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Fear the Beard
Son of a Beard
Beard Mode
Audiobook series8 titles

Dixie Warden Rejects MC Series

Written by Lani Lynn Vale

Narrated by Kendall Taylor and Mason Lloyd

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

Winnie thinks she has the perfect life.

Two beautiful, healthy children. A police officer husband. A job that she loves. Oh, and let's not forget that she's a nationally ranked marathon runner.

Fast forward six months, and her perfect life has imploded.

Winnie finds herself in a completely new world, and this new world is a brutal bitch.

In this new life of hers, her husband is gone. He realizes, at the worst possible time, that he's no longer in love with her. He's in love with her best friend. He leaves, and doesn't look back.

Her sixteen-year-old daughter is in trouble with the law, and she's barely making ends meet thanks to losing the job that was keeping her and her tiny family afloat.

Then, the last thing that could make it all bearable, her running, is ripped out from under her, too. Thanks to a spinal stroke that leaves her unable to walk, let alone run, she's having to relearn how to do the simplest of tasks-such as putting on her own pants.

She's at the lowest of lows, and the last thing she wants is a sexy, bearded, motorcycle riding alpha to tell her how to live her life.

But Steel Cross never asks her what she wants.

Contains mature themes.
Release dateAug 1, 1986
Fear the Beard
Son of a Beard
Beard Mode

Titles in the series (8)

  • Beard Mode


    Beard Mode
    Beard Mode

    Aaron "don't ever call me Fatbaby" Sims is lucky to be alive. Or at least that is what everyone keeps telling him. He doesn't feel lucky, though. He's scarred, has more than a little bit of a bad attitude, and there isn't a single day that goes by that he doesn't wish his wife would've just finished off the job. After being denied his old position at the fire department, he leaves, and doesn't look back. He heads straight to Alabama and into the semi-welcoming arms of The Dixie Wardens MC. There he becomes a part of a brotherhood that forces him to get back in the land of the living. Imogen is a smart girl. A girl who doesn't always make the best decisions. Her heart is in the right place when she walks into that prison, but it doesn't take long for her to realize that her heart shouldn't have had any say so in the matter. Especially when one wrong move lands her in the arms of a scarred man that looks frightening enough to scare any sane woman away. Immediately enthralled by the angry man, she tries to get closer to him. But the harder she tries to get to know him, the further he pushes her away. The only thing Aaron wanted to do after his now ex-wife was sent to jail was escape. Escape the awful memories. The pity-filled eyes. The curious glances. He does a damn fine job at ensuring he draws as little as attention as possible, but then that annoying woman with startling blue eyes starts hammering away at his resolve. Makes him feel when he doesn't want to feel. Imogen comes into his life and carves out a place for herself, obliterating his defenses one heated kiss at a time. Contains mature themes.

  • Fear the Beard


    Fear the Beard
    Fear the Beard

    Tally is a twenty-year-old single mother struggling to finish nursing school. Has she made mistakes in life? Sure, but her daughter isn't one of them. She works hard, she studies even harder, and she's only a few weeks away from graduating. She's living her life the best she knows how when she witnesses a near-miss motorcycle accident between a car and a biker. A biker that happens to be the most talked-about teacher at her college. The moment she meets those startling blue, narrowly-escaped-death eyes, she realizes quickly that life as she knows it has changed. No longer will she be content to let life pass her by, even if it puts everything she's worked so hard for in jeopardy. Tommy is a highly skilled doctor. A teacher. A veteran. A fully patched member of The Dixie Wardens MC. He's lonely, but also set in his ways. What will it take for this man to accept that he needs to make some changes in his life? Apparently, it'll take a guy in a truck, who's preoccupied with his phone rather than focused on the road, nearly plowing into him on his bike at seventy miles per hour. Oh, and a twenty-something nursing student witnessing the entire thing from only a few feet away. It only takes a second, a single heartbeat in time, as he looks into her worry-filled eyes to realize that he'd give anything for a single night with her. He may lose his job in the process, but after that one incredible night turns into an amazing weekend, he knows it's worth the risk for the promise of her forever. Contains mature themes.

  • Son of a Beard


    Son of a Beard
    Son of a Beard

    Truth Alan Reacher was a biker. He was a bladesmith. What he was not, was a fool. The moment he walked in on his girl screwing his cousin on his bike, he does the only thing he can do. He ditches the bike seat-and the girl-riding right out of her life without a backwards glance. That is, until he's forced to attend the marriage of his cousin to his cheating ex-girlfriend. The only bright spot of the entire thing was watching some chick go off on the groom-the groom's ex-fiance-right in the middle of the bouquet toss. Verity Ruthann Cassidy was supposed to be attending this wedding as the bride, not watching the festivities as a guest from the chairs she'd painstakingly purchased covers for while her fiance-now her ex-fiance-screwed around on her with another woman. The icing on the wedding cake that she refuses to eat? She's forced to attend the wedding due to her mother being the wedding planner. However, the night doesn't turn out quite the way she expects it, due to the hot-as-hell biker sitting in the chair directly beside her. The man gave one hell of a speech during the reception that sounded like something that could have come straight out of her own mouth, and she enjoyed every single second of it. Thrown together under similarly lousy circumstances, the two newly single jilted former lovers of the happy couple decide to go to Vegas on what was to be Verity's honeymoon trip. One thing leads to another, and the next thing they know, their night has gone from a celebration of being single to a marriage-to each other. Verity and Truth now have to figure out if everything that happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas. Contains mature themes.

  • I'm Only Here for the Beard


    I'm Only Here for the Beard
    I'm Only Here for the Beard

    Sean is a man with needs-needs that a lot of women were ready and willing to fulfill. Yet, the only woman that he wants to fulfill them dumped him for another man. A man who's a member of his MC and is someone he has to see every single day and twice on Sundays. He's bitter and angry. He's definitely not in the right frame of mind when it comes to dealing with women. Which is unfortunate for his new partner, Naomi, a fresh-out-of-school and totally green paramedic. Naomi's got enough problems on her plate. A brother who's self-destructive and doesn't care who he takes down with him. A man who she's in love with but who doesn't love her. A job that she hates because it is a constant reminder of what she can't have. Desperate to distance herself from her problems, she runs, taking the first job in her field that she finds willing to take on someone with so little experience. The last thing she needs is a perpetually pissed off partner, especially when he sets her blood on fire. But life doesn't ask how much you can handle when it dishes out challenges. It just keeps piling them on until you've bested them or you've buckled under them. Sean really doesn't want to like his new partner, Naomi. He just wants to be left alone to live his life however he damn well pleases and without complications. Naomi doesn't care what he wants, she can't be anything but herself. It isn't long before she's breaking down his walls and making him feel again. She's trying to pull him closer and he's pushing her away. It's not long before Sean sees the error of his ways. It's too bad, though, that by the time he realizes she's the one, Naomi's already gone. Contains mature themes.

  • The Beard Made Me Do It


    The Beard Made Me Do It
    The Beard Made Me Do It

    He's only a friend. Those words had haunted him from the moment Jessie James had heard them muttered from the girl who held his heart, and whom he thought had his back. Fourteen years later, he still feels those words like a brand on his soul. Lucky for him he has a son to focus on, a full-time job that demands his attention the rest of the day, and not a single moment to spare for a woman who won't stand up for him when he needs her the most. He's only a friend. The words had slipped out of Ellen's mouth, and before she could recall them, or better yet, explain them, Jesse is gone from her life for good, taking her heart with him. She tries to move on, to climb her way out of the pit of despair, but not one single person-regardless of how badly she wants to make it work-can fill the void that was left in his wake. Time heals all wounds. Or at least that is how the saying goes. It's a crock of crap, though. Fourteen years pass when Jessie and Ellen see each other again without the influence of the town and bad memories surrounding them, and it's as if not a single day has passed. Ellen knows the instant that her eyes see her old love that she's still just as in love with him today as she was all those years ago. The problem is that Jesse wants nothing to do with her. Or at least that's what he keeps telling himself. Contains mature themes.

  • Beard Up


    Beard Up
    Beard Up

    Ghost [gohst] noun: the soul of a dead person, a disembodied, vague, shadowy spirit wandering among or haunting living persons; a mere shadow or semblance; a trace. That noun sums up Ghost and what his life has become with painful precision. He is barely living, merely existing but never thriving. There wasn't much that could pull him from the darkness he willingly inhabits . . . except one thing. Her. She is the reason he's done what he's done, and his life has become what it has become. He haunts his former life, lurking in the background, surviving on occasional glimpses of the only thing good that is left in his miserable life. The horror he has inflicted upon her is nothing compared to the terror that waits for her when someone moves in to take her from him. The thing about being stuck in the past is that it is like walking through life backwards. She is always looking back, so she doesn't see what is happening in front of her. Unfortunately for her, it turns out that the ghosts of the past aren't nearly as terrifying as the monsters of the future. They say that true love is like a ghost, something that many talk about but few have seen. It's a good thing for that, too, because he'll need that element of surprise to protect her. Contains mature themes.

  • Law & Beard


    Law & Beard
    Law & Beard

    Winnie thinks she has the perfect life. Two beautiful, healthy children. A police officer husband. A job that she loves. Oh, and let's not forget that she's a nationally ranked marathon runner. Fast forward six months, and her perfect life has imploded. Winnie finds herself in a completely new world, and this new world is a brutal bitch. In this new life of hers, her husband is gone. He realizes, at the worst possible time, that he's no longer in love with her. He's in love with her best friend. He leaves, and doesn't look back. Her sixteen-year-old daughter is in trouble with the law, and she's barely making ends meet thanks to losing the job that was keeping her and her tiny family afloat. Then, the last thing that could make it all bearable, her running, is ripped out from under her, too. Thanks to a spinal stroke that leaves her unable to walk, let alone run, she's having to relearn how to do the simplest of tasks-such as putting on her own pants. She's at the lowest of lows, and the last thing she wants is a sexy, bearded, motorcycle riding alpha to tell her how to live her life. But Steel Cross never asks her what she wants. Contains mature themes.

  • For the Love of Beard


    For the Love of Beard
    For the Love of Beard

    Tobias knows that women are a lot of trouble, and one in particular is more trouble than most. Yet even with the knowledge that she's a pain in the ass, he doesn't stop himself from doing the one thing he knows that he shouldn't do-fall in love with her. It's supposed to be simple. Get in, get the girl, and get out. What Tobias isn't supposed to do is fall for the woman he's supposed to rescue. But he can't help being intrigued-and amused-by the defiance rolling off Audrey every time he so much as speaks to her. This fascination only intensifies with every single word from her delectable mouth. It's been six years since her assault, yet it feels like it happened just yesterday. Audrey's sick and tired of feeling so useless. She's had enough of being scared, she doesn't want to be all alone for the rest of her life. All of that boils down to a woman who's had enough of not doing anything to reclaim her life. She's at a loss as to how to move on, and every attempt she makes results in failure. Just when she's ready to quit, a sexy biker is there to push her out of her comfort zone. Under Tobias' patient guidance, Audrey slowly makes her way back to herself.

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