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The Fifth Britain
The Striding Spire
The Road to Farringale: Old Magick. New World.
Audiobook series12 titles

Modern Magick Series

Written by Charlotte E. English

Narrated by Diana Croft

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this series

The enigmatic Society returns in a riotously funny new adventure from the author of Wyrde and Wayward!

Things have been quiet at the Society lately. Too quiet. It couldn’t possibly last.

When a griffin appeared in the Yorkshire skies, it could only mean bad news. There’s only one place in Britain it could have come from and that’s the lost kingdom of Farringale.

It’s a dire warning, and there’s worse to come. Turns out we aren’t the only people with an interest in the age-old city of the trolls. Farringale lies under attack—and these people will stop at nothing to take control of its treasures.

It’s time for a showdown—the deathly serious kind. The outcome will determine the fate of Farringale, once and for all—and the fate of British magick, too.

The pressure’s on. It’s going to take everything we’ve got, and it still might not be enough.

But we’re not without our wiles. Turns out the secret weapon we’re looking for might actually be: me.

Ves, Jay and the Society face their biggest challenge yet in this dazzling conclusion to the series!

Release dateMay 9, 2022
The Fifth Britain
The Striding Spire
The Road to Farringale: Old Magick. New World.

Titles in the series (12)

  • The Road to Farringale: Old Magick. New World.


    The Road to Farringale: Old Magick. New World.
    The Road to Farringale: Old Magick. New World.

    Can British magick be saved? Hell yes. Imagine modern Britain without magick. No fae enclaves. No flying chairs. No magick wands. Giddy gods, no unicorns. Who wants to live in that world? Me neither. But with magick on the decline, that's the world we're ending up with. Meet the Society for Magickal Heritage. Our boss is a disembodied voice. Our headquarters is a sentient house. You could say we've a vested interest in keeping magick alive. Can a ragtag bunch of magicians, necromancers and fae prevail against inevitable ruin and decline? Hell yes. Try and stop us. First mission? Find the source of a magickal disease that’s decimating Britain’s troll enclaves — and fix it. Simple. Or... maybe not. For the only place that might hold the information we need is the ancient and inconveniently lost enclave of Farringale... Join Cordelia “Ves” Vesper and the enigmatic Society in the fight to save modern magick! Urban fantasy with attitude — and fantastic hair. 

  • The Fifth Britain


    The Fifth Britain
    The Fifth Britain

    Cast away from the Society (sort of) and out on our own, we've got a big problem on our hands - and an exciting prospect, too. They call it time travel on TV. Is this the big, fat secret the Hidden Ministry's been keeping? What's the real truth behind that wandering tower? Answers must be found — in the face of severe opposition from the Ministry, from Ancestria Magicka, and from every Fae Court in existence. Simple. If only everything wouldn’t keep going wrong. If only a house hadn’t walked off with Jay. If only there wasn’t still a traitor on the loose, and if only Ancestria Magicka wasn’t always up to no good.  With our trusty trio down to two, Zareen and I are going to need some help. Handsome, aristocratic, troll-shaped help, to be precise. Our mission: track down a vanishing island, save the Striding Spire, and find the way back to 1789. Oh — and find out what exactly has become of Jay...?

  • The Striding Spire


    The Striding Spire
    The Striding Spire

    Fresh from an involuntary crash course in the Stranger Arts, I've a new mystery on my plate: the inexplicable reappearance of a particularly fantastic magickal species. Which is great, don't get me wrong. Rescuing magickal beasts is what we do around here. But the Dappledok Pup hasn't been seen since the seventeen hundreds; so how did we find one, alive and kicking, over two hundred years later? And this beast has a talent for sniffing out treasure, no less. Happenstance? Maybe not. Is there something sinister afoot? And what does any of this have to do with an unusually perambulatory tower? Aided by a talking book, a spriggan with a taste for vintage fashion and the best Waymaster in the business, nothing can stop me from finding out the truth. Can it?

  • Alchemy and Argent


    Alchemy and Argent
    Alchemy and Argent

    It’s all very well deciding to build the means to save British magick. Top marks for ambitious goals! ...But there are one or two obstacles in the way. For one, said means does not yet exist, and it’ll take a genius to sort that one out. Luckily, we’ve got one of those. We call him Orlando. For another, nothing at all can be built without materials, and no common-or-garden commodities will do. It’s got to be silver. The impossibly rare, virtually extinct kind. This one’s on me, Val and Jay. So it’s down into the depths of history in search of the answer. Could the crackpot alchemists of ages past really turn lead into magickal silver? Everyone says it’s impossible. But if we can’t find a way to conquer the impossible, what’s to become of magick?

  • Toil and Trouble


    Toil and Trouble
    Toil and Trouble

    As an agent of the Society for Magickal Heritage, I, Cordelia Vesper, have an important job: rescue endangered creatures, artefacts, books and spells wherever they are to be found. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to keep British magick alive. So we rescued a valuable book from a long-lost library, only it proved to be unusually... chatty. And it's got a foul mouth, too. What manner of weird magick is this? Somebody else thinks it's pretty interesting, too. Ancestria Magicka, they call themselves. Brand new. Big trouble. But why are they so interested in the book's creator? The woman died six hundred years ago. It's grave-robbers, necromancers and thieves all the way, and when things get that kind of crazy, there's only one thing to do. Call in the Toil and Trouble department.

  • Music and Misadventure


    Music and Misadventure
    Music and Misadventure

    “Fun” for all the family... I haven't heard from my mother in six years — which is why I was surprised to receive a summons from her. The peremptory kind. With nothing but a set of map co-ordinates to guide me, what exactly was I to expect? The short answer? Trouble, for Mother Dearest is in rather a lot of it. And like daughter, like mother, for there’s a shiny artefact in the offing, and only a few gigantic lindworms in the way. Who isn’t up for a minor little challenge like that? It's off to Faerie with us, for the artefact in question was once the property of the legendary King Evelaern; and who doesn't love a nice bit of ancient royal treasure? Only as it turns out, the declining kingdom of the Yllanfalen may hold some unexpected truths about my past...

  • Royalty and Ruin


    Royalty and Ruin
    Royalty and Ruin

    Somebody thought it would be a great idea to send us to the Troll Court. Because somebody imagined I might be the perfect person to help with a certain wild and crazy plan of Their Majesties' concoction. They want to restore the lost city of Farringale. I can only say that I heartily approve. There is the tiny problem of how, of course; but who better to dig up the truth than the Society’s most colourful agents? Off questing we go, armed with a long list of questions, two winning smiles (well, three, if you count the Baron’s — and who wouldn’t?) and a certain Dappledok pup. Only, history has a way of being... slippery. The only way to find out what really happened at Farringale is to go back there, poke it with a stick, and see what falls out. And try not to die in the process. It'll be fine. With my enchanted pipes in tow, a unicorn at my side and three trusty allies at my back, what could possibly go wrong?

  • The Wonders of Vale


    The Wonders of Vale
    The Wonders of Vale

    We’re all mad here... Dispatched overseas — far, far overseas — we're in hot water. Again. Following in the footsteps of a long-lost king, we're on the road to the mysterious Vales of Wonder. The upside? It's a hot-bed of magickal marvels, the likes of which we've literally never seen before. The downside? Danger. Because who ever said adventure would be easy? Fortunately, we have help. One reviled but aggravatingly handy beast specialist: check. One world-famous, awe-inspiring, purple-clad troll scholar: check. One perambulatory, half-mad house with a crush on Jay: check. Not to mention a magickal pup, an even more magickal unicorn, a talking book, a jewelled scroll-case map, a magic Wand, an ethereal faerie lyre, and an excitingly untested tool from the Society’s own hermit genius. With an arsenal like that, the mission can only be an unqualified success. Right...? 

  • The Magick of Merlin


    The Magick of Merlin
    The Magick of Merlin

    Four years ago, somebody pinched perhaps the most valuable book in existence. Merlin’s personal grimoire. And the price they’re offering for its return is the kind we can’t refuse, so it’s Ves and Jay on the case. Except that there aren’t any clues. Seriously, not even a little one. Nothing’s going to solve this case but a Vesper-patented Crazy Plan, and it had better be a good one, for complications are sprouting like daisies. At least it’s a straightforward mission. There’s no earthly way this one’s going to turn my entire life upside down... right? Ves gets up close and personal with ancient legends in the tenth Modern Magick adventure!

  • The Heart of Hyndorin


    The Heart of Hyndorin
    The Heart of Hyndorin

    Stranded far from home, and unable to return, I am in bigger trouble than ever. I know I say that a lot, but this time it's really true. Not that there aren’t advantages to my particular predicament. If one must put up with a dangerous degree of magickal potency, one is duty-bound to… put it to use, no? Who knows what could happen? Certainly nothing insane, irresponsible and potentially life-threatening. As if. But we'll need every possible advantage in the Hyndorin Mountains. For there, hidden behind layers of secrets, could be the answers we are looking for. Answers, questions, and dangers — and the kind of disobliging foe who just won’t stop coming back. Aided by the serene Emellana (still enigmatic), the delicious Baron (still charming), and the animal-loving Miranda (still irascible), can Jay and I find the way to save modern magick? 

  • Dancing and Disaster


    Dancing and Disaster
    Dancing and Disaster

    Rumour’s got a lot to say for itself, and the message is clear: the regulator’s ready. You know. The magickal regulator. The bright and shiny thing with which we, Team Improbable, propose to restore magick to a fading Britain. Somebody’s got to test it, and that somebody is us. Which means wading into the depths of a long-dead realm that nobody’s entered in centuries. And I may have had some practice at that, but this time it’s different. This time, somebody’s still home. And they really aren’t happy about trespassers. Looks like disaster’s on the agenda. Again. Not to worry, though. Where there’s life, there’s hope. And… dancing. Ves and Jay return in a fresh bout of magickal madness! Grab your dancing shoes and hang onto your hat. It’s going to be wild. 

  • The Fate of Farringale


    The Fate of Farringale
    The Fate of Farringale

    The enigmatic Society returns in a riotously funny new adventure from the author of Wyrde and Wayward! Things have been quiet at the Society lately. Too quiet. It couldn’t possibly last. When a griffin appeared in the Yorkshire skies, it could only mean bad news. There’s only one place in Britain it could have come from and that’s the lost kingdom of Farringale. It’s a dire warning, and there’s worse to come. Turns out we aren’t the only people with an interest in the age-old city of the trolls. Farringale lies under attack—and these people will stop at nothing to take control of its treasures. It’s time for a showdown—the deathly serious kind. The outcome will determine the fate of Farringale, once and for all—and the fate of British magick, too. The pressure’s on. It’s going to take everything we’ve got, and it still might not be enough. But we’re not without our wiles. Turns out the secret weapon we’re looking for might actually be: me. Ves, Jay and the Society face their biggest challenge yet in this dazzling conclusion to the series!


Charlotte E. English

English both by name and nationality, Charlotte hasn’t permitted emigration to the Netherlands to damage her essential Britishness. She writes colourful fantasy novels over copious quantities of tea, and rarely misses an opportunity to apologise for something. Spanning the spectrum from light to dark, her works include the Draykon Series, Modern Magick, The Malykant Mysteries and the Tales of Aylfenhame.

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