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The Second History of Man
The Third History of Man
The First History of Man
Ebook series5 titles

History of Man Series

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About this series

In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything.


The Sixth History of Man is the last narrative in the History of Man Series that uses infection as the underlying foundation. The series will continue but use other disease platforms for jumping off. From a human infection perspective, this sixth book will visit with the King of Pop Michael Jackson, vitiligo and propofol, the famous and infamous sexually transmitted diseases—herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, HIV and the granddaddy of colorful stories, syphilis—with their very entertaining tales, a world of romance, suspense, and thrillers. We’ll hop from science to art to music, going back in time to the astronomy of the Persians, Syrians, the Greek Aristotle and on to Ptolemy, Copernicus and Kepler. Our travels will take us to the Renaissance of art and music, stopping along a few stations, such as da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Monet. A discussion of why and how humans went from spoken language to written language is on our menu. We will pay homage with another visit with the First Viennese School, parse senility, delirium, and dementia and most assuredly discuss the women who helped build Johns Hopkins Hospital. OK Boomers! and the sociology of cohort generations will help complete this narrative.

Release dateMay 16, 2024
The Second History of Man
The Third History of Man
The First History of Man

Titles in the series (5)

  • The First History of Man


    The First History of Man
    The First History of Man

    In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything. The First History of Man uses infection in general—bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, epidemics & pandemics, COVID-19—to lay the foundation for the next five books, narratives and stories that delve deeper into human infectious diseases. This first volume jumps off into accounts of the Big Bang Theory—the real one, but also the sitcom—the origin of the Universe, from atoms to DNA to us and how exactly it happened. In our journey we’ll explore Einstein and Newton who were probably aliens (he said jokingly), the Roman Empire, British history and all those wives of King Henry VIII, the why and how of the Protestant Reformation, why Pluto lost its planet status in our solar system, what exactly is the sweet spot of a solar system, all the while digging up some archeology, and even paying a visit with Dr. Livingstone, I presume. We’ll trudge from the top of Everest, the highest point on Earth, to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the lowest point on Earth, and LUA in between, the Last Universal Ancestor that gave rise to all life on Earth.

  • The Second History of Man


    The Second History of Man
    The Second History of Man

    In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything.   The Second History of Man focuses mostly on bacteria and bacterial infections as the foundation, jumping off into Darwin and evolution, gin & tonics and the discovery of the first antibiotic to treat infection (and it wasn’t penicillin), visiting with those clever chaps who cook up drugs in the lab. We’ll call upon poets & poetry, celebrities like Frank Sinatra, the Rat Pack, and Bobby Darin, the classical music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, the tragic story of World War II, Anne Frank and the Holocaust, tuberculosis, and a few of the rich & famous who suffered from TB, travelling back in time to the Black Death which wiped out 25 percent of humans on Earth, exploring the origins of a salon and a saloon, Columbus and the Age of Discovery, the lost generations of childhood, ending with the invention of the Internet.

  • The Third History of Man


    The Third History of Man
    The Third History of Man

    In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything.   The Third History of Man leaves bacteria in the rear-view mirror and jumps to viruses and viral infections, the cold, the flu and COVID-19, not just another flu. We’ll cover epidemics, pandemics, and vaccines, the pox infections, and the Spock principle that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few … or the one. From COVID and the rise of Zoom, we’ll venture into the rise of Homo sapiensand the fall of Neanderthals, the high sea adventures of Darwin aboard and the high sea adventures of dementia. Our travels will take us along the Silk Road and Spice Trade, another visit with the Age of Discovery when masted ships and European explorers went looking for that elusive sea route to the Far East, and looking for gold, annihilating huge swaths of indigenous Americans at every port of disembarkation, not by the pointy end of a sword, but by tiny infectious microbes. We’ll examine colonialism at its finest, the sordid European history of imperialism and the land grab into Africa and the New World Americas.

  • The Fifth History of Man


    The Fifth History of Man
    The Fifth History of Man

    In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything.   The Fifth History of Man has a few parting shots at viruses but mostly continues with the world of parasites, from tick disease that tick us off, Old Lyme, Connecticut and Lyme disease, toxoplasmosis, Crazy Cat Lady and her clowder of cats, then on into a discussion of the avatar of parasites: malaria. Our travels will venture down into the valley: Valley Girls, Valspeak, Valley Fever, fungus and fungal infections. We’ll jump into the biology of evolution, Darwin, Huxley and the great debates, the geology of earthquakes, volcanos, the Ring of Fire, and Johnny Cash, and then through the homos: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens, and once the dust cleared how the opposable thumbs, walking erect, and bigger brains left one man standing, one woman, too. No discussion of human history can leave out the G.O.A.T. of French history, heck, of European history; the man, the legend, Napoleon Bonaparte, loved and admired by everyone, even his enemies. Our path will take us into war & military, World War I versus the 1918 Swine Flu, some Russian history and how Stalin got Lenin wrong.

  • The Sixth History of Man


    The Sixth History of Man
    The Sixth History of Man

    In the spirit of medieval writer Chaucer, all human activity lies within the artist’s scope, the History of Man Series uses medicine as a jumping off point to explore precisely that, all history, all science, all human activity since the beginning of time. The jumping off style of writing takes the reader, the listener into worlds unknown, always returning to base, only to jump off again. History of Man are stories and tales of nearly everything.   The Sixth History of Man is the last narrative in the History of Man Series that uses infection as the underlying foundation. The series will continue but use other disease platforms for jumping off. From a human infection perspective, this sixth book will visit with the King of Pop Michael Jackson, vitiligo and propofol, the famous and infamous sexually transmitted diseases—herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, HIV and the granddaddy of colorful stories, syphilis—with their very entertaining tales, a world of romance, suspense, and thrillers. We’ll hop from science to art to music, going back in time to the astronomy of the Persians, Syrians, the Greek Aristotle and on to Ptolemy, Copernicus and Kepler. Our travels will take us to the Renaissance of art and music, stopping along a few stations, such as da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Monet. A discussion of why and how humans went from spoken language to written language is on our menu. We will pay homage with another visit with the First Viennese School, parse senility, delirium, and dementia and most assuredly discuss the women who helped build Johns Hopkins Hospital. OK Boomers! and the sociology of cohort generations will help complete this narrative.

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