published three non-fiction works: A Critical Look at John Gardner's Grendel Teaching Literature and Writing in the Secondary Classroom Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson with Introduction, Notes, and Lessons by Michael Segedy He's also published numerous academic articles about literature and writing in various scholarly journals. Gwendolyn Brooks, former poet laureate of Illinois, presented him with Virginia English Bulletin's first place writing award.

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