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My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage
Prayer for Fruit of the Womb: Expecting Mothers
Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples
Ebook series9 titles

Christian Marriage Books Series

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About this series

There is sex violence everywhere and every time. Sex terrorists fly their flags unabated with mad satanic rush for sexual scandals. They apply high power luring techniques and satanic networks to catch victims who fell into it and live to regret their actions. Sex terrorists are immoral mathematicians, crafty and powerful with persuasive word to seduce the lead ladies astray. Women and girls are hardly hit by this plague. They are targets any time sex violence is carried out as they are either beaten, tortured or raped by faceless men. The fact is, men are not only to blamed, as most sex violence are traced to women and girls, whose behavior, actions, ways of dress, time of walk, sex they mix with etc need to be clinically examined. There is rise in sexual abuse indices. Parent, guardians, women and girls are worried over these mad dogs and sex cabals. Something must be done, right steps must be taken. By who? This book gives through education and guide on how women, girls and everyone at large can be armed with weapons of freedom of escape from the hook of sex terrorists. It is high time for liberation from sex abuse.

PublisherTella Olayeri
Release dateDec 5, 2020
My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage
Prayer for Fruit of the Womb: Expecting Mothers
Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples

Titles in the series (9)

  • Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples


    Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples
    Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples

    This is spiritual loaded prayer book to command the night and speak good things to your marriage. Marriage is one thing enemies hates to hold or experience fruitfulness. It is therefore, an institution you must hold forth from wilderness of confusion. The prayers in this book is Holy Spirit vomited to dare and silence works of darkness from manifesting to rubbish your marriage as you pray and believe in the Lord to prosper your marriage. Arise and protect your marriage from evil arrows, speak favour, mercy, and prosperity to the soul of your marriage. Agenda of enemy won’t hold upon marriage, fire the prayers in this book. It is time you do so. Pick this book and have everlasting smile in your face.

  • My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage


    My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage
    My Marriage Shall Not Break: A Prayer Foar a Broken Marriage

    This book is written to meet crucial marriage needs with an in-depth counsel, solutions and operational values needed to back up marriages. By the power of the Lord Almighty, this book shall reverse every handwork of satanic champions, evil strangers and adversaries fashioned against revelations, divine blessings, joy and multiple promotions in your marriage. Today is the day of liberty every deadlock in your marriage shall be over. Hallelujah!!! Comments This book is wonderfully packaged, spiritually loaded and shall serve as solution tonic to marital problems………..Flexner Adejumo Perfection becomes a reality by practice. This book is simply a marriage barrier breaker that gives right answers to problems facing a marriage……Atkinson Lawal

  • Prayer for Fruit of the Womb: Expecting Mothers


    Prayer for Fruit of the Womb: Expecting Mothers
    Prayer for Fruit of the Womb: Expecting Mothers

    Prayer for Fruit of the Womb answers all your baby questions like: What can I eat for two? Can I keep up my training classes? When can I take a pregnancy test? Is fish, soft cheese safe to eat? I’m blotchy and broken out—where’s the glow? Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job? Should we do a gender reveal? Will I know labor when I feel it? This is a barren bulldozer prayer book written to bring an end to problems associated with fruit of the womb. It is a book that gives strong insight into counsels and prayers needed by women seeking for the fruit of the womb. The use of this book shall open all closed wombs, bring laughter to faces of couples and joy to matrimonial homes. The evil wall between you and the babies shall break. By this time next year, you shall be with your baby, in Jesus name. Amen.

  • Prayer for Pregnant Women: With All Christian Names and Meanings


    Prayer for Pregnant Women: With All Christian Names and Meanings
    Prayer for Pregnant Women: With All Christian Names and Meanings

    Prayer for Pregnant Women answers all your baby questions like: What can I eat for two? Can I keep up my training classes? When can I take a pregnancy test? Is fish, soft cheese safe to eat? I’m blotchy and broken out—where’s the glow? Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job? Should we do a gender reveal? Will I know labor when I feel it? This prayer book is written for pregnant women. It shall serve as wedlock seal and marital connector to marriages that have lost hope to wicked cloud of bareness. It covers areas of counsel and prayer needed during pregnancy. As you make use of this book, every contrary weapon that may cause fear, sorrow or marital failure shall vanish by fire. Fears in respect of miscarriage, stillbirth or untimely death during or after putting to bed shall never be experienced in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. You are a champion, a wonderful mother and a living testimony of this generation.  

  • Breaking Witchcraft Barrier Against Family Growth


    Breaking Witchcraft Barrier Against Family Growth
    Breaking Witchcraft Barrier Against Family Growth

    This is a spiritual loaded prayer book that goes deep to address breaking witchcraft barriers against family growth. Every nation’s growth starts with individuals and families. Clusters of family form a nation. This means, if families are spiritually and technically dead, the nation will not grow. If you build your family, and others do the same, the nation will grow. This book tells how witchcraft barrier can be broken. Barriers are created by enemies to demote life and frustrate families. The fact is, witchcraft barrier is a tough nut to break, unless God intervenes. Witchcraft barrier is a stopper of good things. Since you know this, you must exert effort in prayer to break and destroy every barrier designed or erected to stop your family breakthrough. This book will teach you how to break chains of darkness assign to stop your family to achieve good things of life. It will make you concentrate on family growth, salvation and good work to succeed. It will teach you how to prevail against witchcraft stronghold, blockage and hindrances that demote life. This book is a faith builder that will help family to grow. It teaches how faith generates power and gives strength to forge ahead in life. It teaches how arrogant of witchcraft cannot kill your faith. You and your family must succeed. This book, teaches how stronghold of Satan can be pulled down and destroyed. It is certain no threat of the enemy can stop you, when you pray the prayer in this book. With this book, your generation shall count blessings and be blessed. The vehicle of your family’s glory shall not be stopped or stolen because the Lord is with you. The Lord shall reveal to you the wickedness of spiritual blindness and how you can overcome it. You shall surely overcome every satanic blindness against your family. Prayers and counsel in this book crown it all with anatomy of good health; the cornerstone of life. You will be introduced to biblical promise of God to you in health matters and prayer to pray. As a result of this, the book is loaded with Holy Ghost vomited violent prayers that silence works of darkness. You are blessed, as testimonies shall follow as you use this book.

  • Prayer to Destroy and Defeat Witchcraft Power against Family Deliverance


    Prayer to Destroy and Defeat Witchcraft Power against Family Deliverance
    Prayer to Destroy and Defeat Witchcraft Power against Family Deliverance

    Family deliverance has come to stay. There is awareness today that every family needs deliverance from power of darkness. Witchcraft powers molest families at will and remote families spiritually in the dark world. Satanic abuse of family is rampant. Most families don’t know where the battles come from. They are confused, bitter and in disarray. They are both physical and spiritual molested and contend with battles every day. They are on the cross road. This book comes up with spiritual pills and tonic needed to put smiles on faces of families. The book is written after the order of God to ensure those who suffer in the hands of Satan are set free. The book is loaded with unparalleled counsel, wisdom and spiritual anointed vomited prayers that give quick answer to situations. No matter how tense or fearful the situation, once you read and pray the prayers in this book, you begin to harvest wonderful results from the throne of God. This book is carefully written to meet the needs of families. The book is a central focus on questions that may be raised at home and the way out. This book is wonderfully packaged to put Satan on the run. No more shall you groan again. This book shall set the family free from every form of danger and bring joy to faces that use it. The book among others shall enshrine the following into the family. 1. The Lord shall stand in gap for your family and make you dance your dance and sing your song. 2. Your family shall receive fresh fire of Holy Ghost that will set your family free. 3. Your family will be loaded with faith that moves mountain and overcome satanic influence against the family. 4. You shall be blessed with prophecy of, “Thou shall make it and live a blessed life”. 5. No evil arrow shall bring your family down, as everyone in the family shall be spiritually loaded against any arrow fired against you and your family. 6. Every waster assigned to waste your family shall be wasted. They shall expire and rise no more. 7. It is sure your family shall not be naked or meet failure at the edge of breakthrough. 8. Every star that rises in your family shall no longer be pulled down. Any star in captivity shall be released. The eagle of your family shall rise and shine as everyone in the family shall experience explosive resurrection power of Holy Ghost. 9. No more shall marriages collapse in your family. Spirit of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge shall flow freely in your family. You and the family shall excel and fly high. 10. Satan and demonic agents assigned against your family shall see defeat and be defeated once and for all. It is now you wake up as family and do the right thing in prayer. This book is powerful, buy it.

  • Prayer for Singles: Prayers for Couples Getting Married


    Prayer for Singles: Prayers for Couples Getting Married
    Prayer for Singles: Prayers for Couples Getting Married

    Positive change brings laughter. This fire brand prayer book shall give you this much needed change, laughter and quick answer to marital problems. With this book, the lord shall re-write your marital history, re-draw your geographical base and bring unbelievable changes in your life. Hence, every river of disappointment flowing against your marriage shall dry up and flow no more. Every trace of darkness in your life shall disappear for divine light of God. Every dark programme fashion against you shall be nullified while every form of wicked altar delegated against you shall be uprooted. Your marriage is non-negotiable. With faith, set prepare for your wedding. Mad with your situation in spirit and in prayer to enable you settle down within a short possible time. Congratulations!

  • Prayer Against Rebellion Spirit That Scatter Home


    Prayer Against Rebellion Spirit That Scatter Home
    Prayer Against Rebellion Spirit That Scatter Home

    This book is a fabric that holds family together in prayer, counsel, action, wisdom, and better technique that bring joy and peace to home. Rebellion spirit is dangerous at home. It tears home apart with bandwagon of sorrow, shame, disgrace, poverty, and stagnancy. It is a taboo for children to be rebellious to parents, neither is it welcomed among spouse, or parent and children. This book treats in depth what causes rebellion at home and ways to handle it. Nothing happens without a cause. Rebellion of children is rooted on many factors. One major rebellion factor is the pressure to fit in the crowd. Children want to be heard and known in and out of home. They want to be heard, meanwhile the wind of life threatens, and threaten destiny as well. As much as parents want good things for their children, there must be a balance in the situation. This balance is the turning point that should favor both parties. It is at this point rebellion comes in, if they view it not favorable. This book reveals that children rebellion is not a new concept, but what should be monitored to achieve good result that favors family. Deep thought is given to areas of interests that promote family. It spelt out:- 1. How children ambition is tailored to good result, as over ambition is gateway to frustration, failure, shame, and poverty. 2. How the vision of children can be achieved without stress or failure. Two heads, it is said, is better than one. When parent and children sit together to draw conclusion on an issue, vibrant results are achieved. 3. How the freedom and independence of children can be attained without misunderstanding. 4. The book enumerates the need to give attention to children. They want to be praised and noticed. It is food for thought to them. They want parents to praise them and draw their attention to areas that need improvement. 5. It shows parent’s love to children through careful discipline. The book further explains that scold, advise and rebuke are rod and cane of discipline. 6. This book reveals that lust is not an asset but liability that must be avoided. 7. The book speaks volume of bad peer group that stagnate life or shorten life. Children of today fail to understand that to indulge in bad peer group make them far from Christ, and whoever far from Christ is close to crisis. 8. This book reveals how family altar is important, and also how demonic altar affects children to rebel at home. 9. One factor this book never misses is power of familiar spirit; how they operate to cause danger and rebellion at home, and deadly effects that can be avoided. 10. In short, it is a blessing to have this book. It is a loaded prayer book with Holy Spirit vomited prayer that destroys work of darkness. It is like saying, shut up! Thou pit of darkness. The book is a welcome to your library and home. To use it is like breaking rock to draw honey. Surely mercy, love, glory, miracles, signs, and wonders shall locate you as you use the book. I say congratulations.

  • Goliath at the Gate of Marriage


    Goliath at the Gate of Marriage
    Goliath at the Gate of Marriage

    There is sex violence everywhere and every time. Sex terrorists fly their flags unabated with mad satanic rush for sexual scandals. They apply high power luring techniques and satanic networks to catch victims who fell into it and live to regret their actions. Sex terrorists are immoral mathematicians, crafty and powerful with persuasive word to seduce the lead ladies astray. Women and girls are hardly hit by this plague. They are targets any time sex violence is carried out as they are either beaten, tortured or raped by faceless men. The fact is, men are not only to blamed, as most sex violence are traced to women and girls, whose behavior, actions, ways of dress, time of walk, sex they mix with etc need to be clinically examined. There is rise in sexual abuse indices. Parent, guardians, women and girls are worried over these mad dogs and sex cabals. Something must be done, right steps must be taken. By who? This book gives through education and guide on how women, girls and everyone at large can be armed with weapons of freedom of escape from the hook of sex terrorists. It is high time for liberation from sex abuse.

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