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Blue Harmony: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy
My Day: Blue Harmony - Endless Note - Sweet Melody: A Delicious Romantic Comedy Trilogy (Second Chance - Fake Relationship - Workplace Romance)
Armonia Blu: Un'irresistibile "seconda opportunità" commedia romantica.
Audiobook series17 titles

My Day

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this series

Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital.


Arianna está enamorada de Paul. Él piensa que ella es superficial y mimada. No hay problema, ella le demostrará que tiene... razón. Una comedia romantica divertida, seductora y alegre.

Arianna se enamoró de Paul a primera vista. Pero cuando le dijo lo que sentía no solo la rechazó, sino que además la acusó de ser superficial y mimada. No hay problema, ella le demostrará que tiene... razón.

Las cosas empiezan bien. Contratada para dirigir la última campaña de marketing de su empresa, tiene la oportunidad de estar cerca de él todos los días y así poder poner en práctica su plan.

Decidida a hacer que él se arrepienta de sus palabras, ella olvida una cosa: él todavía tiene el poder de romperle el corazón.

Publisher7 Seasons
Release dateNov 25, 2021
Blue Harmony: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy
My Day: Blue Harmony - Endless Note - Sweet Melody: A Delicious Romantic Comedy Trilogy (Second Chance - Fake Relationship - Workplace Romance)
Armonia Blu: Un'irresistibile "seconda opportunità" commedia romantica.

Titles in the series (17)

  • Armonia Blu: Un'irresistibile "seconda opportunità" commedia romantica.


    Armonia Blu: Un'irresistibile "seconda opportunità" commedia romantica.
    Armonia Blu: Un'irresistibile "seconda opportunità" commedia romantica.

    ARMONIA BLU Amy vola a Santorini per affrontare il suo ex. Cosa potrebbe mai andare storto? Una commedia romantica divertente e civettuola con dialoghi spiritosi e piena di sorprese. Amy è stanca di sabotare tutte le sue relazioni a causa di Ethan. Lui le ha spezzato il cuore anni prima, e lei l’ha lasciato andar via senza fargliela pagare. È ora di affrontarlo e di riscrivere il passato. Decisa a rimettere le cose a posto, vola con le sue amiche verso i cieli azzurri di Santorini per realizzare il suo piano, un piano che comincia a crollare non appena incrocia lo sguardo di Ethan. Ospiti inaspettati e un’idilliaca ambientazione romantica complicano ulteriormente i suoi progetti. Ha ragione a perseverare o rimescolare il passato si rivelerà un gioco pericoloso?

  • Blue Harmony: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy


    Blue Harmony: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy
    Blue Harmony: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy

    My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. Amy flies to Santorini to confront her ex. What could possibly go wrong? Amy is tired of sabotaging all of her relationships because of Ethan. He broke her heart years ago, and she let him get away unscathed. It's time for her to confront him and rewrite the past. Determined to set things right, she flies away with her friends for the blue skies of Santorini to carry out her plan; a plan that begins to collapse as soon as she crosses Ethan's gaze. Surprise guests and an idyllic romantic setting will further complicate her designs. Is she right to insist, or will stirring up the past prove to be a dangerous game?

  • My Day: Blue Harmony - Endless Note - Sweet Melody: A Delicious Romantic Comedy Trilogy (Second Chance - Fake Relationship - Workplace Romance)


    My Day: Blue Harmony - Endless Note - Sweet Melody: A Delicious Romantic Comedy Trilogy (Second Chance - Fake Relationship - Workplace Romance)
    My Day: Blue Harmony - Endless Note - Sweet Melody: A Delicious Romantic Comedy Trilogy (Second Chance - Fake Relationship - Workplace Romance)

    BLUE HARMONY Amy is tired of sabotaging all of her relationships because of Ethan. He broke her heart years ago, and she let him get away unscathed. It’s time for her to confront him and rewrite the past. Determined to set things right, she flies away with her friends for the blue skies of Santorini to carry out her plan; a plan that begins to collapse as soon as she crosses Ethan’s gaze. Surprise guests and an idyllic romantic setting will further complicate her designs. Is she right to insist, or will stirring up the past prove to be a dangerous game? ENDLESS NOTE Zoe is a lawyer, and she likes to project the image of a determined and confident woman. The only cloud on the horizon: she never confronted Solange, the classmate at the center of her break-up with her boyfriend at the time. It’s decided; it’s time to put things right! Except, on her way, she meets Ian, who not only doesn’t understand her approach, but also enjoys challenging her reasoning. Even though Zoe despises his attitude, her heart has other designs. And when he makes an unexpected proposal, she has trouble knowing if she can trust him. Ian seems surrounded by secrets, and he doesn’t hesitate to confuse her and complicate their relationship a little more every day. Can Zoe unravel the mystery around Ian while settling with her past? SWEET MELODY Allison has been mad at Jake Matthews for years. Despite him being a coveted bachelor and a respected culinary producer, to her, he remains the one who nearly shattered her dream of becoming a pastry chef. Even though she has since overcome her doubts, she cannot forget this incident. She decides to confront him and tell him some home truths. However, when she ends up working for him, she suddenly finds it hard to stick to her resolutions. As time passes, the more difficult it becomes to carry out her plan. Does Jake still have the power to destroy her dreams?

  • Endless Note: A Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy


    Endless Note: A Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy
    Endless Note: A Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy

    My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. When Zoe decides to confront Solange her high school nemesis she meets Ian and sparks fly. Zoe is a lawyer, the image of a determined and confident woman. The only cloud on the horizon: she never confronted Solange, the classmate at the center of her break-up with her first love. It’s settled, it’s time to put things right! Except that on her way to confront her past, she meets Ian, a dazzling stranger who questions her approach and seems to enjoy challenging her reasoning. Even though Zoe despises his attitude, her heart has other designs. And when he makes an unexpected proposal, she has trouble knowing if she can trust him. Ian seems surrounded by secrets, which complicate their relationship a little more every day. Can Zoe unravel the mystery around Ian while dealing with her past?

  • Blue Harmony (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Second Chance Romantic Comedy


    Blue Harmony (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Second Chance Romantic Comedy
    Blue Harmony (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Second Chance Romantic Comedy

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. Amy flies to Santorini to confront her ex. What could possibly go wrong? Amy is tired of sabotaging all of her relationships because of Ethan. He broke her heart years ago, and she let him get away unscathed. It's time for her to confront him and rewrite the past. Determined to set things right, she flies away with her friends for the blue skies of Santorini to carry out her plan; a plan that begins to collapse as soon as she crosses Ethan's gaze. Surprise guests and an idyllic romantic setting will further complicate her designs. Is she right to insist, or will stirring up the past prove to be a dangerous game?

  • Armonía azul: Una irresistible comedia romántica sobre segundas oportunidades


    Armonía azul: Una irresistible comedia romántica sobre segundas oportunidades
    Armonía azul: Una irresistible comedia romántica sobre segundas oportunidades

    Amy vuela a Santorini para confrontar a su ex. ¿Qué podría salir mal? Una divertida y coqueta comedia romántica, llena de sorpresas y diálogos ingeniosos. Amy está cansada de sabotear todas sus relaciones por culpa de Ethan. Hace años que él le rompió el corazón, y además ella le dejó salir indemne. Ya es hora de confrontarlo y reescribir su pasado. Decidida a arreglar las cosas, vuela con sus amigas hacia los cielos azules de Santorini para poner en marcha su plan; un plan que empieza a desmoronarse en cuanto se cruza con la mirada de Ethan. Invitados sorpresa y un idílico entorno romántico complican aún más su estrategia. ¿Hará bien en perseverar o revolver el pasado terminará siendo un juego peligroso?

  • Harmonie en bleu (Casting complet - Narration numérique): Une comédie romantique "Deuxième chance".


    Harmonie en bleu (Casting complet - Narration numérique): Une comédie romantique "Deuxième chance".
    Harmonie en bleu (Casting complet - Narration numérique): Une comédie romantique "Deuxième chance".

    Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. Amy s'envole pour Santorin dans le but de confronter Ethan, son ex, et pouvoir ainsi avancer dans sa vie. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait aller de travers ? Une comédie romantique délicieuse, pleine de surprises. HARMONIE EN BLEU Amy en a assez de saboter chacune de ses relations à cause d'Ethan. Il lui a brisé le cœur il y a des années et elle l'a laissé s'en sortir indemne. Il est temps pour elle de l'affronter et de réécrire le passé.Elle s'envole donc avec ses amies pour le ciel bleu de Santorin, déterminée à mener à bien son plan. Un plan qui commence à s'effondrer dès qu'elle croise son regard. Des invités surprise et un décor romantique à souhait viennent compliquer davantage ses desseins. A-t-elle raison d'insister ou remuer le passé s'avérera être un jeu dangereux ?

  • Nota senza fine: Una deliziosa commedia romantica "finta relazione"


    Nota senza fine: Una deliziosa commedia romantica "finta relazione"
    Nota senza fine: Una deliziosa commedia romantica "finta relazione"

    NOTA SENZA FINE Quando Zoe decide di affrontare Solange, la sua nemesi del liceo, incontra Ian e volano scintille. Una commedia romantica divertente e civettuola. Zoe è un avvocato e le piace mostrarsi come una donna determinata e sicura di sé. Unico problema all'orizzonte: non ha mai affrontato Solange, la compagna di classe al centro della sua rottura con il fidanzato di allora. È decisa, è ora di mettere le cose al loro posto! Solo che, sulla sua strada, incontra Ian, che non solo non capisce la sua strategia, ma si diverte a sfidarla nei suoi ragionamenti. Anche se Zoe disprezza il suo atteggiamento, il suo cuore ha altri piani. E quando lui le fa una proposta inaspettata, lei ha difficoltà a capire se può fidarsi di lui. Ian sembra essere circondato da segreti, e non fa altro che confonderla e rendere il loro rapporto più complicato ogni giorno che passa. Riuscirà Zoe a svelare il mistero che circonda Ian mentre cerca di sistemare il suo passato?

  • Armonía azul (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una irresistible comedia romántica sobre segundas oportunidades


    Armonía azul (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una irresistible comedia romántica sobre segundas oportunidades
    Armonía azul (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una irresistible comedia romántica sobre segundas oportunidades

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Amy vuela a Santorini para confrontar a su ex. ¿Qué podría salir mal? Una divertida y coqueta comedia romántica, llena de sorpresas y diálogos ingeniosos. Amy está cansada de sabotear todas sus relaciones por culpa de Ethan. Hace años que él le rompió el corazón, y además ella le dejó salir indemne. Ya es hora de confrontarlo y reescribir su pasado. Decidida a arreglar las cosas, vuela con sus amigas hacia los cielos azules de Santorini para poner en marcha su plan; un plan que empieza a desmoronarse en cuanto se cruza con la mirada de Ethan. Invitados sorpresa y un idílico entorno romántico complican aún más su estrategia. ¿Hará bien en perseverar o revolver el pasado terminará siendo un juego peligroso?

  • Sweet Melody: An Enemies to Lovers - Workplace Romantic Comedy


    Sweet Melody: An Enemies to Lovers - Workplace Romantic Comedy
    Sweet Melody: An Enemies to Lovers - Workplace Romantic Comedy

    My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. When Allison ends up working for Jake a coveted bachelor she despises, she finally has the perfect chance to rewrite the past. Allison has been mad at Jake Matthews for years. Despite him being a coveted bachelor and a respected culinary producer, to her, he remains the one who nearly shattered her dream of becoming a pastry chef. Even though she has since overcome her doubts, she cannot forget this incident. She decides to confront him and tell him some home truths. However, when she ends up working for him, she suddenly finds it hard to stick to her resolutions. As time passes, the more difficult it becomes to carry out her plan. Does Jake still have the power to destroy her dreams?

  • Endless Note (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy


    Endless Note (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy
    Endless Note (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. When Zoe decides to confront Solange her high school nemesis she meets Ian and sparks fly. Zoe is a lawyer, the image of a determined and confident woman. The only cloud on the horizon: she never confronted Solange, the classmate at the center of her break-up with her first love. It’s settled, it’s time to put things right! Except that on her way to confront her past, she meets Ian, a dazzling stranger who questions her approach and seems to enjoy challenging her reasoning. Even though Zoe despises his attitude, her heart has other designs. And when he makes an unexpected proposal, she has trouble knowing if she can trust him. Ian seems surrounded by secrets, which complicate their relationship a little more every day. Can Zoe unravel the mystery around Ian while dealing with her past?

  • Nota sin fin (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una comedia romántica chispeante de relación falsa


    Nota sin fin (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una comedia romántica chispeante de relación falsa
    Nota sin fin (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una comedia romántica chispeante de relación falsa

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Cuando Zoe decide enfrentarse a Solange, su némesis del instituto, conoce a Ian y saltan chispas. Una divertida y seductora comedia romántica. Zoe es abogada, la imagen de una mujer decidida y segura de sí misma. El único nubarrón en el horizonte: nunca se enfrentó a Solange, la compañera de clase que fue el centro de su ruptura con su primer amor. Ya está decidido; es hora de arreglar las cosas. Salvo que, en su camino para enfrentarse a su pasado, conoce a Ian, un deslumbrante desconocido que cuestiona sus métodos y parece disfrutar desafiando su razonamiento. Aunque Zoe desprecia su actitud, su corazón tiene otros designios. Y cuando él le hace una propuesta inesperada, a ella le cuesta saber si puede confiar en él. Ian parece estar rodeado de secretos que complican su relación un poco más cada día. ¿Podrá Zoe desentrañar el misterio que rodea a Ian mientras lidia con su pasado?

  • Dolce Melodia: Una frizzante commedia romantica d’amore in ufficio.


    Dolce Melodia: Una frizzante commedia romantica d’amore in ufficio.
    Dolce Melodia: Una frizzante commedia romantica d’amore in ufficio.

    DOLCE MELODIA Quando Allison finisce a lavorare per Jake, uno scapolo molto ambito che lei disprezza, ha finalmente l'occasione perfetta per riscrivere il passato. Divertente, accattivante e spensierato. Allison è arrabbiata con Jake Matthews da anni. Nonostante sia uno scapolo ambito e un rispettato imprenditore culinario, per lei rimane l’uomo che ha quasi infranto il suo sogno di diventare pasticcera. Anche se da allora ha superato le proprie incertezze, non riesce a dimenticare la vicenda. Decide di affrontarlo e di metterlo davanti ad alcune spiacevoli verità. Tuttavia, quando si ritrova a lavorare fianco a fianco con lui, improvvisamente fa fatica ad attenersi ai suoi propositi. E più passa il tempo, più difficile diventa realizzare Jake ha ancora il potere di distruggere i suoi sogni?

  • Armonía del sol (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una ingeniosa comedia romántica de polos opuestos


    Armonía del sol (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una ingeniosa comedia romántica de polos opuestos
    Armonía del sol (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una ingeniosa comedia romántica de polos opuestos

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. ARMONÍA DEL SOL Arianna está enamorada de Paul. Él piensa que ella es superficial y mimada. No hay problema, ella le demostrará que tiene... razón. Una comedia romantica divertida, seductora y alegre. Arianna se enamoró de Paul a primera vista. Pero cuando le dijo lo que sentía no solo la rechazó, sino que además la acusó de ser superficial y mimada. No hay problema, ella le demostrará que tiene... razón. Las cosas empiezan bien. Contratada para dirigir la última campaña de marketing de su empresa, tiene la oportunidad de estar cerca de él todos los días y así poder poner en práctica su plan. Decidida a hacer que él se arrepienta de sus palabras, ella olvida una cosa: él todavía tiene el poder de romperle el corazón.

  • Sweet Melody (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): An Enemies to Lovers - Workplace Romantic Comedy


    Sweet Melody (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): An Enemies to Lovers - Workplace Romantic Comedy
    Sweet Melody (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): An Enemies to Lovers - Workplace Romantic Comedy

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. When Allison ends up working for Jake a coveted bachelor she despises, she finally has the perfect chance to rewrite the past. Allison has been mad at Jake Matthews for years. Despite him being a coveted bachelor and a respected culinary producer, to her, he remains the one who nearly shattered her dream of becoming a pastry chef. Even though she has since overcome her doubts, she cannot forget this incident. She decides to confront him and tell him some home truths. However, when she ends up working for him, she suddenly finds it hard to stick to her resolutions. As time passes, the more difficult it becomes to carry out her plan. Does Jake still have the power to destroy her dreams?

  • Dulce melodía (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una deliciosa comedia romántica de oficina


    Dulce melodía (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una deliciosa comedia romántica de oficina
    Dulce melodía (Reparto Completo - Narración Digital): Una deliciosa comedia romántica de oficina

    Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Cuando Allison acaba trabajando para Jake, un codiciado soltero al que desprecia, tiene por fin la oportunidad perfecta para reescribir su pasado. Divertida, coqueta y alegre. Allison lleva años enfadada con Jake Matthews. A pesar de que él es un soltero codiciado y un respetado productor culinario, para ella sigue siendo el que estuvo a punto de destrozar su sueño de convertirse en pastelera. Aunque ya ha superado sus dudas, no puede olvidar este incidente. Decide enfrentarse a él y cantarle unas cuantas verdades. Sin embargo, cuando acaba trabajando para él, de repente le resulta difícil mantenerse fiel a sus propósitos. A medida que pasa el tiempo, más difícil le resulta llevar a cabo su plan. ¿Todavía tiene Jake el poder de destruir sus sueños?

  • Sunny Harmony (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Workplace Romantic Comedy


    Sunny Harmony (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Workplace Romantic Comedy
    Sunny Harmony (Full Cast - Digitally Narrated): A Workplace Romantic Comedy

    This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. My Day: A chance to confront their past and change the rules of the game. Arianna is in love with Paul. He thinks she’s superficial and spoiled. No problem, she’ll prove to him that he’s … right. Arianna fell in love with Paul at first glance. But when she told him how she felt not only did he reject her, but he also accused her of being superficial and spoiled. No problem, she’ll prove to him that he’s ... right. Things are starting off well. Hired to run the last marketing campaign of his company, she has the opportunity to be around him every day and thus be able to implement her plan. Better still: no matter how much she may annoy him, he can’t fire her. Not only did she find an ally in the person of his brother, but he also needs her ideas. Except that determined to make him regret his words, she forgets one thing … he still has the power to break her heart.


Mary Kelly

Mary Kelly received an MLIS from Wayne State University in 2002, and also has an MBA from Wayne State. Mary is an Adult Services Librarian at the Plymouth District Library.

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