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Heal Your Inner Child: The Magic of Self Healing, #1
Heal with Self Love: The Magic of Self Healing, #2
Heal with Forgiveness: The Magic of Self Healing, #3
Ebook series9 titles

The Magic of Self Healing Series

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About this series

Heal with Silence: Embracing the Power of Quietude to Transform Your Life

In a world overwhelmed by noise and distraction, "Heal with Silence" offers a compelling invitation to embrace stillness as a profound tool for self-discovery and healing. This transformative book guides readers on a journey to use the quietude not merely as an absence of noise, but as a dynamic presence that fosters deep healing, increased self-awareness, and enduring change.

Through a rich blend of personal anecdotes, psychological insights, and practical exercises, each chapter explores different facets of silence—as a source of strength, a foundation for deep listening, and a pathway to internal peace. With compassion and wisdom, the book illustrates how integrating moments of silence into everyday life can dissolve anxiety, enhance intuition, and reawaken a joyful heart.

Whether seeking solace from a bustling life or eager to explore the depths of your own inner universe, "Heal with Silence" provides the tools to harness the subtle yet powerful forces of quiet. This book isn't just about finding silence—it's about discovering what silence can find in you.

Elegant and deeply moving, "Heal with Silence" is a timeless addition to the fields of mindfulness and self-help, a beacon for all who want to reclaim the sacred spaces of the self, healed and whole.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Heal Your Inner Child: The Magic of Self Healing, #1
Heal with Self Love: The Magic of Self Healing, #2
Heal with Forgiveness: The Magic of Self Healing, #3

Titles in the series (9)

  • Heal with Forgiveness: The Magic of Self Healing, #3


    Heal with Forgiveness: The Magic of Self Healing, #3
    Heal with Forgiveness: The Magic of Self Healing, #3

      Forgiveness is a powerful and complex human emotion that can heal deep wounds, restore relationships, and free us from the burdens of anger and resentment. But despite its transformative potential, forgiveness is often misunderstood, elusive, and challenging to achieve. In this book, we will explore the concept of forgiveness from different angles, including psychological, philosophical, spiritual, and practical perspectives. We will examine the benefits of forgiveness for both the forgiver and the forgiven and the obstacles that can prevent us from forgiving, such as pride, fear, and a sense of injustice. Through real-life examples, case studies, and exercises, we will learn how to cultivate forgiveness in our own lives, whether forgiving ourselves or others. We will also explore the boundaries of forgiveness and how to balance forgiveness with accountability and self-protection. Ultimately, this book offers guidance, inspiration, and hope for those seeking to experience forgiveness's transformative power. Whether you are struggling with anger and resentment or seeking to deepen your understanding of this complex emotion, this book will offer valuable insights and practical tools to help you on your journey toward forgiveness.

  • Heal Your Inner Child: The Magic of Self Healing, #1


    Heal Your Inner Child: The Magic of Self Healing, #1
    Heal Your Inner Child: The Magic of Self Healing, #1

    What happens to the beautiful beginning when we were all born as pure souls? The soul has seven innate qualities inherited from the supreme soul (God). Purity, Peace, Love, Joy, Bliss, Powers, and Knowledge. Do you know why people change the true nature of the soul? How do some pure souls become murderers, drug addicts, physical and sexual offenders, cruel dictators, morally degenerate politicians, etc.? How do they become the "walking wounded" and harm others? A soul which can do wonders and more incredible things but is now converted into anger, greed, jealousy, sloth, and vengeance? We see all around us the sad, fearful, doubting, anxious, and depressed, filled with unutterable longings. Indeed, this loss of our innate human potential is the greatest tragedy. We can even do something about preventing this from happening to our children in the future. The more we learn about how we lost our true selves and go deep into our childhood and find out the stories which made us like this is the first step towards a healing journey. The more we understand the patterns and take responsibility to work on our emotional wounds, the more we can find ways to return to our true nature.

  • Heal with Self Love: The Magic of Self Healing, #2


    Heal with Self Love: The Magic of Self Healing, #2
    Heal with Self Love: The Magic of Self Healing, #2

      Love is ever-present and one of four truths on Earth: the present, change, and death. Agape (selfless love) is the greatest love of all. The universe will become more beautiful if everyone starts loving unconditionally to each other. When we practice Agape (selfless love), we become more spiritual and connected to God. Because Agape love is God's way of loving. Love is pure, so what makes love unpure? Expectation is ... The expectation is what makes it unpure. We become stagnant; we don't flow love energy when people stop giving us the same love back. When love is so important, then why are we dependent on others. Why we can't take care of our own happiness. When the purest thing depends on someone, it starts losing purity. That's why before loving others, we should love ourselves first so that we should not expect or regret if they will not love us back. Philautia (Self-love) is a bridge to reach the purest and greatest love of all, Agape (Selfless) love. Fill yourself so much with self-love than pour love into others. This kind of love will be long-lasting.  

  • Heal With Art Therapy: The Magic of Self Healing, #6


    Heal With Art Therapy: The Magic of Self Healing, #6
    Heal With Art Therapy: The Magic of Self Healing, #6

      Pablo Picasso once suggested that everyone begins life with an inherent artist's spirit. The challenge lies in preserving this creative essence as we transition into adulthood. Reflecting on the past, it is evident how deeply intertwined creativity was in everyday life. Women were the master creators, knitting intricate sweaters, tailoring clothes, jewelry pieces, and decoration items, and crafting homemade edibles like pickles, chutneys, chips, nachos, and jams. Their hands breathed life into their creations, and their pride echoed in words, "I have made them." Similarly, men would mold wheels for carts, among other things, beaming with the same sense of accomplishment. These everyday acts of creation brought them closer to their souls and ignited a distinct joy. Fast-forward to the present and this pleasure of creation seems to be dwindling. The influx of ready-made solutions has made human hands idle. Our connection with the pure joy of creating something and its unique satisfaction is vanishing swiftly in this era of convenience. However, there is an urgent need for us to rekindle our bond with creativity. Creativity mustn't be pursued as a profession but be embraced as a conduit for pure pleasure and self-expression. Engaging in activities that reconnect us with our core is essential, allowing our souls to come alive. Remarkably, a flourishing creative spirit manifests a quiet mind, and anger seems to recede. It can be interpreted that anger is often an indication of unchanneled creative energy. Let's remember the therapeutic power of creativity, too. Art Therapy has shown promising effects in alleviating symptoms related to pain and anxiety. It's time we valued creativity as a hobby, a therapeutic practice, and a soulful journey that enriches our lives. Let's keep the artist within us alive and thrive in the beautiful chaos of creation.

  • Heal with Gratitude: The Magic of Self Healing, #4


    Heal with Gratitude: The Magic of Self Healing, #4
    Heal with Gratitude: The Magic of Self Healing, #4

      Gratitude is the simple act of appreciating the good in our lives. A feeling of thankfulness arises when we recognize the positive things that come our way. We feel grateful for the people we love, our experiences, and the opportunities that come our way. The transformative power of gratitude can profoundly impact our lives, changing how we view the world, our relationships, and ourselves. By practicing gratitude, we shift our focus from what we don't have to what we do have, allowing us to appreciate the small things and find joy in the present moment. Numerous studies have demonstrated the many benefits of gratitude for our well-being, including improved physical health, strengthened immune systems, and reduced stress and depression. Regular gratitude practice has been shown to increase happiness, contentment, and overall life satisfaction. This book delves into the power of gratitude and how it can transform your life. By exploring the science behind gratitude, the benefits of practicing it, and how to cultivate it daily, you will learn practical tips and exercises to develop a gratitude mindset and reap the benefits of a more grateful life. Whether you seek to improve your relationships, boost your happiness, or find more meaning in life, gratitude can help. It is a simple yet powerful practice that can profoundly impact your life. At its core, this book is a call to action, and it reminds us that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we always have the power to cultivate gratitude and find joy in the present moment. So come along with us as we embark on a journey of exploration and uncover how appreciation can be used to cultivate a rich life in fulfilment and happiness.  

  • Heal with Journaling: The Magic of Self Healing, #5


    Heal with Journaling: The Magic of Self Healing, #5
    Heal with Journaling: The Magic of Self Healing, #5

    Journaling allows us to make sense of our experiences and glean wisdom from our lives tapestry. It invites us to pause, reflect, and explore the depths of our own being. As we pour ourselves onto the page, we cultivate a profound connection with our inner selves, unraveling our dormant mysteries. With the simple act of journaling, we embark on a transformative voyage. We give voice to the whispers of our souls, releasing our burdens and inviting new perspectives to emerge. We discover hidden truths, unearthing insights that guide us toward personal growth and self-realization. Within the journal, the noise of the external world fades away, and we are left with the raw essence of our authentic selves. It becomes a sacred space where vulnerability is honored, our emotions find solace, and our thoughts find clarity. The journal becomes a trusted companion, empowering us to see the depths of our being and unravel the intricacies of our own unique journey.   As we venture further into the depths of this book, we will unlock the transformative power of journaling. We will delve into the various techniques, prompts, and practices that enhance our self-reflection, creativity, and healing. Through heartfelt insights and practical guidance, we will discover the profound impact that journaling can have on our lives. So, dear reader, let us embark on this remarkable journey together. Embrace the pages of your journal as a gateway to self-discovery, as a vessel for personal growth and transformation. Within its hallowed confines, may you find the clarity, healing, and empowerment you seek.

  • Heal With Nature Therapy: The Magic of Self Healing, #7


    Heal With Nature Therapy: The Magic of Self Healing, #7
    Heal With Nature Therapy: The Magic of Self Healing, #7

      Imagine walking through a lush forest, the ground soft beneath your feet, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. Birdsong fills the air, and the tension in your body begins to melt away. With every step you take, you feel more connected—to the world, others, and, most importantly, yourself. This sense of connection and peace is more than just a temporary escape; it's a form of therapy, a way to heal the soul, mind, and body. This is the essence of Nature Therapy, the subject of our journey together through the pages of this book. What is Nature Therapy? Nature Therapy, also known as ecotherapy or green therapy, is spending time in nature to gain therapeutic benefits. While traditional therapy sessions are often conducted within the four walls of an office, Nature Therapy takes you outside, encouraging you to interact with your environment healingly. It may involve activities as simple as walking through a forest, tending to a garden, or sitting by a stream, letting nature's sights, sounds, and smells bring peace to your mind and body. The Importance of Reconnecting with Nature In our modern lives, we are increasingly separated from the natural world. Our days are often spent indoors, in front of screens, far removed from the green landscapes that once dominated human life. This disconnection has consequences: increased stress, feelings of isolation, and various physical and mental health problems. Reconnecting with nature can act as an antidote, offering a holistic approach to well-being that engages all the senses. Healing for All One of the most beautiful aspects of Nature Therapy is its accessibility. Regardless of age, background, or physical ability, almost anyone can gain therapeutic benefits from spending time outdoors. Whether dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or simply seeking more peace and clarity, Nature Therapy offers many healing possibilities. The Scope of This Book This book aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding and practicing Nature Therapy. We'll delve into the scientific research supporting its effectiveness and explore various methods of engaging with nature for therapeutic benefits. You'll learn about the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing; discover the therapeutic effects of gardening; understand how water bodies can serve as powerful mediums for self-reflection and peace; and much more. Who Should Read This Book? Anyone feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed Individuals seeking alternative therapies for mental well-being Parents wanting to instill a love for nature in their children Professionals spending too much time in office settings Environmental enthusiasts seeking a deeper connection with nature Mental health practitioners interested in alternative therapeutic methods Let's Begin Our Journey I invite you to open your mind and heart to the incredible healing power of nature as we embark on this journey together. Through the pages of this book, you'll learn not just to exist in the world but to be a part of it, to connect and thrive in ways you may have never imagined possible. With the world becoming increasingly chaotic, taking the time to heal through Nature Therapy is not just an indulgence but a necessity. Let us take the first steps into the forest of healing and well-being together. Welcome to the world of Nature Therapy.

  • Heal With Compassion: The Magic of Self Healing, #8


    Heal With Compassion: The Magic of Self Healing, #8
    Heal With Compassion: The Magic of Self Healing, #8

      Compassion is a profound expression of love, understanding, sensitivity, and empathy towards others, so deep that one feels another's pain as their own. A genuine embodiment of compassion doesn't just empathize; they act selflessly to ease the suffering they perceive. This proactive kindness is the pinnacle of compassionate acts. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, this is termed 'karuna.' Meanwhile, Buddhists encapsulate this concept as 'loving kindness' – a potent emotion that can pave the path to spiritual liberation. In the realm of spirituality, compassion holds a revered place. Those on a spiritual journey are often guided to embrace kindness, as it can purify past transgressions and expedite one's spiritual evolution. Authentic compassion stems from a place of pure, selfless love – untouched by ego or worldly desires. We each possess unique qualities and perspectives, a testament to the splendor of individuality. What is it about compassion that can touch and transform hearts? How can it serve as a tool for personal healing and a balm for societal wounds? We will delve into these questions in "Heal with Compassion," drawing upon scientific research, philosophical insights, and, most importantly, real-life stories. Each chapter is designed to unravel a different aspect of compassion, from understanding its roots to discovering its profound impact on our mental and physical health. We begin by defining compassion. Often misconstrued as mere pity or empathy, compassion is much more. It is the emotional response when we perceive suffering and involves an authentic desire to help alleviate it. It's a trait that can be nurtured and developed, a journey from the heart that extends outwards, touching lives and healing wounds. As we progress through this book, we will explore practical ways to cultivate compassion daily. From mindful practices to the art of listening, each chapter will provide tools and exercises to help you develop a compassionate mindset. But why is compassion so crucial, especially in today's world? Compassion invites us to reconnect with our inherent interdependence in a society where individualism often takes precedence. It reminds us that in the tapestry of humanity, each thread is interconnected, each color vital to the overall picture. "Heal with Compassion" is more than just a book; it's a call to action. A call to turn towards suffering – our own and others – with an open heart, to listen deeply, and to act with kindness. It's an invitation to embark on a journey that promises to be as rewarding as it is challenging. It can potentially transform not just individual lives but the fabric of society. So, dear reader, I invite you to join me as you turn these pages. Let us walk this path together, learning, growing, and healing with compassion.

  • Heal With Silence: The Magic of Self Healing, #9


    Heal With Silence: The Magic of Self Healing, #9
    Heal With Silence: The Magic of Self Healing, #9

    Heal with Silence: Embracing the Power of Quietude to Transform Your Life In a world overwhelmed by noise and distraction, "Heal with Silence" offers a compelling invitation to embrace stillness as a profound tool for self-discovery and healing. This transformative book guides readers on a journey to use the quietude not merely as an absence of noise, but as a dynamic presence that fosters deep healing, increased self-awareness, and enduring change. Through a rich blend of personal anecdotes, psychological insights, and practical exercises, each chapter explores different facets of silence—as a source of strength, a foundation for deep listening, and a pathway to internal peace. With compassion and wisdom, the book illustrates how integrating moments of silence into everyday life can dissolve anxiety, enhance intuition, and reawaken a joyful heart. Whether seeking solace from a bustling life or eager to explore the depths of your own inner universe, "Heal with Silence" provides the tools to harness the subtle yet powerful forces of quiet. This book isn't just about finding silence—it's about discovering what silence can find in you. Elegant and deeply moving, "Heal with Silence" is a timeless addition to the fields of mindfulness and self-help, a beacon for all who want to reclaim the sacred spaces of the self, healed and whole.

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