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Runnin' Hot: Ship'r Chronicles, #2
Fallin' Apart: Ship'r Chronicles, #3
Rollin' Deep: Ship'r Chronicles, #1
Ebook series3 titles

Ship'r Chronicles Series

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About this series

Ship'r Bax is holding it together, barely. Lawmen, she could avoid. Bandits, she could fight. But the sudden abundance of 'fairies' on nearly every rig, scooter, and station was a problem no amount of dodging or firepower could overcome. Watching, observing, lurking; whatever you called it, they were giving everyone a case of the creeps and shivers, and feeding a growing ball of dread in Bax's gut. No critter ever showed up in numbers like that, out of the blue and uninvited, without an agenda. The universe was still playing by the same rules it always had, so this quiet presence was sure to be followed by all hell breaking loose.

At least she had her rig back, and a plan to scrape that warrant off, pitifully simple and brazen as it was. Now if something, anything, would actually go to plan, that would be a good day indeed.

Join Ship'r Bax and her hitchhiker Daniel as they challenge the limits of self and sanity in Fallin' Apart, book three of the Ship'r Chronicles.

PublisherH. L. Wigton
Release dateAug 1, 2023
Runnin' Hot: Ship'r Chronicles, #2
Fallin' Apart: Ship'r Chronicles, #3
Rollin' Deep: Ship'r Chronicles, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Rollin' Deep: Ship'r Chronicles, #1


    Rollin' Deep: Ship'r Chronicles, #1
    Rollin' Deep: Ship'r Chronicles, #1

    Hauling cargo across the vastness of space requires a level-headed lunacy most ship'rs have in spades. Ship'r Bax was no exception; a former bandit turned to the legal, more profitable side, she holds her own against the myriad of hazards the job typically entails. But this particular cargo run is turning out to be almost more than she can handle, and it has nothing to do with what's in her pods. Strange electron 'jitter' and whispering bulkheads are driving everyone, including her own AI, half out of their ever-loving mind. Throw some missing ship'rs to the mix, and now things are getting complicated. Cultists, lawmen, and ethereal screaming top off the ever-growing list of reasons to curl into a tight ball of misery, but none of that is stopping Bax. To her, the only way out is through. And she's dragging everyone along with her, willing or not. Join Bax and her hitchhiker Daniel as they travel to the edge of mapped space on a rescue mission that promises to be one they'll never forget. Even if they wish they could.

  • Runnin' Hot: Ship'r Chronicles, #2


    Runnin' Hot: Ship'r Chronicles, #2
    Runnin' Hot: Ship'r Chronicles, #2

    The ship'r community has had it up to their collective eyeballs. Coalition trackers were bad enough. Now there's a new infestation, one decidedly more dangerous; infinitely small, infinitely dense gravity pockets are suddenly cluttering mapped space, origin unknown, existence categorically unwelcome. Popping into existence with terrifying unpredictability, they're turning the lanes and the in-system regions into a dangerous game of dodge-'em and wreck-'em. To top it off, perfectly sane and (mostly) sober ship'rs are starting to see things out of the corners of their eyes while alone in their rigs. That presumably one-off encounter with an alien sentiency seemed to have kicked off a cascade of unexplainable weirdness, and everyone is starting to get a bad feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. Join Ship'r Bax and her hitchhiker Daniel as they navigate this strange new reality they find themselves in, where spectral rats dart into corners, people keep popping in and out of existence, and hauling cargo isn't as simple or clear cut as it should be. Now if they can just avoid blowing themselves up or falling into a singularity, that would be just fine. Whatever's watching them in transit will have to take a number, unless it would like to lend a hand in cleaning up the mess or take a turn dealing with those infuriatingly persistent cultists they keep tripping over.

  • Fallin' Apart: Ship'r Chronicles, #3


    Fallin' Apart: Ship'r Chronicles, #3
    Fallin' Apart: Ship'r Chronicles, #3

    Ship'r Bax is holding it together, barely. Lawmen, she could avoid. Bandits, she could fight. But the sudden abundance of 'fairies' on nearly every rig, scooter, and station was a problem no amount of dodging or firepower could overcome. Watching, observing, lurking; whatever you called it, they were giving everyone a case of the creeps and shivers, and feeding a growing ball of dread in Bax's gut. No critter ever showed up in numbers like that, out of the blue and uninvited, without an agenda. The universe was still playing by the same rules it always had, so this quiet presence was sure to be followed by all hell breaking loose. At least she had her rig back, and a plan to scrape that warrant off, pitifully simple and brazen as it was. Now if something, anything, would actually go to plan, that would be a good day indeed. Join Ship'r Bax and her hitchhiker Daniel as they challenge the limits of self and sanity in Fallin' Apart, book three of the Ship'r Chronicles.


H. L. Wigton

If you were to look for me, you would find me hovering on the edges, where the sand turns to surf, the forest to meadow, and the madding crowd grows sparse and scattered. Turn your head fast enough, and you may see my shadow slipping around a corner. If you wish to lure me out, leave a stack of books, preferably of theoretical physics, at my last known location. I will slink through the door to fetch them, and an offering of coffee, hot and black, will snare me faster than any bear trap. The promise of a long road trip, where we barely leave the highway, will have me lingering, intrigued and agonizing over routes, day vs. night travel, and if I'll scare you too badly with my cruising speeds. Don't expect much conversation, but be assured that my playlists are top-shelf, as is my audio soundstage. Let's roll.

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