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Stryker's Quest - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #2
Stryker's Gold - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #3
Stryker's Ranch - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #1
Ebook series4 titles

Stryker Series

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About this series

Stryker leaves Lone Pine and the California Mountains behind for the last time. He's going home to raise his daughter, as it should be. 
Little did he know that someone else had different plans for him. Going to Chihuahua Mexico on his way home to try and talk Mira's brother into going back with him, he is stopped by a General in the Mexican Army. 
When Stryker refuses to answer his questions it cost him dearly. By the time he returns to Texas, his daughter is almost grown, his ranch is nearly finished and his friend Jess has been shot. 
He has his work cut out for him in handling all of these things and regaining his place in his daughters heart but with the help of friends he always has before.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
Stryker's Quest - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #2
Stryker's Gold - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #3
Stryker's Ranch - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #1

Titles in the series (4)

  • Stryker's Ranch - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #1


    Stryker's Ranch - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #1
    Stryker's Ranch - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #1

    After the death of his beloved wife on their wedding day, Wen Stryker found himself lost. He helped his father-in-law, Tate, purchase a river boat, then he headed off into the vast lands of Texas. Eventually, Wen bought two ranches, then drove a herd of cattle a near impossible number of miles, to inherit a third. But, all that land still didn't fill his void. When he received a wire about Tate's boat being hit by pirates, and Tate being shot, Wen and Jess, his ranch foreman, headed for Louisiana. With cool heads and good plans, they managed to gather a personal Navy of river boat captains who were fed up with losing their loads, and their money. Instead of waiting for the pirates to rob them once more, the captains, led by Wen, took the fight to the head captain, Bergeron, and put an end to his plundering on the Mississippi River. Once back home, Wen became wrestles once more. Until a beautiful and destitute Spanish beauty named Mira Valencia, walked into the general store he was in, and into his heart. Wen suddenly found a new purpose in life again, and came to love Mira. Just as the Stryker luck seemed to be going in full swing, Wen is reminded that love can be found, and lost, in the blink of an eye….or the wave a pirate's flag.

  • Stryker's Quest - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #2


    Stryker's Quest - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #2
    Stryker's Quest - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #2

    When an old enemy kidnaps the woman Wen's in love with just before they're to be married, he fears for her life and his sanity. He's forced to go to sea to get her back by trailing his enemy to foreign countries, but he once again prevails against the evils of man. All is right with the world and Wen couldn't be happier. Then after they are wed, he loses her to death during childbirth. This is something he can't fight and can't find a way to live with. Leaving his infant daughter with his trusted friends, he rides away to seek his own way of dealing with her loss. He will talk to old friends and make new ones. He'll ride down many new trails and many old ones, before he finds his answer. It is a quest he must make to find his peace and place again, if possible.

  • Stryker's Gold - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #3


    Stryker's Gold - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #3
    Stryker's Gold - Wen Stryker: Stryker Series, #3

    After fighting in the War Between the States, Wen Stryker became disillusioned by the acts of people and headed for the high up mountains of California. He had made a life for himself there. A hard life, but he liked it. Then an accident on a high mountain trail suddenly thrust him into the gold mining business. He had found a fortune in gold without even looking for it. Then, he found the first real friend he'd ever had in an old prospector. Most of all, Wen found the love of a beautiful young girl when he befriended her and her father. There were men along the way who sought to take what was his. The last, and most important thing, had been the love of his life. Now Wen Stryker wandered the West trying to outrun his pain.

  • Stryker Returns - Hell in Mexico: Stryker Series, #4


    Stryker Returns - Hell in Mexico: Stryker Series, #4
    Stryker Returns - Hell in Mexico: Stryker Series, #4

    Stryker leaves Lone Pine and the California Mountains behind for the last time. He's going home to raise his daughter, as it should be.  Little did he know that someone else had different plans for him. Going to Chihuahua Mexico on his way home to try and talk Mira's brother into going back with him, he is stopped by a General in the Mexican Army.  When Stryker refuses to answer his questions it cost him dearly. By the time he returns to Texas, his daughter is almost grown, his ranch is nearly finished and his friend Jess has been shot.  He has his work cut out for him in handling all of these things and regaining his place in his daughters heart but with the help of friends he always has before.


George M. Goodwin

George was born in 1960 in Jefferson County Alabama. The fifth of nine children, eight boys and one girl. The family was raised poor, but not poorly raised. At home, George was taught morals, ethics and respect. Reading, writing and arithmetic at school. Love, honor and obedience to God at church. He grew up on John Wayne movies, country music and the writings of Louis L' Amour, Robert Louis Stevenson, H.G. Wells and Jules Verne.  

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