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Spicy Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #3
Bitter Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #4
Hot Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #1
Ebook series3 titles

The Alcott Family Adventures Series

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

The characters you loved in Hot Chocolate are back with more escapades of life in River Oaks. To keep track of this large family, Ireland has included a family tree.

Lila Mae is in a tizzy over the Chocolate Ball, a huge event that benefits homeless dogs and cats. If it weren't for Julian Gillespie, the Chocolate Ball would have melted.

Bernie, the 92-year old patriarch, decides he wants his Bentley back. Joseph's cousin Chewie is hired as the chauffeur. * Bambi is so happy to be expecting a child. Dorothea is at war with the world over being pregnant at 55.

Lila Mae's astrologer gives clues of things to come. * Suzanne and Gray show up unexpectedly. She's left Paul and wants Walter to handle the divorce. * Cissy has dumped Georgio, the tattoo artist, to Madge's delight. Roger Bainsworth III has just the right family pedigree for her granddaughter.

When Amelia returns home from a grocery run, her kitchen door is slightly ajar. Three things catch her attention: a new vase of flowers, her marble rolling pin covered with blood… and a dead body on her kitchen floor.

Amelia freezes. Is there a murderer still in the house? She calls Detective Chance Walker, Lila Mae and finally… 9-1-1 after snapping a picture of the dead guy.

Chance questions Tilly. She wants to know why everyone thinks she runs around killing people! Dorothea is happy that no one is pointing the finger at her.

Louie and Scooter's truce ended badly. * Chance bails Bernie and Chewie out of jail. * Madge thinks Carmichael is looking for another job. * Uncle Tito psychically investigates the murder. * Loved ones are accused of the murder and the family wrings their hands.

Secrets are no longer safe; the family has more shocks than the San Andreas fault line! One thing stands firm: The Alcott clan puts family first no matter what.

Release dateDec 1, 2008
Spicy Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #3
Bitter Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #4
Hot Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Hot Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #1


    Hot Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #1
    Hot Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #1

    The award-winning Alcott Family Adventures is a cozy mystery series with an astrology theme. It consists of three books: Hot Chocolate, Bitter Chocolate and Spicy Chocolate. Meet the eccentric, middle-age Alcott sisters, Lila Mae, Madge, & Dorothea, heiresses to the Alcott Chocolate fortune and mavens of Houston's elite River Oaks, as they traverse murder, mystery and mayhem. Madge ambushes Lila Mae with Dorothea's manipulative plea: she can't care for Bernie, their 92-year-old father, any longer. Lila Mae explodes in a hissy fit—she had warned Dorothea years ago that they should put Bernie in an assisted living center. Robert, Lila Mae's astrologer, warns of impending problems and he's rarely wrong. The sisters call a meeting with Walter Branson, their solicitor. They discuss Bernie's nurse Bambi Chaline, a blonde bombshell who looks more like a hooker than a nurse. Arrangements are made for Bernie to be transferred over to Lake Sides Assisted Living Center in the Uptown Galleria area and a severance package is drawn up for Bambi. Jimmy Ray Chaline, Bambi's bowling alley husband, is enraged that Bambi was let go. He hires ambulance chaser Mark Slade to file a lawsuit for wrongful termination. The suit is thrown out of court further fueling Jimmy Ray's rage. Bambi had been more than satisfied with her bonus, letters of recommendation and praise from the Alcott clan. When Jimmy Ray fails to return home from the bowling alley that night, a series of events unfold that shocks the entire Alcott family and their extended members.

  • Spicy Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #3


    Spicy Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #3
    Spicy Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #3

    We're not out of chocolate yet! Get your refill with Spicy Chocolate for more Alcott family adventures in Book 3! The characters you loved in Hot Chocolate and Bitter Chocolate are back. The River Oaks mavens are squabbling at each other over everything. Even Bambi is turning into a squabbler – her hands are full with Bernie AND a baby. Lila Mae, Madge, Dorothea, Bambi and Amelia croon over the sleeping babies. Baby strollers crowd the breakfast area. Dorothea's twins, like day and night, are 30 minutes older than Bambi's baby. Dorothea added two nannies to her staff. The visit is interrupted by the front doorbell – no one rings Lila Mae's front doorbell except uninvited salespeople. Lila Mae and Amelia investigate, peeking through the side windows of the front door. [This was changed slightly in the writing of the book – now it is the kitchen door.] A young Hispanic woman in her late 20s stands on the stoop popping gum. One hand rests on the handle of a piece of rolling luggage, the other at the hip of her skin-hugging, bright floral print skirt with ruffles at the hem. The stretchy material barely covers her thigh in front and dips to the ankles in back. The outrageous ensemble is topped with a polka-dot halter tied behind her neck and plunging in front. Her face is perfectly made up with beautifully arched eyebrows and penciled lips. Amelia opens the door. Chiquita, one of Uncle Tito's nieces, barges in talking up a storm. She tells them she's there to train for Amelia's job. Bernie unashamedly gawks at the sexy vixen and Bambi practically yanks him off his feet. Everyone is all flustered. Why did Uncle Tito send Chiquita without notice? Was Amelia going to quit? Lila Mae is freaked out, but not as much as Amelia, whose only thought is "am I dying or getting fired?" And who's this chubby-cheeked, middle-aged, cigar-smoking Dougie Vey character that Dr. Victor Tic's 30-year old daughter shows up with, all glam and glitter, after being gone for nearly a year? Victor and wife Jeffie Ann, have been despondent over their wayward daughter, Luna, and her gambling debts. The four romantics of Bitter Chocolate go out to dinner. They are seen exiting the Bentley by robbers. After they get out of the restaurant, the thieves try to rob them. Guess which one of our friends goes into his Shaolin Kung Fu routine? Another remembers some boxing moves. The crooks drop like flies to the sidewalk. Pecos and the widow are still a couple. He runs the numbers for multiple wedding dates. No, Pecos doesn't take bets at the track; he's a numerologist. Lila Mae must deal with major changes. She's frantic. Her sisters can't help this time. That's all I'm saying about that. Louie is beside himself… Scooter the cat disappeared. Those rotten neighbors come calling, accusing Lila Mae of stealing their cat. Louie is so sad. Then Qxxxx shows up and becomes Louie's best friend. (No, you're not getting that name.) Cupid has been shooting arrows all over the Alcott clan and extended family members. Uncle Tito is smitten. Jingo has stars in his eyes. There's no place to hide. Wedding bells will ring. Don't step in the blood on the sidewalk. Expect company from Las Vegas.

  • Bitter Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #4


    Bitter Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #4
    Bitter Chocolate: The Alcott Family Adventures, #4

    The characters you loved in Hot Chocolate are back with more escapades of life in River Oaks. To keep track of this large family, Ireland has included a family tree. Lila Mae is in a tizzy over the Chocolate Ball, a huge event that benefits homeless dogs and cats. If it weren't for Julian Gillespie, the Chocolate Ball would have melted. Bernie, the 92-year old patriarch, decides he wants his Bentley back. Joseph's cousin Chewie is hired as the chauffeur. * Bambi is so happy to be expecting a child. Dorothea is at war with the world over being pregnant at 55. Lila Mae's astrologer gives clues of things to come. * Suzanne and Gray show up unexpectedly. She's left Paul and wants Walter to handle the divorce. * Cissy has dumped Georgio, the tattoo artist, to Madge's delight. Roger Bainsworth III has just the right family pedigree for her granddaughter. When Amelia returns home from a grocery run, her kitchen door is slightly ajar. Three things catch her attention: a new vase of flowers, her marble rolling pin covered with blood… and a dead body on her kitchen floor. Amelia freezes. Is there a murderer still in the house? She calls Detective Chance Walker, Lila Mae and finally… 9-1-1 after snapping a picture of the dead guy. Chance questions Tilly. She wants to know why everyone thinks she runs around killing people! Dorothea is happy that no one is pointing the finger at her. Louie and Scooter's truce ended badly. * Chance bails Bernie and Chewie out of jail. * Madge thinks Carmichael is looking for another job. * Uncle Tito psychically investigates the murder. * Loved ones are accused of the murder and the family wrings their hands. Secrets are no longer safe; the family has more shocks than the San Andreas fault line! One thing stands firm: The Alcott clan puts family first no matter what.


Dawn Greenfield Ireland

Dawn Greenfield Ireland is the author of several award-winning novels, nonfiction books, and screenplays. To date she has 21 published books that consists of four series (cozy mystery, YA science fiction/fantasy, adult shape-shifter, and dystopian), sci-fi romance adventure, and nonfiction work, which includes online courses. See also my adult shapeshifter books (Bonded) under the name of DG Ireland.

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