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Emotions and Reason: Keys to Understanding Relationships: Love Formula, #2
Psychology of Relationships: Trauma, Defenses, Behavioral Style: Love Formula, #3
Biology of Relationships: Why People Form Pairs: Love Formula, #1
Ebook series15 titles

Love Formula Series

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About this series

The book describes the principles of happy relationships in a couple. It examines the basic mistakes of partners that lead to conflicts and disagreements. It reveals the importance of close levels of development of both partners to create a harmonious family system where both partners experience the joy of belonging to each other.

You will find answers to questions such as:

Why do many couples struggle to build happy relationships?

Why is choosing the right partner so important?

How does the biology of the body affect relationships?

What does couple harmony consist of?

How does a partner's responsibility manifest in relationships?

Why do relationships require learning?

Why is it difficult to establish healthy relationships?

What is the formula of love?

Why does love require effort from both partners?

How is the level of development related to a person's behavior?

The formula of love is individual for each person!

PublisherYuriy Omes
Release dateMay 2, 2024
Emotions and Reason: Keys to Understanding Relationships: Love Formula, #2
Psychology of Relationships: Trauma, Defenses, Behavioral Style: Love Formula, #3
Biology of Relationships: Why People Form Pairs: Love Formula, #1

Titles in the series (15)

  • Biology of Relationships: Why People Form Pairs: Love Formula, #1


    Biology of Relationships: Why People Form Pairs: Love Formula, #1
    Biology of Relationships: Why People Form Pairs: Love Formula, #1

    About the Book: This book serves as a guide to the biology of love, explaining how our genes, hormones, and biorhythms affect relationships. We delve into why men and women behave differently, how stress affects us, and why it's vital to love and romance.   In this book, you will find answers to the following questions: What is a romantic relationship and why are relationship issues not easily resolved? Why is the biopsychosocial structure of personality important in understanding couple harmony and relationships with a partner? Why does jealousy arise in a relationship with a partner and what mechanisms underlie this feeling? How does genetics affect the level of compatibility in a couple and what does this mean for love and relationships? Why is it important to consider the influence of biology on psychological behavior in partner relationships? What are the love hormones and how do they affect the human condition?   All the complexities are explained in a simple and accessible manner!

  • Emotions and Reason: Keys to Understanding Relationships: Love Formula, #2


    Emotions and Reason: Keys to Understanding Relationships: Love Formula, #2
    Emotions and Reason: Keys to Understanding Relationships: Love Formula, #2

    About the Book: In this book, you will learn how physiological reactions are transformed into thoughts and emotions. You will learn about the differences in brain function and memory in men and women. You will learn about the physical changes that occur in the brain during development. You will learn how temperament affects relationships. You will understand what emotions are, why they are needed, and how to manage them to create harmony in a partnership. You will understand the importance of empathy for a happy relationship. Here you will find answers to questions that have plagued people for centuries!

  • Psychology of Relationships: Trauma, Defenses, Behavioral Style: Love Formula, #3


    Psychology of Relationships: Trauma, Defenses, Behavioral Style: Love Formula, #3
    Psychology of Relationships: Trauma, Defenses, Behavioral Style: Love Formula, #3

    About the Book: This book is a key book for the entire Love Formula series. We will cover the basics of psychological health, defenses, coping, psychotrauma, and behavior styles.   You will find answers to the questions: Why does anxiety affect couple harmony so much? What do inflate and lowered expectations lead to? What is a self-fulfilling prophecy? Why is appreciation a key element of well-being? Why does lear helplessness dictate a sacrificial stance in relationships?   Remember, the key to a happy life lies in your hands!

  • The Need for Love: The Value of Relationships: Love Formula, #4


    The Need for Love: The Value of Relationships: Love Formula, #4
    The Need for Love: The Value of Relationships: Love Formula, #4

    About the Book: In this book, we will analyze two concepts that shape human behavior: consciousness and the unconscious, as well as needs and values. We will determine the significance of intelligence and understand why everyone desires intelligent partners.   You will find answers to questions such as: How does intelligence manifest in family relationships? Why is it important to differentiate one's unconscious motives for happy relationships? How can one determine whether a partner is intelligent or unintelligent? Why is it advantageous to be intelligent? Why do people reveal and fulfill the essence of all their needs through love? What motivates individuals to enter into marriage? What lies behind this ritual? What are values and why do we need them? How do values govern behavior? Why do people with different values fail to understand each other? What are the various types of family values?   The structure of values determines the extent of your happiness!

  • Level of Development. Partner's Maturity: Love Formula, #6


    Level of Development. Partner's Maturity: Love Formula, #6
    Level of Development. Partner's Maturity: Love Formula, #6

    About the Book: This book serves as the foundation for the entire "Love Formula" series. We explore cutting-edge theories of development, but the real value lies not in the exposition of these theories, but in their synthesis! You have never encountered such a systematic approach to development before!   In this book, you will find answers to the following questions: What distinguishes one person from another? Why does communication with one partner bring pleasure while with another it causes irritation? Why is emotional maturity the key to harmony in a relationship? How does the partner's level of development influence relationships?   The higher your level of development, the happier life you lead!

  • How to Find Happiness: A Glimpse into the Window of the World's Canvas: Love Formula, #5


    How to Find Happiness: A Glimpse into the Window of the World's Canvas: Love Formula, #5
    How to Find Happiness: A Glimpse into the Window of the World's Canvas: Love Formula, #5

    About the Book: In this book, we will discover the formula for happiness and clarify the picture of the world. We will explore the meaning of life and examine ways to improve the quality of life.   You will find answers to the following questions: How to learn to understand your partner and gain wisdom? How are mindfulness and happiness related? Why should partners have a similar worldview? Can you change your destiny, and what is IKIGAI? What are the consequences of a consumer attitude towards your partner? How to understand what needs to be changed to enhance the quality of life?   The meaning of life is happiness!

  • Choosing the Ideal Partner: Masculinity and Femininity: Love Formula, #10


    Choosing the Ideal Partner: Masculinity and Femininity: Love Formula, #10
    Choosing the Ideal Partner: Masculinity and Femininity: Love Formula, #10

    About the book: The book discusses the principles of mate selection and gender issues - the roles of men and women. You will find answers to questions such as: • What are the manifestations of masculinity and femininity? • How to choose an ideal partner? • Why do we choose similar partners? • How do gender stereotypes affect harmony in a couple? • What is the danger of toxic masculinity? • How to get to know your partner and protect yourself from pickup? • What mistakes do people make when choosing a partner? • How to determine compatibility with a partner? Choose the best partners!

  • Harmony of Personality: Self-Esteem in Relationships: Love Formula, #8


    Harmony of Personality: Self-Esteem in Relationships: Love Formula, #8
    Harmony of Personality: Self-Esteem in Relationships: Love Formula, #8

    About the book: This book explores the role of personality in relationships. We will look at different personality types and the relationship of character to temperament. We will analyze character types and accentuations. We will learn how psychological typology is organized. We will pay special attention to the "Five-Factor Model of Personality". We will discuss personality harmony and self-knowledge. We will examine "self-concept" and the role of self-esteem in relationships. We will learn what role conflict is and how personality traits affect relationships.   In the book, you will find answers to numerous other questions, including: How can one recognize an authoritarian personality? Why does an infantile personality disrupt harmonious relationships? What qualities lie hidden behind each trait of the five-factor model of personality? Why do people perceive the same personality traits differently, with some considering them good and others bad? What does a harmonious personality look like? What are the dangers of an inadequate self-concept? Why are only individuals with adequate self-esteem capable of building harmonious relationships? What are the benefits of narcissism? Why is low self-esteem associated with a victim mentality? How is identity connected to family traditions? How do personality traits influence relationships? With this book, you will embark on a new chapter in understanding yourself and others!

  • The Logic of Love: Thinking in Relationships: Love Formula, #6


    The Logic of Love: Thinking in Relationships: Love Formula, #6
    The Logic of Love: Thinking in Relationships: Love Formula, #6

    About the Book: This book explores the role of thought in romantic relationships. You will discover the concept of inner dialogue and reflection and how our thoughts are mirrored in relationships. We will discuss various styles and types of thinking, including irrationality and rationality, critical and systemic thinking. We will analyze the importance of logic and the impact of logical fallacies on relationships. We will discern the significance of attitudes, as well as consider thinking patterns. We will scrutinize thinking errors and cognitive distortions. We will delve into the subject of deceit. We will understand how automatic thoughts and double messages impact couple relationships.   Self-understanding enhances the quality of life!

  • Culture of Love: Norms, Power, Ethics: Love Formula, #9


    Culture of Love: Norms, Power, Ethics: Love Formula, #9
    Culture of Love: Norms, Power, Ethics: Love Formula, #9

    About the book: The Culture of Love: Norms, Power, Ethics explores the role of culture in romantic relationships. You will understand how stereotypes, myths, and customs affect relationships. See the complexities of couples with large age gaps. Evaluate the impact of education, philosophy, and social norms on romantic relationships. Recognize how the power and rights of each individual, determine the pattern of couples' relationships. Examine the norms of morality, good, evil, and justice in the context of couple relationships. By understanding the influence of culture, you will change your life for the better!   In this book, you will find answers to the following questions: Why are cultural norms so important for relationships? What should you do if cultural and marital codes don't align? Why does culture shape our beliefs? Why do people in individualistic cultures have different relationships compared to those in collectivist cultures, and what are the underlying differences? What challenges do partners from different cultures face? What is the culture of silence, and why is it associated with violence in couples? Why are marriages between peers the most stable? How do stereotypes influence relationships within a couple? Why does education impact partner selection? What factors influence the psychological well-being of partners? How does social intelligence influence relationships? How can you overcome the fear of judgment? Why does conformity lead to self-loss in relationships? How does the state influence couple relationships? What are the similarities and differences in power striving between men and women? How is freedom related to the model of relationships? How can equality be achieved if men and women are inherently unequal? What is the relationship between justice and equality among partners? What norms are embedded in the concepts of "respect," "love," and "trust"? Why do people have different moral norms? What do we mean by good and evil? What types of justice exist? Why do benefits and costs govern relationships? By exploring these questions, the book aims to provide insights into the significance of cultural norms for relationships, the challenges faced when cultural and marital codes don't align, the formation of beliefs through culture, the impact of individualistic and collectivist cultures on relationship dynamics, and various other topics related to the interplay of culture and romantic relationships.   By understanding the influence of culture, you will be able to improve your own life for the better!

  • Communication with a Partner: Manipulations, Conflict Management: Love Formula, #13


    Communication with a Partner: Manipulations, Conflict Management: Love Formula, #13
    Communication with a Partner: Manipulations, Conflict Management: Love Formula, #13

    Book " Communicating with your partner. Manipulation. Conflict Management" is a comprehensive study of communication processes and conflict dynamics in romantic relationships. It includes a detailed discussion of the structure and styles of communication, emotion control, and principles of honesty. Special attention is given to the concepts of self-messaging, active listening, and openness. Separate chapters are devoted to Grice's principles of communication and Leach's politeness, as well as a number of theories of communication between partners. Also, the impact of manipulation is considered. Attention is paid to their recognition and protection from them. The second part of the book is devoted to conflictology, including intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, their causes and classifications, as well as strategies for managing and resolving conflicts. In this book, you will find answers to many other questions: Why is the quality of communication between partners key to the couple? What does verbal and non-verbal communication mean? How does a positive or negative context of communication affect harmony in the couple? How is the style of communication related to the style of behavior? How to manage emotions to avoid arguing with a partner? Why is direct dialogue in a couple so important for harmonious relationships? How to properly communicate with a partner? What factors of communication support mutual interest between partners? What are the communication channels? How do rules of politeness and communication rules affect dialogue with a partner? How to reduce uncertainty when communicating with a partner? How do we create shared meanings in a couple? What is active openness? How can you manage meanings when communicating with a partner? What is cognitive dissonance and why is it important to know? Why does an attributive communication style help avoid conflicts? How do we perceive a partner's words? Why is it so important to argue your position? How to argue properly and defend your position? What are the main goals and motives of manipulators? How to recognize manipulation? What do the main manipulative tactics look like? Why are intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts interconnected? What words do we use to designate conflict? What does intrapersonal conflict tell us? How to understand the causes of conflicts and what are conflictogens? What kinds of family conflicts are there? Differences in the behavior of men and women in conflict? How do conflicts form? How to recognize a conflictual person? What strategies can be used in a conflict? Why are the principles of fair fighting so important for harmonious relationships? Positive and negative consequences of conflicts? This book offers readers a complete and comprehensive overview of topics related to communication and conflict management in romantic relationships. With this, I will conclude the introductory part, and you may proceed to a deeper study of the outlined questions.

  • The Science of Relationships: Love, Partnership, and Harmony in a Couple: Love Formula, #11


    The Science of Relationships: Love, Partnership, and Harmony in a Couple: Love Formula, #11
    The Science of Relationships: Love, Partnership, and Harmony in a Couple: Love Formula, #11

    About the book: This book serves as the "heart" of the entire "Formula of Love" series. It directly addresses the topics of love and harmonious relationships within a couple. Within this book, we will explore and examine various aspects of love, attachment, and boundaries in relationships. We will discuss types and styles of relationships, typologies, and the influence of leadership. We will delve into patriarchy and partnership, as well as the fundamental values of relationships - responsibility, respect, and trust. Discover the world of love on a deeper level!

  • Motives of Marriage: Sex, Family, Upbringing, Money, Infidelity, Divorce: Love Formula, #12


    Motives of Marriage: Sex, Family, Upbringing, Money, Infidelity, Divorce: Love Formula, #12
    Motives of Marriage: Sex, Family, Upbringing, Money, Infidelity, Divorce: Love Formula, #12

    About the book: The book explores the topics of sex, marriage, and family, delving into psychological aspects of marriage, family crises, and financial planning. It pays attention to children and upbringing, as well as examines the family system to understand how to create harmonious relationships with one's partner. Within its pages, you will find answers to questions such as: What is sexual harmony in a couple? What is a serial marriage? Why do people form families? What crises do families experience? Why do people cheat on each other? What is love manipulation? The book emphasizes that a happy family is indeed achievable.

  • Aggression, Toxicity, Violence, Abuse. What We're Together For?: Love Formula, #14


    Aggression, Toxicity, Violence, Abuse. What We're Together For?: Love Formula, #14
    Aggression, Toxicity, Violence, Abuse. What We're Together For?: Love Formula, #14

    About the Book: This is a comprehensive study of the topic of aggressive and violent behavior in couple relationships. You will understand the causes of aggression and its relationship to personality characteristics. You will learn to recognize toxic people and understand what forms of abusive behavior exist. You'll find answers to questions such as: • What are harassment and victim-blaming? • How is psychological violence related to power? • What are the forms of economic violence? • Why does a culture of silence promote violence? Distinguish manipulation and protect yourself from aggression!

  • Relationship textbook: All About Relationships, Love, Marriage, Family: Love Formula, #15


    Relationship textbook: All About Relationships, Love, Marriage, Family: Love Formula, #15
    Relationship textbook: All About Relationships, Love, Marriage, Family: Love Formula, #15

    The book describes the principles of happy relationships in a couple. It examines the basic mistakes of partners that lead to conflicts and disagreements. It reveals the importance of close levels of development of both partners to create a harmonious family system where both partners experience the joy of belonging to each other. You will find answers to questions such as: Why do many couples struggle to build happy relationships? Why is choosing the right partner so important? How does the biology of the body affect relationships? What does couple harmony consist of? How does a partner's responsibility manifest in relationships? Why do relationships require learning? Why is it difficult to establish healthy relationships? What is the formula of love? Why does love require effort from both partners? How is the level of development related to a person's behavior? The formula of love is individual for each person!

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