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Superspecies Three: The Superspecies Series, #3
The Superspecies: The Superspecies Series
The Superspecies Two: The Superspecies Series, #2
Ebook series3 titles

The Superspecies Series

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About this series

Mysterious animal attacks are happening in the forests of Colorado. One morning a forest ranger discovers a vehicle crashed and abandoned at the bottom of a hill. Later finding out a young girl has been kidnapped and the culprit isn't human but grizzly. This launches a federal investigation into bear populations which ultimately reveals genetic tampering and extermination within certain animal groups alongside the desperate attempt by the mysterious figure of Dr. Intinman to keep the lid from blowing off a secret animal research program. The Superspecies is a surreal adventure about larger-than-life "enhanced genetics" creatures which develop human-like intelligence and awareness (due to research experiments conducted on them), becoming dangerous to the established human/ animal order as well as scientists responsible for unleashing them on the world.


A young girl is brutally abducted by a bloodthirsty grizzly, forcing a group of scientists to mop up a genetic engineering operation that is out of control, threatening any and all who enter the woods. One question remains: are the animals really dangerous for no reason at all or does their enhanced intelligence simply make them recognize something damning about human nature that needs to be understood before it's too late?


Harmonious coexistence with an emerging highly-intelligent species competing for dominance over the earth or total destruction of humans and animals alike?

Those are the two options now.

Two groups of scientific researchers are sent to a forest where bear attacks are frequent in order to study what is happening only to find themselves attacked and outsmarted (in part) by the animals themselves. Two environmental action groups also find themselves at odds over the fate of the dangerously genetically-enhanced creatures. One group wants to see the beasts wiped out completely and the other wants to preserve them at all costs, even at the expense of human life. The two sides are locked in an impasse, unable to resolve their differences in an amiable way which leads to ever-increasing tension, animosity, kidnapping and murder.

Entire forests are quarantined in an attempt to control and contain the beasts but soon holes are discovered in the operation as key players start disappearing in addition to animals eluding their hunters, fighting back and changing the field of battle to their own terms. Ambushing their pursuers on more than one occasion.

As the "pro-beast" and "pro-human" sides chase their own interests with the unfortunate bears caught in the middle (struggling to establish themselves in a human dominated world), the animals learn more and more to rely on their expanding awareness to survive and thrive in an entirely new evolution shattering effect!

Release dateJun 7, 2024
Superspecies Three: The Superspecies Series, #3
The Superspecies: The Superspecies Series
The Superspecies Two: The Superspecies Series, #2

Titles in the series (3)

  • The Superspecies Two: The Superspecies Series, #2


    The Superspecies Two: The Superspecies Series, #2
    The Superspecies Two: The Superspecies Series, #2

    A young girl is brutally abducted by a bloodthirsty grizzly, forcing a group of scientists to mop up a genetic engineering operation that is out of control, threatening any and all who enter the woods. One question remains: are the animals really dangerous for no reason at all or does their enhanced intelligence simply make them recognize something damning about human nature that needs to be understood before it's too late? Harmonious coexistence with an emerging highly-intelligent species competing for dominance over the earth or total destruction of humans and animals alike? Those are the two options now. Two groups of scientific researchers are sent to a forest where bear attacks are frequent in order to study what is happening only to find themselves attacked and outsmarted (in part) by the animals themselves. Two environmental action groups also find themselves at odds over the fate of the dangerously genetically-enhanced creatures. One group wants to see the beasts wiped out completely and the other wants to preserve them at all costs, even at the expense of human life. The two sides are locked in an impasse, unable to resolve their differences in an amiable way which leads to ever-increasing tension, animosity, kidnapping and murder. Entire forests are quarantined in an attempt to control and contain the beasts but soon holes are discovered in the operation as key players start disappearing in addition to animals eluding their hunters, fighting back and changing the field of battle to their own terms. Ambushing their pursuers on more than one occasion. As the "pro-beast" and "pro-human" sides chase to their own interests with the unfortunate bears caught in the middle (struggling to establish themselves in a human dominated world), the animals learn more and more to rely on their expanding awareness to survive and thrive in an entirely new evolution shattering effect!

  • Superspecies Three: The Superspecies Series, #3


    Superspecies Three: The Superspecies Series, #3
    Superspecies Three: The Superspecies Series, #3

    Third installment in The Superspecies Series. At this point in the story, Jack Falcon, Rick Skaggs, Morey Intinman and the gang are doing all they can to protect Superspecies from the combined forces of the EPA and other organizations obsessed with their destruction. Witnessing events as they unfold, Falcon exposes the utter ruthlessness of the EPA's secret extermination program while Dr. Intinman fights for their preservation within scholary and media realms. Meanwhile Superspecies extermination intensifies as the government does everything in its power to speed up the process and hide their actions from both public scrutiny and official oversight. Falcon and Intinman collaborate more readily as the conflict intensifies in order to increase their chances of success. Leveling up their efforts as they go head-to-head with insurmountable odds stacked against them. Fighting anti-Superspecies forces in public protests, speaking engagements and covert operations by sharing information with the press about destructive and illegal operations going on inside White River National Forest. Risking their reputations, freedom and lives at the same time. It all comes to a head when they're invited to vent their grievances before a Senate committee charged with the Superspecies problem, accompanied by increased scrutiny from the press as the issue invokes international attention and public outcry. Leading to some welcome benefits and unexpected problems as actions they attempt to keep hidden are threatened by the possibility of exposure. They spill most of what they know or have witnessed to the Senate in the hopes the legal establishment will afford special protection to the animals, resulting in less than impressive results overall. In the process running across a few conspiracies related to how power struggles and political machinations in the background manipulate everything behind the scenes. Strap in for all the latest shocking events in this third edition of The Superspecies saga.

  • The Superspecies: The Superspecies Series

    The Superspecies: The Superspecies Series
    The Superspecies: The Superspecies Series

    Mysterious animal attacks are happening in the forests of Colorado. One morning a forest ranger discovers a vehicle crashed and abandoned at the bottom of a hill. Later finding out a young girl has been kidnapped and the culprit isn't human but grizzly. This launches a federal investigation into bear populations which ultimately reveals genetic tampering and extermination within certain animal groups alongside the desperate attempt by the mysterious figure of Dr. Intinman to keep the lid from blowing off a secret animal research program. The Superspecies is a surreal adventure about larger-than-life "enhanced genetics" creatures which develop human-like intelligence and awareness (due to research experiments conducted on them), becoming dangerous to the established human/ animal order as well as scientists responsible for unleashing them on the world.   A young girl is brutally abducted by a bloodthirsty grizzly, forcing a group of scientists to mop up a genetic engineering operation that is out of control, threatening any and all who enter the woods. One question remains: are the animals really dangerous for no reason at all or does their enhanced intelligence simply make them recognize something damning about human nature that needs to be understood before it's too late?   Harmonious coexistence with an emerging highly-intelligent species competing for dominance over the earth or total destruction of humans and animals alike? Those are the two options now. Two groups of scientific researchers are sent to a forest where bear attacks are frequent in order to study what is happening only to find themselves attacked and outsmarted (in part) by the animals themselves. Two environmental action groups also find themselves at odds over the fate of the dangerously genetically-enhanced creatures. One group wants to see the beasts wiped out completely and the other wants to preserve them at all costs, even at the expense of human life. The two sides are locked in an impasse, unable to resolve their differences in an amiable way which leads to ever-increasing tension, animosity, kidnapping and murder. Entire forests are quarantined in an attempt to control and contain the beasts but soon holes are discovered in the operation as key players start disappearing in addition to animals eluding their hunters, fighting back and changing the field of battle to their own terms. Ambushing their pursuers on more than one occasion. As the "pro-beast" and "pro-human" sides chase their own interests with the unfortunate bears caught in the middle (struggling to establish themselves in a human dominated world), the animals learn more and more to rely on their expanding awareness to survive and thrive in an entirely new evolution shattering effect!


Gordon Byron

Gordon Byron is a world traveler (who has lived in North America, Asia and Europe), teacher, earth science nut and outdoors person with a background in geological sciences, market trading and fiction writing. He became interested in fiction writing and poetry at age nine, science fiction in grade school and horror stories in high school but now focuses primarily on creating characters involved in some form of moral/ existential struggle that forces them to overcome personal weaknesses or past grievances. He loves reading literary fiction, classics, science fiction and romantic comedies but lately occupies most of his time by researching new topics that might be interesting to himself, current and future readers. He attempts to connect with his readers through dynamic and accessible characters others can sympathize with and grow to love and emulate. His primary motivation for writing is to entertain and amuse. He wrote The Superspecies series with the intent of presenting the possibility of a group of animals becoming as or more intelligent than human beings through genetic engineering and modification. A radical change that forces humans to reevaluate their status as rulers of the planet, putting them in the position of deciding whether to defend (or share) their place with an emerging species.

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