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Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli’s The Prince: Generation X
Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock’s Defining Era (1969-2000): Generation X
Generation X: Red87Club - The Last Arcade [1987]: Generation X, #4
Ebook series3 titles

Generation X Series

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About this series

We are the rock. We are the rebels. We are Gen X.


In the vast chronicle of musical revolutions, where legends are often illuminated by stage lights, platinum records, and iconic riffs, Generation X stands amid the crescendo.


Born in the twilight of vinyl and the dawn of digital, we've witnessed an era of unparalleled transformation in music, and with it, the evolving essence of rock and roll.

But "Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock's Defining Era (1969-2000)" speaks to the soul of the Gen Xer who knows deep down that the true spirit of rock isn't captured solely by chart-toppers or arena tours. It's the gritty clubs, the underground tapes, the rebel anthems that provided the soundtrack to our lives. It's the unspoken bond between artist and audience, the shared moments of defiance, of love, of anguish.


This isn't just a history book—it's a journey. A voyage through the pivotal moments that not only defined a genre but also a generation. Each chapter, a testament to the choices, the changes, and the characters that shaped the sound of an era.


"Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock's Defining Era" is a call to arms for Gen X.


It's time to reclaim our narrative, to immerse ourselves in the stories that soundtracked our journey from adolescence to adulthood.


Fellow Gen Xers, this is your anthem.


This is your history.


Your legacy isn't written in the records left behind but in the indelible marks that the music of our era has left on the world.


Grab your copy now!

Release dateJun 6, 2024
Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli’s The Prince: Generation X
Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock’s Defining Era (1969-2000): Generation X
Generation X: Red87Club - The Last Arcade [1987]: Generation X, #4

Titles in the series (3)

  • Generation X: Red87Club - The Last Arcade [1987]: Generation X, #4


    Generation X: Red87Club - The Last Arcade [1987]: Generation X, #4
    Generation X: Red87Club - The Last Arcade [1987]: Generation X, #4

    Save the world from nuclear annihilation, or spend your last quarter on Double Dragon? Like, whatever…   In the sleepy town of Highland, New Jersey, rebellious 17-year-old Janie Washington navigates high school angst, oppressive parental expectations, and the suburban hell of 1987. Her world turns upside down after discovering a cryptic message on her Apple IIc computer, hinting at an impending catastrophe and inviting her to a secret meeting at the local mall.   There, Janie meets Trella, a mysterious figure with a dire warning and an invitation to join Red87Club—a clandestine group determined to prevent a global disaster. As Janie delves deeper, she uncovers unsettling connections between past and present, leading her to question everything she thought she knew.   Torn between her desire for a normal teenage life and the weight of the world on her shoulders, Janie must decide whether to embrace the unknown or turn back to her ordinary existence. With time running out, she faces challenges that will test her in ways she never imagined, hinting at even greater adventures to come.   With high stakes, 80s nostalgia, and a gripping plot, "Red87Club - The Last Arcade [1987]" is a thrilling journey that's Stranger Things meets Back to the Future.   Perfect for fans of mystery, rebellion, and time travel, Season One of this serialized story will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager for more.   Read it now!

  • Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli’s The Prince: Generation X

    Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli’s The Prince: Generation X
    Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli’s The Prince: Generation X

    In an era where transformation is the only constant, Generation X stands at the forefront of a unique midlife transition. Born into a world on the cusp of technological revolutions, we've navigated the shift from rotary phones to smartphones, from libraries to the limitless expanse of the internet.   But "Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli's The Prince" is not just another tome in the self-help genre. It's a deep dive into the essence of navigating midlife with a guide who has transcended centuries—Niccolò Machiavelli.   This book speaks to the Gen Xer who feels the weight of change yet recognizes the cyclical nature of history. It's for those of us who've laughed, loved, and lived through decades of transformation, only to find that the core of human experience remains unchanged.   J. Thorn bridges the gap between the wisdom of the past and the challenges of the present, offering a fresh perspective on Machiavelli's timeless principles. This isn't just a book—it's a conversation. A journey through the trials and triumphs of midlife, guided by the astute observations of one of history's most influential thinkers.   "Generation X: The Art of Midlife Mastery with Machiavelli's The Prince" is a rallying cry for Gen X.   It's time to embrace the shifts, to understand that mastery over midlife isn't found in resisting change but in adapting the enduring wisdom of the past to meet the challenges of today.   Fellow Gen Xers, this is your guide.   This is your moment.   Your mastery of midlife awaits. Grab it now!

  • Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock’s Defining Era (1969-2000): Generation X

    Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock’s Defining Era (1969-2000): Generation X
    Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock’s Defining Era (1969-2000): Generation X

    We are the rock. We are the rebels. We are Gen X.   In the vast chronicle of musical revolutions, where legends are often illuminated by stage lights, platinum records, and iconic riffs, Generation X stands amid the crescendo.   Born in the twilight of vinyl and the dawn of digital, we've witnessed an era of unparalleled transformation in music, and with it, the evolving essence of rock and roll. But "Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock's Defining Era (1969-2000)" speaks to the soul of the Gen Xer who knows deep down that the true spirit of rock isn't captured solely by chart-toppers or arena tours. It's the gritty clubs, the underground tapes, the rebel anthems that provided the soundtrack to our lives. It's the unspoken bond between artist and audience, the shared moments of defiance, of love, of anguish.   This isn't just a history book—it's a journey. A voyage through the pivotal moments that not only defined a genre but also a generation. Each chapter, a testament to the choices, the changes, and the characters that shaped the sound of an era.   "Generation X: A Hidden History of Rock's Defining Era" is a call to arms for Gen X.   It's time to reclaim our narrative, to immerse ourselves in the stories that soundtracked our journey from adolescence to adulthood.   Fellow Gen Xers, this is your anthem.   This is your history.   Your legacy isn't written in the records left behind but in the indelible marks that the music of our era has left on the world.   Grab your copy now!

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