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Closed Alpha: Pixelate, #2
Open Beta: Pixelate, #3
Test Environment: Pixelate, #1
Ebook series3 titles

Pixelate Series

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About this series

They thought they knew the game. It knew them better.

Connor and Dizzy have a problem. The game has rebooted yet again. Their names have been stolen, and they're limited to the advanced classes they earned last time around. On top of that, the beta version of Spires of Fate had enabled worldwide PVP combat. It's going to be the two of them not just against the world, but against the rest of the player base, too.

But they know the game. They've got the experience. And the goal hasn't changed: get to the top and slay the Mountain Lord. And no dirty tricks by the developers are going to stop them.

Open Beta is the 3rd book in the Pixelate series. Pixelate is a LitRPG fantasy series that follows the adventures of Arnold O'Connor as his digital self, delving into the secrets of a world that feels as real as his own body. The Pixelate series will appeal to fans of classic tabletop RPGs, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the Rings Online. It touches on themes of self and reality, style vs. stats, and how to kill dragons through the superior application of math.

It's a book you won't be able to log out of! Grab a copy and try for yourself.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
Closed Alpha: Pixelate, #2
Open Beta: Pixelate, #3
Test Environment: Pixelate, #1

Titles in the series (3)

  • Test Environment: Pixelate, #1


    Test Environment: Pixelate, #1
    Test Environment: Pixelate, #1

    If you can't beat the computers, BE the computer. Freshly unemployed gamer Arnold O'Connor is short on cash and facing eviction. When an indie game developer advertises looking for participants in a brain study to help revolutionize enemy AI, he's not thinking about the benefits to his hobby, just his bank account. But things get weird once the trials start. Neuroscientists monitor his brain waves as Connor performs a variety of tasks, culminating in venturing into a testing version of the very game they're hoping to develop. The tests mess with his sense of reality, seeing things he can't touch and deafened to some sounds but not others. The game world operates on the same principles, forcing Arnold to wonder whether he's inside the game or just playing it. The only way to find out for sure is to reach the end victorious! Test Environment is the first book in the Pixelate series. Pixelate is a LitRPG fantasy series that follows the adventures of Arnold O'Connor as his digital self, delving into the secrets of a world that feels as real as his own body. The Pixelate series will appeal to fans of classic tabletop RPGs, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the Rings Online. It touches on themes of self and reality, style vs. stats, and how to kill dragons through the superior application of math. It's a book you won't be able to log out of! Grab a copy and try for yourself.

  • Closed Alpha: Pixelate, #2


    Closed Alpha: Pixelate, #2
    Closed Alpha: Pixelate, #2

    Former champions clash in a race to the top Rather than emerging victorious into the real world, Arnold O'Connor finds himself back at the beginning of Spires of Fate. This time, it's an alpha build he'd stuck inside, and he's forced to choose an entirely different class. With no outside help, he'll have to find allies within the game if he hopes to escape. What's old is new again as parts of the game world have been fixed, updated, or simply overhauled. New challenges await. New adversaries threaten. And waiting at the top of the spire itself is a simple-sounding quest goal that supplants all others. Slay the Mountain Lord. Closed Alpha is the second book in the Pixelate series. Pixelate is a LitRPG fantasy series that follows the adventures of Arnold O'Connor as his digital self, delving into the secrets of a world that feels as real as his own body. The Pixelate series will appeal to fans of classic tabletop RPGs, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the Rings Online. It touches on themes of self and reality, style vs. stats, and how to kill dragons through the superior application of math. It's a book you won't be able to log out of! Grab a copy and try for yourself.

  • Open Beta: Pixelate, #3


    Open Beta: Pixelate, #3
    Open Beta: Pixelate, #3

    They thought they knew the game. It knew them better. Connor and Dizzy have a problem. The game has rebooted yet again. Their names have been stolen, and they're limited to the advanced classes they earned last time around. On top of that, the beta version of Spires of Fate had enabled worldwide PVP combat. It's going to be the two of them not just against the world, but against the rest of the player base, too. But they know the game. They've got the experience. And the goal hasn't changed: get to the top and slay the Mountain Lord. And no dirty tricks by the developers are going to stop them. Open Beta is the 3rd book in the Pixelate series. Pixelate is a LitRPG fantasy series that follows the adventures of Arnold O'Connor as his digital self, delving into the secrets of a world that feels as real as his own body. The Pixelate series will appeal to fans of classic tabletop RPGs, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the Rings Online. It touches on themes of self and reality, style vs. stats, and how to kill dragons through the superior application of math. It's a book you won't be able to log out of! Grab a copy and try for yourself.

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