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Mine To Claim
Ebook series1 title

Desperately Depraved Series

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About this series

These aliens are looking for refuge...and mates. Would you deny them?



Release dateJun 14, 2024
Mine To Claim

Titles in the series (1)

  • Mine To Claim


    Mine To Claim
    Mine To Claim

    These aliens are looking for refuge...and mates. Would you deny them? Lance Liv


Whit LaVonne

Whit is a romance and fantasy reader and writer living in Detroit and probably dreaming about the beach. She loves Marvel, dogs, and all things theater. Her favorite travel destination so far has been Cuba and her favorite job has been working attractions at Disney World. She teaches 6th grade students how to write the best theme sentences this world has ever seen and her most ordered take out meal is chicken tikka masala.

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