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Chasing Her Twin: Feather Blue, #1
On the Prowl: Feather Blue, #3
And His Love: Feather Blue, #2
Ebook series6 titles

Feather Blue Series

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About this series

Cameo and Shook are thrust into a final mystery. What they discover is beyond surreal. Shook's retirement is put on hold until one last assignment is complete. And the task before him leads him back to haunted grounds.


Cameo has a dream that leads her back into dark territory. She must face an old enemy once more to find the key to the meaning of the stone.


Siblings must come together to end an ancient war. But can they forgive one another to bridge the gap that leads to peace?

Release dateSep 3, 2023
Chasing Her Twin: Feather Blue, #1
On the Prowl: Feather Blue, #3
And His Love: Feather Blue, #2

Titles in the series (6)

  • And His Love: Feather Blue, #2


    And His Love: Feather Blue, #2
    And His Love: Feather Blue, #2

    Rebar and Cameo share their first official date. After treating her to dinner at a fine Greek restaurant, he takes her back to his place in hopes of getting to know her better. She's a closet full of secrets that he's burning to uncover.   Cameo wants to know about her supposed twin. She's still very suspicious of the General and his troop. But Rebar's charm lures her in and she finds herself falling for him.   As the evening heats up, Cameo makes the first move after a few too many wine coolers. When Rebar slams on the brakes, Cameo storms out the door over his rejection. Will they try a second date? What happens when an unexpected visitor threatens to ruin yet another date?

  • Chasing Her Twin: Feather Blue, #1


    Chasing Her Twin: Feather Blue, #1
    Chasing Her Twin: Feather Blue, #1

    Rebar is shocked to see a woman who he thinks is Camille an hour away from her home. She is alone without her fiancé, Shade. When Rebar approaches her, she doesn't know who he is and she seems to be in the midst of a PTSD episode.   Concerned about her safety, he follows her when she drives away. His pursuit of her leads to a shocking revelation when he finally gets to question her again and finds out she's not Camille, but a woman called Cameo.   Layers of mystery start to unravel when Cameo joins her mother for dinner and secrets are revealed. Cameo decides it's safe to accept Rebar's invitation for a date, and the journey through Cameo's past, present, and future begins.

  • On the Prowl: Feather Blue, #3


    On the Prowl: Feather Blue, #3
    On the Prowl: Feather Blue, #3

    Cameo sets out alone to find her mother after Camille refuses to reconcile. Her relationship with Rebar continues to grow and their passion grows more intense. She needs to make sure her mother is safe before moving forward with the new love in her life.   Rebar has fallen hard for Cameo. For the first time, he feels he may have found the ideal woman. But she's as cool as she is hot and continues to surprise him with skills and secrets. Piece by piece, the woman he loves begins to reveal herself to him.   However, Rebar's group of friends known as 'the troop' do not approve that he's taken up with Malika's other daughter. Tensions heat up and the new lovers are forced into pursuing a dangerous mission on their own.

  • Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12


    Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12
    Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12

    A new dark horse is on the scene and plays a crucial role in protecting Cameo while Shook struggles to stay on course. His friends are deeply concerned over his wellbeing when he begins to hallucinate. And the tattoo placed on his arm becomes a living nightmare, which propels him deeper into a darkness he can't escape.   Cameo grows frustrated that the men won't let her out of hiding. Even worse, she senses Shook wanting to let go to spare her from the darkness he's fighting. But Cameo is tougher than the men realize, and she's determined to keep her promise to Shook when he'd asked her to never leave him—even after he suggests they take a timeout.   Has Malika met her match in taking on the daughter of a legend?

  • Her Secret Weapon: Feather Blue, #4


    Her Secret Weapon: Feather Blue, #4
    Her Secret Weapon: Feather Blue, #4

    After discovering the General has taken her mother into hiding, Cameo relies on Rebar's tracking device and unexpected help to plan a rescue mission. She's intrigued by the hunky bikers who come to their aid.   Not all goes as planned during the rescue. Two of their team members get left behind and one makes a narrow escape. The General and his daughters prove yet again that they are a force to be reckoned with.   When everything goes sideways, everyone ends up in the wrong place, leaving Rebar wondering about the future with his new girlfriend.

  • Voices on the Wind: Feather Blue, #13


    Voices on the Wind: Feather Blue, #13
    Voices on the Wind: Feather Blue, #13

    Rebar is off to a rough start but fortunately support from unexpected people is on the way. Cameo and Shook struggle with new developments within their social circle, while Camille is up to no good again!   Malika continues to work her magic with the living tattoo. However, she may have extended herself too far this time. The spirit world unleashes a legend as a counterattack. Rush has a change of heart after two surprise guests pay him a visit.   All the players are lined up for the next big event. Shook's mother catches a glimpse of the future during a terrifying encounter.


Shiloh Love

Shiloh is a bookworm who grew into an author. Writing has been a way of life for her since grade school. She majored in English, graduated and eventually found success with a few good publishers. January 1, 2016 Shiloh officially went Indie. In her words, "The only time I'm truly free is when I'm writing."Her books are thoroughly edited, proofread and exceptionally well-crafted.As a survivor of hardship and chronic disease, she takes one day at a time and treasures the simple things in life. Shiloh is a Christian, loves animals and practices being kind and generous every day.Her achievements include The Golden Wings Award for her debut novel The Satellite, the UK Nobel Pin and Editor’s Choice Award for her poem The Lonely Man, numerous 5 Star Reviews from Fallen Angels Reviews, InD’tale Magazine, and other professional reviewers for novels published under former pen names.Her novel Forever in Darkness became a finalist in the 2017 RONE Awards.Writing stories you’ll live in!

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